Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Xia Zhijun said lightly, "Gu Siyi, if you don't get up now, you'll be late."



Gu Siyi sat up abruptly on the bed.

She looked at the time, it was only five past six, still early.

Gu Siyi came to her senses and realized that the person who called her was… Xia Zhijun?

She picked up the phone again, but it was disconnected.

This completely woke Gu Siyi up. She got out of bed and washed up.

Her roommates were still sleeping, so she knocked on their bed frames and said, "Only twenty minutes left."

Gu Siyi got dressed and washed up. Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi, who lived in other dormitories, came knocking on the door. "Siyi, let's go together."

"Coming!" Gu Siyi finished packing and left with them.

Morning exercise consisted of drills and running laps. Each platoon lined up and ran along the field.

It was already dawn, but the sun hadn't risen yet. The air had a coolness unique to the morning.

Under the leadership of the instructors, the boys ran lap after lap on the plastic track, chanting slogans in unison. The deafening shouts, carrying the vigor and passion of youth, echoed throughout the campus.

The boys' platoons were faster than the girls' platoons, and from time to time they would overtake the girls' platoons.

When Lu Jiaye passed by the girls' platoon, he saw Gu Siyi in the corner of the last row.

"Hey~~" He raised his hand and waved at her enthusiastically.

There was a commotion in the girls' platoon.

"Wow, it's Lu Jiaye!"

"He's waving at us too!"

"And Su Han…"

The girls all looked over there, and the originally dull atmosphere instantly became lively.

Gu Siyi turned her head to look, and the first thing that caught her eye was Xia Zhijun.

Among a group of boys in military uniforms, he seemed to be the only one who was glowing, and could be seen at a glance. He was running behind Lu Jiaye, his eyes fixed straight ahead, his black short hair hazy in the morning light.

Gu Siyi found that his side face was really good-looking. From the bridge of his nose to his jawline, it outlined a delicate and smooth curve.

Gu Siyi, who was killed by his side face for the first time, was a little obsessed. It wasn't until Xia Zhijun turned his head that their eyes suddenly met.

Gu Siyi quickly pulled out a smile, with an indescribable joy, and looked away. She thought of the morning call and smiled again.

After morning exercise, there was forty minutes for breakfast. After breakfast, there was forty minutes of morning reading.

Everyone returned to the classroom and picked up their newly issued textbooks to read.

The teacher hadn't arranged the seats in the classroom yet, so everyone continued to sit in the seats they had randomly chosen on the first day of reporting.

Gu Siyi arrived at the last row of the third group. Everyone else had a deskmate, but the seat next to her was always empty. She guessed it was her absent roommate.

Gu Siyi opened her English textbook and memorized words. She was wholeheartedly immersed in the torrent of studying.

Xia Zhijun, on the other side of the corridor, tilted his head to look.

The morning light streamed in from the window and fell on her desk.

When she lowered her eyes, her eyelashes drooped. Her clear voice read the words, then fell silent for a few seconds, perhaps thinking and memorizing.

After a while, she raised her head, her long eyelashes lifted, looked at the air in front of her, and recited the word.

This cycle repeated…

Xia Zhijun was amused by her serious way of reciting.

Lu Jiaye, who was next to him, leaned over and smiled mischievously, "I found out, you're looking at your little sister."

Xia Zhijun turned his face, instantly expressionless.

Lu Jiaye whispered again, "Do you have feelings for your little sister?"

Xia Zhijun kicked his stool. "Get lost."

Lu Jiaye met Xia Zhijun's icy eyes and immediately cowered, laughing apologetically, "Just kidding."

"Don't joke about that later."

"Yes, yes, yes, that's your little sister."

Later, Lu Jiaye realized how stupid he was. He actually thought that Xia Zhijun's special treatment of Gu Siyi was because of their elders and family relationship. There was no blood relationship between them at all, and it was a huge taboo for a brother and sister who were not related by blood to be close!

After Gu Siyi finished memorizing the words in the first unit, she felt a sense of relief from completing the task, and her eyes began to wander. Inadvertently, they landed on Xia Zhijun by the corridor. The visual impact made her sigh again, the little brother's side face was really invincible.

But he wasn't reading, he was quietly looking at a book. It didn't look like a textbook, was it extracurricular reading?

Gu Siyi was very curious about what kind of books geniuses usually read. Maybe she could learn from him and get some genius tips. Gu Siyi leaned to the side, trying to see the book on his desk.

Xia Zhijun: "…"

There was no need to go through so much trouble, he simply pushed the book to the edge of the table.

Now Gu Siyi could see clearly, it was a picture-heavy English reading.

"What book is this?" Gu Siyi asked curiously.

Xia Zhijun lifted the open half so that Gu Siyi could see the cover.

Astrophysics, she understood this word.

Was this something related to the college entrance exam? Why was he reading this? Could it help with learning?

It looked very professional and scientific, was he already able to read professional books in English?

Gu Siyi was like a newbie, full of questions, her eyes full of confusion. But this did not prevent her from marveling at Xia Zhijun's English level.

"Great God, you're amazing." The gap between people was as huge as a chasm.

Gu Siyi turned her head and continued to honestly memorize her words.


The scorching sun baked the earth, and at noon, the surface temperature was at its highest.

But the first-year freshmen had to leave their air-conditioned and WiFi-equipped dormitories and come to the field to welcome the afternoon military training.

When everyone gathered on the field, they were almost all listless, either sleepy from just waking up or dejected from not resting.

The instructor hadn't arrived yet, and everyone was standing loosely.

"Hey, Xia Zhijun is here…"

"He's here to see Gu Siyi again, right?"

"Their relationship is really good…"

There was a stir in the dull crowd, and whispers of gossip could be heard.

Gu Siyi also saw him, and his friends, carrying several plastic bags in their hands.

Xia Zhijun walked straight to Gu Siyi and took out a box of tiramisu-flavored Haagen-Dazs, handing it to her, who was still sleepy from her nap.

"Huh?" Gu Siyi looked dazed.

"Do you want me to open it for you?"

"…" Gu Siyi's confused mind hadn't figured out what he meant when Xia Zhijun lifted the lid, scooped out a spoonful, and brought it to her mouth.

Gu Siyi instinctively lowered her head and took a bite.

On a summer afternoon, the sweet and rich taste of Haagen-Dazs traveled from the tip of her tongue to her limbs, making her feel extremely refreshed.

Gu Siyi looked at Xia Zhijun with bright eyes, feeling refreshed and completely awake.

At the same time, Lu Jiaye, Su Han, and Zhou Xiao were distributing Haagen-Dazs to the girls.

Lu Jiaye flashed his signature charming smile and said, "You are all friends of Siyi, so please enjoy this ice cream together."

It was nothing to eat Haagen-Dazs, these children could eat this stuff as a meal. However, Haagen-Dazs given by a male god was different. These children had never received such treatment before, they were satisfied just watching the male gods from afar and gossiping about them.

Everyone ate the ice cream with smiles on their faces, their hearts filled with sweetness. Even if it was just because of Gu Siyi, it was enough to make them happy.

On the other side, Xia Zhijun was a little dazed by Gu Siyi's stare.

He felt that he was probably the one who wasn't awake.

Otherwise, why would he personally feed her?

He even enjoyed it as if he was feeding a kitten, and almost wanted to feed her a second bite.


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