Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapters List

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Thinking that Ruan Qiuqiu might like a big bad wolf named Tianluo, Yuan Jue felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

How could that tribe have such bad taste?

Mr. Big Bad Wolf felt inexplicably annoyed. What kind of big bad wolf would be called Tianluo?

A wolf, but called Tianluo.

Although he didn't know what Tianluo was, he knew that snails were all low-level creatures without any self-awareness.

That big bad wolf named Tianluo must be a gray wolf with terrible taste.

However, she looked forward to that wolf helping her with such a happy tone.

She should know that in this cave, there was only one wolf and one person.

His palm turned into a wolf claw again uncontrollably. By the time Yuan Jue came back to his senses, the hole he had just secretly sewn up on the animal skin under him had been torn apart by him again.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf even thought darkly, so what if she liked that big bad wolf named Tianluo? She was already married to him now.

Married to him, such a disabled, disfigured big bad wolf who had lost everything.

A sudden sourness in his heart surged with unspeakable emotions. It was the torment and pain he had never experienced before.

That human, she might like that wolf demon named Tianluo.

Maybe it was because of life, she had to marry him.

It happened that he was also a wolf demon, so she called him her husband.

Therefore, all her kindness to him was only because of the wolf demon named Tianluo.

If it was before, he could confidently say that the wolf demon named Tianluo was definitely not as good as him.

His appearance was not as handsome as him, his coat color was not as beautiful as him, his demon form was not as huge as him, his strength was not as strong as him, his status was not as good as him, and even his ability to dig caves, make furniture, and build stone beds was not as good as him.

But now, he had nothing left.

Nothing at all.

He was blind, lame, and his fur was no longer beautiful.

He was not even as good as an ordinary wolf demon who could hunt in winter and have a small but safe cave in the center of a safe tribe…

Mr. Big Bad Wolf only felt bursts of tingling pain, with an unspeakable bitterness, spreading all the way from his severed limbs, turning into childish, unspeakable grievances and sadness.

——How could Ruan Qiuqiu know that her big bad wolf husband would think so much, and she didn't know that this wolf would be so sensitive that he thought of himself as a substitute for the Tianluo gray wolf in her heart →_→

She thought about it for a moment, then put the remaining small piece of jerky that she had cut up last night into the stone pot.

It was about three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was still snowing heavily outside, and it was unknown when it would stop. She and Mr. Big Bad Wolf would definitely not go hunting. In order to save food, after this meal, they would not be able to eat anything today.

It seemed okay to eat only one meal a day, plus a little jerky.

Ruan Qiuqiu was so hungry that her stomach felt like it was about to cramp.

She endured her hunger and glanced at Mr. Big Bad Wolf, whose expression had become a little ferocious for some reason. She felt that he might also be so hungry because he smelled the food.

From the size of his demon form that she saw yesterday, the little food in the pot was not even enough for him to fit between his teeth.

Ruan Qiuqiu hesitated for a moment, then decided to give Mr. Big Bad Wolf four small pieces of jerky today.

The food in the pot was cooked quickly. Ruan Qiuqiu didn't rush to take out all the food, but condensed a drop of healing water and dripped it in.

Perhaps it was because of the addition of salt and stones, as well as the water droplets with a weak healing effect, the food today was much more delicious than last night, and Ruan Qiuqiu ate it even faster (:з」∠)

She touched her flat stomach, which was only half full, sighed softly, washed the wooden spoon she had just used, and made a portion of "food" for Mr. Big Bad Wolf, just like last night.

Probably because she knew he was awake this time, Ruan Qiuqiu still explained, "Husband, there is only one wooden spoon left at home. I just used it, but I have already washed it, don't dislike it…"

After she finished speaking, she felt that a blush quickly appeared on the pale face of the wolf in front of her.

Looking at Mr. Tianluo Gray Wolf, Ruan Qiuqiu's bad mood due to hunger suddenly improved.

She pursed her lips and smiled, holding a wooden spoon to feed the wolf.

——Yuan Jue didn't want to eat her food.

He knew how precious food was in winter, let alone the heavy snow outside.

According to his 27 years of survival experience, this heavy snow would often last for more than seven days, and he knew that the food she brought was not enough at all.

He was a demon, and he would not starve to death even if he did not eat for a long time.

Before she came, he was doing well.

It was only ten days without food, and he could control his instincts.

He passed out last night and ate her food, so be it. As a male wolf demon, it was too much for him to eat her food now.

But his little wife teased him.

Saying that this wooden spoon was used by her, did she think he couldn't smell it?

She clearly had a gray wolf named "Tianluo" in her heart and treated him as a food reserve, but she still called him her husband…

This human was really…

Because he had lost his sight, Mr. Big Bad Wolf, whose hearing and smell were much more sensitive than before, swallowed a mouthful of food that tasted good. His face was very hot, but the root of his tongue was a mixture of sweetness and bitterness.

He didn't know why he cared so much about the gray wolf named "Tianluo", but he gritted his teeth and thought fiercely, next time she asked the Tianluo gray wolf to help her, he would not help.

He ate her food, and he would pay her back.

He would try to get better and try his best to hunt a lot of prey for her.

Even if all the demons said that the demon with a shattered demon core would never recover, he still wanted to give it a try.

Just in the time it took to feed a meal, Ruan Qiuqiu didn't think much of it, but Mr. Big Bad Wolf had already transitioned from the weather change to his plans for the future, and after finishing the meal with the healing water drops, he planned to hurry up and recover.

However, on his demon core, which was shattered into several pieces, there were a few more black spots than before.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf's heart skipped a beat, and he forced himself to quickly enter the state, focusing all his attention on absorbing spiritual energy and repairing the demon core.

Ruan Qiuqiu looked at his handsome face, which gradually became calm and pale, and guessed that this wolf must have really fainted this time, and she relaxed a little.

She washed the stone pot, wooden bowl and spoon, boiled some hot water, poured the third drop of water with healing effect today, and took the herbs and clean animal skin to change the medicine for Mr. Big Bad Wolf.

——After all, he was mostly naked, and he loved to show off. Just now, he was awake, and Ruan Qiuqiu was too embarrassed to directly lift the two pieces of animal skin covering him.

Ruan Qiuqiu put the wooden basin aside, intending to help him deal with some wounds on his shoulders and abdomen first.

But as soon as she lifted the animal skin, she was a little confused.

Why were there ten obvious holes in the animal skin that Mr. Big Bad Wolf was lying on? ?

Ruan Qiuqiu: "…"

She looked at the small holes that looked like they had been scratched by claws and found that there were still "threads" from the house on them. It should have been sewn secretly by Mr. Big Bad Wolf when he was the Tianluo gray wolf.

But it was torn by him again.

Ruan Qiuqiu glanced at his slender and powerful palms, compared them with her own, and found that Mr. Big Bad Wolf's hands were much bigger than hers, and a little darker than hers.

Ruan Qiuqiu moved his two arms to the side and changed the medicine on his shoulders.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf had a very good figure, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His powerful body was covered with a layer of not very obvious muscles. It was just that he was probably hungry for a long time, and his abdomen was flatter than hers. In addition to the dense scars all over his body, his body really couldn't be called beautiful.

His feet were also very large, much larger than hers compared to his palms, but unfortunately, only one was left now.

Ruan Qiuqiu saw his severed limb.

It was better than yesterday, but still hard to look at.

She carefully cleaned up the blood on it and applied a layer of fresh herbs.

After doing all this, Ruan Qiuqiu braved the heavy snow and brought back two basins of snow from outside, planning to melt them into hot water for later use.

While it was still early and there was still some light, she wondered about choosing two pieces of animal skin to make clothes for Mr. Big Bad Wolf.

Although this wolf could appear in its demon form, he couldn't be left naked all the time after his injuries healed, she would be embarrassed too.

However, Mr. Big Bad Wolf was very tall even in human form, and making clothes for him would require at least two larger pieces of leather.

Ruan Qiuqiu chose two pieces of black leather from the brown, light brown and black leather, took them and gestured towards the wolf lying on the stone bed, and then began to make clothes.

During the six months she had been struggling to survive in the last days, she had been forced to learn various survival skills, and making clothes was one of them.

Before awakening her water ability, she had learned how to make clothes and sell them from her seniors.

It was just that she was a bit clumsy, and although the clothes she made could barely be worn and looked at, they were far inferior to those made by others, so they were basically not sold.

However, her craftsmanship could be called top-notch in this ancient world.

The animal skin clothes that Ruan Qiuqiu was wearing now were very, very simple. The upper body was a bit like a bat sleeve design, basically just cut and sewn with two sleeves, and the lower body was simply wrapped in a piece of animal skin, like an animal skin skirt.

She also wanted to change her clothes. Although she liked to wear small skirts, it was really cold to wear them in winter.

In fact, the pure white animal skin coat on Rou Yuerao was really beautiful, and she also wanted such warm and beautiful leather, but unfortunately she didn't have it.

This was probably the difference between the female supporting role and the female lead.

Ruan Qiuqiu sighed helplessly as she made a pattern for the animal skin. Now, only that "wedding dress" of hers was considered beautiful.

After spending an hour or two, Ruan Qiuqiu finally finished making the clothes for Mr. Big Bad Wolf.

She looked at the two simple tops and trousers and smiled with satisfaction.

Although the stitches were rough and large, they were much better than the clothes she was wearing now.

In order to take care of the self-esteem of a certain stubborn wolf, she did not make the pants only cover his long legs in order to save animal skin.

Ruan Qiuqiu blinked her eyes a little slyly, not only that, but she also thoughtfully considered the physiological characteristics of the male demon, and made a pull-open design for Mr. Big Bad Wolf's pants, although there was no zipper and it could only be tied with an animal skin belt.

I wonder what the reaction of her big bad wolf husband would be when he saw these two clothes.

Ruan Qiuqiu looked forward to Mr. Food Reserve's reaction, then came back to her senses, pressed her slightly hot cheeks, and slowly lowered her bright eyes.

——She must be too bored to keep thinking about that wolf.

After making clothes for a long time, Ruan Qiuqiu was actually a little hungry.

But she looked at the pitiful amount of food, hesitated for a moment, and picked up the wooden bowl and drank some hot water.

Outside, the heavy snow had merged into one piece, as if it was about to dye everything white.

Except for the sound of Ruan Qiuqiu walking, there seemed to be no other sound in this world.

Lonely and depressing.

Ruan Qiuqiu sat down by the stone bench, pressed her eyebrows, and slowly closed her eyes to sense the spiritual energy and water elements in the air.

Although this world was dangerous, the spiritual energy and various elements in the air were much stronger than in the last days.

Ruan Qiuqiu followed the previous cultivation method, guiding the very lively light blue water elements between heaven and earth little by little along her meridians. After running for a week, they formed water spiritual power and condensed near her dantian.

For some reason, her current body was even more compatible with her soul than her previous body in the last days, as if she was the real owner of this body.

In the past, when she was in the last days, it took at least an hour to run a cycle, but now, her cultivation speed was several times faster than before.

In the past, it took a week to run one cycle, but now, it was enough for her to run three cycles.

It was just that the mental exhaustion was a bit high.

By the time the sharp pain in her head brought her back to her senses from her cultivation state, nearly ten strands of sparse and pitiful spiritual energy had gathered in her dantian.

Ruan Qiuqiu didn't continue to squeeze her already groggy mind and body, glanced at the darkening sky, scrubbed her body, added some firewood, and readily climbed onto the stone bed, planning to cultivate for a while before going to sleep.

She was very hungry, but she knew that she couldn't continue to eat now.

Before she was so tired from cultivating that she fell into a deep sleep as soon as she lay down, Ruan Qiuqiu thought, let the heavy snow stop tomorrow, she wanted to try hunting, even if she could only hunt a thin snow rabbit.

Although rabbits were very cute, their meat was also very delicious. She wanted to eat meat, fresh meat, roasted meat with a charred and fragrant skin, sprinkled with cumin and chili powder, no matter how fat it was…

The cave became completely quiet, leaving only the long breathing of one person and one wolf.

Night fell, and everything fell into darkness.

While Ruan Qiuqiu was dreaming of eating barbecue, Mr. Big Bad Wolf suddenly opened his eyes as if he had sensed something——

He released his barely recovered demon sense and "saw" a low-level demon in the complete darkness, approaching their cave little by little from the edge of the forest.

The demon had three eyes and three legs, and it made a "click", "click", "click" sound as it stepped on the snow.


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