Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

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Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Ruan Qiuqiu was truly scared. Ignoring the cramps still shooting through her legs, she scrambled down from the stone bed and reached out to check his breath.

He was still breathing, but very faintly.

Ruan Qiuqiu knew that he had been seriously injured. Even if he was a demon, how could he be completely fine?

She remembered the wolf cub she had seen when she first arrived. Considering Mr. Big Bad Wolf's current size, which was much smaller than the first time she saw him…

Ruan Qiuqiu felt that maybe Mr. Big Bad Wolf could change his size.

She didn't know why she suddenly felt bold, but she looked at his large, erect wolf ears and asked loudly, "Husband, can you become smaller?"

Mr. Big Bad Wolf only felt her scent intensify around him. Hearing her say "become smaller," he could only think helplessly before falling unconscious—

Heh, humans are so easily surprised.

Of course, he could become smaller. He could also become much larger.

If it weren't for his serious injuries, his body could reach over five meters…

Seeing that the big gray wolf didn't respond, Ruan Qiuqiu called out again, "Can you become a little smaller?"

Why should he become smaller? If he became smaller, he wouldn't be able to block the cold wind blowing in from outside…

This human named Ruan Qiuqiu was really arrogant. Did she think he would just become smaller because she told him to? What did she take him for?

She needed to stay away from him. She was so weak, what if he accidentally drained her life force in a few seconds?

Also, she said he could call her Ruan Qiuqiu, or Qiuqiu, or something else?

Yuan Jue slowly felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Although he tried to resist, he eventually closed his eyes.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Mr. Big Bad Wolf still felt a subtle difference towards Ruan Qiuqiu.

Before losing consciousness, he felt that he was probably the most embarrassing gray wolf in the world, but he still slowly shrank his body and returned to his human form.

He collapsed on the ground, struggling to speak with a hoarse voice, and said his first words to her.

His voice was low, absolutely fierce, and carried a hint of despair, "Stay away from me."

"Don't come near… one meter…"

His voice became lower and lower until only intermittent, heavy, and painful breaths remained.

Ruan Qiuqiu had thought about when her big gray wolf husband would say his first words to her.

Would he call her name, or would he introduce himself to her?

But she didn't expect that the first thing he said was to ask her to stay away from him.

One meter?

Just like in the rumors, no one or demon was allowed within one meter of him?

So, was she no different from any other demon to him?

Ruan Qiuqiu tugged at the corner of her lips self-deprecatingly. She didn't know why her heart felt a little sour, and she pinched the handsome face of Mr. Food Reserve with slight disappointment. "No, I won't!"

This wolf could dream on.

She hadn't even despised him, yet he dared to ask her to stay away from him.

She wouldn't.

If Mr. Food Reserve was awake, Ruan Qiuqiu might not dare to be so arrogant.

But he was now an unconscious wolf. Did he think he could just tell her to stay away from him with a single sentence? How beautiful.

The strange thing was that as she got closer to him, the cramps in her legs didn't seem to hurt as much.

Ruan Qiuqiu struggled to move Mr. Big Bad Wolf back onto the stone bed.

Then she realized that without such a big wolf blocking the entrance of the cave, the cold wind did seem to be blowing in.

She still needed to cover the not-so-big entrance with something.

Ruan Qiuqiu hesitated for two seconds, walked to the stone bed, looked at Mr. Big Bad Wolf's tightly closed eyes, and finally picked up her red wedding dress. She covered the handsome face of Mr. Food Reserve, who had just told her to "stay away from him."

"…" Her face flushed as she leaned against the bed, but she gritted her teeth, took off the two animal skin clothes on her body, and quickly put on the spare set she had brought with her.

The whole process took less than a minute.

The time her skin was exposed to the air was also very short. Mr. Big Bad Wolf couldn't see before, and now he was unconscious and probably couldn't hear her, but Ruan Qiuqiu still felt a strange sense of shame in her heart.

She took down the animal skin covering his face and put the snow she had risked her life to bring back into the stone pot to boil.

Ruan Qiuqiu took out her bone knife and cut open her dirty and torn animal skin clothes. She used a bone needle to sew the pieces of skin together, barely making a large piece of skin that could block most of the cold wind.

She struggled to move a small stone stool over, raised her sore arms, and after much effort, finally stuck the large piece of skin into two depressions on the wall above.

Fortunately, heaven still had mercy on her. The position where the skin was stuck was perfect. Ruan Qiuqiu used the tendons of some unknown animal as thread and wrapped it around the stone several times, finally securing the large piece of skin.

She pressed the stone stool against the skin, which barely blocked most of the cold wind.

By the time Ruan Qiuqiu finished all of this, the water in the stone pot had boiled and was bubbling.

Ruan Qiuqiu took out two small wooden bowls from the animal skin bag that contained her dowry, and then took out a wooden basin. She first poured out half a basin of hot water to cool.

Then she filled a small wooden bowl with hot water, and only then did she take out the small animal skin bag containing the tuber powder and pour out some of the powder.

She hesitated for a moment, but decided to cook some meat.

She washed the bone knife, took out the piece of jerky that had been pecked at by birds during the day, cut off the slightly blackened edges, and painstakingly cut the remaining jerky into strips.

Her knife skills used to be quite good, but the current conditions didn't allow it. The bone knife wasn't sharp enough, and she didn't know what kind of beast the meat came from. It was very tough, so she could only cut it like this.

A piece of jerky that wasn't even the size of her palm was cut into fifteen strips of meat.

Ruan Qiuqiu picked up five of the dry, unappetizing-looking strips of meat and poured them into the pot. After they boiled, she added some tuber powder.

She originally wanted to add some salt, but they didn't have any readily available salt, only salt stones. The salt stone was too big for Ruan Qiuqiu to break, so she had to give up.

While waiting for the very simple dinner to cook, Ruan Qiuqiu drank two mouthfuls of the no-longer-so-hot water.

The warm water flowed down her throat and into her stomach, and she instantly felt alive again. She let out a long sigh, then took the wooden bowl and sat down by the bed.

"Mr. Food Reserve, it's time to drink water." Ruan Qiuqiu said, thinking of the fierce look on the big gray wolf's face just now. She originally wanted to be rough with him.

But as her red and swollen hands touched his skin, which was even colder than hers, she couldn't help but soften.

She gently pinched his chin, wanting to feed him some hot water little by little.

But obviously, Mr. Food Reserve was not an easygoing big gray wolf. Even when he was unconscious, he still gritted his teeth fiercely. Most of the small bowl of hot water flowed down his handsome chin.

Ruan Qiuqiu: "…………"

Fortunately, she had placed the dirty animal skin that Mr. Big Bad Wolf had dropped on the ground under his neck.

The food in the pot was also cooked. Because she had rationed the food, it looked like a lot, but she knew that it was only two small bowls.

Ruan Qiuqiu first scooped out the five strips of meat, which were now smaller than her little finger, and put three of them in Mr. Big Bad Wolf's bowl to cool. She planned to tear the three strips into small pieces after she finished eating so that he could swallow them.

Then, she began to eat her own portion.

A bowl of sticky, unappetizing-looking, and actually bland-tasting, even slightly fishy food, but Ruan Qiuqiu ate it with relish.

Since she came to this world, she had not eaten a single bite of hot food.

In the past two days on the road, the wolf demons would occasionally catch snow rabbits or small animals to roast and eat, but they never gave her even a single bone.

They also didn't allow her to use fire. Apart from drinking a drop of water condensed with her ability every day to survive, Ruan Qiuqiu had been surviving on raw tuber powder.

Now that she could eat something hot, she felt like her whole body had been healed.

Outside, the heavy snow fell, but inside the cave, with her and Mr. Big Bad Wolf's efforts, it finally had a semblance of "home."

Although this "home" was really shabby.

After finishing her own food, although Ruan Qiuqiu was only half full, she was filled with hope again.

She became patient again, using the bone knife to mash the dried meat in Mr. Big Bad Wolf's bowl into minced meat, and then poured the rest of the tuber powder porridge into his bowl and stirred it.

Oh no, Mr. Big Bad Wolf's bowl of food actually looked a little disgusting…

Ruan Qiuqiu silently washed the spoon she had just used with some water, and then, holding the bowl of dark cuisine, she prepared to feed the wolf.

Anyway, he couldn't see now, so it shouldn't matter, right…


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