Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 73: Eunuch Su's Rebirth Extra [4]

For Su Jin, being able to see Hui Ming again was already a stroke of luck. As for Hui Ming remembering everything from her previous life and truly becoming his wife again?

That was so beautiful he didn't even dare to think about it.

But now, Hui Ming’s words, “Eunuch,” made Su Jin unable to hold back the extravagant thoughts in his heart after he came back to his senses. His palms couldn't help but tremble slightly, but his voice was extremely low, as if a little louder would wake him up from this beautiful dream: “Hui Ming, what, what did you call me?”

Little Hui Ming was still covering her mouth in confusion, but facing Su Jin, she really wouldn't feel any vigilance or fear from the bottom of her heart. After hearing this, she paused for a moment, then lowered her head and honestly explained: “I don’t know why… It’s just that I feel that besides Wei Zi, there are other people surnamed Wei who also like Eunuch… Young Master."

The more Hui Ming spoke, the brighter Su Jin’s eyes became. When he heard the end, he couldn’t help but stand up, grabbed Hui Ming’s shoulders tightly, and said excitedly, “Besides these, what else do you remember?”

Su Jin, who was so excited, finally made Hui Ming feel that something was wrong. She opened her mouth, and there was a bit of timidity and grievance on her face as if she was being forced to ask: “I, I don’t know either…”

Seeing this, Su Jin was taken aback, quickly let go of his hand, and took a few steps back almost in a hurry: “No, no, don’t be afraid, I forgot that you are still young, good boy, don’t cry?”

Hui Ming raised her head, and seeing Su Jin like this, her mood couldn't help but improve. The redness in her eyes hadn't had time to well up when she suddenly smiled again, looking both funny and a bit childishly cute.

Seeing this, Su Jin couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, he sighed slightly, stepped forward and touched Hui Ming's bald little head, his deep voice was gentle and helpless: “Really still a child.”

Little Hui Ming frowned and brushed away Su Jin's hand on her head, but it wasn't enough, she felt inexplicably concerned, and put her little hands on top of her head, covering her bald head.

Looking at little Hui Ming's small movements, Su Jin felt that she was so cute, especially when little Hui Ming covered her head and looked up at him with her angry little eyes. Su Jin only felt soft in his heart, but for some reason his palms were itchy, he couldn't help being naughty, found a gap, and quickly touched little Hui Ming's soft bald head again.

But after touching it, before little Hui Ming got angry, Su Jin immediately raised his hand and sincerely admitted his mistake: “I can’t help it, I was wrong!”

Little Hui Ming has been a good-tempered girl since she was a child, although she was very annoyed at being touched on the bald head, but when she heard Su Jin's apology, she just muttered in a low voice with some displeasure, "Don't touch my head," and let it go.

But after this interruption, Su Jin calmed down. He sat down beside him and patiently enlightened her: “Then can Hui Ming tell me, how did you remember that besides Wei Zi, there is another person surnamed Wei? Besides this, is there anything else you can think of? Qiande Palace? Concubine Xian? Prince Rui, Prince Xin? Seventh Prince, Little Highness? Ruyi?"

Hui Ming's reaction to the previous words was flat, until Su Jin mentioned the Seventh Prince, she suddenly raised her head, her heart was still in a daze, but she asked worriedly: “What happened to Little Highness in the end? And Ruyi…” After saying that, she became dazed and bewildered as before—

Who is Little Highness? Who is Ruyi again? Why did she ask this?

“You really never worry about Little Highness.” Su Jin bent the corners of his lips, his expression gentle: “Don’t worry, His Highness and Consort Yu are doing well. Before I left, Ruyi was about to become a grandmother.”

In fact, it was true. In the previous life, after Yu Gan served in bed, she became pregnant within half a year, and then gave birth to a son smoothly. After the crown prince came of age, he began to go to court under the support of all the civil and military officials of the previous dynasty. Naturally, there were many disputes with Empress Dowager Gu during this period, but these messy things had nothing to do with Little Highness and Yu Gan who were indifferent to the world in Qiande Palace. As the legal monarch of Empress Gu and the biological father of the prince, the most important thing was that besides Go, he had no interest in power and status. Such a Little Highness, no matter which side, was willing to support him well in the palace. Perhaps because of his comfortable and comfortable life, Little Highness’s dementia has improved a lot, and he was even able to summon the national players from the capital occasionally to play chess silently. As long as no one made noise at will, in the eyes of outsiders who didn’t know, they would not be able to see anything unusual. After thinking about it, he would live a safe life.

As for Ruyi, although the two of them took care of her and raised her up, perhaps because of her nature, no matter how much he and Hui Ming doted on her, Ruyi still treated everyone very gently and politely after she grew up. No way, Su Jin found a poor and polite young man in the capital to marry into the Su family for Ruyi, and after that, he also promoted him a lot.

Fortunately, Su Jin was careful enough to inquire around and found that this man was a man who knew how to repay his kindness. After marriage, he treated Ruyi well in every way. Ruyi's temperament did not improve at all, and she became even more innocent and kind. But perhaps because of this, Ruyi and her husband respected each other like guests, and they got along harmoniously and happily, which can be regarded as a blessing.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, although she didn't know why, Hui Ming felt relieved as if she had finally let go of something important.

Su Jin was silent for a while, gave little Hui Ming some time to react, then got up and poured her a cup of tea, and said softly, “Are you hungry? Why don’t you eat something first?”

Hui Ming took the teacup and shook her head blankly. Her soft voice was full of bewilderment: “I don’t know, I’m a little strange, I seem to have forgotten a lot of things, but, I know in my heart that Su Gong… Young Master treats me very well, seeing Young Master, I feel very at ease.”

“Just keep calling me Eunuch Su if you’re used to it.” Su Jin bent the corners of his lips slightly, and gently wiped the corners of her lips: “Don’t worry, Hui Ming, eat something with me first, and then have a good sleep, then you will remember everything.”

Although her memory has not fully recovered, but decades of feelings and tacit understanding are still there. Seeing Eunuch Su say this, little Hui Ming felt relieved. She nodded obediently and walked to the table holding Su Jin's hand.

Su Jin added a few dishes to her according to Hui Ming's taste, and then as if thinking of something, he went out and called Bai Lan in, and ordered her to go to the kitchen to get a cold toon bud.

“You don’t need to add anything else, just pick the most tender toon buds, blanch them in boiling water, and serve them with a few drops of vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar.” Su Jin said it very carefully, this is not his taste, but Hui Ming’s habit. At this time of year, Hui Ming likes to eat this wild vegetable the most. Because this thing is only the freshest for a short period of ten days, Su Jin remembers the days when this toon tree grows better than Hui Ming.

Sure enough, Hui Ming's eyes lit up when she heard this, as if she understood that Su Jin was doing it for her, she just looked up at Su Jin and smiled very sweetly.

Bai Lan secretly startled when she saw the deep affection on Su Jin's face, she agreed, thinking of Wei Zi Yaohuang who had just been kicked out, she asked again: “These two have gone out, there are two maidservants missing beside Young Master, do you want to promote from the second class below? Do you have any candidates in mind, Young Master?”

Su Jin slowly filled a bowl of soup for little Hui Ming, and said in a flat voice: “Wait a few more days, let Hui Ming have a look, no matter what, she can be promoted to serve her if she likes.”

Bai Lan clicked her tongue secretly when she heard this, but she has always been calm, although she raised the weight of this "Miss Hui Ming" a bit in her heart, she just lowered her head and responded calmly.

After Su Jin and Hui Ming had dinner, it was getting late. Su Jin watched Bai Lan bring warm water and other things to wash and rinse Hui Ming. During this period, he even wrung the handkerchief himself. He was very attentive, but Bai Lan Xu was prepared this time, so she accepted it calmly. Even later, the eldest young master called her over privately, and told her to call the embroiderer and the shopkeeper outside tomorrow to measure Hui Ming's clothes, buy clothes and add jewelry. Bai Lan was also very calm when she was instructed to arrange these trivial matters.

After Su Jin arranged all these trivial matters one by one, he quietly went back to the small gauze cupboard. Seeing that Hui Ming was really sleeping soundly, he was relieved. He turned around and slowly lay down on the bed across the wall, and finally fell asleep after several years of stable sleep.

On the other side, Hui Ming, perhaps because of too much stimulation today, in her sleep, the long-standing past events that had already settled in her mind emerged bit by bit. When the golden rooster crowed and the morning light was dim, little Hui Ming opened her eyes again, the bewilderment and bewilderment in her eyes flashed, and after she came back to her senses, her expression and eyes were all calm and clear that a child should not have.

“Eunuch Su…” Little Hui Ming sighed inaudibly, raised her head, got out of bed quietly, and walked towards Su Jin next door step by step.


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