Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

After playing a few rounds, Gu Siyi said goodbye to them and returned to her dorm room.

She had arrived early in the morning. When she was making her bed and unpacking, her roommates hadn't arrived yet. When she returned to the dorm again, there were already two girls there.

Gu Siyi greeted them and introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Gu Siyi, from Class 6, Grade 1."

"I'm Xu Lin. I was promoted from middle school. I used to be in Class 8." The girl with shoulder-length hair smiled brightly. "We're all in Class 6."

The other girl, with short hair, was organizing her books and said without looking up, "I'm Lan Xiaqiu. I used to be in Class 1." Her voice was as calm as her demeanor.

After everyone introduced themselves, Gu Siyi smiled and said, "I'm from B City and I'm not familiar with the school yet. I'll have to rely on you veterans to help me out."

Seeing that Xu Lin was about to make her bed, Gu Siyi went over to help.

The two chatted while they worked, and soon finished.

Gu Siyi then went to help Lan Xiaqiu. Lan Xiaqiu didn't refuse, but simply said "Thank you" politely, though with a hint of distance.

When it was time for dinner, the other roommate still hadn't arrived.

Xu Lin said, "Let's go eat first. Maybe she'll arrive tomorrow."

So the three of them set off for the cafeteria together.

Along the way, Xu Lin excitedly told Gu Siyi about the famous people in the school.

With a particularly dramatic expression and tone, she said, "Do you know what our school's greatest treasure is?"

Gu Siyi thought for a moment and said, "Be yourself?"

This was the motto of Longxing Middle School, engraved on a stone tablet by the school gate.

Because of this motto, her resistance to the school had lessened a lot, and she no longer felt so bad about coming here.

"…" Xu Lin was speechless.

Xu Lin skipped the preamble and went straight to the point: "The school's greatest treasure is Xia Zhijun! Have you seen the honor roll? He's ranked first! He's a genius, always number one. Not just in our school, but in the entire city! Not only is he good at studying, he's also tall and handsome. Every time there's a school heartthrob competition, he gets the most votes."

"Oh…" Gu Siyi nodded slowly.

"Let me tell you some good news!" Xu Lin said with a face full of excitement. "Xia Zhijun is in our class, Class 6, Grade 1! You have no idea how envious my old classmates are. From now on, I can see Xia Zhijun's handsome face every time I turn my head."

Gu Siyi laughed from the bottom of her heart. It was different from the image she had in her mind of a key high school where everyone was focused on studying and ignoring everything else. So, even people in key high schools gossiped and had crushes. Good to know.

While the two were chatting, Lan Xiaqiu didn't say much.

After entering the cafeteria, Lan Xiaqiu went to the bathroom. Xu Lin whispered to Gu Siyi, "Classes in middle school are arranged according to grades. She used to be in Class 1 and was a classmate of Xia Zhijun. People from the top 10 of their year are so arrogant, they don't talk to anyone."

Gu Siyi smiled and said, "Maybe it's just her personality, not talking much."

When Lan Xiaqiu came out of the bathroom, the three of them went to get their trays.

The school cafeteria was very large, divided into three floors, each with its own characteristics. Gu Siyi browsed around the first floor. Although there were many varieties of food, there was nothing spicy! Looking at the bland food, she lost her appetite.

She wanted to go to the second floor to have a look, but Lan Xiaqiu and Xu Lin had already gotten their dishes and were going to get rice and soup. In the spirit of being agreeable, Gu Siyi randomly ordered a few dishes and followed them.

As Gu Siyi was getting her rice, a girl suddenly bumped into her, and the tray in her hand tilted--

Although Gu Siyi quickly backed away, the soup in the small bowl still splashed on her. Wearing jeans and a white hooded short-sleeved shirt, the red tomato and egg soup dripped down her white clothes, staining a large area.

Two girls were messing around, and the one who was pushed bumped into her.

The girl glanced at Gu Siyi, her expression cold and indifferent, and was about to leave without saying anything.

"You bumped into someone, aren't you going to apologize?" Gu Siyi said.

The two girls who were about to leave stopped and turned around to look at her. One of them was wearing high heels, with long flowing hair and a white dress, like the gentle and pleasant goddess in the minds of boys. But her words were very arrogant and bossy, "Who told you to stand in our way? You even have the nerve to ask for an apology? Who do you think you are?"

Xu Lin tugged at the corner of Gu Siyi's clothes, signaling her to let it go, and even apologized for her, "Senior sister, I'm sorry, we didn't pay attention."

"???" Gu Siyi looked at Xu Lin in astonishment.

"Let's go, let's go." Xu Lin pulled her away, her eyes signaling that it was better not to cause trouble.

It wasn't until they were seated, far enough away from those people, that Xu Lin whispered to Gu Siyi, "That was Xu Na from Grade 2, the famous Sister Na throughout the school. She's arrogant and domineering, and her family has a deep background. Most of the influential people in the school are her friends, so it's better not to offend her."

"Can I still eat?" Gu Siyi poked at the rice in her bowl with her chopsticks, feeling very angry and losing her appetite.

Xu Lin persuaded, "Forget it, forget it. Don't think too much about it. We've just entered high school. It's better to be low-key and not cause trouble."

"If you have to fight every battle, how can you focus on studying?" Lan Xiaqiu, who rarely spoke, suddenly said.

Gu Siyi tried hard to accept the advice of her two roommates to make peace. After all, she was in a new school in a foreign land, and it was not good to have a conflict with senior students right after starting school. Forget it, she'd be zen about it.

After the three finished their meal, they went to buy tea and walked back to the dormitory together. In order to cheer Gu Siyi up, Xu Lin suggested, "I heard that you can see the most beautiful sunset from the rooftop of our dormitory building, and you can also overlook the scenery of the whole school. How about we go and have a look?"

"Okay." Gu Siyi readily agreed.

Standing high and looking far, her heart felt at ease.

Lan Xiaqiu said, "I don't have time, I want to study."

So, after returning to the dormitory to change clothes, Gu Siyi went to the rooftop with Xu Lin.

The rooftop of the student dormitory building was bustling with activity.

Xu Na was holding a pink letter in her hand and read aloud in a strange tone, "Hello, Xia Zhijun. You don't know me, do you? I'm Jiang Xiao from Class 5, Grade 3. Ever since that time we brushed shoulders on the field, I haven't been able to forget you…"

A thin and small student wanted to get the letter back, her face flushed red, and she was about to cry, "This is mine… Give it back to me!"

It was Jiang Xiao from Class 5, Grade 3, who wrote the letter.

Xu Na's friends were pulling at her, but Xu Na continued to read, "You are the school's most handsome boy, and I don't dare to confess to you, so I can only like you in my heart. Every time you pass by our classroom, my heart almost jumps out of my chest…"

"Damn it! I can't read this anymore!" Xu Na threw the letter away, walked up to the girl, and kicked her in the stomach. "You ugly freak, how dare you write a love letter to Xia Zhijun! Why don't you go pee and take a look at yourself in the mirror?"

The girl was kicked to the ground and sobbed, "I didn't… I didn't give it to him… I just wrote it for myself to read…"

She had sandwiched the letter in her book, and one day it suddenly disappeared. She didn't know who took it… Then she was taken to the rooftop by a few senior girls.

"You still have the nerve to talk back? Stand up!" Xu Na snapped.

The girl stood up tremblingly, and Xu Na slapped her. "Don't you feel disgusted with yourself? He's someone you can like?"

"So many people like him… What's wrong with me liking him…" She trembled with fear, but still stubbornly retorted.

"You're still arguing!"

Gu Siyi and Xu Lin hadn't reached the rooftop yet. When they were on the last flight of stairs, they heard the noise coming from above.

Xu Lin ran up the stairs in a few steps and peeked outside cautiously.

She pulled Gu Siyi, who was about to go up, and whispered, "Let's go. Xu Na is bullying someone again."

"What?" Gu Siyi poked her head out to look.

Several girls were bullying a girl, making her kneel on the ground and slapping her face and pulling her hair.

Gu Siyi was enraged. She pushed Xu Lin away and said, "You go down first."

Gu Siyi, still holding a cup of tea in her hand, walked onto the rooftop, threw the tea out, and it landed directly on Xu Na's face.

Xu Na didn't dodge, and there was a muffled sound as everyone around her was splashed with tea.

"Who? … Damn it, it's you again! Do you want to die?" Xu Na shouted angrily as she raised her hand to wipe her face.

A girl approached Gu Siyi, wanting to grab her, but Gu Siyi swiftly grabbed her hand, kicked her knee, and knocked her to the ground. Her movements were agile and neat.

There were five girls on the other side. Gu Siyi picked up a brick from the corner, weighed it in her hand, and said coldly with a fearless expression, "Let's see who wants to die."

She had easily knocked down one girl in a one-on-one fight just now, and now she was holding a brick in her hand. For a moment, the girls didn't dare to act rashly.

Gu Siyi walked over and helped the bullied girl up.

The girl looked at her gratefully and apologetically, but she was so scared that she couldn't speak. As if remembering something, her eyes darted around, and when she saw the letter that had fluttered to the corner, she ran over, squatted down, picked it up, carefully folded it, tears pattering down on the letter, and with trembling hands, she folded the crumpled paper and put it in her pocket.

She knew she was not worthy of that person. This was just a small thought in her heart.

She didn't expect it to be exposed, and even reached Xu Na, and she suffered such humiliation and beating…


Not far away, on the rooftop of the boys' dormitory building.

Xia Zhijun and a few friends came up to get some fresh air, but unexpectedly saw the violence on the opposite rooftop.

Lu Jiaye, who was always joking around, had a serious expression on his face, "So many people bullying one student, isn't that a bit too much?"

Su Han: "We can't jump over there, and we can't enter the girls' dormitory. What should we do? Call the school security?"

Zhou Xiao: "Who knows their number?"

Lu Jiaye: "Damn, that place is my nemesis, how could I have their contact information!"

Just as the boys were talking, Gu Siyi appeared.

The quiet and sweet girl who looked like the girl next door had transformed into a tough girl who could fight and curse.

Holding a brick, one against five, she wasn't afraid at all, full of valiant spirit. Although they couldn't hear what she was saying, they could see her imposing manner as she confronted those girls.

Su Han gave a thumbs up: "Sister Yi is so cool!"

Xia Zhijun laughed for some reason. It seemed that she could fight not only in games, but also in real life.

Lu Jiaye covered his mouth and said, "I'm smitten with Sister Yi, she's both sweet and spicy, a real treasure girl!"

Zhou Xiao teased, "Then you have to ask Azhijun first if Sister Yi is single."

"My mother repeatedly told me not to let bad boys at school get close to her." Xia Zhijun said indifferently, his expression turning serious, his tone brooking no dissent. "Don't even think about it."


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