Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 71: Eunuch Su's Rebirth Extra [2]

Eldest Young Master, Jin'er, brought back a young master from the palace.

In less than a day, the entire Zhen Guo Mansion was abuzz with this news.

After another half a day, there were rumors refuting the claim, saying that it was not a young master, but a young palace maid who had just entered the palace this year. She had no hair because she had just shaved her head after entering the palace. It was said that the Empress had bestowed her upon the Eldest Young Master.

However, this claim was immediately questioned by others. Even if the Empress wanted to bestow someone, it should be a well-trained and beautiful young woman. Why would she bestow a ten-year-old girl who had just entered the palace, shaved her head, and knew nothing about anything to the Eldest Young Master? Was she asking the Young Master to raise a child?

While the rumors outside were getting more and more outrageous, inside Su Jin's Asking Heart Residence, he was completely unaware. He was wholeheartedly holding Xiao Huiming's hand and leading her to his small gauze cabinet.

"You can rest here from now on, okay?" Su Jin lowered his head, explaining seriously and gently, "Although it's a bit small, it's close to me. Look, it's just a door away. If you need anything, just call me and I'll hear you."

The so-called "small" was only relative to Su Jin, who was born in the Duke's Mansion. From the perspective of Xiao Huiming, who was only ten years old and had not yet fully grown, the canopy bed was big enough for her to roll around freely. This small gauze cabinet, filled with exquisite decorations, was too wasteful for just one person.

You know, when she was at home, her brothers and sisters all slept in a row on a heated brick bed!

Xiao Huiming blinked her eyes, looking at the surrounding rosewood fans, the horseshoe-shaped table, and the small golden toad incense burner. Everywhere she looked, there was an indescribable exquisiteness and elegance. Any one of these items was something she, who came from a humble background, had never seen before, not even in her dreams.

Logically speaking, she should have been a little nervous and flustered seeing all this. But for some reason, looking at all this, Xiao Huiming felt extremely calm, as if these things were all too familiar to her, like ordinary household items that she saw every day, nothing to be surprised about.

But I've clearly never seen such an elegant and stylish place before…

Little Huiming was a little puzzled. Some familiar images flashed through her mind one after another. She felt like she had forgotten something, but she couldn't remember it no matter how hard she tried. For a moment, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Although Su Jin noticed the confusion on Xiao Huiming's face, he only thought that she was afraid because she had just arrived at a new place from the palace. After a while, when she got used to it, he would accompany her carefully, and naturally, she would gradually open up. So at this moment, he just turned around and introduced a long-faced, curved-eyebrow maid with a kind expression standing beside him: "This is Bai Lan, she's the head maid in my room. If you need anything, just ask her."

Although Xiao Huiming was still struggling in her heart, she nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Su Jin carefully instructed Bai Lan, "This is Miss Huiming. She just arrived. You will follow her from now on and take good care of her. Don't let anyone disturb her."

Bai Lan was startled when she heard this. She was the closest maid to the Eldest Young Master and knew that this was a palace maid bestowed by the Empress. She originally thought that even if the Young Master liked her, considering she was a gift from the Empress, in this Zhen Guo Mansion, at most, she would be raised well and given the respect of a personal maid.

Even in the long run, after she grew up, she would at most be a concubine or a half-master.

But now, listening to the Young Master's words, it seemed like he wanted to raise her as the future mistress?

Although Bai Lan was shocked, because of the Eldest Young Master's growing power, even with the affection she had for him since childhood, she didn't dare to overstep. So she immediately nodded in response and stepped forward. As if treating her like a young lady from the mansion, she bowed to Huiming and politely called out, "Miss Huiming."

Huiming was still trying to recall the chaotic images that had just surfaced in her mind. She didn't have time to think carefully and instinctively nodded slightly to Bai Lan, as if she was used to being greeted like this by others.

The little girl still had some childish chubbiness on her cheeks, especially with her head shaved bald like a young master, which made her look particularly funny and inexplicable when she put on such an old-fashioned demeanor.

Looking at Huiming like this, Bai Lan couldn't help but think of the Young Master when he was six or seven years old, and her expression couldn't help but become even kinder. She thought for a moment and then said in a low voice, "Miss, you just came from the palace, do you need anything? I'll take you to freshen up and have some refreshments, how about that?"

Hearing this, Huiming finally came back to her senses. She couldn't figure out the messy images in her mind. At this moment, she was just a ten-year-old girl who had never seen the world, and she finally panicked a little. She raised her head and slowly moved towards Su Jin, not wanting to leave this young man who made her feel inexplicably close and trustworthy. But rationally, she knew that this was the Empress's nephew, with a noble status, and she shouldn't bother him.

Torn, her round little face was all wrinkled up with worry.

Seeing Huiming like this, Su Jin felt his heart melt like water. For a moment, he almost couldn't help but want to step forward and hold his little girl in his arms, pampering her in his hands. No maidservant like Bai Lan was good enough. Only he himself would personally fetch warm water and wipe her hands and face bit by bit, coaxing her until she was happy and smiling at him.

However, Su Jin was not really a young boy after all. Not to mention the years when Huiming entered the palace in his previous life, especially the year when Huiming, who was in her sixties, passed away before him, leaving him alone in the world, only able to rely on old feelings and old scenes to remember her. That year had already worn down all his love bit by bit. It did not disappear or even decrease, but sank back into his body, becoming deeper and quieter like aged wine.

Huiming was still young, and he couldn't afford to be impulsive. Su Jin's fingertips moved slightly, suppressing the emotions surging in his chest bit by bit. He simply knelt down on one knee and looked directly at the little girl in front of him. Although the corners of his mouth were still raised in a happy smile, for some reason, there was an inexplicable sadness in his voice: "I'll go talk to Grandfather for a bit, will you wait for me to come back?"

Su Jin's voice was gentle, but looking at his unfathomable eyes, Xiao Huiming felt a sudden pain in her heart. Her hand unconsciously reached out to touch his cheek. Because of her young age, her voice was still childishly sweet and soft, but her words already carried a hint of comfort: "Don't be afraid, I'll wait for you."

Just this one sentence made Su Jin's eyes suddenly moisten. He turned his head slightly and took a breath. When he turned back, he was just a pure and noble gentleman. After making an agreement with Huiming, he got up and carefully settled everything with Bai Lan. Seeing that it was getting late, he had to rush to the Holding Bamboo Residence where his grandfather lived.

He was only a six-year-old child when he came back. Although he knew everything that would happen in the future, he had no status or means. The Zhen Guo Mansion was able to have its current situation thanks to his grandfather, the old Zhen Guo Duke.

Now, in the entire Su family, only his grandfather knew his secret. The Empress was alive and well, the Crown Prince and the Emperor were on good terms, and the Zhen Guo Mansion was safe and sound. All of this was thanks to the old Zhen Guo Duke, who believed his words and followed his suggestions step by step, turning the crisis into safety for the Empress, the Crown Prince, and their entire Su family.

It was precisely because of this that only his grandfather in the entire Su family would understand his feelings for Huiming, would understand their bond, would agree to, and support his marriage with Huiming.

That's right, from the moment he opened his eyes again at the age of six, he had already made up his mind. In his previous life, he was unable to marry Huiming properly through formal channels and could only wrong her to be his concubine for a lifetime. This time, he wanted to marry Huiming as his wife openly and honorably, making up for all that he owed her.


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