Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Gu Siyi was fine when she played against the first person, her excitement suppressing the discomfort.

As she continued to play against the second person, the discomfort grew stronger, and she missed a shot due to a mistake.

The opponent sensed Gu Siyi's weakness and intensified the attack, taking a swift and fierce approach.

Zheng Peipei walked to the front row, staring at Gu Siyi on the court, sweating for her.

Gu Siyi, with all her might, hit another shot, and the opponent missed it.

Taking advantage of the opponent's lapse, Zheng Peipei ran to Gu Siyi's side and whispered, "Are you having a stomachache? Forget it if you're not feeling well. We already won a round, we can just stop playing."

Gu Siyi said breathlessly, "It's fine, just one more goal and we'll have the win. We have to give it our all in a competition."

"The ball is coming, move aside." Gu Siyi pushed Zheng Peipei away and ran onto the court again.

Another ball flew over, and just as it was about to hit the ground, Gu Siyi threw herself down and hit it back. The opponent missed.

Xia Zhijun's face suddenly darkened, and just as he was about to step onto the court, Gu Siyi quickly stood up, raised her chin, and said to the person opposite her with soaring confidence, "I won."

Xia Zhijun: "…"

The students burst into cheers. Just then, the bell for the end of class rang.

It was a done deal. Gu Siyi from Class Six had made an absolute comeback and defeated Class Eight.

The students were excited by the unexpected turn of events.

Gu Siyi calmly returned to the audience stand. Zheng Peipei walked to her side and noticed that her face was pale, so she asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"Gu Siyi." A cold voice came from behind.

Gu Siyi turned around. Xia Zhijun threw a school uniform jacket over her head. "Put it on."

"Uh… I'm not cold…"

"Put it on." He emphasized his tone, with an unquestionable force.

Gu Siyi was puzzled, but she obediently put it on.

Zheng Peipei rolled her eyes and snorted softly, "This is the first time I've seen someone force others to wear their clothes."

Lu Jiaye caught up, his eyes sparkling like a fanboy as he looked at Gu Siyi, "Sister, you were so cool just now."

Su Han gave a thumbs up: "My sister Yi is amazing, she's good at everything."

"It was alright, alright…" Gu Siyi smiled modestly.

After class, everyone went to the cafeteria to eat in groups. Gu Siyi said to Zheng Peipei, "I want to go back to the dorm, can you bring me some food?"

"No problem." Zheng Peipei readily agreed and patted her shoulder, "You're the hero today, I'll get you extra chicken."

Gu Siyi returned to the dormitory alone, feeling completely drained. She sat down on a chair, rested her head on the table, and completely collapsed.

On the court, only the spirit of competition had been burning brightly. It was only after she left the court that she realized how exhausted she was, her body feeling like it was falling apart.

After resting for a while, Gu Siyi went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When she took off her clothes, she realized that her side was stained, and there were traces of blood on her underwear. She quickly checked her pants, and sure enough, there were also some stains…

Fortunately, they were dark pants, so it wasn't obvious. It shouldn't be noticeable at first glance.

Gu Siyi's mind raced as she thought of the jacket Xia Zhijun had made her wear.

Could it be that… he saw… so…

His jacket was big, just enough to cover that area.

Gu Siyi, realizing it later, blushed with embarrassment.

She was really careless. She didn't even realize it herself, and a boy saw it and even covered for her.

Lan Xiaqiu came back to the dorm after dinner and brought Gu Siyi a cup of hot tea.

Gu Siyi was sitting at the table, hugging her stomach and doing practice problems to distract herself. She was startled by the sudden appearance of the tea. Lan Xiaqiu said, "You fought for our class, this is a treat from the class monitor."

"Then during the sports meet, the class monitor will have to treat me to a lot of tea." Gu Siyi joked, took the tea, and took a big sip.

Lan Xiaqiu returned to her seat. After a while, she came to Gu Siyi again and handed her a piece of paper. "Can you ask Xia Zhijun how to solve this problem? Just write down the thought process."

"You can ask him yourself."

"You're closer to him, it's more convenient."

"Oh." Gu Siyi took the paper. It was a difficult math problem. She understood every word on it, but when they were put together, she couldn't make sense of it, let alone understand how the answer was derived. She looked at it from all angles and couldn't help but ask, "Class monitor, is this problem beyond our syllabus? Why am I so clueless?"

"It's an Olympiad problem."

"…Impressive." The bad student bowed to the great god.

While she was thinking about how to do well on the midterms, others were already battling Olympiad problems.

In the afternoon class, Gu Siyi was not feeling well, so her posture became a little lazy, unlike her usual upright self, like a little poplar tree.

During the break, Zheng Peipei chuckled and said, "You don't have that kind of energy to study like you're fighting a chicken, I feel so much more relaxed."

"Hey, you're gloating." Gu Siyi mumbled, lying on the table.

"How did you do it in PE class this morning? You were like an iron warrior, showing no signs of discomfort at all."

"It's cool to pretend for a while, but afterwards… you know."

"Haha…" Zheng Peipei was amused.

"Going to the bathroom?"

"No, no."

Gu Siyi felt thirsty. She picked up her cup and saw that it was empty.

The water dispenser was in the corridor behind Lu Jiaye. Gu Siyi glanced over there and her eyes fell on Xia Zhijun.

He was sitting quietly in his seat, reading a book. His deskmate, Lu Jiaye, and Su Han, who was sitting across from them, were fooling around.

Gu Siyi took out her phone from her desk, opened WeChat, and sent a message to Xia Zhijun: "Can you pour me a glass of water, please?"

She glanced at Xia Zhijun and saw that he was still reading.




After sending three messages in a row, the person over there finally reacted and took out his phone to look.

X: "Can't you even do that?"

X: "You can't even pour yourself a glass of water?"

Gu Siyi flattened her lips, defeated: "I don't want to, just do me a favor… Can you bear to see me die?"

X: "Drop dead then."

Gu Siyi: "[tears][tears]"

She resigned herself to her fate. Boss Xia was not someone you could boss around.

Gu Siyi put down her phone, sat up straight, picked up her cup, and was about to get up to get some water when her cup was taken away.

Xia Zhijun took the cup and gave her a cold shoulder, walked to the water dispenser to fill it up, came back, and placed it on her desk.

"Thank you." Gu Siyi smiled at him.

He returned to his seat and sat down with an expressionless face.

"…" Was the boss unhappy? Why?

Gu Siyi took out the piece of paper and called out to Xia Zhijun, "God of studying, I have a question for you."

Xia Zhijun didn't respond.

"Help me out, come and take a look~" Gu Siyi pleaded again, her voice soft.

Xia Zhijun got up and lazily walked over to Zheng Peipei's seat. He asked indifferently, "What question?"

Gu Siyi grinned and leaned closer to him, "Are you unhappy?"

The sudden close-up of her smiling face and fluttering eyelashes made Xia Zhijun's heart skip a beat. He leaned back slightly and said with a straight face, "Are we going to discuss the question or not?"

Gu Siyi clasped her hands into fists, rested them on the table, tilted her head, and looked at him, "But I'm more concerned about why you're unhappy because you look unhappy."

Her gaze was very focused, so focused that it soothed the unspoken annoyance in his heart.

"Does it matter if I'm happy or not?" he asked, staring at her.

"Of course it matters, it matters a lot." Gu Siyi said with utmost certainty, her eyes fixed on his, as if to prove how sincere her words were.

"…" Xia Zhijun was defeated and looked away first.

His eyes swept across the air, and he asked lightly, "Where's your question?"

Gu Siyi moved the paper in front of him. "Here, just write down the solution process on the paper."

Xia Zhijun glanced at it and asked, "You want to learn Olympiad math?"

"Not me, it's the class monitor, Lan Xiaqiu. She asked me to ask you to solve this problem."

"I don't know how to either." Xia Zhijun said.

Gu Siyi was astonished, "You're the god of studying, are there problems you don't know how to solve?"

"Yes." Xia Zhijun responded lightly, "Except for you, I don't know how to solve any questions asked by others."

After saying that, he left Zheng Peipei's seat and returned to his own.

It took Gu Siyi a full five seconds to understand what he meant.

…In other words, he would only answer her questions, and ignore everyone else's?

Gu Siyi turned to look at Xia Zhijun. His handsome side profile, indifferent expression, carried an indescribable arrogance, the kind that didn't want to bother with anyone.

Gu Siyi raised her hand and touched her face, five parts puzzled and five parts secretly delighted.

What kind of luck did she have to be treated differently by the boss?

Zheng Peipei came back from the bathroom and saw Gu Siyi staring blankly, as if she was in a daze. She patted her head, "What are you daydreaming about?"

"Go away." Gu Siyi swatted her hand away, but the corners of her lips were still curled up in a smile that she couldn't stop.

"Tsk, smiling so happily, you must be thinking about some wild man."

Gu Siyi was extremely embarrassed, her face becoming even more serious, "What are you talking about?"

"Sisters, do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" Lu Jiaye invited from over there, "My family's new hotel just opened, it's not far from our school, let's go check out how the chef is."

"Okay." Zheng Peipei readily agreed, "Although it's a bit of a downer with you there, I'll endure it since you're the host."

"I'm too kind. Other people take advantage of others' kindness, but you eat mine and still want to have the upper hand?"

"Blah blah blah~" Zheng Peipei made a face at him.

"Sister, you should come too?" Lu Jiaye asked Gu Siyi again.

Gu Siyi shook her head, "I don't want to go, I'm tired today, I just want to go back to the dorm and rest after school."

"Okay, we'll go check it out first, and take you next time if it's good."

"Okay." Gu Siyi smiled.

Gu Siyi had dinner with Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi in the cafeteria and then returned to the dormitory.

She snuggled into bed, leaned against the wall, wrapped herself in a quilt, made a comfortable nest for herself, and then began to read and do practice problems.

In the past, Gu Siyi had never been so motivated to study. She could barely manage to listen attentively in class, but it was absolutely impossible for her to put studying first in her spare time. She had a wide range of hobbies, she could play anything, and she was good at everything. How could she have time to study?

However, after entering high school, she had sincerely changed her attitude towards studying.

The new environment, new classmates, new teachers, everything was brand new, which filled her with motivation.

Zheng Peipei went out to dinner with Lu Jiaye and the others, Xu Lin and Lan Xiaqiu were both studying in the library. Gu Siyi was alone in the dormitory.

Just as she was concentrating, someone knocked on the dormitory door.

"Who is it? The door is unlocked."

The door was gently pushed open, and two children walked in, looking around.

"Who are you looking for?" Gu Siyi's voice came from above. The two of them immediately looked up.

"Gu Siyi, we're from Class Eight, the ones who played badminton against your class today."

"I know, what's up?"

"A few of our classmates who are good at playing are going singing tonight, and they specifically invited you to come and have fun."

"Thank you, but I'm a little tired, I won't go."

"Lu Ming from our class invited you, and you're not going?"

"No, I'm tired." Gu Siyi didn't know who Lu Ming was, and she wasn't even interested in asking, so she refused directly.

Seeing her firm refusal and indifferent expression, the two of them had no choice but to give up.

After they left, Gu Siyi continued to work on her practice problems.

When she encountered a difficult problem, she subconsciously picked up her phone and dialed Xia Zhijun's number.

After two rings, the call was connected. Gu Siyi heard a "Hello" from the other end, and then she realized that he was probably having dinner with Lu Jiaye and the others at the hotel. It wouldn't be good to disturb him at this time, right?

"It's nothing, I just have a question for you. If it's not convenient for you, we can talk about it tomorrow in class."

"Ask away, I'm in the dormitory."

He came back from dinner so soon…

With his permission, Gu Siyi didn't hesitate to read him the problem.

Xia Zhijun sat at his desk and wrote down the important conditions.

By the time Gu Siyi finished reading the problem, he had already figured out the solution.

"Can you take a picture of it and send it to me after you're done?"

"No need, I'll tell you the steps now."


What a cruel comparison.

He didn't need any time to think about difficult problems.

Xia Zhijun carefully explained the problem to Gu Siyi. Gu Siyi put her phone on speaker and put it aside, listening and practicing on paper at the same time.

After successfully solving it, she nodded happily, "Yes, yes, yes, that's it, your thinking is so right! Why didn't I think of that!"

"Any more?"

"Not at the moment."

Gu Siyi was about to hang up the phone when Xia Zhijun said, "I'm also doing practice problems, let's study together, keep the phone on."

"…" There's such a way to study? Studying together on the phone?

"Ask me anytime if you don't understand."

"The god of studying is teaching online, I'm so grateful."

A chuckle came from the speaker, "Remember to wear your earphones so you don't disturb others."

Her roommates weren't there, and she was alone, so she was relatively free. Gu Siyi continued to keep the speaker on.

When Xu Lin and Lan Xiaqiu entered the dormitory, Gu Siyi was asking Xia Zhijun for help with a problem. The clear male voice coming from the speaker, with a slightly husky quality, was even more pleasant to the ears than the occasional sound she heard in class.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, then quietly returned to their seats.

Seeing that her roommates were back, Gu Siyi turned off the speaker, put the phone to her ear, held it with her shoulder, and continued to discuss the problem with the person on the other end.

Finally, she said, "My roommates are back, I'll stop studying for tonight, thank you."

Gu Siyi hung up the phone. Lan Xiaqiu walked over and asked, "Were you asking Xia Zhijun for help with a problem just now?"


Lan Xiaqiu asked again, "Did you ask him about my problem?"


She was too embarrassed to repeat Xia Zhijun's cold refusal, especially after he had just explained several problems to her on the phone, and the class monitor had heard it.

Gu Siyi was embarrassed for a few seconds and said, "I asked, he said he'll give me the answer tomorrow."

Lan Xiaqiu smiled at her, "Thank you."

"…" Oh my god, this was the first time she had seen Lan Xiaqiu smile.

She had always thought that the class monitor was a serious study machine.

So she could smile too??

The next day, Gu Siyi had to be cheeky and hand the paper to Xia Zhijun again. Xia Zhijun ignored her.

While Lu Jiaye was away, she sat in his seat and pestered Xia Zhijun, gently tugging at his sleeve and pleading, "Help me out, I'm also curious about how to solve this problem, can you show me how to do it, please?"

Xia Zhijun glanced at her indifferently, "Are you acting cute with me?"

"…" Gu Siyi's words were stuck in her throat. All of a sudden, her blood rushed to her head, and she blushed from her neck up to her ears.

Before she could recover from her sudden embarrassment and answer the question seriously, Xia Zhijun said again, "Do you think that works on me?"

"No, I'm not, I wasn't…" Gu Siyi explained, her face red, but she couldn't bring herself to say the word "acting cute."

At home, she was independent and never acted cute, even with her parents. How could she… with a boy…

Xia Zhijun looked at her and chuckled softly. He lowered his head and wrote down the solution steps on the paper.

Gu Siyi sat there dumbfounded.

He finished writing down the solution to the problem without hesitation and handed it to her. He chuckled softly, "You're smart, you know that acting cute works on me."


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