Little Sweetheart

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Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Xia Zhijun's room was very big. It was divided into two areas, one for resting and one for fun.

On this side of the room, by the computer desk, there was a big bookshelf full of books. There were also all kinds of robots and handmade models.

Gu Siyi looked around. The books covered a wide range of topics, from astronomy to geography and history.

Once again, she felt the huge gap between her and a genius.

Gu Siyi turned her head and saw Xia Zhijun typing on the computer. The characters on the screen were flashing by quickly.

She asked him, "What are you doing?"

Xia Zhijun: "Programming."

She asked again, "What are you programming for?"

Xia Zhijun: "To make money."

Gu Siyi: "…Amazing."

Xia Zhijun tossed her an iPad. "I need to work for a while. You can play games or watch videos."

"Okay." Gu Siyi took it happily. "Do you have earphones? I don't want to disturb you."

Xia Zhijun gave her a pair of earphones.

Gu Siyi sat on the carpet, leaning against the sofa. She put on her earphones and started reading comics on the iPad.

Xia Zhijun put all his attention into coding, his fingers flying across the keyboard.

He finished the rest of the code in one go, tested it, and sent it to his client.

He let out a long breath, relaxed back from programming, and turned to look at Gu Siyi.

The girl was lazily leaning against the sofa, watching something with great interest. She would laugh from time to time, and try hard to cover her mouth with her hand to keep herself from making any noise.

Xia Zhijun got up and walked over to sit down beside her.

Gu Siyi took off her earphones and asked, "Are you done?"

"Yes." He nodded and glanced at the screen. She was watching "Slam Dunk." "Haven't you seen it before?"

"I have. I got into basketball because of this comic. It's so interesting, it's worth watching again."

"Well, let's watch it together."

"Okay." Gu Siyi moved the iPad a little closer to Xia Zhijun.

She folded her legs and held the iPad on her knees. As the iPad moved, she also moved a little closer to him.

Xia Zhijun put one hand on the iPad and the other on the sofa behind him.

He was taller than her, so even when sitting down, he was still taller. His line of sight could not only see the screen, but also her face.

He could see her long, curly eyelashes, her delicate nose, and her cherry-red lips…

While Gu Siyi was absorbed in the comic, Xia Zhijun looked at her again and again.

The joys, anger, sorrows, and joys of the characters in the comic were not as good as her.

Every part of her was beautiful.

The more he looked, the more beautiful she became.

He raised the hand that was resting on the sofa behind him and gently touched her earlobe.

"Ah? What are you doing?" Gu Siyi tilted her head and turned to the side.

Xia Zhijun looked at her and smiled faintly. "Gu Siyi, I think you're beautiful."

"…" Being stared at by Xia Zhijun's deep, dark eyes, Gu Siyi couldn't control her blushing.

She felt her face burning hot and became even more embarrassed. She turned away, her back facing him, and snorted softly. "Of course I'm beautiful. You don't have to tell me that."

Yes, since she was a child, countless uncles, aunts, classmates, and friends have told her that she was beautiful.

But when others said that, she just laughed it off and didn't take it seriously. Why did she feel so uncomfortable when Xia Zhijun said it?

It must be because his character was too perfect. It felt wrong for him to suddenly say such a thing.

Xia Zhijun looked at the girl's back, the smile in his eyes deepening.

The unhappiness in his heart and the past events that had surfaced all disappeared like smoke.

The maid knocked on the door to call them for lunch. Gu Siyi, as if she had been pardoned, quickly got up and left the room, also leaving the inexplicably awkward atmosphere.

Xia Zhijun got up lazily and followed behind her unhurriedly, his expression back to normal.

After lunch, Xia Zhijun asked, "What do you want to do this afternoon?"

Gu Siyi thought for a moment and said, "We don't have much time before I have to go back to school. Let's go to the mall. I want to buy some things to take back to school."

"You want to buy more books?" Xia Zhijun's tone was slightly teasing.

Gu Siyi: "…"

She didn't want to talk to him anymore!

After their afternoon nap, Xia Zhijun drove Gu Siyi to the mall.

Gu Siyi went from store to store, picking and choosing. She bought a lot of things. She specially picked out a beautiful water cup and a cute pillow. Then she stood in front of the slippers shelf, unable to decide. She asked Xia Zhijun, "Which pair looks better?"

This was the first time in Young Master Xia's life that he had accompanied a girl shopping. He finally understood why there were so many jokes online about men accompanying women shopping. Other girls, who looked so delicate and frail, how come they had so much energy? They could go shopping happily for hours on end. For a small item, they had to compare it in several stores before making a decision. They didn't find it tiring at all.

Faced with Gu Siyi's question, he casually said, "They're all good."

Meeting her gaze unexpectedly, Gu Siyi noticed the fatigue in his eyes. She felt very embarrassed and said, "You can find a place to sit down."

"It's okay." Xia Zhijun's eyes swept over the few pairs of slippers. In his opinion, they all looked the same. But in order not to appear too perfunctory, he randomly pointed to one and said, "This one is good."

"Yeah, I think it's good too. Let's get this one then!" Gu Siyi happily took the pair of slippers off the shelf.

Gu Siyi moved on to other areas, and Xia Zhijun walked beside her, helping to push the shopping cart, which was filled with her spoils of war.

Looking at the dazzling array of things, Xia Zhijun said indifferently, "You sure can buy a lot. Looks like your future husband can't be poor."

Gu Siyi was greatly embarrassed and hurriedly said, "Some of these are for my classmates."

In order to make her words more believable, she explained each item one by one. "That pillow is for Xiang Li. She really likes that mobile game theme. The water cup is for Xin Yi. She said my cup looked nice last time, so I'm getting her the same one. The slippers are for Wei Wei…"

Xia Zhijun raised his eyebrows. "Are you a purchasing agent?"

"No, these are just small gifts for them." Gu Siyi was actually quite touched by her friends. When she was being ignored, they took the initiative to reach out to her. To good people, she wanted to be even better.

"Oh." Xia Zhijun responded lightly. It seemed like she got along well with her classmates.

After Gu Siyi was almost done with her shopping, she said to Xia Zhijun, "I'm going to the snack shop over there to buy some snacks. It's troublesome to carry all these things around. You can wait for me in the rest area over there. I'll be back soon."

"Okay." Xia Zhijun sat down and started playing with his phone out of boredom.

He was dressed casually in a light-colored shirt and dark pants, looking relaxed and comfortable. However, his cold and noble temperament and his delicate and handsome features made him particularly eye-catching even when he was just sitting there. Passersby frequently looked back at him, and some even hid in corners to take pictures of him. However, those who dared to strike up a conversation with him all left disappointed.

Not long after, Gu Siyi came back with bags in her hands. Xia Zhijun put away his phone and stood up.

Just as he was about to pick up the bags she had placed beside him, Gu Siyi handed him a paper bag. "This is for you."

"???" Xia Zhijun took it and opened it.

"There's strawberry chocolate, rainbow candy, cotton candy… I specially picked out popular snacks with good reviews online. They're all your favorite sweets." Gu Siyi had discovered that Xia Zhijun liked to eat sweets. Sometimes he would even eat a piece of candy during morning self-study. While others were busy studying, he would be eating candy and reading, looking particularly relaxed and cute.

"Why did you buy these for me?" Xia Zhijun asked.

"It's a gift for you, to thank you for spending a pleasant weekend with me." Gu Siyi smiled.

"Heh…" This little girl really knew how to win people over.


The two of them returned to school together, with Xia Zhijun carrying all the bags as usual.

Gu Siyi adapted quickly. The last time, she was still very embarrassed, but this time, she was already silently enjoying the feeling of being taken care of by a boy.

It wasn't bad at all. She glanced at the tall and handsome Xia Zhijun beside her and smiled secretly.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Ah? Was I smiling?"

"Silly." He scoffed.

Along the way, people kept greeting Gu Siyi.

"Gu Siyi~"

"Hey, Siyi~ Back to school~"

"Siyi, Siyi~"

"Siyi spent the weekend with her brother~"

"Gu Siyi~"

"Siyi~ Want to have dinner together?"

Gu Siyi responded to everyone in a flurry.

When there was finally a moment of peace, Xia Zhijun said, "You're popular."

Gu Siyi chuckled. "It's usually not like this. Today is an exception. Do you want to know why?"

Xia Zhijun said indifferently, "Not really."

"…" Gu Siyi, who was about to explain, was completely ignored.

Taking a deep breath, she said earnestly, "You know, if you talk like that, you'll lose all your friends."

"I don't care."

"Okay, let's continue our previous topic. Actually, it's not that I'm popular, it's because you're by my side today, and we came back to school together. They're just trying to get your attention by greeting me so enthusiastically."

Gu Siyi wasn't just guessing. The girls in her class had talked about this during their usual gossip sessions. They even wanted Gu Siyi to help them by putting in a good word for them to leave a good impression on the male god.

"You have no idea how popular you are among the girls. They even said they wanted to line up to curry favor with me, your future sister-in-law…" Gu Siyi couldn't help but laugh again. Thanks to him, she got to experience the feeling of being admired by everyone.

"Sister-in-law?" Xia Zhijun glanced at her.

Why did he feel that her cheerful look was particularly annoying?

Gu Siyi was overjoyed. "Yeah, your little sister is using your fame to her advantage."

Before they even reached the dormitory building, Xia Zhijun handed the bags to Gu Siyi and said, "I have something to do. You go back to your dorm yourself."

Gu Siyi took the bags. "Okay, thank you, Brother Xia. You go ahead with your work."

Xia Zhijun looked at her and said slowly, "Don't call me brother anymore."


"I don't have a cheap sister." Xia Zhijun said coldly and walked away.



At this moment, Gu Siyi deeply understood the meaning of the saying, "Pride comes before a fall." She was the living embodiment of regret.


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