Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

“Are you feeling unwell?” Xia Zhijun’s voice came through.

Gu Siyi was stunned for a moment. “How did you know?”

“Your friend told me.” Xia Zhijun was standing in the corner corridor on the second floor of the canteen, talking in a low voice on his phone.

He knew that Gu Siyi ate with the two girls every day. When he met them today and didn’t see Gu Siyi, he went up and asked, “Where is Gu Siyi?”

It was the first time Zhang Xinyi had spoken to Xia Zhijun, and he was the one who started the conversation. Her face flushed red as she looked at his handsome face, her heart pounding. She didn't know what to say for a long time.

Xiang Li, who was beside her, was in a more stable state. She hurriedly said, “Siyi is not feeling well and went back to the dorm to rest.” After thinking for a while, she added, “We offered to bring her food, but she refused. She might have an upset stomach.”

Xia Zhijun nodded to show that he understood and turned to leave.

When he was gone, Xiang Li let out a long breath and said, “He’s so handsome, I’m breathless. What’s it like for Siyi to be with him every day, my God.”

There was no response from the person next to her. Xiang Li nudged Zhang Xinyi’s arm. “Hey, are you dumbstruck?”

Zhang Xinyi’s face was still red, and she mumbled, “No wonder he’s the school heartthrob…”

Xia Zhijun hadn’t eaten yet. His friends were all waiting upstairs, but he first found a place where there were not many people coming and going, and the sound was not too noisy, to call Gu Siyi and ask about her situation.

“Where are you feeling unwell?”

Gu Siyi was a little embarrassed. She wasn’t feeling unwell anywhere in particular, just inexplicably depressed and didn’t want to go to the canteen to eat.

But she couldn’t say such inexplicable words, so she said slowly, “I have a bit of a stomachache. I want to rest in the dorm…”

“Don’t eat snacks or drink tea if you have a stomachache.”


“Then you rest first.”


After hanging up the phone, Gu Siyi breathed a sigh of relief and continued to do her homework.

What else can relieve worries but studying! To bury one's head in studies in the dormitory while everyone else is eating is the spirit of striving to become stronger! The more Gu Siyi studied, the more she felt like she was standing on the peak of her life!

Xia Zhijun went up to the third floor, and his friends were waiting impatiently.

He said indifferently, “You guys eat, I still have something to do.”

Zheng Peipei looked at his handsome and tall back, feeling a sense of abandonment. She said dejectedly, “Is it because I’m here that he doesn’t want to eat with us?”

Lu Jiaye thought about it seriously for a moment and nodded. “Maybe that’s true. A’Jun really doesn’t like to eat with girls.”

Zheng Peipei’s dejected expression suddenly turned furious, and she kicked his stool. “If you don’t speak, no one will think you’re mute!”

“Hey, it was obviously you who said it…” Lu Jiaye felt so wronged. In the end, he couldn’t help but complain, “My little Jiuwo is still better, sweet and spicy, unlike you who only knows how to be fierce, just spicy, too much!”

“Say that again?” Zheng Peipei glared.

“Forget it, forget it, a good man doesn’t fight with a woman.” Lu Jiaye admitted defeat.

Su Han smiled and said, “Peipei is not fierce, this is real, a real girl is the most lovable.”

Zheng Peipei instantly changed from cloudy to sunny, and she smiled brightly at him. “I like guys with good eyesight like you.”

Gu Siyi was swimming in the ocean of knowledge, but she was stuck on a math problem, unable to figure it out after much thought.

As she was scribbling on the scratch paper, trying to figure it out, her phone rang again.

Her originally irritated expression relaxed when she saw the name on the caller ID.

She answered the phone: “Hello?”

Before Xia Zhijun could speak, she said hurriedly, “I have a question to ask, are you free?”

“Yes, I’m downstairs in your dorm building, bring your book down.” Xia Zhijun said calmly.

“…” Gu Siyi was caught off guard. How did Xia Zhijun get downstairs?

But she was eager to learn and didn’t care about the details. She picked up her workbook, scratch paper, and pen and went downstairs quickly.

Wherever Xia Zhijun stood, it was as if there was a spotlight on him, and people passing by frequently looked back at him.

What was most surprising was that this school heartthrob, known for being a cold and aloof scholar, would actually stand downstairs in the girls’ dormitory waiting for someone.

Gu Siyi trotted all the way to Xia Zhijun. Xia Zhijun strode towards her, held her shoulder, and said, “Slow down, don’t you have a stomachache?”

Uh… She forgot about that.

Gu Siyi stopped in her tracks, frowned, and put on a pained expression, clutching her stomach. “Hmm, I’m not feeling well…”

Xia Zhijun glanced at her and said, “That’s a stomachache, not a stomachache.”

“…” Gu Siyi’s expression froze for a second, and she quickly switched to an even more pained wry smile. “So it’s a stomachache… It hurts so much, I can’t tell the difference between my stomach and my stomach…”

Xia Zhijun was speechless. He handed the bag he was carrying to Gu Siyi. “Here.”

Gu Siyi took it and opened it. Inside were several lunch boxes, the heat and aroma wafting out from under the closed lids.

“I thought you had a stomachache, so I prepared porridge and stomach medicine for you, but you have a stomachache.” With that, Xia Zhijun glanced at her and chuckled. “Silly.”

Gu Siyi chuckled twice. She wasn’t angry at being called silly at all, and she felt inexplicably sweet for some reason.

She looked really silly smiling like that.

“But, you prepared so much food for me, I can’t finish it.”

“I haven’t eaten either, let’s eat together.” Afraid that she would refuse, he had prepared everything and brought it over to find her.

“Oh, okay.”

The two sat in a row, drinking porridge and eating together. Gu Siyi completely forgot about her stomachache. She didn’t pretend that she couldn’t eat much, and naturally finished the whole bowl of porridge. After eating, she took the initiative to clean up the table and take out the trash.

Xia Zhijun observed her nimble movements and rosy complexion from the side, and said thoughtfully, “You seem to be in good shape.”

“…” Gu Siyi’s movements paused. Only then did she remember that she was still a “patient.”

If he knew that she had pretended to be sick to get a free meal from him and had even been carried on his back all the way, would he beat her to death?

Gu Siyi forced herself to act and said with a look of sudden realization, “That’s right, my stomach doesn’t hurt anymore… Could it be that the porridge was so delicious that it cured me…”

“Maybe. Stomachaches come and go.” Xia Zhijun said leisurely, his eyes falling on the girl’s quietly reddened earlobes, fully displaying the good quality of not exposing her lie.

“Hmm, it comes and goes. The last wave of pain just passed, and now it’s gone.” Gu Siyi breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness she managed to fool him. “Then I’ll go take out the trash.”

Xia Zhijun watched as the girl carried the bag and walked out of the classroom. She was wearing the uniform school jacket on top, a white-collar short-sleeved shirt and black pants, her ponytail swaying with her steps, and her slender, fair calves below.

He leaned his head on his hand lazily, twirling a pen in his hand, and watched her walk out and back in.

Then she walked towards him step by step until she sat down next to him.

Just as Gu Siyi sat down, Xia Zhijun suddenly raised his hand and lightly touched her earlobe.

“Don’t.” He whispered as she was about to dodge, his voice hoarse in a way she had never heard before.

“What are you doing?” Gu Siyi said angrily, at a loss.

“Have you seen Inuyasha?”

“Yes.” Gu Siyi didn’t understand why he suddenly brought up this old anime.

“Your ears are like Inuyasha’s, they make people want to play with them.” Xia Zhijun made up a lie with a straight face.

Gu Siyi’s mind conjured up the image of Inuyasha’s pointy dog ears, and she almost exploded. She turned her head to avoid his clutches, covered her burning ears, and said angrily, “Are you saying my ears are like dog ears?”

Before he could answer, she retorted, “My ears are not that pointy, your description is too much! I won’t let you play with them!”

Xia Zhijun couldn’t help but laugh, his laughter unstoppable.

Gu Siyi sat there sulking, but as she looked at him, her anger subsided.

Because he looked so good when he smiled…

“Alright, have you laughed enough? Hurry up and explain the problem to me.” Gu Siyi opened her workbook with some annoyance, placed the problem in front of Xia Zhijun, and handed him the scratch paper.

Xia Zhijun stopped laughing, glanced at the problem, and began writing the solution steps on the paper.

Gu Siyi was amazed by his speed and asked, “Don’t you need to think about it?”

“It’s obvious at a glance.” He put down his pen, the problem solved.

“…” Gu Siyi, who was secretly thinking to herself, I’m learning ahead, the teacher hasn’t even taught this yet, I’m not bad, right, looked at the problem that she had been racking her brains over for more than ten minutes without a clue, and saw it solved by Xia Zhijun in a matter of seconds as if he didn’t need to use his brain. Her heart was about to break…

“Can you understand the steps?” Xia Zhijun asked.

Gu Siyi silently moved her head over to look. The steps were very clear, indeed obvious at a glance. Why didn’t she think of that before?

Xia Zhijun looked at the time and said, “I’ll stay with you for another half an hour. Ask me if you don’t understand anything.”

“Oh, okay.” Gu Siyi nodded and said sincerely, “Thank you.”

Xia Zhijun played games on his phone while Gu Siyi sat beside him and worked on her problems. He thoughtfully put on his earphones, not letting the sound effects disturb her.

As Gu Siyi was deep in thought over a problem, she suddenly became conflicted…

Could Xia Zhijun solve this problem in minutes?

Would asking him about it make her look stupid?

Should she ask him or try to figure it out herself?

Was this really a difficult problem that required asking?

In the end, she decided… to skip that problem for now.

After a while, having done several problems in a row, she turned her head and saw that Xia Zhijun had fallen asleep on the table.

He was in a very casual posture, one earbud had fallen out, and the other was still in his ear.

Gu Siyi took off her jacket, moved it to his side, and gently draped it over Xia Zhijun’s shoulders, who was wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

Seeing the earbud below, she gently took it out. Out of curiosity, she put the earbud in her ear and listened for a bit. Mayday’s song was playing inside.

“Walking in the wind, today, suddenly feels so warm

The warmth of the sky, the warmth of the earth, like you’re holding me…”

It was an old song, but she suddenly found it very pleasant to listen to.

Gu Siyi didn’t take off the earbud but listened quietly until the song was over. Her eyes fell on Xia Zhijun, who was sleeping beside her, and a feeling of indescribable contentment filled her heart.

The corners of her lips curled up silently, and her eyes were filled with an unknown joy.

When the song was over, she took off the earbud and put the wire away for him. She sat back down and continued to work on her problems.

Gu Siyi thought about it. Xia Zhijun was already asleep. If she woke him up to go back to the dorm to rest and then go to class, it would be a waste of time. It would be better to let him sleep until class. And she, for some reason, was full of energy and spent the entire lunch break working on problems.

In his half-asleep state, Xia Zhijun smelled a faint fragrance. He generally disliked smelling the scents of the outside world, including all kinds of perfumes. But this scent seemed to carry a natural sense of closeness, making him genuinely like it, not resisting it at all, and even indulging in this scent to sleep.

It wasn’t until he woke up that he realized the source of this scent was the jacket draped over him…

Gu Siyi put away her books and said, “You’re awake. It’s almost time, we can go to class.”

Xia Zhijun sat there without moving, as if he hadn’t fully woken up yet, clutching the jacket in his hand.

“Let’s go.” As Gu Siyi reached for her jacket, Xia Zhijun suddenly gripped it tightly, his face tense as he looked at her, his eyes dark and sharp.

Gu Siyi was so startled that she let go of her hand and froze.

Xia Zhijun lowered his head, looked at the jacket in his hand, then at the stunned Gu Siyi. His eyes gradually softened, and his expression relaxed. He pinched the bridge of his nose, tossed the jacket to her, and said, “I wasn’t fully awake just now.”

“Oh…” Gu Siyi breathed a sigh of relief. “So you have a bad temper when you wake up.”

“Not really.” Xia Zhijun yawned lazily and stood up.

The two left together, walking through the campus, and entered the classroom to the sound of the bell for the next class.

Xia Zhijun had slept for an entire afternoon and was in good spirits. Gu Siyi, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She had been full of energy before, but by the time class started, she was so sleepy that she could barely keep her eyes open. She tried her best to stay awake. Finally, when class was over, she趴on the table, wanting to take a short nap. Zheng Peipei leaned close to her ear and said, “I heard that Xia Zhijun went downstairs to your dorm to wait for you at noon and even carried you on his back to the comprehensive building?”

“…” How fast did this gossip spread?

“Hey, can you tell me what it feels like to be carried on Xia Zhijun’s back? I’ve never seen him carry a girl before.”

“What did you guys do during lunch break? I could tell you were sleepy during class…”

Gu Siyi said concisely with great sleepiness, “Went to study… Let me sleep for a while…”

“Why did he have to carry you on his back if you went to study?”


“Tsk… I didn’t realize before that he’s such a clingy person.”


“Are you two dating?”

“!!!” Gu Siyi was startled awake by this question, her sleepiness completely gone. She adjusted her expression and said sternly, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Oh…” Zheng Peipei looked as if she had realized something, then smiled slyly. “Then what do you think of him? Do you like him?”

“I don’t like him! Stop saying these things!” Gu Siyi scolded in a low voice.

She was afraid that this awkward conversation would be overheard by the person next to her.

But as luck would have it, Zheng Peipei, upon hearing her words, acted as if her plan had succeeded. She leaned her head over and shouted at Xia Zhijun, who was sitting next to her, “A’Jun, did you hear that? Little Jiuwo said she doesn’t like you.”

Xia Zhijun, who was reading a book, glanced over at them indifferently, his expression unreadable.

Lu Jiaye burst into laughter when he heard this. “As expected of our little sister, she’s not blinded by love.”

Gu Siyi felt like her head was about to explode from their teasing. She stood up and said, “I’m going to the bathroom.”

Zheng Peipei sat down in Gu Siyi’s seat, made a face at Xia Zhijun, and said with a giggle, “Surprised? Sad? Heartbroken?”

Xia Zhijun remained expressionless. He pulled over the book that Lu Jiaye had spread out on the table, tore off a page, crumpled it up in his hand, and threw it at Zheng Peipei’s face.

It was fast and accurate, hitting her right in the face. Zheng Peipei hissed and covered her face with her hand. “Don’t hit the face, you’re too ruthless.”

Although it wasn’t terribly painful, it still hurt like hell.

Zheng Peipei was indignant. She got up and went over to their table, grabbed the book, returned to her seat, and tore off a page.

Lu Jiaye’s eyelids twitched, and he wailed, “Holy crap, why are you both tearing up my book?!”

Zheng Peipei crumpled up the page and threw it at Xia Zhijun.

Xia Zhijun leaned back slightly, dodging it just in time. The paper ball hit Lu Jiaye squarely.

Lu Jiaye was furious and slammed his hand on the table. “Both of you, not only did you tear up my book, but you’re also using me as a target?!”

Zheng Peipei confronted him. “I got hit in the face, and all you care about is your book?”

While the two were arguing, Xia Zhijun got up and left the classroom without even looking back.

Su Han, the enthusiastic spectator, came over to mediate. “It’s just a torn page, just buy another one. How much can a paper ball hurt…”

Zheng Peipei: “That’s right, I got hit in the face. Xia Zhijun is so fierce.”

Lu Jiaye cut her off. “He’s always been fierce, and you’re only realizing it now?”


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