Quick Transmigration: Help, The Male Leads Are All Broken!

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Chapter 92: Ding, Your Green Hat Has Been Delivered! 2

Su Tang wiped her face. The continuous shocks made her forget about her hunger. Finally, the maids outside the door heard the commotion and came in to serve her.

They served her cautiously, their movements gentle, afraid to make too much noise lest they displease her. Finally, the head maid who served her personally stepped forward. "My Lady, you haven't eaten much for a day. Should I have the kitchen prepare something for you?"

Su Tang looked at the sky outside the window. It was almost night. No wonder she was so hungry; she hadn't eaten anything all day.

"The usual will do."

The head maid's face lit up with joy and she immediately ordered someone to bring the prepared white fungus soup.

Su Tang looked at the small bowl of soup placed in front of her, feeling dazed.

She wasn't exaggerating; she could finish this tiny amount in two mouthfuls, right?

The head maid was still whispering words of comfort beside her. "My Lady, please eat a little. The doctor also said that you are too weak and need to recuperate."

Su Tang maintained her delicate and aloof appearance, but inside she was whining to the system, "Dog, I'm starving to death."

The system was also worried. Everyone knew that its host was a famous foodie. In the past, when doing missions, she didn't need to play the role of Shao Yang Junzhu many times. But even with the few times, it was still annoyed by her. Fortunately, in the later stage, she changed her name and disguised herself as a young man, following the male lead on the battlefield. At least there was wine and meat, and she could be free and unrestrained.

It took a deep breath and encouraged her, "You have to remember, you are a noble and elegant lotus flower that does not eat the food of mortals."

Su Tang almost knocked over the small bowl of white fungus soup beside her. Her heart trembled in shock.

If this spilled, she would have nothing to eat today!

In the end, under the attentive service of a group of maids, Su Tang, with a pained expression, reluctantly finished the bowl of white fungus soup.

To say it was painful was really an understatement. It was clearly something that could be finished in two mouthfuls, but she had to drag it out for half an hour. By the end, the white fungus soup had gone cold. Wasn't this just absurd? If she were the male lead, she would have cursed at her for being pretentious.

Su Tang felt lifeless after drinking it. That bowl of white fungus soup wasn't even enough to fill the gap between her teeth.

No, she had to change the current situation. For example, she could start by replacing the people around her with strangers. That way, when she ate, it wouldn't attract attention. Another thing was her current identity. The male lead definitely abhorred it. If she rashly revealed her previous identity, it might cause a backlash. She had to find a tactful way, preferably with a good atmosphere.

"Dog, how many people in this courtyard are mine?"

System, "This is the Marquis of Yongchang's residence. It's difficult for your people to be placed here, except for those who serve you personally. So, there are only four head maids in this small courtyard who are your people."

Su Tang almost cried. It was too tragic, wasn't it? What was the use of being the wife of the Marquis if she couldn't even eat properly?

"Say, what if I ask someone to prepare a Manchu Han Imperial Feast for me now…"

The system interrupted, "The Marquis of Yongchang is returning home today. If you don't want to be killed, keep up the act."

This thing called 'acting' was only for show in front of others. What you did behind their backs was up to you.

"That's right!" A light bulb went off in Su Tang's head. "Wei Que and I are mortal enemies. He's coming home, so I definitely wouldn't want to be under the same roof as him."

With this thought, she took her four maids and found a restaurant to sit down in.

Smelling the aroma of mellow wine and the rich but not greasy fragrance of meat, Su Tang felt like she had come back to life.

On the contrary, the maids beside her looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy. "My Lady, why do you have to come out? Even if you don't want to face the Marquis, you don't have to torment yourself like this."

The former Shao Yang Junzhu hated greasy food the most and almost never set foot in places like restaurants.

Su Tang knew that this body had been vegetarian for more than ten years, and it would definitely not be able to handle greasy food all of a sudden, so she asked them to prepare something light.

The four maids breathed a sigh of relief. But not long after, seeing their Lady's chopsticks moving non-stop, they thought she was torturing herself and became anxious again. "My Lady, why are you doing this?"

Su Tang was stunned, then thought of her situation. She cleared her throat and said softly, "Didn't the doctor say before that I should eat more? I can't stomach much food at the Marquis' residence, but when I'm outside, my appetite is much better."

Her words were like stepping on the Marquis of Yongchang's face, her disdain obvious.

The four maids were loyal and didn't think there was anything wrong with her words. One of them even started to think, "My Lady, if you don't like the Marquis' residence, let's go back to the Prince of Huaiyang's residence. There's the old prince who found you a cook, and you're used to his cooking."

Su Tang really didn't want to think about that cook at all. The food he cooked was bland and tasteless. She didn't know how the former Shao Yang Junzhu could stand it. Could it be that she really only drank dew?

While the mistress and her four maids were discussing this, the people in the private room next door fell into a strange silence.

Coincidentally, the private room next door belonged to Wei Que, the Marquis of Yongchang, who had just returned home. It was rare for him to return to the capital. When his old friends found out, they all dragged him out for a gathering. He didn't want to go home to face that pretentious wife of his, so Wei Que didn't even think twice before going to the restaurant with his friends.

He just didn't expect that she would be so annoyingly persistent.

Su Tang also didn't expect that she would be able to give the male lead a green hat just by having a meal.

Shao Yang Junzhu was famous. Although she was traveling low-key, she was still recognized. She had just taken a bite of red bean cake when someone knocked on the door.

The maid opened the door and saw a handsome young man in white. He had a decent smile and although he didn't wear any expensive accessories, his temperament was excellent, making people feel good about him.

"The new top scholar?"

He cupped his hands slightly and smiled warmly. "This humble one is Lin Qinghe. I happened to catch a glimpse earlier. May I know if the lady inside is Shao Yang Junzhu?"

Su Tang's face was full of question marks. Wait, this tone was so familiar, brother, do we know each other?

Fortunately, the system was very helpful and immediately explained, "During the three years you were messing around in the northwest, your people started exchanging letters with him. Oh right, he's this year's new top scholar, from a humble family. Back then, it was you who funded his studies that allowed him to achieve what he has today."

Su Tang continued to be confused. "Wait, what's going on?"

System, "Not long after you first came to this world, you were hungry and bored in the middle of the night, so you disguised yourself and asked the shadow guards to take you out to find food. As a result, you met him fainted on the road, and then you saved him. Oh, you also treated him to a bowl of noodles. You heard that he failed the imperial examination and planned to go home to farm, so you casually invested in him."

Su Tang racked her brains but still couldn't remember. However, since the system said it happened, then it should have.

"So what does he mean now?"

The system sneered, "Have you forgotten what you told your subordinates before you left?"

Su Tang thought about it and then wanted to bang her head on the table and cry.

At that time, in order to disgust the male lead, she asked her subordinates to ruin her reputation, trying to make the Marquis of Yongchang a laughingstock in the capital.

It was unclear whether the Marquis of Yongchang was a laughingstock in the capital now, but… she had already become one.


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