Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 67: Daily Life Extra [1]

Eunuch Su brought back a child.

Ever since the little emperor ascended the throne, Eunuch Su, as the Commander of the Directorate of Palace Eunuchs, had become increasingly busy. Moreover, due to the little emperor's unique situation, he did not need to be attended to at all times. As a result, Su Jin spent most of his days working at the Directorate of Palace Eunuchs and was rarely seen in Qiande Palace.

Therefore, it was only when Huiming returned from her duty at Qiande Palace that she learned from Liuan that Eunuch Su had brought back a five-year-old girl at noon. He did not mention her background, only instructing them to take good care of her.

Liuan helped Huiming take off her cloak and explained, "She seems to be a timid and well-behaved child, all alone and pitifully thin. She's quite pretty, though. She's been settled in the front yard. Would you like to see her, Auntie?"

Huiming thought for a moment. "She's only five years old. What could we possibly ask of her? Since Eunuch Su has spoken, we should take good care of her. Has her dinner been sent over? Add a few more soft, sweet, and easily digestible dishes."

Times had changed. Now, Eunuch Su, as the Commander of the Directorate of Palace Eunuchs, held the late emperor's imperial decree and was responsible for secretly monitoring all officials. Not only within the palace, but even the high-ranking officials in the court mentioned him with fear. Even without mentioning Eunuch Su, Huiming herself was the fifth-rank palace maid personally appointed by the late emperor and the most trusted senior maid by the current emperor. Her words held almost half the weight of the emperor's will, so naturally, no one dared to offend her.

Neither of them was to be trifled with. What's more, they were together! This made them even more formidable. The inconspicuous small courtyard at the end of Jing Alley was now a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Many eunuchs in charge of palace affairs preferred to be assigned to Jing Alley over the palaces of various princes. Many exquisite items and furnishings were given priority to this place, and naturally, there was no shortage of skilled imperial chefs with their unique specialties.

Liuan responded swiftly and helped Huiming settle down. Just then, they heard Eunuch Su's voice returning.

"You're back early today." Huiming smiled and greeted Yuanbao, who was standing beside her. "Have you eaten?"

Yuanbao was now capable of handling matters independently, but in front of Huiming and Su Jin, he still behaved like the little eunuch he used to be, smiling agreeably and diligently. "Yes, I have, Master. Master still has some errands for me to run. I won't disturb you and Auntie."

Su Jin turned around and gave Yuanbao a few more instructions. Finally, he said, "It's cold out. You'll be running around all night. Have a bowl of ginseng tea before you go."

Yuanbao thanked him profusely and bowed out.

Huiming handed Su Jin a bowl of tea and asked casually, "What is it that requires someone to be out all night in this weather?"

Su Jin took the tea and explained to her in detail, as he always did. "There's been a snow disaster in Kangze. Millions in disaster relief silver and grain were sent, but less than ten percent reached those in need. Liu'an County, the worst-hit area, had its county government office destroyed by the disaster victims, who even took down the plaque and used it as firewood. The magistrate fled and only then submitted a memorial. The Empress has ordered a thorough investigation before the new year."

The "Empress" referred to the current emperor's empress, who was also Empress Gu from his previous life. Three years older than the little emperor, she was now eighteen years old. In the month before the late Emperor Xuande passed away, he had summoned her almost daily, imparting his wisdom and experience. Due to her intelligence and virtue, after their marriage, although Eunuch Su and the Directorate of Palace Eunuchs were in name only answerable to the emperor, the little emperor was unable to handle government affairs. Now, Empress Gu assisted in governing most of the court.

According to Huiming's memories of her past life, although Empress Gu had acted decisively after the little emperor's wedding, she had not interfered much in government affairs. Most of the time, she relied on her maternal family, the Duke Gu's residence. Otherwise, Duke Gu would not have gradually gained power and even usurped the throne from the little emperor.

Having raised the little emperor, Huiming naturally did not want to see history repeat itself. However, after she told Eunuch Su about this, Su Jin pondered seriously but dismissed her concerns. "Do you know why Emperor Xuande chose Lady Gu from among the many eligible women in the capital?"

Huiming shook her head. Su Jin never brushed her off just because she didn't understand the outside world. He explained patiently, "Lady Gu was born into a prestigious family, but her mother died early. To care for her younger siblings, she had to be meticulous and thoughtful from a young age. Moreover, she was intelligent and quick-witted, a talent to be nurtured. More importantly, she had ambition!"

Eunuch Su paused and lowered his voice. "Women in this world are confined to their inner chambers from childhood and taught to be submissive and docile. Emperor Xuande summoned more than a dozen eligible young ladies from noble families. Most were nervous and timid. A few were eager for the empress' position, but they only focused on appearing gentle and capable of caring for the little prince. Only Lady Gu guessed that what the emperor wanted was not a woman to care for the little prince but an empress who could protect the throne for him. She had both ambition and courage, and she revealed her aspirations to Emperor Xuande, which earned her the late emperor's favor."

Su Jin's eyes were clear. "Emperor Xuande gave me the Directorate of Palace Eunuchs, granted me authority, and decreed that Empress Gu should assist in governing for this very reason. Empress Gu is a woman, and I am a eunuch. It is improper and against the law for us to interfere in government affairs. If we want to maintain our position, we must do so in the name of the current emperor. And if we are to use the emperor's name, we must protect his life at all costs. Otherwise, both Her Highness and I will lose our foundation."

Huiming understood what Eunuch Su meant. Only if the little emperor was alive and well could Empress Gu be the legitimate empress. If Duke Gu were to take the throne, she would only be a married woman in an awkward position, and she would definitely not have the same glory she had now.

The same went for Eunuch Su. With the little emperor alive, he was the emperor's confidant, as close as brothers. But if someone else sat on the dragon throne, the new emperor would most likely eliminate him first, the eunuch who had offended many because of the Directorate of Palace Eunuchs!

There was only one possibility for Eunuch Su and Empress Gu to harm the little emperor: if the little emperor no longer trusted them and even wanted to settle scores with them.

But the little emperor would not do that.

No other emperor would be as indifferent to the delegation of power and being seen as a puppet as the little emperor. He was content to stay in his bedchamber all day long, playing chess and giving them his complete trust.

The little emperor, who was unable to govern, could not do without the support of Empress Gu and Su Jin and Huiming. And they, for whatever reason, could not afford to lose such an "emperor."

In fact, Su Jin cherished Huiming almost more than his own life. Knowing Huiming's concern for the little emperor, Su Jin would do his best to protect him, even if it was just for Huiming, let alone the fact that his own future and life were now involved.

As these thoughts flashed through Huiming's mind, she steered the conversation back. "They even dared to embezzle disaster relief funds. The implications must be vast… It will be difficult for you to investigate."

Su Jin sat down by the bed and sighed. "It's not difficult to find out, but once we do, it will be like pulling on a single hair and affecting the entire body. If we want to punish them, it will not be easy. It all depends on how our Empress handles it."

Huiming ordered the meal to be served. Seeing Eunuch Su like this, she couldn't help but frown. "It's almost New Year's, and you've been given this task. You won't have any peace. Yuanbao is going out in the middle of the night. Is he going to Kangze? I'm afraid he won't be back for the New Year."

"That won't be necessary. Those at the bottom wouldn't dare to embezzle disaster relief funds. Investigating the prefecture city should be enough. Besides, that's not what I asked Yuanbao to do…" Su Jin paused, as if he had thought of something. He turned around. "Huiming, there's something I need to tell you."

Eunuch Su rarely had such a serious expression. Huiming couldn't help but straighten up and listen attentively.

"It's about the child I brought back today…"

Su Jin slowly turned the teacup lid, clearly preoccupied. "That child's birth mother… might be… from my Su family."

Huiming's eyes widened in surprise. "Didn't you investigate before? All the Su family members sent to the pleasure quarters…"

Su Jin put down the teacup. "Yes, but according to the letter that came with the child, her birth mother was the daughter of a concubine of my youngest uncle. Because the concubine was also from a pleasure quarters, before she was executed, she taught her daughter how to survive. When the girl grew older, she befriended the son of an official in the pleasure quarters, who gave her money to report her death and secretly took her out. Later, she followed the man to his post and gave birth to this child."

Unlike women outside, women in the pleasure quarters belonged to the government and were not allowed to be redeemed. However, if it was as Eunuch Su said, it was indeed a way to secretly smuggle someone out with money.

Su Jin's expression turned cold. "That official's son is the magistrate whose county government office was destroyed by the disaster victims that I mentioned earlier. He ran fast but left his female family members behind. Afterward, the surviving ones were found and sent back by the officials, but the magistrate considered them to have lost their chastity and wanted to send them to a temple to die. The child's mother was desperate and managed to write a letter, asking someone to send her to me."

"How could there be such a person! Abandoning his own family to the disaster victims, and he still has the audacity to talk about chastity!" Huiming was filled with anger as she listened. Although she had not met them yet, she already felt sympathy and concern for the mother and daughter. "So, she's your cousin, and the girl is your niece! You only brought back the child. What about your cousin?"

Although they hadn't met, since she was Eunuch Su's cousin, Huiming already considered her family.

Su Jin's eyes were filled with coldness. "I've already sent people to look for her. But it's the middle of winter, and she was locked up in an old temple with no food or clothing. After all this time…"

Huiming fell silent. She knew how much Eunuch Su cared about his family. Now that he finally had a cousin, she was gone. She paused, knowing that Eunuch Su must be heartbroken, and changed the subject. "Fortunately, there's still the child. I didn't know her identity before, so I didn't go to see her. I only asked them to prepare some soft food. The child has suffered so much. I think I'll find a doctor to give her a proper check-up tomorrow, just in case she has any lingering illnesses."

"That's what I wanted to tell you." Su Jin looked up and apologized to Huiming. "I've already ordered Yuanbao to investigate the child's identity. If what the letter says is true, she's the last of the Su bloodline. I must raise her as my own."

Huiming nodded. "As you should."

"Since that's the case, your brother's son…" Su Jin hesitated, but before he could finish, Huiming interrupted him. "Don't even mention him! I never wanted to adopt his child!"

Huiming's parents, relying on Su Jin and Huiming, had long purchased shops and houses in the capital. Su Jin even arranged a position for Huiming's elder brother, Su Shan, as an outside purchaser in the Bureau of Imperial Supplies. This position was very lucrative. After two years, the Song family was already considered a wealthy family with servants and maids.

However, Huiming's sister-in-law, Li Shi, was not content. Seeing that Huiming and Su Jin were together and had given birth to a child, she had been dropping hints about wanting to give her son to them to raise. Huiming neither agreed nor disagreed, but Su Jin had said that if Huiming liked, they could adopt the child.

Now, upon hearing this, Huiming immediately shook her head. "I don't think we need to adopt a child. If you want, I'd rather raise a few sensible and clever children from the orphanage. I don't want to get involved with my brother's family anymore!"

After all these years of day and night together, Su Jin could tell that Huiming was sincere. However, he did not relax. Instead, he lowered his eyes and blamed himself. "If it weren't for my inadequacy, you could have…"

"Eunuch Su!" With their years of understanding, Huiming knew what he wanted to say and immediately stopped him. She paused and then moved closer to Eunuch Su, kissing him on the cheek. "There's no one better in the world than Eunuch Su!"

Over the years, Huiming had said these words to Su Jin countless times, but every time, Su Jin reacted as if it were the first time he had heard them. His heart warmed, and just like every time before, he replied earnestly, "There's no one better in the world than Song Huiming."

Huiming sometimes said those words in a teasing or deliberate tone, but Su Jin always responded with the same sincerity, as if stating a universal truth. Compared to him, Huiming felt a little embarrassed and changed the subject. "What's the child's name?"

Su Jin paused, his hand accidentally touching the Ruyi knot that Huiming had personally made for him. "Let's call her Ruyi."

"Su Ruyi."


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