My Family Is Very Odd

Chapters List

Chapter 41: Toothache

Shen Chen scrolled through the document on his computer. The section about Xili read: "Suffered a fright, slightly sprained ankle."

Li Xiao Gui unwrapped a candy and popped it into her mouth.

Shen Chen looked away from the document to Li Xiao Gui. "More candy?"

Li Xiao Gui, with her cheeks still puffed out from the candy, retorted confidently, "It's too hard. I need to replenish my sugar levels."

"How many is that today?" Shen Chen asked.

Li Xiao Gui looked at Shen Chen innocently. She had lost count. Knowing she was in the wrong, she quickly changed the subject. "Ah, life is hard," she sighed dramatically.

Li Xiao Gui’s fair skin and innocent expression made Shen Chen want to both laugh and pinch her cheeks.

"Life is hard," Shen Chen echoed, reaching out with one hand to pinch Li Xiao Gui's cheeks. Her soft, cool skin felt like jelly in his hand.

"Mmm!" Li Xiao Gui could only let out muffled protests as Shen Chen gently shook her cheeks.

Shen Chen’s lips curved into a slight smile. He often did this, but he always knew how much pressure to apply so as not to hurt her.

Today, however, when he pinched her cheek as usual, he felt a flicker of pain beneath his fingers.

Li Xiao Gui winced.

Shen Chen immediately let go, his brow furrowing in concern. "What's wrong?" he asked, worried that he had hurt her.

Li Xiao Gui touched her tongue to the inside of her cheek. It was her tooth. It was aching. She quickly pushed the candy to the other side of her mouth and shook her head, trying to appear nonchalant. "It's nothing."

"Does it hurt somewhere?" Shen Chen pressed.

Li Xiao Gui shook her head again. "No."

Before Shen Chen could say anything else, there was a knock on the door.

Li Xiao Gui seized the opportunity and called out, "Come in!"

Burly Ghost poked his large head through the door before pulling back and turning the doorknob with a bowl of sago pudding in hand. He had made a big batch tonight, thinking Li Xiao Gui could have some while she studied.

"Xiao Gui, want some sago pudding?" he asked.

Li Xiao Gui and Shen Chen were sitting close together, face to face. Li Xiao Gui was partially hidden behind Shen Chen’s shoulder, while Shen Chen looked down at her with a slight frown, his hand still hovering near her face.

"Yes!" Li Xiao Gui replied cheerfully.

To be fair, they weren't that close, but it certainly wasn't a normal distance either.

Burly Ghost, for some reason, seemed to misinterpret the scene. He set the pudding down and left, joining the other ghosts for a melodramatic TV series marathon.

The show had hundreds of episodes filled with dramatic twists and turns. By the end of the night, all five ghosts were emotionally drained, their eyes glazed over.

Female Ghost was the first to crack. Unable to take it anymore, she excused herself to bed. As she watched, a thought struck her. If all humans were like the characters in the show, and ghosts were required to fall in love, then Shen Chen didn't seem like a bad choice. With that thought, she happily drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Li Xiao Gui woke up, brushed her teeth, and carefully placed her schoolbag on the sofa before slowly making her way to the dining table.

Her usually bright face was clouded with worry, her lips pursed.

The pain in her tooth had gotten worse overnight. Even the lightest touch while brushing sent sharp pangs through her jaw.

Shen Chen was already seated at the table.

"Is your face a little swollen?" he asked as Li Xiao Gui sat down, noticing a slight puffiness.

He pointed to his own right cheek. "This side."

"Maybe it's just water retention," Li Xiao Gui mumbled, avoiding his gaze.

Shen Chen looked unconvinced. "Doesn't water retention usually affect the whole face?"

"Mine's different," Li Xiao Gui insisted. "It's fairy water retention."

With that, she dropped the subject and focused on her porridge.

After breakfast, Shen Chen picked up Li Xiao Gui’s schoolbag from the sofa.

"I'll take that," Li Xiao Gui said, reaching for the bag. She couldn't risk running; it would make her tooth throb.

At the door, Li Xiao Gui grabbed Shen Chen's shoulder for balance as she put on her shoes. Standing on the step, she was almost the same height as Shen Chen.

Shen Chen couldn't take his eyes off her slightly swollen cheek.

They left the house and walked side-by-side towards school.

Just as they were about to part ways at the school building, Shen Chen stopped Li Xiao Gui. "You barely touched your breakfast, except for the porridge."

Li Xiao Gui froze. She thought she had gotten away with it, but Shen Chen was clearly more observant than she gave him credit for.

He looked at her seriously. "Open your mouth. Let me see. Is it a cavity?"

Li Xiao Gui was trapped. She pressed her lips together and nodded silently.

"My tooth hurts," she admitted quietly.

Shen Chen's face grew serious. Eating candy with no self-control, resulting in a toothache, and then hiding it from him. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

But looking at Li Xiao Gui like this, he couldn't stay mad. His usually cold voice softened. "I'll take you to the dentist after school."

Li Xiao Gui knew better than to argue.

Shen Chen held out his hand. "Give me all the candy. You're not having any today."

Li Xiao Gui sighed internally.

Fine, she'll be good.

After surrendering her candy stash, Li Xiao Gui headed to her classroom, arriving first as usual. As more students trickled in, she overheard them discussing the sudden hiatus of a web novel called "Strange Neighbors."

The topic piqued her interest.

Apparently, the author had stopped updating without explanation.

After morning classes, Li Xiao Gui and Chen Yuanyuan walked arm in arm to the cafeteria.

For some reason, Xu Li had stopped bothering her as much lately. She still made snide remarks and shot dirty looks occasionally, but at least she wasn't poking her in class or playing with her hair anymore. As far as Li Xiao Gui was concerned, it was a truce.

"Xiao Gui!"

Li Xiao Gui turned towards the familiar voice. It was Xili, her classmate, walking towards her with a bright smile.

"What a coincidence!" Xili exclaimed.

Li Xiao Gui nodded politely.

"About the fireworks last night… they were canceled at the last minute," Xili said apologetically. "I'm so sorry! I was the one who recommended it so strongly!"

Li Xiao Gui quickly waved her hand dismissively. "It's okay, it's not your fault."

Xili sighed dramatically. "Of course it's my fault! I got your hopes up for nothing. I'm so sorry. Next time, I'll recommend something amazing, I promise!"

"Really, it's okay," Li Xiao Gui reassured her. "You don't have to apologize."

"By the way, have you guys eaten?" Xili asked.

"We were just about to," Li Xiao Gui replied.

"Me too! Let's eat together!" Xili chirped.

Li Xiao Gui looked at Chen Yuanyuan, who nodded. "Sure, why not?"

As they ate in the bustling cafeteria, Xili asked, "Are you going back to the dorm after lunch?"

Li Xiao Gui, who had barely touched her food because of her toothache, shook her head. "No, we don't live in the dorms."

"Oh, right," Xili said. "Are you going home then? You wouldn't be going home just for lunch, would you?"

"We'll probably just find somewhere to rest in school," Li Xiao Gui replied.

"I know! You can come to my dorm!" Xili exclaimed. "You can rest there!"

Li Xiao Gui politely declined. She didn’t feel like going to the dorm. The rooftop was much more appealing.

After lunch, Li Xiao Gui and Chen Yuanyuan walked arm in arm towards the rooftop. As they pushed the door open, a girl ran out, her eyes red and puffy.

They stepped inside to find Shen Chen standing by their usual spot.

"What was that about?" Chen Yuanyuan asked, her voice full of curiosity. "Why was that girl crying?"

Shen Chen glanced at her briefly before turning away and sitting down. "I don't know."

It was clear he didn’t want to talk about it. Chen Yuanyuan, despite her nosiness, knew when to back off.

Li Xiao Gui shot a curious glance in the direction the girl had run before turning back to her friends.

They sat down in a circle. Li Xiao Gui unzipped her bag, took out a pale yellow tablecloth, and spread it out. Then, she carefully arranged the snacks Burly Ghost had made – cream puffs and shortbread cookies – and placed three bottles of strawberry milk beside them.

"Wow, cream puffs and shortbread!" Chen Yuanyuan exclaimed. "Amazing!"

Li Xiao Gui's eyes lit up momentarily. However, her happiness was short-lived. Shen Chen, ever vigilant, stopped her before she could grab a treat. No sweets allowed until her toothache subsided.

All those delicious snacks, and she couldn't have a single bite.

They each uncapped their strawberry milk, the pink liquid a cheerful contrast to Li Xiao Gui's gloomy mood.

As Li Xiao Gui sulked, sipping her strawberry milk, Chen Yuanyuan, feeling sorry for her friend, tried to distract her.

"Xiao Gui, you have that volunteer activity this week, right?" she asked.

Li Xiao Gui's face brightened a bit. "Yeah, we're visiting the community orphanage this Saturday."

"I'm coming too!" Chen Yuanyuan said excitedly. "The newspaper club asked me to cover the event and write an article."

"That's great!" Li Xiao Gui said, her voice a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "I'm a little nervous though. I wonder if they like candy? I was going to bring a lot of candy and snacks to share."

Shen Chen looked at her, a small smile playing on his lips.

Even though she couldn't eat any sweets herself, Li Xiao Gui's first thought was to share her favorite treats with others.

And besides, by Saturday, her toothache would probably be gone…

Li Xiao Gui thought hopefully.


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