My Family Is Very Odd

Chapters List

Chapter 75: Extra [5] White

1// The End

White was sitting on a chair, reading a book, when it heard the news of Li Xiao Gui's passing. It looked up at the paintings covering the wall and thought, "Ah, the story has finally come to an end."

A ghost found a child, raised her, and lived happily together. In the end, because of the difference between humans and ghosts, the human died before the ghost.

The whole story played out in front of White.

"This is a happy ending, right?" White thought.

It also played a part in this happy ending.

Otherwise, these years wouldn't have been so peaceful. You know, before meeting the young ghost again, the abyss appeared much more frequently than in recent years.

Originally, the story shouldn't have gone this way. Monsters from the abyss should have taken over the human world. Each monster would have its own host, standing openly in the sunlight. Humans without hosts would be trampled under their feet, becoming slaves.

They would unleash their true nature and revel in the sunlight.

Of course, those exorcists would definitely resist. They would inevitably fight with the monsters for dominance…

Yes, that's how it should have been.

Compared to that scene, the life of the little girl was simply a fairy tale.

But who told her to be the child of the young ghost? It was worth creating a fairy tale for her.

2// The Beginning

It wasn't clear what its relationship with the young ghost was. They weren't friends, but they were the longest-existing beings who knew each other. Or rather, the young ghost was the longest-existing being in the world that knew it.

When they met, the young ghost was already a ghost, while White was still human, an exorcist.

Of course, their encounter couldn't have been peaceful. However, White couldn't defeat the young ghost, so they could only coexist peacefully.

The young ghost was a very strange ghost. It wandered outside the human world, but it didn't know why it was so attached to it and refused to leave. It didn't kill, and even towards White, an exorcist who was supposed to be its enemy, it wouldn't kill.

White was very curious about this ghost, extremely curious. It was curious about the story of the young ghost before its death, curious about what kind of ghost it was, curious about why it restrained itself, curious about its strength. So it kept following the young ghost and pestering it.

One year, two years, three years…

While it was still alive, the young ghost had unknowingly occupied ten years of its life.

It still hadn't found the answer and was still constantly being defeated.

Until one day, it died.

It could no longer follow the young ghost around.

3// The Abyss

It was an exorcist for humans, but it died at the hands of humans.

White still remembered that it was an ordinary family of five. The wife died and became a vengeful ghost. The old mother in the family noticed something was wrong and invited White, the exorcist.

The husband didn't want an exorcist. He loved his wife dearly, but he didn't stop his mother from inviting one. On the first day White arrived, he poisoned it.

And he blamed White's death on the ghost wife, to intimidate his mother, to let her know how powerful the ghost wife was, that she could even kill an exorcist, and that she shouldn't act rashly again.

And White, who was invited to help, died in vain, its body dumped in the wilderness.

They didn't know what a powerful exorcist it was, how many people it had helped who were entangled with ghosts, how many families it had saved from peril. They just killed it so easily.

For a long time after White's death, no one knew it was dead. They just thought it had disappeared. Except for the young ghost.

When they met again, White found that the young man who had been following it was now shrouded in death.

The young ghost didn't say anything. Just like how it had allowed White to follow it when it was human, it allowed White, now a ghost, to follow it. Although it had never said a kind word to White, it accompanied White and helped it dig up its bones and bury them.

White was a rather aloof but famous and kind exorcist during its lifetime. Even though it didn't have much empathy, the reason why it always walked the right path was largely due to the constraints of morality and human law.

But when it died, all the good aspects dissipated, leaving only the obsession that allowed it to linger in the world. Its obsession was greed, greed for freedom, the kind of unrestrained, wanton freedom with a touch of malice.

The newly born White was like a beast released from its cage, aggressive, wanting to occupy everything it could, wanting to destroy everything it could! This feeling was completely unleashed after it easily, and without any moral constraints, took a life.

It couldn't control the impulse of its soul at all. It was a power that made it feel full and satisfied.

Therefore, it couldn't understand why the young ghost, born a ghost, was so restrained.

After becoming a ghost, White never restrained itself. It took countless lives, and then it came to the last one.

It always remembered the specific turning point of its transformation very clearly.

Therefore, it still remembered the last life it took, remembered it very clearly. It was a young boy, the first person it saw after the first night of its transformation. At that time, it was no longer very conscious. The agitation and inexplicable satisfaction that filled its soul made it frantically want to take something, and the boy suddenly walked out. Who else would it take if not him?

And at the moment it took the boy's life, White's soul was completely satisfied. At that moment, it fell.

The speed of the fall wasn't very fast, and it tried to struggle, but to no avail.

Just as it was about to be completely swallowed, it saw the young ghost.

The young ghost looked down at it, its expression indifferent, its eyebrows still as sharp as ever. It didn't seem surprised by White's current state.

At that moment, White seemed to understand the young ghost's restraint.

White reached out to the young ghost, but the young ghost didn't reach back. White watched as the black hole swallowed it whole.

That was the last existence White saw before it fell.

4// Curiosity

Although it had a hunch, White was still surprised when it saw the young ghost again. What surprised it even more was that the young ghost was actually raising a child.

The young ghost warned it and made a request for the sake of this child.

The familiar curiosity surged up again.

Strictly speaking, the young ghost wasn't its friend. White couldn't tell what kind of existence it was, but it ran through its life as a human, a ghost, and in the abyss.

It witnessed every stage of its existence.

If there was one being in this world that knew its past, present, and future, it was the young ghost.

Admittedly, White had a strange feeling towards the young ghost because of this.

Curiosity, fear, dependence, hope, hatred.

Therefore, it couldn't find a reason to refuse the young ghost.

Anyway, it couldn't win in a fight. It might as well go with the flow and watch the story of the human and the ghost unfold.

Anyway, chasing after the curious points on the young ghost had become a habit of its.

5// Visit

The child still died in the end. The story had come to an end.

White lowered its head and smiled at the little boy playing with a toy train on the carpet. "Xiao Zhi, come here."

This was the child of its host. Speaking of which, its host's time was almost up too.

He was about to die.

White gently reminded the boy, "Xiao Zhi, do you still remember my name?"


White: "Good boy. If one day, you can't find me anymore, just call my name the way I taught you, okay?"

The little boy nodded obediently.

White was satisfied. When it came out of the abyss again, it could continue its story.

A story that should have been told, a story of humans and ghosts reshuffling their roles.

"Good boy, go play." Satisfied with the answer, White sent the boy away.

It thought for a moment and felt that it should probably visit the young ghost.

White left the house and came to the alley leading to the haunted house. It thought it wouldn't be good to visit the young ghost empty-handed, so it went to the deserted convenience store near the alley first.

It remembered that it had bought small gifts for Li Xiao Gui at this convenience store.

White followed its memory to the candy aisle and heard a familiar voice.

"You like candy too?"

It was the male ghost who lingered in the aisle buying candy for his daughter.

"My daughter loves candy too."

"Every time I go home, I buy her candy here."

White quickly remembered this ghost. Just then, it heard another familiar voice:

"Yes, my daughter loves candy too."

White looked over and saw the young ghost.

Author's Note:

That's all!

See you guys again!

Bye bye bye bye!

(The End)


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