Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Gu Siyi froze for a moment. She didn't want to mention this person, but after being asked, an idea came to her mind. She nodded and said, "Yes."

Zheng Peipei propped her head up with her hand and looked on with interest. "So, what conclusion did you come to?"

"Come closer." Gu Siyi hooked her finger, beckoning the three to lean in.

When the four small heads came together, Gu Siyi whispered, "I have something very important to discuss with you."

Xiang Li also lowered her voice: "What's the matter?"

Zheng Peipei said excitedly, "Are we going to do something big?"

Zhang Xinyi urged seriously, "How important is it? Tell me quickly."

On the other side, Lu Jiaye saw the four of them huddled together and yelled, "What are these girls whispering about?"

"If you're curious, go and listen." Xia Zhijun twirled the pen in his hand and said casually.

"Forget it, I don't want to get involved. Zheng Peipei is a tigress, the kind that bites."

"What a man!" Xia Zhijun sneered. "Can she eat you alive?"

Lu Jiaye was unhappy. "YOU CAN, YOU UP!"

Gu Siyi said in a low voice, "In the vast sea of people, we have come together to be students of Class 6, Grade 1 of Longxing Middle School. There are so many students in the class, only we are the inseparable ones who go to class, finish class, and even go to the toilet together every day. As the saying goes, it takes a hundred years to be classmates and ten thousand years to be best frien…"

Zheng Peipei couldn't help but interrupt, "That's enough. You're making me listen to this?"

Xiang Li agreed, "The build-up is too long and I'm losing it. Just get to the point."

Zhang Xinyi agreed, "It's not like we're writing an essay, why so dramatic?"

Gu Siyi said, "…Some things are easier to say when the atmosphere is right, understand?"

Without waiting for their complaints, she quickly cut to the chase: "We've come a long way together, can you lend me a thousand?"

Xiang Li: "…"

Zhang Xinyi: "…"

Zheng Peipei couldn't help but laugh: "Hahaha, no way, you made such a long introduction just to borrow money?"

"Keep your voice down! Don't let anyone else hear!" Gu Siyi hurriedly said.

Zheng Peipei stopped laughing and said, "Okay, I'll lend you this thousand."

Gu Siyi was about to thank her when Xiang Li said, "I have some too, I'll lend it to you!"

Zhang Xinyi was not to be outdone, "I have some too, I have a few thousand saved up that I haven't spent, Siyi, borrow mine!"

"…" Gu Siyi was surrounded by a sudden wave of happiness.

Her best friends were actually a group of rich ladies, the kind who would give away their fortunes for their revolutionary comrades.

She put her hands together and bowed to each of them in turn. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, my rich ladies, please accept Xiaogu's knees."

Zheng Peipei waved her hand and said, "It's nothing, but why do you need to borrow money? Are you in trouble? Is a thousand enough? We can pool more if it's not enough."

Gu Siyi: "It's enough, it's enough."

Xiang Li was about to say something when the bell rang for class.

The four of them then returned to their seats.

This class was geography, a more relaxing subject.

Gu Siyi heard her phone vibrate in her drawer, and it sounded like a WeChat notification.

She couldn't help but take it out and peek.

X: [About what happened just now]

X: [Go on]

X: [Lu Ming made you poor?]

X: [What happened?]

X: [What about him giving you flowers and a bear?]

Gu Siyi saw a series of questions and her head grew big, but the study god was asking, she couldn't not answer.

So, she buried her head and quietly typed back on her phone.

Gu Mingsiyi: [He gave me very expensive flowers and a bear, and I plan to pay him back.]

Gu Mingsiyi: [Then I checked online, it was four thousand four hundred for all four, it broke my heart…]

Xia Zhijun put his phone on his open geography book, one hand lazily supporting his head, the other typing.

Lu Jiaye was dying of curiosity. He actually saw the study god chatting with someone on WeChat during class? All this time, he had either been sleeping or reading his own books. No matter how lively their WeChat group chat was, he never joined.

Lu Jiaye leaned over, wanting to see who he was chatting with, but before his eyes could focus on the content, Xia Zhijun picked up a book and slapped him on the head, pushing him away.

X: [Did you like the gift he gave you?]

Gu Mingsiyi: [Of course not!]

X: [Then why did you accept it?]

Gu Mingsiyi: [It's not that I accepted it, he gave it to me and ran away, not giving me a chance to refuse.]

Lu Jiaye, unyielding, tried to get close again. Xia Zhijun kicked his stool, forcing him to move - "Screech", the sound of the stool legs scraping against the floor rang out abruptly in the classroom.

"Lu Jiaye! What are you doing!" The geography teacher looked at him, who was now out of his seat, and said unhappily.

Lu Jiaye: "……!!!!"

X: [If you don't want it, I'll return it to him for you.]

Gu Mingsiyi: [It's okay, I can handle it myself.]

Gu Siyi waited for a while but didn't see Xia Zhijun reply. She turned her head to peek and saw that he had already put away his phone and was flipping through his book with an expressionless face.

That expressionless face…

Gu Siyi felt a pain in her nonexistent balls.

Deciding to explain a little more, she lowered her head and continued typing.

The geography teacher walked towards them while lecturing. Zheng Peipei was busy reading her comics and Gu Siyi was buried in her phone, neither of them noticed the danger approaching.

Xia Zhijun suddenly stretched out his foot and hooked the leg of Lu Jiaye's stool.

Lu Jiaye was leaning forward to ask Su Han, who was in the front row, for something. Just as he was about to settle back into his seat, unprepared, he was suddenly suspended in mid-air, doing a free fall -

With a few bangs, he landed on the overturned stool, sprawled out in all directions…

"Lu Jiaye! What are you doing again!" The geography teacher reprimanded.

Gu Siyi was so startled that she immediately put away her phone and sat up straight.

Zheng Peipei also quickly hid her comic book in her drawer.

Xia Zhijun looked at the fallen Lu Jiaye and made a gesture with three fingers.

Lu Jiaye understood tacitly. This was the deal he had been offered. One fall, three thousand yuan, worth every penny.

Lu Jiaye wailed, "…The stool isn't sturdy, teacher! What can I do? I'm also very desperate!"

Geography teacher: "You're the only one with so many problems! Why are the other students' stools fine?"

Lu Jiaye struggled to his feet and said pitifully, "Teacher, I fell so hard, I almost burst into tears. Please don't scold me anymore, okay? If you scold me again, I'm really going to cry!"

Geography teacher: "…"

Lu Jiaye: "…"

He endured with a stubborn expression, looking like he was about to cry.

The classmates in the class were trying hard to hold back their laughter.

After a moment of silence, the teacher compromised. "Sit down. What does it look like for a seven-foot man to cry, make a scene, and threaten suicide?"

The storm passed, and the teacher continued the lesson.

This time, Gu Siyi was well-behaved and didn't dare to send any more WeChat messages, afraid of being caught by the teacher.

After school in the afternoon, it was the turn of Gu Siyi and the other three to be on cleaning duty.

The other classmates left one after another, but only Xia Zhijun, Lu Jiaye, and their group remained in the classroom.

Zheng Peipei said, "Aren't you guys leaving yet? We're about to start cleaning."

Su Han sat on the desk and smiled, "Our little sisters are on duty, of course, we big brothers have to help."

"How are you going to help?" Zheng Peipei asked with a smile. It would be great if someone could do the work for them.

"A-Jun will help Little Dimple, I'll help Little Wildcat, as for Little Pear and Little Star, Lu Jiaye and Zhou Xiao can choose for themselves."

Zheng Peipei pointed at herself, "I'm Little Wildcat?"

"The dangerous and charming, fiery and lively Little Wildcat, do I have the honor of cleaning for you?" Su Han's voice rose at the end, and he winked at her, his peach blossom eyes filled with a smile.

"…" Zheng Peipei snorted softly, rarely showing a shy demeanor.

Xiang Li pointed at herself and said with a wry smile, "I'm Little Pear?"

Zhang Xinyi nodded, "Oh, then I'm Little Star."

Lu Jiaye's eyes darted between the two of them for a few seconds before he said, "I like to eat pears, so I'll help Little Pear."

With that, he patted Zhou Xiao on the shoulder. "Little Star is all yours."

Thus, the cleaning duty, originally meant for four girls, became the duty of eight people.

Su Han helped Zheng Peipei move the stools, while Lu Jiaye and Zhou Xiao picked up brooms and swept the floor.

Gu Siyi took the mop to the sink to wash it, and Xia Zhijun followed behind her.

As they passed by the door of Class 8, a few boys who were on cleaning duty saw them and started to jeer, "Sister-in-law~," "Sister-in-law is on duty?" "Do you need us to help?" "Just give us a call, Sixth Brother will be right here."

Gu Siyi turned a deaf ear to them, wanting only to leave quickly.

Xia Zhijun, who was walking on the outside, stopped in his tracks, turned around, and walked towards Class 8's classroom.

Gu Siyi: "Hey, you…"

Xia Zhijun walked into Class 8's classroom. The boys who were standing at the door teasing Gu Siyi were stunned as they watched him approach.

Xia Zhijun walked up to the first row of desks, picked up a book, rolled it up, walked to the door, and smashed the book into the face of the boy who had spoken. The boy was caught off guard by the blow. Xia Zhijun then switched hands and hit him again, this time from his face to his neck. The paper cut across his cheek, leaving a red mark.

"What the…" The boy was furious and wanted to retaliate, but in the next second, his knee was kicked hard, and his arm was pinned down. When he was unsteady, Xia Zhijun punched him hard in the face again.

The sound of the slap echoed through the classroom.

The other boys who had been jeering were all dumbfounded as they watched this scene.

Gu Siyi was also stunned.

Xia Zhijun kicked the boy away and looked coldly at the others. "Who else wants to try me?"


Even the air fell silent.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone in, and the sounds of merriment coming from other classes in the distance made this place seem even more deathly silent.

These people all knew Xia Zhijun, the famous school heartthrob, the top student in the city.

But none of them knew that this study god, who was regarded as a role model for the whole school, had such a fierce temper and such a heavy hand.

For a moment, they were all stunned.

Gu Siyi was the first to react. She ran forward, grabbed Xia Zhijun, and said, "Let's go, let's go."

She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the classroom.

Gu Siyi was a little nervous, afraid that Xia Zhijun would get into another fight, so she held his hand the whole way.

It was only when they reached the sink that she let go. Leaning on the mop, she let out a long breath and looked at Xia Zhijun. "Why are you so fierce? You scared me to death."

Xia Zhijun said indifferently, "Next time someone bullies you like that, I'll help you."

"Bull… Simply violent, I have to hand it to you." Gu Siyi picked up the mop and put it in the sink to wash, struggling to scrub it. Xia Zhijun pushed her head away and took the mop, helping her wash it.

Gu Siyi stood by and watched him. This face was unbelievably beautiful when it was gentle, with picturesque features. But when it was fierce, it was terrifying, like a sharp blade that could kill with a single glance.

When they passed by Class 8 again, there was no one there, and even the door was locked.

Gu Siyi glanced at Class 8's classroom and suddenly asked Xia Zhijun, "Aren't you afraid that they'll come back for you?"

Xia Zhijun chuckled, his disdain evident in his voice. "Let them come."

Gu Siyi: "…So domineering."

After thinking about it, Gu Siyi wasn't that worried. Xia Zhijun still had three good friends by his side. Four tall boys were not something that could be bullied easily.

The people in the classroom didn't know about this little interlude. When they returned, Lu Jiaye complained, "You were gone for so long just to wash a mop? A-Jun, you didn't ditch us to flirt with your girl, did you?"

Gu Siyi retorted loudly, "No, we were very seriously washing the mop! We washed it many times!"

Lu Jiaye immediately put on a big smile. "You have two little dimples, whatever you say is right."

Gu Siyi: "…"

After cleaning was done, Su Han said, "There's nothing good to eat in the cafeteria at this hour, why don't we eat out?"

Lu Jiaye responded enthusiastically, "I raise both my hands and Zhou Xiao's hands in agreement."

Everyone's eyes fell on Xia Zhijun, who said, "Let's go, my treat."

Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi were a little stunned. After all, they weren't familiar with those male gods and weren't sure if the invitation included them…

Zheng Peipei packed up her things and said to the two, "Hurry up, let's go freeload off them."

Xiang Li said embarrassedly, "Forget it, Xinyi and I will just eat in the cafeteria."

Zhang Xinyi also declined politely, "Yeah, we'll eat in the cafeteria, you guys go ahead."

Xia Zhijun walked to the door and saw that the few girls were still dawdling there, so he turned back.

Gu Siyi was just packing her books into her bag. As soon as she finished, Xia Zhijun directly picked up her bag, put his other hand around her shoulder, and led her forward without looking back. "You guys hurry up too, stop dawdling."

Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi's faces lit up. From the looks of it, they were also included in the invitation. They happily packed their things.

Lu Jiaye stood at the door and said in a strange tone, "Oh my, Little Dimple can't walk? You need him to hold you?"

Gu Siyi's face flushed red. She ducked out from under Xia Zhijun's arm, glared at Lu Jiaye, and retorted, "Hold your sister!"

"I don't have a sister. How about you be my sister?" Lu Jiaye said with a deliberately pitiful expression.


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