Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

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Chapter 76: Chapter 76

Ruan Qiuqiu didn't have the mental capacity to consider whether she could handle any more of a certain wolf's demonic power.

Just as she pretended to faint from exhaustion, Mr. Big Gray Wolf, lost in thought, tapped his slender fingers on the "wheelchair," seemingly contemplating whether to press his advantage.

Ruan Qiuqiu "…"

She never imagined she would end up in such a passive situation.

Sensing his little wife's erratic and slightly panicked breathing, Yuan Jue struggled internally. After a while, he decided to respect her wishes and stopped channeling his demonic power.

As the demonic power lingering around his fingertips dissipated, Ruan Qiuqiu slowly breathed a sigh of relief. However, for some reason, she felt a faint sense of disappointment at the Gray Wolf's rare "consideration."

"…" Realizing what she had just been thinking, Ruan Qiuqiu blushed even more.

I was just disappointed that I couldn't cultivate faster. I had no other thoughts! she argued internally.

Ruan Qiuqiu's eyelashes fluttered. Her limbs still felt weak, so she simply lay there.

Mr. Big Gray Wolf didn't intend to expose her pretense. His pale, slender hand gently pushed the "wheelchair" closer to the bed.

The wooden "wheelchair" rolled over the slightly uneven cave floor, producing faint creaking sounds that were quite noticeable in the quiet, empty cave.

Ruan Qiuqiu mentally counted the distance between them. When she reached "ten," the animal hide cushion beside her dipped slightly.

A cool breeze blew past, and the sound of clothing and animal hide rubbing together reached her ears.

"Dark," a husky voice sounded behind her, accompanied by a soft gust of wind. Ruan Qiuqiu suddenly realized the entire cave had become dark.

She opened her eyes in a slight panic, pretending to have been startled awake, and hesitantly asked in a low voice, "…What's wrong?"

She had grown accustomed to sleeping under the light of the burning wood, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness.

Hearing his little wife's question, Mr. Big Gray Wolf lightly licked the small fangs that he couldn't help but reveal. His deep voice answered concisely, "…Too bright."

Then, in a husky voice, he added, "Afraid?"

Ruan Qiuqiu "…"

She wasn't sure how to answer his question. Just as she was about to say "no," she heard the wolf say, almost casually, "I'm here."

Because it was pitch black, she couldn't see the wolf's nervously flushed face and twitching ears. Hearing his low voice, a strange feeling arose in Ruan Qiuqiu's heart.

She thought for a moment. Although she wasn't afraid of the dark, she decided to give Mr. Big Gray Wolf some face and softly replied, "Mm."

Sitting on the marriage bed, Mr. Big Gray Wolf, whose lips had been pressed into a thin line from nervousness, curved them into a slight smile. Even the corners of his eyes held a hint of joy in the darkness.

Taking advantage of the darkness that made them equals, he swished his fluffy tail behind him and said shyly, "Wife said, the wolf can have another bite."

Ruan Qiuqiu "…"

Discussing moving and then cultivating, she had almost forgotten about this.

Thinking that she might embarrass herself again, Ruan Qiuqiu considered pretending to be asleep.

She remained silent, but Mr. Big Gray Wolf raised a dark eyebrow and threatened in a slightly aggrieved tone, "Then the wolf…"

"Can bite anywhere?"

Ruan Qiuqiu "…"

She struggled a bit and carefully turned over.

She hadn't been lying far enough in, and with that movement, her hand brushed against the wolf's shoulder.

Ruan Qiuqiu decided to just go with it and placed her arm towards him. "Then… you bite first."

As her voice fell, a low chuckle sounded in the air, then quickly disappeared, so brief it felt like an illusion.

In a daze, Ruan Qiuqiu felt a weight on her wrist. She was gently pulled towards a warm body. Warm breath fell on her ear, causing a blush to creep up her neck.

Near her collarbone, sharp canine teeth pierced her skin. A strange sensation, more intense than the previous two times, spread through her. Ruan Qiuqiu's mind went blank, an electric current shot up her spine, and she instinctively closed her eyes, biting her lip tightly to prevent any embarrassing sounds from escaping.

However, the spiritual energy within her, as if it had smelled something enticing, surged restlessly, instantly illuminating the previously dark cave.

It was agonizing for her, and Mr. Big Gray Wolf wasn't faring much better.

He had originally intended to use his limited demonic power and demonic blood to exchange and establish a one-sided oath with her, leaving a protective mark on her that would transfer harm.

The reason he chose the area near her collarbone wasn't because he had been longing for it and couldn't control himself.

He had never made a pact with any human or demon before. He had only once, during a trade with the Moon Fox tribe, overheard a conversation between two male foxes due to his exceptional hearing:

"Last night, I made a pact with my human companion. It was successful on the first try, and the effect is quite strong."

"Where did you bite? The wrist? Or…" The other male fox winked mysteriously, as if it was something unspeakable.

"Only female demons like that spot. Get out of here."

"Then where? Tell me, I promise I won't tell any other demon."

"The collarbone."

At that point, Mr. Big Gray Wolf, who had decided to remain a single wolf for life, couldn't bear to listen any longer.

What companion, what female demon? They're just like those male foxes, superficial beings that make a wolf sick.

He scoffed, flicking the wide sleeves of his dark, third-tier Raven Feather coat. His handsome face was filled with arrogance and disdain.

And they even consider the human companion's experience and try to learn this kind of knowledge…

Mr. Big Gray Wolf snorted. How stupid.—Although, that was indeed what he had thought at the time.

However, when faced with reality, when he truly had to make a pact with Qiuqiu…

He instinctively searched through all his memories and chose this method he had once scorned.

It was said that human wives would like it.


Why didn't those male foxes explain that he would also feel so… strange?

His little wife's faint blood, mixed with the spiritual energy that unconsciously seeped out, flowed along his fangs and lips, all the way to his dantian, igniting sparks within Mr. Big Gray Wolf.

Fine beads of sweat formed on Yuan Jue's forehead, soaking the fur braid Ruan Qiuqiu had recently made for him.

His narrow eyes, hidden beneath the white fur braid, were now filled with a misty sheen of restraint.

Experiencing a strange sensation for the first time, one that was even more unbearable than pain, he had to quickly accelerate the process of the one-sided oath and slowly released his lips.

The strange feeling lessened considerably, but like an inextinguishable flame, it burned, turning the tips of the wolf's ears pink. He couldn't help but gasp, and in his panic, immediately released Ruan Qiuqiu after the oath was complete, hastily pulling away his tail, which had unconsciously wrapped around her waist.

Mr. Big Gray Wolf had been worried that Qiuqiu would demand to bite back. He was about to push his limits, mobilizing his demonic power to forcibly lower his temperature and suppress the strange sensation.

But the feeling that was merely unbearable for him was utterly intolerable for Ruan Qiuqiu.

Two seconds before the oath was complete, just as she heard the wolf's slightly uncontrolled gasp and before she could bite back, a white light flashed before her eyes, and she lost consciousness.

She'd been cheated. Not only did she not get to bite back as promised, but she didn't even get to touch Mr. Big Gray Wolf's fluffy tail that he'd offered earlier.

Yuan Jue took a deep breath, his palms damp with sweat. In the end, he had to exert himself to lower his body temperature. When he came to his senses, he realized that his little wife had fallen asleep at some point.

The corners of his lips curved upwards. Mr. Big Gray Wolf revealed a rare smile, one reminiscent of Little Gray Wolf, and stretched out his long arm to cover Ruan Qiuqiu with the animal hide blanket.

Due to the unusual exhaustion from last night →→

Even though Ruan Qiuqiu told herself to wake up early the next day, she still overslept.

When she opened her eyes, feeling completely drained, Mr. Gray Wolf was no longer beside her.

Memories flooded back. Recalling how she had been knocked unconscious by Mr. Big Gray Wolf's bite, Ruan Qiuqiu felt her vision darken, wishing she hadn't woken up at all.

Even though they were husband and wife, it was just a pure bite. Why did it turn out like this?

Ruan Qiuqiu sighed in resignation and sat up with the effort of a beached fish.

Mr. Big Gray Wolf wasn't in the "master bedroom." Where could he be?

With this thought in mind, Ruan Qiuqiu's gaze fell upon her right wrist.

Her eyes widened slightly. She noticed a new mark on her wrist, crimson red, in the shape of two pointed ears. Under the faint light of the cave, it shimmered like blood.

Surprised, she instinctively channeled her spiritual energy to examine it. She discovered that the two pointed wolf ears were like two clusters of potent blood essence. They seemed pleased with her spiritual energy, flashing faintly before returning to their original appearance.

Ruan Qiuqiu "…??"

So, what exactly had Mr. Big Gray Wolf done to her?

Before Ruan Qiuqiu could think further, just as she was about to get out of the stone bed, she heard Granny Ruyi's teasing voice from outside the cave, "What's this? Just you, a lone wolf cub, waiting here? Where's your little wife?"

As her voice faded, Tian Xiu's silly voice rang out.

Emboldened by Qing Ruyi's presence, and figuring the wolf wouldn't dare attack him, Tian Xiu couldn't resist poking fun (or rather, stating the obvious), "Goo, goo-wah! (Did you go too far last night, so Qiuqiu hasn't woken up yet?)"

Ruan Qiuqiu "…………" Damn.

If she said that she and Mr. Big Gray Wolf were innocent, would any demon believe her?!


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