Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

The two weeks of military training were coming to an end. The days that were originally thought to be very difficult were now tinged with a touch of sadness as they neared their end.

On the day before the military parade, all the teams were organizing social activities. One male squadron was going to play games with one female squadron.

After the instructor announced this news, the girls were all encouraging Gu Siyi, saying, "You go talk to your brother and ask his team to have a social with us!" "Siyi, it's up to you to win over the most handsome boys in the whole grade!" "Siyi, go for it!" "Siyi GOGOGO!"

Shouldering the hopes of the entire team, Gu Siyi sent a WeChat message to Xia Zhijun during the lunch break: "I heard there's a social event tonight."

It didn't take long for him to reply with an "Mm."

"Can you guys come and play with us?"

"Don't know."

"Try your best!"

Xia Zhijun looked at the phone screen and chuckled softly but didn't reply.

Before dismissing them that afternoon, the instructor said, "Children, the most sought-after boys' squadron will be having a social with us tonight."

The girls cheered with delight. Gu Siyi looked in Xia Zhijun's direction, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to see anything.

That evening, when the two squadrons met up, the girls could hardly contain their excitement. The boys, in a departure from their usual boisterous behavior, were much more refined in their speech.

The first game was for the boys and girls to form two large circles, inner and outer. A mineral water bottle was passed from hand to hand. The instructor played music, and when the music stopped, whoever had the mineral water bottle had to come out and take the penalty.

This way, it would be one boy and one girl each time. The boy would do push-ups with the girl on his back, and the girl would do a talent show.

When the music started, everyone was very nervous and passed the bottle quickly.

The first boy and girl chosen were a skinny boy and a sturdy girl.

As soon as the girl sat on his back, the boy directly collapsed on the ground, begging for mercy with a bitter face, sending the crowd into roars of laughter.

Gu Siyi laughed and thought, it's a good thing it's not me, otherwise it would be too awkward.

But some things you just can't avoid. When the bottle was passed to Gu Siyi, the music stopped. Her heart skipped a beat.

The girls were standing in the inner circle, and the boys were standing in the outer circle, so the boys could see to whom the bottle was being passed in the inner circle.

When the bottle reached Lu Jiaye, he also clearly saw that it had just been passed to Gu Siyi.

Ha—ha—ha—the little man in his heart crossed his arms, threw his head back, and laughed. Five push-ups with his sister on his back, and then a kiss.

Lu Jiaye grinned and was about to step forward when the bottle was suddenly snatched away.

Xia Zhijun, who was standing next to him, took the bottle and stepped forward as if nothing had happened.

"……???" What the hell?

"No, this bottle was just in my hand, you saw it, right?" Lu Jiaye turned to Su Han next to him for confirmation.

Su Han patted him on the shoulder and said meaningfully, "You can't let anyone eat the grass on your own rabbit's territory."

"I'm so… He's too cunning!" Lu Jiaye was filled with regret.

It was all because he was careless just now. He should have immediately grabbed the bottle and gone up. He was too busy getting excited, and his prize was snatched away!

Xia Zhijun and Gu Siyi walked to the center of the circle. Gu Siyi was slightly relieved to see that it was him, but then she became even more annoyed. As the two approached each other, she whispered with great difficulty, "I weigh 100 jin… Sorry."

She should have skipped dinner!

Most high school students don't weigh more than 100 jin. Gu Siyi felt really bad for Xia Zhijun… TAT. It would have been much easier for him if it had been a petite girl.

Xia Zhijun looked her up and down, making Gu Siyi self-conscious. Then he raised the corner of his lips and said with a smile that wasn't quite a smile, "You're just right."

Xia Zhijun bent down, and Gu Siyi looked at the lines of his back and his firm buttocks, her cheeks flushing a little.

She only knew he was tall before, but now, looking closely, she realized that his proportions and some of his details were perfect…

Carefully, she sat on his lower back, near his buttocks. It was difficult to support herself with her back straight.

Their bodies were close together. Gu Siyi felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. She had never been so tormented before. She put her hands on Xia Zhijun's shoulders, her feet dangling in the air. "I'm ready. You… Go for it."

Don't collapse. If you fall flat, we'll be laughed at to death.

Xia Zhijun propped himself up on the ground and began to do push-ups, everyone counting along with him.

He was asked to do five, and he did five at a very steady pace. Someone shouted for him to do five more.

Gu Siyi almost wanted to curse, but Xia Zhijun didn't seem to have any intention of stopping and continued to do five more.

Sitting on him, she seemed to be able to feel his toned muscles and inexhaustible strength.

Gu Siyi was actually a little surprised because he was tall and handsome, with a refined temperament, and didn't look like a strong boy at first glance. But at this moment, she truly felt his powerful strength as a man.

Zhou Xiao clicked his tongue. "Ajjun's got a good waist on him."

Su Han commented, "A regular lady killer."

Lu Jiaye rolled his eyes. "Showoff! He just wanted to show off!"

By the time Xia Zhijun was finished, the girls' infatuation and excitement had reached their peak, and hormones were raging all over the place.

Gu Siyi got off Xia Zhijun, her cheeks flushed.

She said with heartfelt admiration, "That was amazing, you're in great shape."

Xia Zhijun looked at her meaningfully and said with a faint smile, "That's why I said, you're just right."

"…" Gu Siyi didn't know why, but his look made her blush even more.

After the boys' punishment was over, it was the girls' turn to perform their talents. Gu Siyi thought for a moment and said, "I'll do a dance for everyone."

She found an upbeat English song on the instructor's phone and danced a street dance along to the music.

This time, it was the boys who were whistling like crazy.

Xia Zhijun stood to the side, watching Gu Siyi's flexible waist and long legs.

She usually had a sweet smile, but at this moment, she was full of cool and sassy charm.

When she tilted her head and deliberately winked, her eyes seemed to have hooks that could steal a person's soul.

Xia Zhijun looked around, his eyes narrowing slightly as he saw the way the boys were looking at her with their eyes wide open and full of admiration.

He crossed his arms and stood to the side, a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

After their performance, the following penalties were nothing special.

But the atmosphere was still very good. One activity after another allowed the group of young people to completely relax after the boring and tiring military training.

That night, Gu Siyi lay in bed after taking a shower, and the feeling of sitting on Xia Zhijun's back inexplicably surfaced in her mind…

That indescribable special feeling lingered in her heart, bit by bit, soft and lingering.


The next morning was the military parade, and they had the afternoon off.

Gu Siyi's parents had been out of town the previous week, so this week they specially rushed to City C to spend the weekend with their daughter.

It was her first time away from home for school, and not to mention how well the child was adapting, the parents were also very worried.

Xu Jiahui kept saying, "Siyi's not home, it just feels like something's missing, kind of empty."

Gu Zhiyuan comforted her, "She'll have to go away to college eventually, it's good to adapt early. Children grow up and have to fly away."

When Gu Siyi finished her activities and saw her parents waiting on the sidelines, she was overjoyed.

The three of them went back to the dorm together, and Xu Jiahui took out a whole bunch of things she had bought especially, filling her desk and cabinet.

Gu Zhiyuan flipped through the books still on her desk and nodded in satisfaction. "Not bad, not bad, you're already studying on your own before classes even start."

Xu Jiahui said, "I was afraid you'd get sunburned from the military training, so I brought you some after-sun repair masks and skincare products."

"Those things are troublesome to use." Gu Siyi wasn't old enough to worry about skincare yet. Looking at all the bottles and jars, she just felt a headache. She looked in the mirror and said with satisfaction, "I think I look fine, I'm not tanned."

"Go take a shower and freshen up, and we'll go out to eat together. We'll take you around City C this afternoon."


"By the way, have you been in touch with Xia Zhijun?" Xu Jiahui asked.

"Yes, we're classmates."

"Well, give him a call and ask him to come out to eat with us."

"I'll ask." Gu Siyi picked up her phone and dialed Xia Zhijun's number.

She had gone to his house for dinner last week, so it was only polite to invite him out for a meal this time.

Xia Zhijun's phone was ringing on the table while he was in the bathroom taking a shower.

Lu Jiaye saw the note "Little Dimples" and clicked his tongue. Which little dimples?

Curiosity drove him to answer, "Hello? Who's this?"

Gu Siyi recognized Lu Jiaye's voice and asked, "Is Xia Zhijun there?"

Oh, so Little Dimples was the little sister.

Tsk…tsk, tsk, tsk…

"He's in the shower. This is Lu Jiaye answering on his behalf." Lu Jiaye was very enthusiastic when talking to Gu Siyi. "Little sis, are you going home this weekend? We're going out for a big meal with a bunch of friends, why don't you come too? We'll take you out to have some fun in the afternoon."

"My parents are here to see me, I don't have time."


After ending the call, Gu Siyi told her parents, "He has plans for the afternoon, he can't have dinner with us." Hanging out with a bunch of buddies was better than seeing two elders.

"Next time then." Xu Jiahui said regretfully.

The couple felt sorry for their daughter. They hadn't seen her for half a month and felt that she had lost a lot of weight. They took her straight to a high-end hotel and ordered a table full of delicacies, plus all kinds of things she liked to eat.

Gu Siyi felt a little overwhelmed when she saw the table full of food. "Okay, that's too much, we can't finish it all."

"Is the food at school not good, or is the military training too hard? Honey, your face has gotten so thin."

"You have to take care of yourself when you're studying away from home. If you get any thinner, the wind will blow you away."

Gu Siyi declared solemnly, "It's studying, studying is what's on my mind! Studying is making me lose weight day by day!"

Xu Jiahui's distressed expression instantly disappeared, and she nodded approvingly. "It's good to be thinner, you look better thinner."

Gu Zhiyuan agreed, "It's good to study, you don't even have to worry about losing weight. Your mother spends all day trying to lose weight."

Gu Siyi: "…" This world is hopeless.

When they were almost done eating, Gu Siyi felt her stomach was a little full and got up. "I'm going to the restroom."

Gu Siyi left the private room and headed for the restroom.

When she came back, as she was passing through the hall, she saw a familiar figure from behind.

A simple casual outfit couldn't hide his tall and straight figure, nor his unique temperament. She could tell it was him just from his back.


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