Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Gu Siyi was still hesitating when Lu Jiaye, who was coming out of the private room, saw her and raised his hand to greet her. "Hey, Siyi, you're here too."

His greeting made Xia Zhijun and the student beside him turn their heads to look.

Gu Siyi smiled and said, "What a coincidence, I came here to eat with my parents."

When Gu Siyi's eyes met the student's, they both sized each other up.

The student had short, fresh hair, was neither tall nor short, and was wearing jeans and a short-sleeved shirt. Her figure was very curvy. She looked about their age.

Lu Jiaye introduced them to each other. "This is Ajun's good friend, the little dimple sister." When he said "little dimple," he deliberately emphasized the words and gave Xia Zhijun a teasing glance.

Gu Siyi didn't understand the deeper meaning and felt that Lu Jiaye's introduction was strange. She added, "Hello, I'm their classmate, Gu Siyi."

The student was amused by the word "hello" and smiled mockingly. "Hello, classmate, want to shake hands?"

"…" Gu Siyi felt that this person seemed to have an unusual relationship with Xia Zhijun, so she decided to give her some face. Even though she heard the teasing tone, she still reached out her hand. The student laughed even harder.

Gu Siyi's hand stayed in the air, a little embarrassed. Just as she was about to withdraw it silently, Xia Zhijun suddenly raised his hand, grabbed her wrist, pulled her to his side, and said, "Don't mind her."

Lu Jiaye said, "This is Ajun's childhood sweetheart, the wild girl Zheng Peipei."

"Wild girl your sister!" Zheng Peipei retorted.

Xia Zhijun ignored the two who were quarreling, pulled Gu Siyi's hand, took her to the side, and asked, "Your parents are here too?"

"Yeah." Gu Siyi nodded, and when her eyes looked down, she happened to see his hand holding her wrist. His fingers were fair and slender, and his palms were warm and dry.

Xia Zhijun let go of her hand and said, "Take me to them. I'll say hello to your uncle and aunt."

Lu Jiaye and Zheng Peipei watched the two leave. Zheng Peipei said, "What's up with this little dimple sister? Is she Ajun's relative?"

When she saw him grabbing her wrist, she raised her eyebrows, quite surprised.

The two of them grew up in the same compound, and although they had moved away from each other in the past two years, she clearly remembered that Xia Zhijun, as a popular figure, was particularly annoyed by girls getting close to him.

Lu Jiaye clicked his tongue. "A pure brother-sister relationship without any blood ties. Their parents are good friends."

Gu Zhiyuan and Xu Jiahui never expected that their daughter would bring Xia Zhijun back after going to the bathroom.

Xia Zhijun greeted them politely. "Hello, Uncle, Auntie."

The couple was surprised and hurriedly got up to greet him. Looking at the messy table, they hurriedly called the waiter to order another table of dishes.

Xia Zhijun said, "I've already eaten. I was having dinner here with my friends when I happened to see Siyi and realized that Uncle and Auntie were here."

Xia Zhijun sat down generously under Gu Zhiyuan's greeting.

Gu Siyi sat aside, watching Xia Zhijun chatting with her parents, feeling a thousand times impressed in her heart.

She was most afraid of dealing with elders, so when she learned that he had an appointment with his friends, she didn't say anything more. It was mainly because she was worried that he would feel uncomfortable.

But the situation in front of her was that the aloof and taciturn top student in school could actually chat and laugh with her parents.

Talking about studies, talking about school, talking about education, there was no awkwardness at all, and there was even a feeling of being bathed in a spring breeze.

Xia Zhijun sat there for more than half an hour, and when his phone rang in the middle, he hung up directly.

It was Gu Siyi who said, "His classmates are waiting for him. Don't keep him talking."

When they said goodbye, Gu Zhiyuan asked Xia Zhijun which private room he was in so that he could pay the bill together. Xia Zhijun didn't refuse and accepted with a smile. Gu Zhiyuan felt even more comfortable. He was afraid that this young master wouldn't accept his kindness.

When Gu Siyi was in the taxi with her parents, Gu Zhiyuan sighed. "A tiger father has no dog sons. This young man will have a bright future."

Xu Jiahui said, "High IQ, high EQ, wealthy family, and strong backing. He's one in a million."

Gu Zhiyuan said to Gu Siyi, "You're classmates with Xia Zhijun. Get along well with him. He'll be a very important person in the future."

In the past, when Gu Siyi heard them praising other people's children, she would impatiently find something to say, but this time she didn't say anything. After all, the top student's results were there. She was convinced.


After the military training, the official high school life began.

On Monday morning, during the first class, the class teacher brought a student into the classroom and said, "This is our new classmate, Zheng Peipei."

Gu Siyi: "…"

Wasn't this the short-haired girl she saw at the hotel that day?

She was actually the classmate who had been absent.

There was only one empty seat in the class, which was next to Gu Siyi, so Zheng Peipei sat next to her.

"Hey, baby, we meet again." Zheng Peipei greeted Gu Siyi.

Gu Siyi: "…" I'm not a baby at all, I'm even taller than you!

She forced out a polite smile. "So you're my absent deskmate."

Zheng Peipei said complacently, "Military training was too tiring, I didn't want to participate. It's just right to come now."

"…" Awesome, ignoring school discipline, coming whenever she wanted. As expected of Xia Zhijun's childhood sweetheart.

Li Hong said on the podium, "I won't arrange seats. You can sit wherever you want, as long as both parties agree. I don't want you to waste your precious time and energy on getting along with your new deskmate. The choice is yours. Choose someone you're familiar with and who can help you with your studies."

Gu Siyi was quite surprised, and then she admired her. This was probably the confidence of a key high school. They were not afraid that you wouldn't study, nor were they anxious for you to study. They only gave you the best environment to study most efficiently.

"Next, I'll appoint the class committee members for this semester." Li Hong flipped through her lesson plan and turned to write on the blackboard.

Class monitor: Lan Xiaoqiu

Deputy class monitor: Zhang Kailun

Study committee member: Xia Zhijun

Sports committee member: Zhou Xiao

Hygiene committee member: Lu Jiaye

Arts and culture committee member: Su Han

League branch secretary: Zheng Peipei

A series of class committee members' names were written down, and the four committee members in the middle were the most eye-catching.

The class teacher was still writing down the names of the class representatives and group leaders for each subject, but the students below were already buzzing with excitement.

Someone chuckled softly. "The four committee members, Class Six's W4…"

As if it had resonated with them, the others laughed along. "W4 is not bad, let's represent Class Six in a debut."

When Lu Jiaye heard this, he threw a paper ball to the front. "W4 your sister!"

Then he said angrily, "For handsome guys with such personality like us, we should at least be A4! W is at the bottom of the list!"

Zhou Xiao facepalmed. "Lu Jiaye, if you don't talk, no one will know you're stupid, really."

Su Han said seriously, "As long as we remove Lu Jiaye, I'm willing to be W3."

Lu Jiaye kicked the table next to him. "You two traitors who betrayed your father."

Xia Zhijun sat leisurely to the side, flipping through his extracurricular book, too lazy to pay attention to the noise of those few.

When the teacher finished writing down the names of all the class committee members, Gu Siyi realized that everyone around her was a class committee member, and she was the only ordinary citizen.

Forget it, forget it, studying was the most important thing. These were all superficial. It was good to have no position and focus on studying.

After writing down the names of the class committee members, the class teacher announced another piece of news. There would be a midterm exam in two months.

There were still two months to go. Gu Siyi secretly encouraged herself. In two months, she could study hard and wouldn't necessarily fall behind.

Gu Siyi spent the entire morning's class in this state of being spurred on.

She sat upright in class, her ears perked up to listen to the lecture, wishing she could write down every word the teacher said in her notebook. After class, she would pore over her books and notes, trying her best to digest the content of the class.

During the break, Zheng Peipei snapped her fingers next to her ear. "Hey!"

Gu Siyi turned her head to look at her and advised with a smile, "Relax, buddy, don't be so nervous."

Gu Siyi smiled. "Classmate, you don't understand. I don't blame you. I study, studying makes me happy, studying makes me fulfilled. I want to borrow another hundred years from the heavens to study, study!"

Zheng Peipei was speechless for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Lu Jiaye saw it and poked his head over. "What are you talking about? You're laughing so happily…"

Gu Siyi said, "Talking about studying."

Zheng Peipei said with a smile, "Yeah… talking about studying…"

Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi came over to ask Gu Siyi to go to the bathroom with them. After Gu Siyi left with them, Zheng Peipei sat in her seat, leaning forward, tapping her fingers on Xia Zhijun's desk, and said, "Your little sister is quite interesting. It seems like she's a top student."

Xia Zhijun turned around, leaned lazily on the desk, stretched his shoulders and neck to relax. He had been sitting for too long and was tired.

Xia Zhijun didn't answer, but Lu Jiaye chimed in with interest. "I've also noticed that Siyi studies very seriously. Ajun, maybe you have a competitor."

? Xia Zhijun thought of Gu Siyi hitting her head on the table and saying that she wanted to burn herself with English, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Zheng Peipei said, "I don't believe it. If she can surpass the god of studying, I'll acknowledge her as my boss."

When Gu Siyi came back from the bathroom and passed by the classroom window, she saw Zheng Peipei sitting in her seat, chatting happily with Xia Zhijun and the others.

She happened to see Xia Zhijun smile. His back and arms were leaning against the desk, and the lines from his lower jaw to his neck were too beautiful. The corners of his mouth were curved up.

She didn't know what they were talking about that made him smile so happily.


Gu Siyi walked to the corridor and said, "I want to get some fresh air outside. I'll go in when class starts."

Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi stayed outside with her and chatted.

It wasn't until the bell rang for class that Gu Siyi walked into the classroom and sat down.

The morning classes were over, and it was time for lunch. Everyone went to the cafeteria in twos and threes. Gu Siyi walked with a few friends.

"Hey, that new classmate seems to have a good relationship with the four committee members. She's even going to eat with them."

The discussion of the people next to her reached Gu Siyi's ears. She looked up and saw Zheng Peipei and Xia Zhijun.

During the military training before, Lu Jiaye had asked Gu Siyi to eat with them several times. Gu Siyi didn't want to be with them every day and alienate her relationship with other students, so she refused most of the time. Later, they stopped asking.

Gu Siyi suddenly didn't want to eat in the cafeteria anymore. She said, "I'm not feeling well. I want to go back to the dormitory to rest."

Xiang Li asked with concern, "What's wrong? Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

Gu Siyi hurriedly said, "It's nothing, it's nothing. I'm just a little tired and don't want to eat in the cafeteria."

Zhang Xinyi asked again, "Then what are you going to eat for lunch? Do you want us to bring you food?"

"No need, I have a lot of food in my dormitory. My mom brought it over on the weekend. There are also local specialties. You guys can come and get some later."

After Gu Siyi said goodbye to them, she went back to the dormitory alone.

She prepared snacks on the table, then prepared her textbooks and workbooks. Eating, studying, all arranged.

Immersed in the ocean of studying, her phone rang. It was Xia Zhijun calling.

She stared at the screen for a few seconds before answering, her voice slow and drawn out. "Hello?"

"Are you feeling unwell?" Xia Zhijun's voice came through.


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