Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

By the time Gu Siyi accompanied Jiang Xiao to the infirmary and returned to the dormitory, it was already dark. Jiang Xiao never said why she was beaten, and Gu Siyi didn't ask again.

When they parted, Jiang Xiao thanked her again and again, and said worriedly, "What should we do? You've offended Xu Na."

Gu Siyi chuckled, "We'll see."

In the dormitory, Lan Xiaoqiu was sitting at her desk studying, her pen calculating geometric proofs on white paper.

Xu Lin was wearing earphones, typing away on her computer, chatting with someone on QQ.

Gu Siyi brought two cups of tea and put them on their desks.

"Working so hard right after school starts? As expected of a top student!" Gu Siyi stood beside Lan Xiaoqiu, looking at the paper filled with calculations and various figures, feeling a headache coming on.

Lan Xiaoqiu didn't answer and continued studying. Gu Siyi went over to Xu Lin. Usually talkative, Xu Lin was also acting busy.

Xu Lin didn't go up to the rooftop with them. Although Gu Siyi felt a little uncomfortable, she didn't want to make a fuss about it. After all, they were roommates. Not everyone had to meddle in other people's business. It was enough to just focus on oneself. She didn't want to be that kind of self-righteous moralizer.

It wasn't time for bed yet, and her roommates were busy studying. Gu Siyi felt embarrassed to fool around.

She took out a textbook, picked up a pen, and tried to get into study mode.

I want to study hard… study hard… study… study…

"Ouch…" The pen tip hit her face, and Gu Siyi, who was dozing off, was startled awake.

Touching her aching cheekbone, she saw a bunch of scribbles on the textbook…

Looking at the time, it wasn't even nine o'clock yet?

She had been trying to stay awake for so long, but still fell asleep.

Gu Siyi encouraged herself, just hold on a little longer, study until nine o'clock, then wash up and go to bed.

Finally, it was nine o'clock. Although she didn't learn anything, Gu Siyi, who pretended to study, passed her own psychological barrier.

When she was about to go to bed, she found that the other two were still busy at their desks.

"I'm going to sleep, you guys can turn on the desk lamp." After saying that, she turned off the main light.

The two of them looked back and smiled, "Goodnight."

The next day, when Gu Siyi woke up, she found the dormitory empty. She got out of bed and saw that it was seven o'clock!

She clearly set the alarm for 6:30, and her phone was still on the table. Did she oversleep?

Gu Siyi hurriedly washed up, tied her hair into a ponytail, put on her white sneakers, and ran towards the teaching building at lightning speed.

Gu Siyi ran to the door of Class 1, Senior Year 1. The class teacher was calling the roll.

"Report." Her voice was clear and crisp.

The class teacher, Li Hong, was a woman in her forties with her hair in a bun, wearing rimless glasses and a suit, carrying the seriousness and simplicity of a teacher.

She turned to the door and asked, "What's your name?"

Gu Siyi's voice dropped a few degrees, "Gu Siyi."

The class teacher looked at the roll call, found her name, and quickly glanced at her high school entrance exam scores and previous school. Her brows furrowed slightly. For this kind of student with poor grades and a bad attitude, it was necessary to give them a lesson.

The class teacher said, "Go to the back of the classroom and stand."

Gu Siyi lowered her head and walked into the classroom, all the way to the back wall, and stood there.

The class teacher said on the podium, "No matter which school you were from before, or what your habits are, once you enter Longxing Middle School, you must abide by the school rules and discipline here. For those who are late or leave early, we will punish them one by one."

The students in the class whispered, occasionally looking back at the unlucky classmate who was late.

Longxing Middle School implemented small class teaching, with 36 students in each class.

The classroom was very large, equipped with all kinds of modern facilities. The desks and chairs were arranged in two rows, divided into three groups, for a total of six rows.

Xia Zhijun and his friends were sitting in the last row.

Xia Zhijun watched Gu Siyi walk in with her head down, her hands clutching the straps of her bag, her earlobes red, her head buried like an ostrich. Compared to the momentum she had last night when she was fighting with someone on the rooftop, she was much weaker. He didn't know why, but he wanted to laugh.

Lu Jiaye, who was beside him, sighed softly, "The class teacher is going too far. Making a little sister so embarrassed on the first day of school. It's just a few minutes late. She came from another city to study and it's her first time living on campus. Maybe she didn't sleep well last night and overslept this morning. Looking at how pitiful she is, my heart aches."

Su Han echoed from the other side of the corridor, "Poor little sister, being made an example of."

The class teacher was still talking on the podium. Xia Zhijun took out a palm-sized robot from his bag and put it on the ground.

The robot quietly walked to Gu Siyi's feet and climbed up her legs. Gu Siyi was startled and almost jumped out. She trembled, and when she was unsteady, Xia Zhijun stepped forward and helped her.

Xia Zhijun bent down, pulled a stool over, and pressed Gu Siyi to sit down.

Gu Siyi was at a loss, looking at him anxiously. The teacher wanted her to stand as punishment, what was he doing?

Xia Zhijun put one hand on Gu Siyi's shoulder and said to the class teacher on the podium, "Teacher Li, Gu Siyi has low blood sugar and almost fainted. She is not suitable to stand for a long time."

The class teacher was stunned for a few seconds and said, "Then find a seat and sit down."

All the teachers in the school knew Xia Zhijun. He had been ranked first in the city for three years in junior high school. The key was that his grades in all subjects were very balanced. He was outstanding in science, and not weak in liberal arts either. Moreover, his family background was good, a true child of privilege.

For such a student with both background and strength, teachers would always be extra lenient.

Gu Siyi was granted amnesty by the teacher and finally looked up at the classroom.

There were two empty seats in the last row, so she walked over and sat down.

Relieved from the embarrassment and torment, she let out a long sigh.

The class teacher continued to talk endlessly about how the three years of high school should be spent.

Gu Siyi turned her head to look at Xia Zhijun on the other side. Their seats were separated by a corridor.

Xia Zhijun, who was flipping through the book, seemed to sense something and turned his head. Their eyes met in mid-air.

Gu Siyi blinked, mouthing the words: Thank you.

The girl's eyes were watery, hidden under her long eyelashes, her eyes full of gratitude.

Because of her smile, two small dimples appeared on her cheeks.

After the class teacher finished speaking, she asked the students to introduce themselves one by one from front to back.

Gu Siyi saw that Xu Lin and Lan Xiaoqiu each had another girl as their deskmate. Most of the students in the class were promoted from the junior high school, and a few were from other schools. There were more than twenty boys and a dozen girls.

After the self-introduction session, the class teacher asked a few students in the front row to go with her to get the military training uniforms and textbooks.

The atmosphere in the classroom immediately relaxed, and people were chatting with each other.

Lu Jiaye hurriedly said to Gu Siyi, "Don't be sad, little sister. I'll buy you candy later."

"I'm not sad…" Gu Siyi sighed, "It's just embarrassing and awkward. I want to find a hole to hide in… Forget it."

"You can still joke around, it seems that you have digested it. Very good, very good."

"Stop calling me little sister, we are in class now, call me by my name." Gu Siyi stressed.

"I think little sister is more friendly. Who said I can't call you little sister in class?" Lu Jiaye deliberately teased her, "Then how about big sister? Sister Yi is fine."

"No!" Gu Siyi quickly stopped him. That would be even more unbearable.

"Little sister, tell me your phone number." Lu Jiaye said, holding up his phone.

The classroom was noisy, and Gu Siyi didn't want to shout, so she took out a piece of paper and a pen, wrote down her number "1XXXXXXXXXX", and handed it to Lu Jiaye.

Lu Jiaye quickly entered the number into his phone and saved it to his contacts.

Xia Zhijun glanced at it and looked away.

Gu Siyi remembered the hot sauce her mother had asked her to bring, and said to Xia Zhijun, "I have something for you. I'll give it to you when we go back to the dorm."

Xia Zhijun asked, "What is it?"

"You'll know then." Gu Siyi blinked and smiled.

Now she felt that her mother was very wise to let her bring a gift for Xia Zhijun. It was just right to repay his kindness.

People in Jianghu value loyalty and gratitude. From now on, this top student would be her friend.

After the military training uniforms and textbooks were handed out, they had forty minutes for breakfast, and forty minutes later, they would gather on the field in their military training uniforms.

When Gu Siyi returned to the dormitory, Xu Lin and Lan Xiaoqiu were both there.

She couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you wake me up when you left this morning?"

Lan Xiaoqiu didn't say anything and quickly changed her clothes. After changing, she left the dormitory. Xu Lin, who had not spoken, waited until Lan Xiaoqiu left and closed the dormitory door before looking at Gu Siyi and saying, "Siyi, I'm sorry."

Her expression was pained and complicated as she slowly said, "Last night, Xu Na's friends came to our dormitory… They told us not to talk to you, otherwise we would be going against those senior students and they would make trouble for us."

"You came from another school, you don't know how powerful Xu Na is… My family doesn't have much background, I don't want to cause trouble." Xu Lin persuaded, "Why don't you go apologize to Xu Na and beg for her forgiveness? Otherwise, she will find ways to target you in the future."

Gu Siyi chuckled, "Thank you for your concern. But my mother never taught me to apologize to scum, and neither did the school."

The girl's sweet eyes were filled with a hint of unyielding defiance.


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