Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapters List

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Mr. Big Bad Wolf didn't expect that not only was Ruan Qiuqiu not panicked by the claws resting on her shoulders, but she even asked him, "Are you sure these wedding clothes look alright?"

Not alright, of course they weren't alright.

Didn't she see how pathetic she looked right now?

Her black hair was a mess from the wind. The lining peeking out from her "wedding clothes" looked like it had been worn for many years. Not only was it damaged, but it also didn't offer any warmth.

The skin exposed to the air was red from the cold. Her feet, wrapped in old animal hide, looked like they were about to freeze off. She was clearly shivering from the cold and exhaustion, on the verge of collapsing, yet she still forced a smile at him.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf's senses swept over Ruan Qiuqiu, and his long-numb heart felt strangely irritated.


Why wasn't she afraid of him?

Why didn't she run away?

Why was she giving him, a monster rejected by all humans and demons, such a smile?

Mr. Big Bad Wolf couldn't understand. He just let out another low growl from his throat, slowly moving his sharp claws, sending gusts of cold wind across Ruan Qiuqiu's delicate neck.

But as he got closer, his keen sense of smell quickly identified the contents of the animal skin bag behind Ruan Qiuqiu.

Stale dried meat that he would never eat, a few pieces of hide, and… hidden beneath the strong smell of blood and decay emanating from him, the scent of dried herbs specifically used to treat demons.

Why would she exchange for herbs that could only be used by demons?

The irritability in his heart grew stronger, like a slowly boiling flame, stirring his mind into turmoil.

By the time Mr. Big Bad Wolf came back to his senses, he had already removed his claws from Ruan Qiuqiu's shoulders. His large wolf head tilted slightly, his once-handsome wolf face now even more ferocious.

Ruan Qiuqiu had no idea that she had just walked a fine line between life and death.

All she wanted to do now was get to her husband's cave and hide from the wind. The sun was about to set, and she felt like her limbs were about to lose all feeling.


Her gaze fell on Mr. Big Bad Wolf's mangled left limb, and Ruan Qiuqiu frowned deeply.

Could this big gray wolf not feel it? He had several wounds that were almost rotting. Wasn't it painful?

But if these wounds weren't treated, they wouldn't heal.

Ruan Qiuqiu hesitated for a moment, then slightly raised her head. Moving her steps in small increments, she tried to look up at Mr. Big Bad Wolf's gray-blue eyes, which were more beautiful than sapphires under the pale golden sunlight, and began to make awkward small talk.

"It's not snowing today, and the sun is nice, but it still seems a bit cold outside…"

As she spoke, Ruan Qiuqiu suddenly remembered that the wolf in front of her couldn't see the sun. Maybe in his world, everything was dark.

So she immediately changed the subject. "I mean… it doesn't matter if the sun is out or not. It's getting dark… It's getting late, can we…"

Hearing Ruan Qiuqiu's voice trembling from the cold, Mr. Big Bad Wolf felt his heart twist into a knot.

He naturally understood what she meant.

It was cold outside, and it was getting dark, so?

What, she wasn't planning on leaving? Instead, she wanted to stay in his cave?

Did she really think he would agree to let her into his territory?

Was he being too friendly?

Or was it…

Did she really,

Think of him as her husband?

With this thought flashing through his mind, Mr. Big Bad Wolf's heart tightened. He felt both irritated and absurdly amused.

What a pitiful human. What kind of deception had she suffered to be willing to marry him, to treat him as her husband?

That's right, Mr. Big Bad Wolf suddenly felt like he had stumbled upon the truth.

He understood. The reason why this human in front of him was acting so abnormally must be because those lying wolf demons from the Flame Wolf Tribe had beautified him, this dying and disfigured gray wolf.

They must have told her:

"Our tribe's former leader, Lord Yuan Jue, is a powerful and handsome gray wolf. He only suffered a small injury during the beast tide. It looks serious, but it's actually easy to heal. He's a little paranoid, so you must not be afraid of him. As long as you act calm, treat him with herbs, you can win his heart."

"He's definitely not as bad as the rumors say. He's actually very kind."

"His cave is filled with endless food and beautiful hides. He's also very gentle and wouldn't kill humans, demons, or devils on a whim. If you marry him, you'll not only repay your tribe, but also live a life that all humans and demons would envy."

They must have said something like that.

The extremely paranoid and suspicious Mr. Big Bad Wolf thought to himself:

She was pretending. She definitely didn't know what he looked like now.

What a hypocritical human.

His demon form must have been too large, so this good-at-pretending, visually impaired human didn't see him clearly.

She must not have seen his left leg, which was nothing but bone.

She must not have seen his ugly, mangled limbs and rotting body.

She must not have seen the wounds torn open by the demons' sneak attack.

And she must not have seen his terrifying, disfigured face.

That's why she was smiling at him with such an almost ridiculously innocent attitude.

If she saw all this, if she saw through the lies of those white-eyed wolves from the Flame Wolf Tribe, would she still talk to him as calmly as she did just now?

After all, for her, a human body was more visually appealing.

She couldn't possibly call him, a gray wolf who had lost everything, her husband.

The moment she saw his broken body and revealed her shock and betrayal, he would kill her.

He hated all humans and demons who deceived him. Why were they so hypocritical? Why did they hurt him again and again, making him feel embarrassed and disgusted?

Disgust welled up in Yuan Jue's heart. He suddenly raised his front paw and pounced on Ruan Qiuqiu once more.

This time, he had lost all patience. He could even be described as roughly pressing Ruan Qiuqiu into the snow.

He deliberately transformed into his human form the moment she fell into the snow, pretending to collapse beside her from exhaustion. He casually rested his mangled left leg, still dripping with blood, on top of her.

Yuan Jue, who was already in so much pain that he was about to lose consciousness, extended a sliver of his fading demon consciousness. He waited with a somewhat ferocious expression for Ruan Qiuqiu's instant change in attitude.

According to his prediction, she would be surprised at first, and then that surprise would turn into disgust, fear, hatred, and rejection.

Finally, she would leave him to die in the cold snow.

Just like countless humans, demons, and devils who had trampled on him before.

But Ruan Qiuqiu didn't realize that she was once again caught in the sensitive, suspicious, and twisted test of Mr. Big Bad Wolf.

The moment she was tackled to the ground, Ruan Qiuqiu had only one thought in her mind:

As expected, her wolf demon husband, who had secretly eaten snow and still insisted on transforming in front of her, had finally fainted.

She knew it. With such serious injuries, how could he not be affected at all?


Why did this wolf have to turn into his human form when he fainted and happen to fall on top of her?

This was the first time she had been so close to a member of the opposite sex. What was even more awkward was that transforming from a demon form into a human form seemed to only conjure up a small amount of clothing, leaving the upper body of her disfigured wolf demon husband bare.

Through a thin layer of animal hide, Ruan Qiuqiu couldn't help but feel Mr. Big Bad Wolf's slightly elevated body temperature and his firm muscles.


He couldn't be doing this on purpose, right?

Although he was in a terrible state right now, and she shouldn't be thinking about such things, Ruan Qiuqiu still blushed slightly and thought:

Could it be that he was always this much of a rogue?

If that was the case, she could understand why everyone outside thought that Mr. Big Bad Wolf was a pervert.

He was heavy, pressing down on her so much that she could hardly breathe.

Ruan Qiuqiu pushed him and tentatively called out in a low voice, "Husband?"

Yuan Jue was stunned by her calling him "husband." The last bit of his demon consciousness completely shattered when he saw Ruan Qiuqiu's slightly flushed cheeks.

Why? She wasn't disgusted but blushing instead?

Yuan Jue, who was always good at reading the hearts of demons, felt his heart in complete chaos, unable to think straight.

Having lost the demon consciousness that helped him "see" Ruan Qiuqiu, his world plunged into darkness.

Darkness, coldness, and pain instantly enveloped him, as if time had stopped at this very moment.

Unable to think, Mr. Yuan Jue felt his body being gently pushed, a soft touch he hadn't noticed before.

What was that feeling he had never experienced before? It seemed softer than the most tender prey he had ever torn apart with his claws.

Yuan Jue's mind went blank. He pressed his pale lips together tightly.

He had made a grave mistake. He had accidentally let Ruan Qiuqiu escape his control.

"Husband?" The human called him again, as if confirming if he had completely fainted.

Did she see it?

Did she see his mangled limbs? Did she see his face? Was she going to run away now?

Of course, Ruan Qiuqiu saw it, but she wasn't going to run.

She looked at the man… no, the male demon lying in the snow, a deep scar running across his face, yet half of his face still handsome and beautiful. She sighed deeply.

"I've heard that you were seriously injured, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn." Ruan Qiuqiu struggled to pull his arm, trying to help her tall wolf husband back to the cave. She couldn't help but complain a little while he was "unconscious." "Do all wolf demons turn into… scantily clad humans when they faint?"

"Your wounds are almost rotting. Aren't you afraid of the pain?"

Ruan Qiuqiu stepped on the blood-stained snow by the cave entrance and slowly helped him inside.

To her surprise, she seemed to have gained some strength. Or maybe it was because Mr. Big Bad Wolf was actually quite frail. She had half-dragged and half-carried him all the way back to the cave without much effort.

She must have been frozen silly and exhausted to not even question how she could possibly drag him with her meager strength.


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