Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

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Chapter 55: Guardian of the Ferocious Beast 17

In the next second, Su Tang was encircled by someone's arms. She was like a pitiful kitten that had fallen into a trap, panicking but with nowhere to escape.

"Qin Xiao, let's make a deal."

Her voice trembled slightly. Qin Xiao bent down slightly and brought his mouth to her ear. His voice was no longer as cold and indifferent as before, as if the ice and snow had melted in an instant, and the coldness between his brows had turned into a fiery breath. "Little cutie, I think you've already felt the change in me."

The only one who could call her this mushy nickname was the bandit personality. The bandit personality was arrogant and domineering, not caring about others at all, only caring about his own happiness from beginning to end. When they fought, Su Tang really gave in again and again, and finally used a lot of tricks to barely become a close friend who could share happiness with him.

But how much he trusted her then, he was probably twice as eager to kill her now.

"I've marked you, you little liar. You won't be able to cheat your way out of this life."

Su Tang's body stiffened, but the other party was resolute and did not give her a chance to refuse at all. The temporary mark of a guide was on the back of the neck. After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he opened his mouth and bit down.

Sharp teeth pierced the skin, and sweet blood slipped into his mouth. Qin Xiao almost lost control. Behind him, a huge lion also appeared. This was his spiritual beast. At this moment, the spiritual beast was restless because of the sweet and delicious blood. It desperately wanted to find something, but couldn't find it. Until the end, a chubby little white cat appeared in its sight.

Su Tang's pupils shrank suddenly. The feeling of being invaded made her panic, but the next moment, a strange feeling spread in her body. She began to be unable to resist, and even wanted to go further…

At the same time, because the owner gave up resistance, the little white cat was finally surrounded by the huge golden lion and could not move.

Qin Xiao finally stopped. Although he was reluctant to let go of the deliciousness, he was still rational. It was not suitable to do certain things here, so he could only bear it temporarily. He straightened his back again, calmly and calmly tidied up the clothes of Su Tang who was soft in his arms. Under the seemingly gentle movements, his eyes were already red and mad.

Su Tang was trembling badly, her legs were so soft that it was like they weren't hers, and her breathing was abnormally rapid. She bit her lower lip, not daring to make a sound, for fear of making someone mad.

Qin Xiao looked down at the poor little thing in his arms, thought about it, and picked her up.

"Ding, the blackening value has dropped by 20%, the current blackening index: 70%."

Unlike the marshal who would only carry people on his shoulders, the secondary personality had deep feelings for her. Although the little liar lied to 'him' and killed 'him', in the end he was still reluctant to do anything to her. In this love-hate mood, the main personality's sanity finally slowly came online.

He looked at the helpless and weak little girl in his arms, and for the first time deeply realized that she was indeed a guide, a soft life, a guide who needed protection.

At this time, the walkie-talkie sent out a call for help, "Marshal, a soldier was found on the verge of mental breakdown, and five female guides have not been found yet!"

The call for help from the walkie-talkie broke the ambiguity between the two. Qin Xiao asked, "How long will it take for the inhibitor to be delivered?"

The walkie-talkie said, "At least half an hour."

Half an hour was not enough to destroy this group of recruits, but once a riot broke out, it would be difficult to suppress it. Although the undercover agent was killed, the trouble was still fermenting. If this group of recruits found out about the five guides, the five girls might not be able to get out of Area A alive.

The matter was very tricky. Qin Xiao originally planned to send Su Tang back to the camp, but saw her take her walkie-talkie and ask in an extremely weak tone, "Can the channel of the walkie-talkie be modulated to a public frequency? "

The other side was stunned for a moment, as if they didn't expect that the marshal's walkie-talkie would be taken by a girl.

Qin Xiao was impatient, "Answer."

The other side immediately said, "Yes, yes, I'll adjust it right away."

Su Tang breathed a sigh of relief, "Qin Xiao, put me down first."

Qin Xiao, "Tell me what you want to do first."

Su Tang, "With my mental strength, I might be able to delay for a while."

Qin Xiao immediately understood what she wanted to do. There are many singers on the Star Network who would release their mental power in music. Their songs may be very ordinary, but they are somewhat useful to irritable sentinels, of course, only somewhat.

Seeing that he remained silent for a long time, Su Tang said again, "Marshal, there's no time."

Qin Xiao's eyes flickered darkly, as if he was engaged in some fierce struggle, even his body tensed up.

Su Tang sighed, stretched out her hand and poked him, "There is no musical instrument, can you get me a leaf?"

The two finally stopped bickering as usual, but Qin Xiao's heart was filled with an indescribable heartache. Guides all over the world are cared for and cared for, only she has gone through all the way. What kind of dangerous environment created her skills? He had never thought about it before, from beginning to end, he only regarded her as an object, an object that could be weighed and discarded at any time.

Just when Su Tang thought he would refuse, he finally took a step. This step was extremely heavy and slow. The self-blame and contempt from his soul buried him deeply, but in the end he could only do as usual.


His eyes were a little scary, he held back to the extreme, but instead erupted, the dark flames burned violently, making Su Tang's scalp tingle.

"Thank you."

Su Tang didn't know how to play all musical instruments, but in order to show off, she specially learned how to blow leaves to make them sound good.

It had been a long time since she blew, and her skills were a little rusty, but as time passed, she gradually regained her former feeling.

The sound of the leaves was a bit monotonous, but in Su Tang's hands, the monotony became ethereal, and with her mental strength, it was finally transmitted throughout the mountains and fields through the walkie-talkie.

Qin Xiao didn't know how to describe this piece of music, but only felt that it was extremely beautiful. It was the most beautiful piece of music he had ever heard, and even the slightly stubborn thoughts he had before gradually became clear.

He didn't participate in her past, but the future is long, he has a lifetime to protect her and accompany her.

Half an hour is very short, but it is extremely long.

Su Tang's mental strength was exhausted, and in the end her fingers felt nothing, and the temperature of her body dropped rapidly. Even though Qin Xiao was holding her in his arms, she didn't feel any warmth, everything was just instinctive.

The irritable sentinel was appeased, although it was still not enough, but at least nothing irreversible happened.

"Enough, Su Ye, stop."

Su Tang's attention was all focused on this leaf at this moment, her arms had already started to tremble, she couldn't hear what the people around her were saying at all, until her face was hit by raindrops.

The rescue had arrived, the obsession in her heart dissipated, and her exhausted mental power made her unable to hold even a leaf. It just slipped down her fingertips, and finally her eyes went dark, and she completely lost consciousness.

Qin Xiao was already holding her loosely, and when she fainted, he happened to catch her. He slowly raised his hand, brushed the hair scattered on her forehead behind her ear, and moved with gentle care.

"It won't be so tiring in the future."

"My little Su Ye." After speaking, the corners of his lips curled up into a gentle arc.


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