Little Sweetheart

Chapters List

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

The military training lasted for two weeks. With the first week as a foundation, the second week passed much faster.

Gu Siyi clearly noticed that the learning atmosphere around her had become stronger. Everyone was more motivated during morning reading (except for a certain genius on the other side of the corridor, who was still reading his extracurricular books and eating his candy. To be precise, he was now eating the candy that was given to him). At night, they no longer went out for tea and shopping in groups of three or five, but studied by themselves in their dormitories or classrooms.

Gu Siyi naturally felt a strong atmosphere of a key middle school, and she felt a little panicked.

At this time, there were no classes or tests, and no one knew each other's strength. She felt that she had to seize this pre-learning stage before school started and not fall behind.

She got up early every day, read silently in the dormitory for twenty minutes, and then went to the classroom to read with everyone else. During the lunch break, she would go back to the dormitory to read and do exercises after eating.

Her relationship with Xu Lin and Lan Xiaoqiu continued to be lukewarm.

Xu Lin actually showed signs of wanting to make amends, but Gu Siyi felt that they had different paths and could no longer treat each other as true friends like they did at the beginning. She didn't want to cause conflicts or isolate herself, so she decided to just be an ordinary roommate and classmate, treating each other with respect.

At four o'clock in the morning, the stars were all over the sky.

In a corner of the playground, Su Han and Lu Jiaye were playing table tennis. Zhou Xiao was playing on the horizontal bar.

Xia Zhijun was sitting on the parallel bars, lazily watching them play and eating candy.

Lu Jiaye lost the game and switched with Zhou Xiao.

He walked to Xia Zhijun's side and was about to take the bag from his hand, but Xia Zhijun quickly raised his hand to avoid him.

"No, I mean, are you serious? You're so stingy now that you won't even give your brother a candy?"

"Buy it yourself if you want to eat it," Xia Zhijun said lightly, firmly refusing to give him the things in his hand.

"Damn, plastic brotherhood! A piece of candy can reveal a person's true colors!" He said indignantly, while waiting for an opportunity, he suddenly reached out to grab the food.

Xia Zhijun was still one step faster than him, he flipped off the parallel bars and kicked him, "Get lost!"

Lu Jiaye's hand really couldn't compare to Xia Zhijun's, so he was discouraged.

But he was unwilling to show weakness, "I want to break up with you!"

Xia Zhijun, who had been unilaterally announced to break up with him no less than a thousand times, chuckled twice.

Su Han took a break and said, "Jue-meimei has been very busy recently, coming and going in a hurry every day."

Lu Jiaye deeply agreed, "That's right, she even walks with the wind."

Xia Zhijun didn't say anything, his expression was indifferent, as if he was thinking about something.

While they were chatting enthusiastically, he walked to the side alone, took out his phone, and dialed Gu Siyi's number.

Gu Siyi was doing exercises in the dormitory when the phone on the table rang. She saw that it was Xia Zhijun and hurriedly answered it.


"What are you doing?"

"Uh…" She paused for three seconds and said, "What's wrong?"

"Want to play basketball?"

"No, no, I want to study." Gu Siyi honestly explained, "Do you remember how many books I bought last time? I can't let them down."

Xia Zhijun chuckled and said leisurely, "Do you want me to tutor you?"

"No need, no need, I'm in the dormitory."

"Then come to the classroom."

Gu Siyi was a little distressed. Now was the stage where she was actively studying on her own, and she didn't want anyone to tutor her, especially the dazzling top student. The gap between their levels was too big. If she asked, she would be clueless, and if she asked three questions, she would shake her head nine times. It was too embarrassing.

Therefore, she politely declined his kindness, "Thank you, but it's still a long way from the dormitory to the teaching building, and it would be a waste of time to go back and forth. I'll be going to bed after studying for a while, so forget it, I won't go."


"Then, goodbye?"

Xia Zhijun hung up the phone, his expression was not very good-looking, and at the same time, his heart was very complicated.

He was actually rejected by a girl?

Xia Zhijun was not a narcissistic person. However, he had received countless love letters since he was a child, and the children's explicit and implicit hints annoyed him. The probability of being hit on when he went out was 100%.

Even though he didn't care about his looks, he knew that this skin was very popular with the opposite sex.

Of course, the most important thing was his studies, which had always been among the best since he was a child.

Therefore, when he took the initiative to offer to tutor Gu Siyi, his heart was filled with the thought of 'look how nice I am to you, you should know your gratitude'. Who knew…

Several of his buddies walked to Xia Zhijun's side and saw him standing there in a daze, they asked, "What are you thinking about, A'Jun, you look so preoccupied?"

Xia Zhijun was silent for a moment and said, "Have we not been in contact with girls for too long?"

"What? What did you say?"

"Hahaha, A'Jun, are you okay?" Su Han jokingly touched his forehead, but he slapped his hand away.

Zhou Xiao: "Aren't you the one who hates girls the most? You even said that you would suffocate if there were too many girls. Thanks to you, we've all cut off contact with them."

Lu Jiaye said indignantly, "That's why I want to draw a clear line with A'Jun! Damn male god group, it's clearly a single dog group!"

Zhou Xiao said calmly, "Isn't being single good? Is your phone not fun enough or is there not enough homework?"

Su Han said thoughtfully, "No, why did A'Jun suddenly ask this question? Could it be that he discovered that he is too good for anyone, and he has a midlife crisis as a single young man?"

Xia Zhijun's expression became more and more ugly. He originally just wanted to discuss what girls were thinking these days. But his buddies completely led the topic astray, and he didn't want to say a word.


The next morning, Gu Siyi was sitting in her seat on time, full of energy, reciting words aloud.

A figure swayed beside her, she turned her head and saw Xia Zhijun sitting in the empty seat next to her.

Gu Siyi asked, "Why are you sitting here?"

Xia Zhijun lazily flipped through the reading material in his hand and said, "Lu Jiaye said I was disturbing his sleep, so he drove me over here."

Gu Siyi turned her head to the other side and saw Lu Jiaye lying on the table, sound asleep.

To be able to sleep so peacefully amidst the sound of everyone reading, she admired him.

Gu Siyi continued to read her book, but it was different with someone sitting next to her, especially when this person had a self-contained filter that made every move he made look good. When Gu Siyi saw him put another candy in his mouth to chew, she couldn't help but ask, "You eat candy every day, don't you find it too sweet?"

She considered herself to have a sweet tooth, but she was still no match for Xia Zhijun.

Xia Zhijun said lightly, "Sugar helps to stabilize mood."

Gu Siyi glanced at Xia Zhijun, big brother, your mood is already very stable, basically, you have an aloof aura that says 'don't bother me'.

Forget it, continue memorizing words.

Gu Siyi persevered and finished memorizing the words in the first three units of English, and now she started memorizing the fourth unit.

"Transport, noun, transportation, verb, transport…"

"Transport… t, r, a, n, s, p, o, r, t… transport…"

"Transport, transport…"

Xia Zhijun couldn't help but laugh when he heard her repeating and mumbling a single word over and over again.

Gu Siyi was very sharp and caught this low chuckle, she turned her head and asked him, "Are you laughing at me?"

Xia Zhijun touched his teeth with his tongue, and after finishing the last bit of candy, he said lightly, "It's useless even if you memorize all the words."

"Who said it's useless? Vocabulary is the foundation!" Gu Siyi retorted.

"Words are dead, just memorizing words without language sense is useless, I suggest you memorize the text directly."

Gu Siyi struggled for a few seconds, and decided to follow Xia Zhijun's advice for the sake of his perfect English score.

"Okay, you're a top student, you're right." So, she turned the textbook to the front and started reading the text.

After reading it once, when she was about to start memorizing sentence by sentence, she heard Xia Zhijun chuckle again, as if it was a mockery from his soul.

Gu Siyi couldn't hold back and asked him, "What's wrong?"

"You read… really, um…" He seemed to be thinking of some appropriate words, then said leisurely, "You're putting a lot of effort into reading."

"…" Was this a joke about trying too hard?

Gu Siyi's face flushed slightly, and she said through gritted teeth, "Then please read it to me effortlessly."

She pushed the textbook to the side, placing it within Xia Zhijun's field of vision.

"Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that…"

On the other side, Lu Jiaye, half asleep and half awake, turned over and squinted his eyes, only to find that the person beside him was gone.

He lazily propped himself up, and upon taking a closer look, good heavens, he went straight to Meimei's side and was even reading the same English book.

He decisively picked up his phone and sent a message in the newly renamed WeChat group 'Single Dog Group': "A'Jun took advantage of my sleep to get close to Meimei, dangerous!"

Gu Siyi listened to Xia Zhijun reading the text and finally understood why he said she was putting in too much effort.

How to describe the text read by the two of them, it was like a beggar begging desperately, while he was an elegant prince strolling leisurely.

His pronunciation was so standard, his pauses were so natural, and his sentences were so fluent. It was effortless and easy, no different from the characters in a TV series. The key was that his voice was particularly pleasant to the ear. The English letters coming out of his mouth were like pleasant notes, and they were also tinged with the rich aroma of sweet candy.

After he finished reading a paragraph, Gu Siyi slammed her head on the table and cried out in frustration, "I want to set myself on fire with my English!"

"It's not difficult, you just need to pay attention and read it a few more times." Xia Zhijun said lightly.

Not difficult? Okay! Whatever! Lie down and let him mock!

Gu Siyi rolled her eyes wildly, her hands propped up her head, her eyes fixed on the textbook, as if she wanted to stare a hole through it.

"Do you want me to read it with you? And explain it to you?"

Gu Siyi was stunned for a moment, then slowly released her hand and turned to look at him in disbelief, "Aren't you reading your own book?"

"I can't just watch you set yourself on fire." He said with a faint smile, closed his extracurricular book and put it aside, pulled over the English textbook, placed it in the middle of the table, and said, "Come closer."

Gu Siyi obediently moved her stool closer to the middle, their arms touching, their heads almost touching, he held a pen in his hand, while reading the text, he drew key sentences and explained them to her.

"Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap!"

"Look at A'Jun and Meimei! Is he trying to make a move on her?"

"This is the first time in my life I've seen him look so approachable and teacher-like, I'm getting chills down my spine."

Lu Jiaye kept bombarding the WeChat group with messages.

Zhou Xiao and Su Han finally reacted.

Zhou Xiao: "After all, they're pure brother and sister, it's normal to tutor each other."

Lu Jiaye: "Bullshit! Even if she was his biological sister, he wouldn't necessarily be willing! Have you forgotten about his cousin? She cried when she was doing practice questions with him during the summer vacation?"

Su Han: "Maybe he's seen the light and wants to unite with his female classmates, starting with Meimei."

It wasn't just these buddies, other classmates were also looking back.

In the morning light, the young man lazily propped his head with one hand, holding a pen in the other, writing and drawing on paper, occasionally reading something, his features were like a painting, delicate and gentle.

As he lightly tapped the girl's head with his pen, the hearts of those secretly watching skipped a beat, dreaming that they were the ones who were so close to him.


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