Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Gu Siyi went to the bathroom to wash her face. Her drowsy head immediately felt refreshed.

As she walked back to the classroom, she found Xia Zhijun standing in the corridor. As luck would have it, their eyes met.

"…" Oh no! The great student is not happy! Those deep black eyes were mixed with ice shards!

Gu Siyi understood the emotions in his eyes and began to reflect on herself.

Could it be because of the previous sentence "I don't like him"? This sentence sounded ambiguous. She just wanted to express that she didn't have the same feelings as Zheng Peipei. It was not the common meaning of disliking someone.

Gu Siyi felt it was necessary to explain, after all…he was her savior.

And she just ate his food and listened to him explain math problems at noon. Now, she said such things. It was really ungrateful.

Gu Siyi walked to Xia Zhijun. He was leaning against the railing of the corridor, facing the railing, propping his hand on the handrail, and looking at the scenery outside the teaching building… She needed to calm down and think about how to explain.

There were different students in the corridor, some laughing and playing.

Gu Siyi slowly moved towards Xia Zhijun until they were only a line apart.

She gently pulled the side of his shirt, a subtle reminder that no one else could see.

Then she said sincerely in a low voice, "I didn't mean that just now…"

Xia Zhijun did not respond.

Gu Siyi was about to say something else when the bell rang for class.

Other students rushed into the classroom. Gu Siyi was about to enter from the back door when Xia Zhijun grabbed her.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side. Gu Siyi leaned against the wall, her eyes widened, and she reminded him in astonishment, "Class has started!"

Xia Zhijun raised his hand, his fingertips brushing against her ear, with an expression that was not quite a smile, exuding an aura of "Don't mess with me."

The corridor was empty. Gu Siyi's heart was pounding, afraid that the teacher would come over at this time.

Xia Zhijun said slowly, "What do you mean, come to me tonight and explain clearly."

After that, he let go of her and walked in through the back door.

Gu Siyi followed behind him, buried her head, and walked into the classroom, her face as red as a cooked shrimp.

This class was history. The middle-aged male teacher with glasses was speaking vividly and excitedly on the podium. However, the students below were very realistic. Those who planned to study science rarely paid attention unless they were interested in history.

For the first half of the class, Gu Siyi was struggling with Xia Zhijun's words, thinking about how to explain it. This was the trap of a specific language environment… She sketched out one after another sincere explanations in her mind, such as hugging him and then reciting an 800-word self-examination and statement… such as taking him to the supermarket and spending a lot of money to buy him a whole shelf of candy… such as…

Gu Siyi fell asleep in these unrealistic fantasies for the rest of the class.

"Gu Siyi."

"Gu Siyi."

Zheng Peipei nudged her twice. Gu Siyi was startled awake and sat up abruptly.

Then she found that the history teacher was holding a book and walking over while lecturing.

Amitabha. Gu Siyi's sleepiness was all frightened away. She sat upright and looked at the book.

"Gu Siyi."

Gu Siyi, who was named, stood up immediately, but she was dumbfounded, her eyes wide open, staring at the teacher.

Zheng Peipei kicked her foot under the table and whispered, "Read. This paragraph."

Gu Siyi glanced down and saw where the pen was pointing. She immediately read aloud.

After reading a paragraph, the teacher asked her to sit down and continued to explain.

Gu Siyi let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, she didn't embarrass herself.

After class, Gu Siyi took Zheng Peipei's arm and said, "Thank you for helping me just now. I'll treat you to tea after school."

"Great, I'll have tea." Zheng Peipei snapped her fingers with a smile.

"You can sleep peacefully in class from now on. I will definitely stand guard for you."

"…" Gu Siyi coughed lightly and explained, "Today is a special situation. I generally don't sleep in class."

As a good student who strives to reach the peak of life, how could she sleep in class?

If she really had to sleep…she would only sleep in minor subjects!

In the second English class, Gu Siyi tried her best to cheer up.

The English teacher was a young man who looked very bookish. He wrote his name on the blackboard: Ji Mu.

The students were whispering to each other. Zheng Peipei couldn't help but lean into Gu Siyi's ear and say, "This English teacher is quite handsome, isn't he?"

Gu Siyi: "He's okay." Compared to Xia Zhijun, this kind of delicate and handsome appearance was nothing.

After Ji Mu introduced himself, he picked a row of students to read in turn.

Gu Siyi happened to be in this row.

Gu Siyi had read all the previous texts under the leadership of Xia Zhijun, and she could already recite the first one. She was extraordinarily calm in class. When it was her turn to read, her voice was like a gurgling stream, neither hurried nor slow, pleasant to the ear, and with just the right rhythm.

After she finished reading, Ji Mu asked, "What's your name?"

Ji Mu nodded, "Okay, Gu Siyi will be the English class representative from now on."

Gu Siyi: "…"

Zheng Peipei gave Gu Siyi a thumbs up, "Great!"

Gu Siyi never expected that she would become the English class representative just like that?

But she was someone who almost set herself on fire with her English textbook!

At the end of the class, the teacher assigned homework and announced the end of class.

The classroom became lively. Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi ran to the back to play.

"Wow, I didn't expect your English to be so good!"

"Your pronunciation is so standard, and the English you read is very pleasant to listen to."

"Class representative, you have to lead us to read in the future~~"

Gu Siyi said a little uncomfortably, "It's just okay, really…"

"Being overly modest is arrogance, Siyi."

"I found that Siyi is just too low-key. She says she's a bad student all day long, and then she makes a move at a critical moment."

Zheng Peipei said, "Only those who study well are modest. Real bad students have already given up on themselves."

Gu Siyi: "…"

She seemed to hear a snicker from beside her.

She turned her head and saw Xia Zhijun flipping through his book.

It was him, it must be him, he knew her background best…

Before the last class in the afternoon ended, Zheng Peipei said to Gu Siyi, "Can I have dinner with you?"

Gu Siyi asked, "Aren't you very close to those four?"

"Xia Zhijun is not easy to mess with, Lu Jiaye doesn't like me, Su Han is okay, and Zhou Xiao hardly talks. It's boring to eat with them. It's better to be with our own people." As she spoke, Zheng Peipei took Gu Siyi's arm and said, "Honey, you're the only deskmate I know. You must accompany me."

Gu Siyi couldn't stand children acting coquettishly… As soon as she acted coquettishly, her heart of pity immediately overflowed.

So she nodded decisively, "Okay, I'll treat you to tea."

Therefore, the four of them went to the cafeteria to eat dinner together. Because of Gu Siyi, Zheng Peipei also got to know Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi.

The girls were chatting happily when Zheng Peipei suggested, "Why don't you two switch seats with the two in front of us? It's so tiring to run back and forth after class."

"I wonder if they'd be willing?"

"I'll take care of that." Zheng Peipei had her ways.

As the girls were eating, Xia Zhijun and his group came down from upstairs. As they passed by, there were glances and whispers again.

Zheng Peipei turned her head and took a look, clicking her tongue, "What a scene."

Xiang Li sighed, "The last time I talked to Xia Zhijun, I got to experience his lethality up close. He deserves to be the school grass."

Zhang Xinyi nodded, "He's really handsome."

Xiang Li asked Gu Siyi, "Siyi, do you get a racing heart when you face Xia Zhijun?"

Gu Siyi choked and didn't know how to answer.

Zheng Peipei put her arm around Gu Siyi's shoulder and said earnestly, "Siyi, you must not like him. Let me tell you, he has a very, very bad temper. He was a bully in our courtyard before, and no one dared to provoke him. The most hateful thing is that such an arrogant and domineering person, just by relying on his looks, has attracted countless girls to like him and shed tears for him. You must not fall for him, don't be as tacky as those idiots."

Gu Siyi pushed her away and said with a serious face, "Don't you have enough homework or are you confident about getting into Qingbei University? Why are you always thinking about these things about liking or not liking someone? My goal is the school grass of Qingbei University, not the school grass of Longxing High School."

"Great, great, great!" Zheng Peipei clapped her hands happily, "Let's go to Qingbei University to chase after the school grass together."

After dinner, Gu Siyi treated them to tea.

Xiang Li said, "Let's go to the library to study together tonight?"

Zhang Xinyi nodded, "Sure."

Longxing High School gave students free time in the evening. The study rooms, reading rooms, and other places were open 24 hours a day. Leisure and entertainment venues were also open after school.

Zheng Peipei quickly waved her hand, "No, no, don't invite me to study. You can find me for anything related to eating, drinking, and having fun."

Gu Siyi said a little embarrassedly, "Next time, I have something else to do tonight."

She had already received a WeChat message from Xia Zhijun, asking her to meet at the basketball court next to the Sixian Garden at eight o'clock.

Gu Siyi prepared a box of Haagen-Dazs and a box of Dove chocolate and rushed over before the appointed time.

From afar, she saw Xia Zhijun's tall back as he played basketball alone.

As soon as she reached the edge of the court, the basketball flew towards her. Gu Siyi put down the bag in her hand and jumped up to catch it.

She dribbled the ball to the center of the court and made a perfect three-pointer.

Turning back, she found Xia Zhijun walking to the parallel bars and leaning against them lazily.

Gu Siyi immediately went up to him like a dog and stood at attention in front of the great master. She said, "What I said this afternoon about not liking you, I definitely didn't mean it in a way that I hate you. Don't misunderstand me."

Xia Zhijun turned his head to look at her. Under the moonlight, his features were picturesque, and his eyes were unreadable.

He was about to raise his hand when Gu Siyi took a step back, covered her ears with both hands, looked at her nose and then at her heart, and said with utmost sincerity, "I swear by my ears, I'm definitely not lying."

"…" Xia Zhijun's hand paused in mid-air, and he was stunned for a few seconds.

He almost burst out laughing. She was amazing, she even dared to fight wits and courage with him.


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