Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Xia Zhijun handed the Haagen-Dazs to Gu Siyi. "Are you awake now? Eat it quickly, the training will start soon."

Lu Jiaye, who was free on the other side, saw this scene and was furious. "Why did he get to deliver ice cream to his sister first? He gets to be the good guy."

Su Han said with a grin, "That's his sister, cut him some slack."

"It was my idea to send ice cream!" Lu Jiaye said angrily.

Zhou Xiao added, "But it was Zhijun who paid for it."

The group of them had been playing video games together at the tea shop during their lunch break. When they were buying cold drinks, Lu Jiaye said, "Let's get some ice cream for my sister."

Xia Zhijun, who was standing next to him, said, "You know what they say, 'A tall tree catches the wind.' It's better to buy some for the whole team."

"That makes sense. We didn't even have water before, maybe someone was jealous. After all, my sister is so pretty."

So they went ahead and bought dozens of Haagen-Dazs. When it was time to pay, Lu Jiaye said miserably, "My dad froze my allowance card. Zhijun, you have money, you pay."

Xia Zhijun gave him a look that said 'you're hopeless' and scanned the code to pay, spending almost two thousand yuan at once.

After delivering the ice cream, Xia Zhijun and his friends left together. The students watched them leave, happily eating their Haagen-Dazs.

Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi came to Gu Siyi's side and said with a smile, "Thanks to you, we all got afternoon dessert from the male god group."

Gu Siyi then realized that it wasn't just her, everyone was eating ice cream.

Training continued in the afternoon, and Gu Siyi obviously felt that the atmosphere in the team was much more harmonious.

When it came time for a break, everyone gathered around Gu Siyi, curious and excited to ask, "How are you related to Xia Zhijun and the others?"

"They all call you sister, which one is your cousin?"

Gu Siyi looked at everyone's eyes, sparkling with curiosity and gossip, and said, "My dad and Xia Zhijun's parents are old friends. Mama Xia asked Xia Zhijun to take care of me like a little sister, so they all call me sister."

"So that's how it is!"

"No wonder you're their group pet!"

"I used to be in the same class as Xia Zhijun, he's super cold and doesn't really talk to girls."

"Don't say I didn't warn you, girls who like Xia Zhijun, you can start lining up to please your future sister-in-law."

As soon as these words came out, the girls all laughed, their smiles tinged with shyness.

The girls of this era didn't need to settle, didn't need to compromise, it was enough to just like the most handsome boy in school in their hearts. Even if there was no chance, no chance to get close, the little joy of a secret crush could grow quietly, fermented by time into a poem.

After a day of military training, everyone was dog-tired. Gu Siyi didn't even want to eat dinner. She bought a sandwich when she passed by the convenience store and took it back to the dormitory.

She sat on a chair with her legs crossed, watching a funny variety show on her phone while munching on her sandwich. The show was so entertaining that Gu Siyi laughed out loud.

Suddenly, a cup of fruit tea appeared on the table.

Gu Siyi turned her head to see Lan Xiaoqiu standing next to her, saying, "I brought this for you."

Gu Siyi happened to be a little thirsty and was about to drink mineral water, but…

She looked at Lan Xiaoqiu with some doubt.

Lan Xiaoqiu said, "You bought me a cup of tea last time."

"Oh." Gu Siyi nodded, picked up the fruit tea, took a sip, and after the sweet and sour taste permeated her heart, she asked, "Didn't you say you didn't want to talk to me?"

"I came to this school to study, not to make friends, and I don't want to get involved in any drama. It's a waste of time and affects my studies," Lan Xiaoqiu said calmly.

Gu Siyi felt that she did have the temperament of someone who was only focused on studying.

But was this really good?

Gu Siyi smiled and said, "My parents also have high expectations of me. They want me to study hard and get into a good university. But they also want me to have a rich and colorful youth. They want me to have many good memories of my school days."


Another day of military training ended, and Gu Siyi went to the cafeteria with her friends for dinner.

As they passed by the flower bed, Xu Na and a few others appeared in front of them.

Gu Siyi pretended not to see them and didn't even stop walking, heading in another direction.

"Gu Siyi!" Xu Na chased after her.

Gu Siyi's expression was cold.

"Can we talk alone?"

"Don't tell me you want to take Siyi away and bully her alone," Xiang Li asked.

Xu Na's face darkened, but a few seconds later, it miraculously brightened again, and she even smiled. "How could that be? It was all a misunderstanding before. Gu Siyi, let's be friends, okay?"

A few days ago, she was so fierce and malicious, and now she actually came to ask to be friends? Gu Siyi's disgust was written all over her face, and she said directly, "No. I don't want to be friends with you."

"…" Xu Na was given the cold shoulder, her face turning green.

"Don't think that just because you have Xia Zhijun backing you up, you can…"

"Stop talking." Xu Na interrupted the girl beside her who was about to explode, and forced a smile again. She said to Gu Siyi, "Little sister, you must have misunderstood me. It's okay, we'll get to know each other better in time."

"I'm not your little sister, don't try to claim kinship." After Gu Siyi finished speaking, she ignored Xu Na and turned to leave.

After walking away, Xiang Li said excitedly, "Siyi, you were so cool just now!"

Zhang Xinyi said in an exaggerated tone, like an emoji, "Boss, please take me with you, I'm just a useless sidekick who can only cheer you on!"

"Stop it, both of you." Gu Siyi laughed.

"But why did she come to me? Didn't she make an enemy of me?"

"It must be because of Xia Zhijun!"

"Huh? What does this have to do with Xia Zhijun?"

"Didn't you know? She's liked Xia Zhijun since junior high school. She couldn't get him, so she's been watching you like a big bad wolf."

"I also heard that once she saw Xia Zhijun explaining a question to a girl, she went back and found someone to teach that girl a lesson. Fortunately, Xia Zhijun doesn't usually interact with girls, otherwise, he'd have a lot on his plate."

"She must have heard that you're the sister his family adopted and wants to win you over."

Everyone took turns analyzing the situation for Gu Siyi, and the ins and outs of the matter became clear at once.

Gu Siyi's disgust intensified, but she was also very concerned about another question: "Then does Xia Zhijun like her?"

"How could he? If he liked her, they'd be together already."

"Our male god has high standards, he doesn't even give her the time of day."

Gu Siyi breathed a sigh of relief for some reason. It was good that he didn't like her.

That night, as Gu Siyi lay in bed, she replayed the events of the past few days in her mind. She realized that there was a major turning point in everyone's kindness towards her, and that was when Xia Zhijun came to deliver Haagen-Dazs to the entire team. So they were being so high-profile, was it to help her build relationships?

Gu Siyi took out her phone and sent Lu Jiaye a message: "Send me Xia Zhijun's phone number."

In the boys' dormitory, Lu Jiaye, who had just finished showering and was drying his hair, saw the message from "Sister Siyi" and was so happy that he almost flew up. He casually tossed the towel onto the bed, picked up his phone, and was about to show off a little, but when he opened the message… I'm so done! Reality is too cruel!

After Gu Siyi got Xia Zhijun's number, she sent him a message: "Thank you for the Haagen-Dazs that day. And thank you for buying Haagen-Dazs for the whole team."

After sending it, she lay quietly in the darkness, waiting for a reply.

After waiting for a long time without a reply, Gu Siyi picked up her phone again.

Such a dry thank you, he probably didn't know what to reply to, right?

So, she sent another message: "Are you asleep?"

This time, it didn't take long before she heard the message notification sound and immediately picked up her phone to look.

Xia Zhijun replied: "I almost thought it was spam. Add me on WeChat. My WeChat ID is my phone number."

Gu Siyi blushed in embarrassment and immediately copied and pasted Xia Zhijun's phone number into the WeChat search bar.

A picture of the Milky Way was used as his profile picture, very beautiful and romantic.

Gu Siyi sent a friend request to this WeChat ID with the letter "X", and it was quickly accepted.

Gu Mingsiyi: [smiley face] [smiley face]

Gu Mingsiyi: Thanks to you, I'm very popular now~

X: This way of thanking me is too superficial.

Gu Mingsiyi: Ten bottles of hot sauce, coming right up!

X: I haven't finished the last batch yet, I don't need any more for now.

Gu Mingsiyi: Then… how do you want me to thank you?

X: I'll tell you when I think of something.

Gu Mingsiyi: At your service~

X: It's time to sleep.

Gu Siyi sent a nodding emoji.

She thought the conversation would end there, and was about to put down her phone when the other party sent another message.

X: Go to sleep.

She had no choice but to pick up her phone and reply: Okay~ Good night~

X: Good night.

Gu Mingsiyi: [cute] [cute]

X: Stop sending emojis, go to sleep.

Gu Mingsiyi: Okay~ I'm going to sleep~ Good night~

X: Good night.

Gu Mingsiyi: Night.

X: .

"Hahahaha…" Gu Siyi laughed so hard that she almost rolled off the bed.

Xu Lin, who was next to her, asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing…" Gu Siyi laughed for a long time before finally stopping. She picked up her phone again.

That period was so funny, and he seemed to have OCD about having the last word? How gentlemanly!


In the blink of an eye, the first week of the new semester had passed, and the first weekend of high school was approaching.

The high school had a six-day school week, with Sunday as the only day off. There was a three-day monthly holiday once a month.

Since it was still the military training period, they were allowed to leave school on Saturday afternoon. Everyone went back to their dormitories, happily packing their things, and left the campus like birds released from their cages.

Gu Siyi called her mother: "I'm on holiday, I'll be home this afternoon."

Their home was a three-hour drive from C City, not too far.

Gu Siyi said excitedly, "Prepare my favorite braised pork knuckle, spicy beef, and boiled fish…" It was hard for someone with such a heavy palate to eat bland food at school every day.

Then, her excitement lasted less than three minutes before being doused with a bucket of cold water by Xu Jiahui.

"Your father and I are on a business trip, we're not home. What should we do?"

"Ah? Ah… Ah—" Gu Siyi let out three consecutive cries of despair.

"Life is hard, it's not easy for us to make money to support your studies. You should stay at school this holiday and familiarize yourself with the environment."

"I've been familiarizing myself for a week, I'm already very familiar with it."

"Then go hang out with Brother Xia."


"That's right, let him take you out for the weekend. Do you want me to give the Xia family a call?"

"No! Don't!" Gu Siyi hurriedly stopped her. "He might have his own plans. He's already taken good care of me at school. It's too much to stick to him even during the holidays, he won't have any personal space. Don't worry about it, I'll make my own arrangements."

After Gu Siyi ended the call with her mother, she took a shower, changed out of her military training uniform, and put on her own clothes. Although she really wanted to go home and see her parents, she was very understanding when she learned that they were away on a business trip and didn't complain or feel dejected.

She decided to go to the library to read.

Public areas in the school were open during the holidays, especially for teachers and students who stayed behind.

Gu Siyi bought a cup of tea and borrowed a romance novel that looked very sweet and heartwarming, "Loving You for the 3650th Time".

Then she found a bright and cool place to sit down.

Great, her afternoon was all planned out.

However, she usually had no problem immersing herself in novels, but this time she obviously couldn't concentrate.

After a while, she took out her phone to check it.

Her eyes fell on Xia Zhijun's WeChat profile picture, and she couldn't help but wonder, how was he spending his weekend?

Was he going home to eat delicious food and then go out and have fun with his buddies? How enviable.

She resisted the urge to send him a message, and in order to control this urge, she directly turned off her phone and stuffed it into her backpack.

On the other hand, Xia Zhijun returned to the dormitory after finishing his business, and the group of them were discussing their weekend plans.

He thought of Gu Siyi, who was in another city, and took the initiative to call her. If the little girl was going home, he would have to take her to the train station.

… The number you have dialed is powered off?

Xia Zhijun put down his phone and said to his buddies, "I can't get through to Gu Siyi. Contact her classmates and ask where she is."

Lu Jiaye: "What? My beautiful and lovely Sister Siyi is unreachable? Damn, that's dangerous! Let's go find her!"

The group immediately took action.


Through his extensive network of contacts, Xia Zhijun learned that Gu Siyi was in the library, and even received a photo of her happily sipping tea and reading. Xia Zhijun almost laughed. He was worried sick, but she was having a great time.

The training intensity had been too high these past few days, and she felt sleepy in the afternoon. Gu Siyi fell asleep while reading.

When Xia Zhijun found her, she was sleeping soundly on the table.

Her cheeks were flushed, her eyelashes long, and her lips slightly parted in a pout.

Xia Zhijun watched her for a few seconds before sitting down next to her. He didn't wake her up, but instead, as if possessed, did something he couldn't understand himself.

His slender fingers gently brushed her eyelashes, a mysterious amusement on his face.


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