Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapters List

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

The snow lay thick. Ruan Qiuqiu carefully dug for a while before finally unearthing the first small ginseng. The ginseng was only half the size of her palm, with thick roots and oval leaves slightly wilted from the snow, but the entire plant was brimming with spiritual energy.

Ruan Qiuqiu breathed a sigh of relief, put down her backpack, and wrapped her hands in a small piece of animal hide before starting to dig.

Mo Yu hadn't lied or been mistaken. This area was indeed home to a patch of small ginseng plants. None were particularly old, not even reaching the first rank, but each was rich in spiritual energy.

Ruan Qiuqiu dug for half an hour, unearthing nineteen ginseng plants in total.

After storing the ginseng in her backpack, she stood up, spear in hand, and began circling the base of the trees. This area was dense with spiritual energy, perhaps harboring many other medicinal herbs. Maybe she'd even get lucky and find a few spirit stones.

Thinking this, Ruan Qiuqiu chuckled self-deprecatingly. Even Rou Yuerao, the fortunate female lead of the book, rarely found spirit stones in the wild. How could she, a mere supporting character, be so lucky? Perhaps today's harvest would consist solely of these ginseng plants.

Just as this thought crossed her mind, Ruan Qiuqiu passed a giant tree and, turning the corner, spotted several high-quality Blood Clotting Herbs on a steep rock face. Judging by their color, they were most likely second-rank.

Ruan Qiuqiu “…!” Could her luck be changing?

She picked up a small stone and threw it towards the rock face.

“Clack!” The stone struck the rock wall with a sharp sound, but there was no sign of any living creatures.

Maintaining a vigilant aura, Ruan Qiuqiu slowly approached with her spear, carefully picking all four second-rank Blood Clotting Herbs.

The rock face was somewhat high. As she climbed down, she slipped and fell into the snow, a cut opening on the right side of her face, drawing a little blood.

Ruan Qiuqiu hissed, looking at the herbs in her hand with a mixture of joy and wistfulness. "Such good herbs, I should use them first."

She plucked a small leaf from a Blood Clotting Herb, crushed it, and applied it to her cheek. The herb was effective, stopping the bleeding within seconds.

Ruan Qiuqiu stored the Blood Clotting Herb, about to marvel at her good fortune, when she stumbled upon more treasures: first-rank Three-Branch Lotuses, known for their anti-inflammatory and swelling-reducing properties, and third-rank Needle Azure Grass, effective for pain relief.

She even dug up a large piece of ginger.

Ruan Qiuqiu left no corner of the small cliff top unexplored. After thoroughly scavenging the area, she touched her bulging backpack and smiled. Was today's abundant harvest due to a sudden change in her luck, or was it simply because of the excellent location Mo Yu had found?

She'd been unlucky for over twenty years; it didn't make sense for her luck to suddenly change. Was there something special about this place?

Focusing her mind, she channeled her internal spiritual energy, probing the ground inch by inch. To increase her detection range, Ruan Qiuqiu disregarded her appearance, lying half-prone in the snow.

After painstakingly searching for over ten minutes, she discovered something unusual: a concentrated mass of spiritual energy located just over a meter below the giant tree nearest the cliff edge.

Ruan Qiuqiu's eyes lit up. She hesitated for a moment, then went to the cliff edge and looked down at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu was also looking up at the cliff, his eyes full of anticipation. Seeing her, he raised his arms and waved, relieved. They had agreed not to shout unless there was an emergency, but to wave instead.

Ruan Qiuqiu waved back, signaling that she was safe, then returned to the spot where she'd detected the potential spirit stones and began digging with her spear.

The sharp claws of the second-rank magical beast were very useful, easily breaking through the soft soil. Perhaps fueled by excitement, Ruan Qiuqiu dug for over a meter without feeling tired or particularly cold.

“Clink!” The spear tip struck a hard stone, emitting a crisp sound. Ruan Qiuqiu's eyes brightened. She quickly crouched down, carefully using the spear tip to dig away the surrounding hardened soil.

Soon, she brushed away the dirt and unearthed a half-palm-sized, sparkling, irregularly shaped crystal.

A spirit stone!

Ruan Qiuqiu's mud-covered hand held the spirit stone, its spiritual energy even more abundant than the second-rank, almost third-rank, magic core she had found before. Joy filled her face.

She took out a piece of animal hide and carefully wrapped the spirit stone, then continued digging.

After another arduous half hour, Ruan Qiuqiu unearthed three more spirit stones. Two were similar in size to the first; the third, though smaller, was much more crystalline and possessed even denser spiritual energy. Ruan Qiuqiu estimated it to be fourth-rank, bordering on fifth-rank.

This explained the abundance of spirit-rich herbs on this relatively small cliff top.

Fortunately, the cliff top was secluded, surrounded by cliffs, inaccessible to beasts and ordinary magical creatures. Birds might eat some surface-level herbs, but otherwise, this kind of good fortune wouldn't have fallen to her.

Ruan Qiuqiu wiped her dirty face, stored the spirit stones, climbed out of the meter-deep hole, and filled it back in.

She was covered in dirt, her back soaked with sweat, and her energy depleted, but she felt incredibly excited.

With these herbs and spirit stones, Mr. Big Grey Wolf should be able to recover. At the very least, he should regain some strength, giving them the resources to escape the Flame Wolf Tribe.

This time, she truly had to thank Mo Yu.

After filling the hole, Ruan Qiuqiu rested against the tree trunk for a minute or two. She checked the rope secured to the protruding rock on the cliff face and noticed cracks in the small stone holding it in place. If she hadn't checked carefully and had used the rope to climb back, she would have likely fallen down the cliff. A fall from a fifteen-meter cliff would have killed or crippled her.

A chill ran down Ruan Qiuqiu's spine, tempering her joy.

She replaced the stone, double-checked the rope's weight capacity, and carefully climbed back up the giant tree with her harvest, only relaxing when she had a firm grip on the sturdy trunk. Her legs felt weak.

Ruan Qiuqiu panted, one arm around the trunk, the other rubbing her modified skirt-pants to restore feeling and dexterity to her dirty, swollen, and trembling hand.

After a few minutes, her legs felt steadier. She considered, then cut the rope, retrieving the remaining meter or so. There were several other protruding rocks on the opposite cliff; she couldn't leave the rope there for future use.

Climbing down from the giant tree, Ruan Qiuqiu practically collapsed on the ground. The round trip had taken nearly three hours, involving climbing and digging; she was exhausted.

Seeing her disheveled state, covered in dirt and minor injuries, Mo Yu's eyes reddened with guilt.

The child stamped his foot. "Sister Qiuqiu, are you alright?"

Ruan Qiuqiu shook her head, indicating she was fine. Compared to these superficial scratches and cuts, their harvest was the real cause for celebration.

After Mo Yu repeatedly confirmed she was unharmed, he relaxed, like an adult relieved of a great burden.

Ruan Qiuqiu noticed his slumped shoulders and the slight tremor in his wrists, a warmth spreading through her chest. The child had clearly taken her words to heart, remembering her request to catch her if she fell, and had stood by his promise like a true man.

"Mo Yu, let's catch some more fish, then look at our harvest on the way back, how about that?" Ruan Qiuqiu hesitated, still slightly worried about encountering wild beasts. This place was safer than other parts of the forest, but not entirely without danger.

Mo Yu nodded vigorously in agreement. His eyes shone as he looked at Ruan Qiuqiu. "Sister Qiuqiu, you're the most amazing girl I've ever met!"

Ruan Qiuqiu blushed at being called a "girl." She reminded Mo Yu, "I'm an adult, Mo Yu."

Mo Yu scratched his head, puzzled. "But Sister Qiuqiu, in our human race, we're not considered adults until twenty-five."

Ruan Qiuqiu "……" Right, she'd forgotten. In this world filled with spiritual energy, even humans without cultivation talent, as long as they avoided natural disasters and weren't captured and eaten by magical beasts, and had the protection of a tribe, could generally live to be over a hundred years old.

So indeed, by this world's standards, she wasn't an adult yet.

As Ruan Qiuqiu used her spear to break the thick ice on the small river, she asked Mo Yu, "Can people get married before they're twenty-five?"

Mo Yu nodded emphatically. "Of course! You can get married once you're ten. I want to get married too, but no one, human or demon, wants to marry me."

Ruan Qiuqiu "……………"

She suddenly remembered that demons weren't considered adults until thirty-five. She wondered how old Mr. Big Grey Wolf was. Was their marriage a case of an old wolf eating tender grass, or simply two minors playing house?

Thinking of the wolf cub form Mr. Big Grey Wolf had taken when they first met, Ruan Qiuqiu suspected he might not be thirty-five yet.

She wondered if Mr. Big Grey Wolf's fur had fully grown in…

Hmm… Based on the size she had accidentally glimpsed while cleaning him, and the relatively thick fur on other parts of his body, he shouldn't lack certain capabilities…

Mo Yu, seeing Ruan Qiuqiu's deepening blush, said knowingly, "Don't worry, Sister Qiuqiu. Grandpa said that getting married before you're an adult just means it's harder to have cubs, but there's nothing wrong with it."


"…………" Ruan Qiuqiu felt like she was about to crack.

She put more force into her hand, and the spear instantly shattered the ice.

The fish in the river, stifled for days, now scrambled to jump out with the sudden influx of fresh air.

Most of the fish that jumped out were Two-Horned Thornfish, with sharp teeth and a ferocious bite.

Fortunately, Ruan Qiuqiu was prepared. With the aid of her spiritual energy, she thrust her spear downwards, then quickly moved aside. Although she was bitten, she also successfully speared a fish.

Once the plump, three-to-four-pound Two-Horned Thornfish stopped moving, she handed it to a wide-eyed Mo Yu and repeated the process, catching another one.

When she tried for a third fish, the fish in the river became wary. Despite several attempts, Ruan Qiuqiu couldn't spear another one.

The activity in the ice hole gradually subsided, and no more fish surfaced.

Ruan Qiuqiu's calf had been bitten several times. She decided to quit while she was ahead, not pushing her luck.

Worried that the scent of blood would attract beasts, Ruan Qiuqiu quickly crushed a Blood Clotting Herb leaf and applied it to her wounds, then buried the fish blood in the snow.

However, she underestimated the allure of her blood. While on the cliff, she had only bled a little, not attracting any magical creatures. This time, bitten multiple times by several fish, she had lost more blood. Even though the bleeding had stopped, the amount was enough to attract attention.

Just as they crawled back into the passage through the vines, Ruan Qiuqiu saw a terrifying magical creature running towards their cave from another direction.

The creature was about two meters tall, covered in sickly green scales, with a bull-like appearance, blood-red eyes, and a bloody maw. It ran to the spot where Ruan Qiuqiu had buried the blood and let out a piercing roar.

Not daring to look longer, Ruan Qiuqiu quickly cut a piece of ginger, squeezed the juice onto herself and the cave entrance, and rapidly retreated from the passage.

They ran without stopping, only pausing once they reached the tree hollow and blocked the entrance with stones.

The memory of the magical creature made Ruan Qiuqiu shudder. Mo Yu felt the same. They sat in the tree hollow for a few seconds, catching their breath.

"Was that a magical creature?" Once he calmed down, Mo Yu seemed excited. "That's the first time I've seen one!"

Ruan Qiuqiu "…"

Ruan Qiuqiu "…Let's not talk about that. Let's look at what we got."

Although she had done most of the work, Ruan Qiuqiu didn't intend to keep everything. If Mo Yu hadn't told her about this place, she wouldn't have had such a bountiful harvest.

Ruan Qiuqiu took out everything, preparing to share with Mo Yu. The boy said shyly, "Sister Qiuqiu, I don't need half. That's too much. I only need this much."

He hesitantly picked out six or seven ginseng plants and two other herbs, refusing to take more.

Ruan Qiuqiu sighed. Mo Yu was young and didn't understand the value of these things, but she couldn't take advantage of him. Just as she was about to speak, Mo Yu said, "Sister Qiuqiu, if you feel like you're taking advantage of me, could you give me some more…"

Ruan Qiuqiu "Some more what?"

Mo Yu bit his lip. "Um, those treasures from your husband's cave…"

Ruan Qiuqiu paused, then realized he meant the healing water droplets.

She chuckled. "Of course."

Since Mo Yu had asked, Ruan Qiuqiu didn't insist on giving him a large share. After all, Mr. Big Grey Wolf needed the herbs and spirit stones more.

But remembering that Mo Mao was a half-demon, she offered Mo Yu a spirit stone. "This is very good for your brother, but my husband needs it more. Can I keep three?"

Mo Yu nodded. "I didn't do anything. I even drank a lot of the 'treasures' yesterday. One is enough."

Ruan Qiuqiu's expression softened. She gave Mo Yu a smaller fish, which he accepted without protest, wrapping it and the other items in his old animal hide.

As they prepared to leave, Ruan Qiuqiu felt a growing unease.

This feeling intensified as they walked back for ten minutes, reaching the fork in the path where they would part ways.

It was as if trouble was brewing for her and Mr. Big Grey Wolf.

Was it danger, or Lu Ziran and Rou Yuerao?

The thought made Ruan Qiuqiu stop in her tracks.

Mo Yu, struggling under the weight of the fish and herbs, turned and bowed. "Sister Qiuqiu, I'll go back this way. Thank you for today. Come visit us again when the snow stops. Xiao Bohua really likes you."

Ruan Qiuqiu's unease grew. She forced a smile, trying to appear normal, and waved to the boy. "Okay, goodbye, Mo Yu."

Watching Mo Yu walk away, Ruan Qiuqiu hesitated, then turned and ran back. She climbed up to the hidden tree hollow, entered the passage, and hid most of the valuable items from her backpack, leaving only a small piece of ginger, a few ginseng plants, and half a Blood Clotting Herb.

Unable to break the spirit stones, she held them and absorbed some of their energy until her dantian was fully replenished. Hesitating, she left the fish behind, taking only her spear. She sealed the tree hollow again and quickly ran towards the cave.

Her decision was correct. Just as she neared the cave, Ruan Qiuqiu saw Lu Ziran approaching angrily from another direction.

His face was livid with rage. From a distance, he shouted, "Ruan Qiuqiu! Ruan Qiuqiu, come out here!"

His tone was a mix of fury and resentment, like a wronged husband, as if she, Ruan Qiuqiu, had done something to betray him.

"…Damn it." Ruan Qiuqiu cursed under her breath. Why was this scumbag lion here?

Was it Rou Yuerao, unable to let go of her "rival," who had sent Lu Ziran to cause trouble? It didn't seem likely. Although Rou Yuerao was a bit of a white lotus, she wasn't the type to resort to violence.

So, had Lu Ziran come on his own? Or was this some plot by the Flame Wolf Tribe?

Ruan Qiuqiu didn't rush out. She hid behind a giant tree twenty or thirty meters from the cave, intending to observe the situation.


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