Little Sweetheart

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Chapter 9: Chapter 9

At this time, there weren't many people in the library, but there were still some.

Xia Zhijun, with the halo of the school god and campus heartthrob, attracted attention wherever he went.

Someone found a good angle and took a picture of Xia Zhijun playing with eyelashes, then sent it to their friends' group chat.

"I saw Xia Zhijun in the library, and he was actually playing with a child's eyelashes?"

"Who is that child?"

"It seems to be his younger sister?"

"Does Xia Zhijun like long eyelashes? So cute!"

"Sisters, let's do a group buy of eyelash extensions this weekend!"

"Okay, okay!"

"Xia Zhijun's side profile is so handsome, and the way he plays with eyelashes is so charming!"

"Take more pictures to feast our eyes, and I'll treat you to chicken when we go back to school~"

Xia Zhijun, the subject of their discussion, was completely unaware. His world only consisted of the child in front of him and her eyelashes.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips as he carefully observed her subtle expressions, as if it was the most worthy thing to explore.

Finally, Gu Siyi couldn't sleep anymore. She rubbed her eyes back and forth on her arm irritably, then raised her head, her annoyed eyes searching for the culprit who disturbed her sleep.

Xia Zhijun's breathtakingly handsome face suddenly appeared in her line of sight, with a large expanse of bright glass windows behind him.

It was midsummer, with blue sky, white clouds, lush camphor trees, and a young man in a white T-shirt, forming a perfect picture.

Gu Siyi stretched out her hand in a daze and pinched Xia Zhijun's face. Feeling the warmth, she quickly withdrew her hand and mumbled, "So it wasn't a dream…"

"It's not a good habit to sleep in the library," Xia Zhijun said, his clear and bright face carrying a hint of seriousness in its coldness.

"I was reading… uh, I don't know how I fell asleep…" The girl's voice still carried the drowsiness of just waking up.

"Why is your phone turned off?" Xia Zhijun asked.

He raised his hand and rubbed the spot where he had been pinched. It felt a little itchy, a lingering sensation on his skin.

"Ah?" Gu Siyi hurriedly took out her phone from her bag and said, "I wanted to concentrate on reading, so I turned off my phone."

Xia Zhijun frowned slightly. "Don't turn off your phone casually, especially during the holidays. Being out of contact will worry people."

"Oh, oh." Gu Siyi nodded obediently.

"Not going home this weekend?"

"No, my parents are both on business trips. They told me to stay at school." There was obvious disappointment in the girl's eyes.

"That's just right. My mom asked me to take you home for dinner this weekend." With that, Xia Zhijun stood up. "Let's go."

Gu Siyi's actions were faster than her words. She stood up neatly and followed behind Xia Zhijun.

Looking at Xia Zhijun's tall back, she smiled secretly.

Xia Zhijun asked Gu Siyi, "We'll go back to eat later. We still have a few hours. Where do you want to go?"

Gu Siyi said, "I'm not familiar with City C. It's up to you."

She had the consciousness of a loyal follower, letting the big shot make all the decisions.

Out of the building, the sun was shining brightly, and waves of heat surged towards them. Gu Siyi took out an umbrella from her bag, opened it, and walked to Xia Zhijun's side, creating a small shaded area for the two of them.

Xia Zhijun originally wanted to say that he didn't need an umbrella. His tongue touched his cheek as he hesitated for a few seconds, but he didn't say anything in the end.

The umbrella wasn't big. In order to cover both of them, they had to stand closer.

Gu Siyi was afraid of the sun, so she concentrated on adjusting the angle of the umbrella to block the sunlight. She didn't realize that their shoulders were touching, which seemed quite intimate to others.

Xia Zhijun's phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and answered.

"Zhijun, did you find your sister? Is she in the library?" Lu Jiaye's anxious voice came from the other side.

"Found her." Xia Zhijun responded indifferently.

"That's good." Lu Jiaye breathed a sigh of relief, then asked, "Isn't your sister going home this weekend? Bring her to hang out with us."

Yes, yes, let's all play together. Gu Siyi echoed in her heart.

They were so close, and Lu Jiaye's voice was so loud that she could basically hear everything he said.

"You guys have fun. I'm taking my sister home to see my mom." Xia Zhijun replied casually.

Gu Siyi: "…"

Didn't you say we still have a few hours to play?

"Come on! It's so boring to go back so early! Let's take our little sister out to play pool. With my skills, I can brag in front of those idiots for a hundred years. We can also go watch a movie or something. Poor me, I've lived for more than ten years and haven't even taken my little sister to a movie…"

No matter how wonderful Lu Jiaye's suggestions were, Xia Zhijun only said two words indifferently, "No time."

Before he could even try to persuade him further, Xia Zhijun hung up the phone directly.

Gu Siyi said, "I think it's good to play with Lu Ge and the others. It's more fun with more people."

"He's too noisy. I want some peace and quiet on the weekend."

Gu Siyi glanced at Xia Zhijun's incredibly handsome side profile, which remained expressionless.

She couldn't help but silently sympathize with Lu Jiaye. He probably didn't even know that his buddy disliked him!

However, her motto was to stick close to the big shot. Once she recognized someone as her big shot, she would hold on tight, center her world around them, and resolutely support all their decisions.

Therefore, Gu Siyi smiled and nodded. "Oh, then we won't play with them this time."

In the dormitory, Lu Jiaye was hung up on and scratched his hair in frustration.

"We finally found our little sister, but Zhijun wants to take her home, damn it!"

Su Han said, "So Zhijun doesn't have time to play with us either?"

"Yeah, he's taking his sister home to meet his mom."

Zhou Xiao, who was doing pull-ups on the upper bunk bed, calmly said, "Having a younger sister is different."

Su Han laughed. "Why does this sound like 'having a wife is different, you don't have time to play with your brothers'?"

"Damn, don't spout nonsense!" Lu Jiaye punched Su Han unceremoniously. "Don't tarnish the pure friendship between Zhijun and his sister. Their relationship is purer than that of real siblings!"

"Stupid." Zhou Xiao spat out two words and continued his exercise.

Su Han struggled free from Lu Jiaye's clutches and couldn't help but sigh. It was good that Zhijun was here. At least he could easily subdue this little devil. Seeing Lu Jiaye about to chase after him again, Su Han hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, let's three single dogs without pure sibling relationships think about what to play."

Lu Jiaye quieted down for a while, but he felt that there was something wrong with this sentence.

"Is there something wrong with that sentence?"

Zhou Xiao asked, "Aren't you single?"

"…" Lu Jiaye was dealt a critical hit.


Gu Siyi followed Xia Zhijun out of the school, attracting countless gazes along the way.

Gu Siyi joked, "Walking with you, I feel like a celebrity."

Xia Zhijun raised his eyelids but didn't say anything.

"As a top student and campus heartthrob, surrounded by such a halo and admired by countless students, what kind of experience is it?" Gu Siyi asked with emotion.

"Boring." Xia Zhijun said indifferently.

Gu Siyi shrugged. She thought Xia Zhijun was saying that it was boring to ask such a question, but he was actually answering her question.

Out of the school gate, Xia Zhijun hailed a taxi.

Xia Zhijun opened the backseat door and stood by the door.

Gu Siyi thanked him as she got into the car.

Xia Zhijun got in after her.

Twenty minutes later, the car arrived at MixC, a large shopping mall.

Entering the mall, they were once again isolated from the heat outside. Gu Siyi said happily, "This place is great."

There was food, drinks, entertainment, and they didn't have to be exposed to the sun. There was no better place to spend time.

Gu Siyi walked to the directory and looked at it. "There's Heytea here, which I like. Let's go buy two cups first."

The mall was crowded on Saturday, with people coming and going.

When Xia Zhijun, with his handsome face, walked over, he attracted a lot of attention.

Although Gu Siyi had a sweet appearance and was often praised for her looks, she was still a young girl who hadn't fully matured yet. She didn't have the same level of attention and head-turning rate as Xia Zhijun. When she walked beside Xia Zhijun, whether on campus or off campus, she deeply felt the lethality of a handsome older brother.

The two of them stood at the end of the line. After a while, a girl walked up to Xia Zhijun and said with a giggle, "Hi, can we add each other on WeChat?"

Xia Zhijun turned his head away indifferently, ignoring her.

Gu Siyi understood why her classmates said he was unapproachable.

For example, at this moment, he exuded a cold aura that screamed "stay away from me."

Gu Siyi felt a bit of secondhand embarrassment. Whenever she encountered an awkward situation, she would feel even more awkward than the person involved.

She replied on Xia Zhijun's behalf, "Sorry, my brother doesn't use WeChat."

"Oh…" The girl's pride was salvaged by Gu Siyi. She was grateful and smiled at her.

Other girls saw this scene and those who were bold and unrestrained also retracted their thoughts of asking for his contact information.

The line moved forward slowly. Xia Zhijun actually didn't understand people who lined up to buy things. He would rather not have it than waste time queuing.

Gu Siyi noticed his impatience and whispered embarrassedly, "You can go sit over there and wait for me. I'll queue up and buy it myself."

Xia Zhijun said, "It was my negligence. You go sit down, I'll queue up."

"…" That's not what I meant!

Gu Siyi hurriedly clarified, "It's okay, I don't mind queuing. I actually like queuing. It's a very comfortable feeling…"

Wait, what nonsense am I talking about?

"Be good, go over there." Xia Zhijun directly ignored her rambling.

When his expression was calm and indifferent, there was a hint of subtle pressure that made people not dare to disobey.

Gu Siyi obediently listened and went to the rest area to sit down.

The girl next to her leaned closer and said, "Your boyfriend is so handsome, and he dotes on you so much!"

Gu Siyi blushed and quickly explained, "He's not my boyfriend, we're classmates."

"Then you should make a move! When you enter society, you'll be surrounded by greasy uncles."

"…" Gu Siyi didn't know what to say. After a while, she choked out, "It's too early."

"You're only in high school? You both look so tall, I thought you were university students." After a pause, she added, "Actually, it's fine to date in high school. It's not like you can't study well and get into a good university together."

"Really?" Gu Siyi asked blankly.

The other party laughed. "Of course. If you date a top student at school, they'll supervise you even more strictly than your parents. They'll stare at you every day. It's hard not to study well."

"…" Gu Siyi's mind inexplicably conjured up the image of Xia Zhijun, with a stern face, holding a ruler and lecturing her on her studies. A chill ran down her spine.

Terrifying, too terrifying! How could she let such a terrifying thing happen!


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