My Family Is Very Odd

Chapters List

Chapter 26: The Fox Window


Li Xiao Gui's head bumped into Shen Chen's white short sleeve. At the same time, she saw Xu Li in front of her open his eyes wide and reach out to her.

"Don't touch her, stay away from her," Shen Chen said coldly.

Xu Li instantly closed his nervous mouth and quickly withdrew his hand. He glared at them and snorted disdainfully, "Who cares!"

He shoved his hands into his pockets unnaturally, as if someone owed him money. His face flushed red, and he stormed off angrily.

Shen Chen pulled Li Xiao Gui from behind, separating them from the crowd. The crowded people unconsciously kept their distance from them, looking at them in surprise.

Shen Chen was quite popular among the students. It was no exaggeration to say that many people came to this ghost story event to see him.

However, he had always been rumored to be cold and aloof, and no one had ever thought that he would be involved with a girl.

The club president suddenly clapped his hands, calming the commotion. "Alright, let's hurry up and set off. Stop dawdling."

Although many people came to this event to see Shen Chen, most of them were ghost story enthusiasts and thrill-seekers. Their focus was still on tonight's ghost encounter.

Shen Chen let go of Li Xiao Gui's hand. "Let's go. Don't mind him."

Li Xiao Gui nodded. "Okay. It's fine. I don't care about him."

The club president said, "I've already sent the hand gesture we just made to the group chat. If you didn't see it clearly, you can check it in the group. If you see a ghost later, let us know in the group chat as well."

The club president led the group towards the south gate of the school. It was dark. He knocked on the window of the guardhouse, and a head poked out. He asked, "How many people are there?"

"Forty-four," the club president replied.

The security guard came out and opened the door for them, saying, "You have to come out before four o'clock. Come to this gate when you leave. I'm on duty tonight, all night. Just call out, call me, or pull the door, and I'll come out to open it for you."

The club president nodded. "Okay, we will. We won't cause you any trouble."

The security guard pulled a long face. "That's for the best. I don't know what you kids are thinking, coming to school in the middle of the night for some adventure game!"

He watched the students enter one by one before shaking his head and locking the door again.

The club president waved to them. "Let's go."

"This guy is quite something."

"Yeah, I was just wondering how we were going to get in later with so many people."

"Hey, what's the deal with Shen Chen and that girl?"

"A hero saving a damsel in distress? A love triangle?"

"Will we really see ghosts?"

"The school is so creepy at night, eek—"

The people in the group chatted softly as they walked back to the main gate, where the first ghost story took place: the moving statue of Confucius.

They all walked to the front of the Confucius statue. They passed by it every day on their way to school, but they had never looked at it closely. They didn't know that at night, the eye sockets of the Confucius statue were cast in shadow, making it look truly eerie.

It was as if it was watching them sinisterly, plotting something.

The club president said, "Ghost story number one: the moving statue of Confucius. It is said that at night, when you stare directly at the statue of Confucius for five to ten seconds, its eyes will follow yours when you look away. This also means that you have to be careful, the statue of Confucius is watching you!"

Several boys got goosebumps and unconsciously took a few steps back. Those who accidentally made eye contact with the statue didn't dare to continue looking at it, nor did they dare to look away. Their hearts pounded nervously.

Li Xiao Gui whispered to Shen Chen, "The club president sounds like a tour guide."

Shen Chen: "..."

The club president was the first to make the 'fox window' gesture, with one palm facing inwards and the other outwards, fingers intertwined. He said as he did so, "Let's try together and see if we can see any ghosts."

Everyone stood still, holding their breath and watching him. They could hear each other's breathing and heartbeats.

The club president looked at the statue of Confucius through the gap between his fingers. He waited for a while, then walked around it before putting his hand down and shaking his head. "I can't see anything. Do you want to try? See if you can see anything?"

The club president looked around, and only a few people made the gesture.

Li Xiao Gui knew that they wouldn't be able to see anything just by relying on this gesture. There were indeed a few lonely ghosts at the school gate, but they weren't on the statue of Confucius. This gesture had no spiritual effect.

People who could see ghosts would always see ghosts, even without gestures. People who couldn't see ghosts would never see ghosts, even if they learned the form.

And then there was a special group of people who could see ghosts temporarily. They usually had to meet three conditions: being weak, entering the magnetic field of an evil spirit, and forming a bond with the ghost.

Were those conditions met here? Li Xiao Gui blinked slightly and popped a coffee candy into her mouth. A faint coffee aroma instantly filled the air.

Shen Chen glanced at Li Xiao Gui.

The club president muttered to himself, "Is it because we didn't look long enough?"

So he made the gesture again, his eyes peering through the gap between his fingers at the statue of Confucius, which was shrouded in darkness. He gave up after twenty minutes.

People gradually went from being scared to numb, and even started playing with their phones next to the statue.

The club president finally concluded that there were no ghosts on the statue of Confucius and moved on to the next location of the ghost story.

However, it was the same at the auditorium and the playground. By this time, it was already 1:30 AM, and everyone was getting tired. They gradually became bored from their initial excitement.

Especially those who didn't come here for a real ghost hunt.

Li Xiao Gui asked Shen Chen, "Why did you come to the ghost hunt?"

Shen Chen replied, "I took on a task. Two students died in the school before, and it's suspected that an evil spirit did it. I came here to investigate and see if it has anything to do with the school's ghost stories."

"It seems quite normal now," Li Xiao Gui said.

"Yes," Shen Chen agreed.

Li Xiao Gui closed her eyes and sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations in the school. The whole school was quiet, without any particularly strong resentment. This could be interpreted as there being no abnormalities, or it could be interpreted as something lurking.

Waiting for someone to touch its tipping point.

Li Xiao Gui opened her eyes, her long eyelashes fluttering as she looked at Shen Chen. "I still can't sense anything."

"Same here," Shen Chen replied.

The club president announced, "The next ghost story is at the infirmary..."

"Oh my, how long will it take to explore at this rate? We spend so much time on each one. It'll be dawn by the time we're done! We all have classes tomorrow!" Finally, someone couldn't help but complain.

Once one voice emerged, other voices followed suit. Even those who were initially excited and eager to hear ghost stories were getting tired. After all, it would be fine if they actually saw a ghost, but there was nothing at all. They were just going around in circles in the school, and then waiting.

It was just an ordinary night tour of No. 2 Middle School, and it was a tour where they couldn't see anything. It was so dark that they only had a little flashlight and phone light. What could they see?

"Why don't we pick some of the scarier ones, like the ones where there's actually something to see?" Someone suggested.

The club president said, "But what if there really is something in the inconspicuous places, and we miss it?"

"Why don't we leave first and come back another time?" Someone else suggested.

But in fact, many people had secretly made up their minds that there would definitely not be a next time.

The club president didn't want to leave just like that, so he looked at them and suggested, "Why don't we split into groups and act separately?"


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