Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 64: Chapter 64

Huiming's lips were smooth and soft, like the delicate texture of hibiscus egg custard, but not as fragile.

In addition to the sweet fragrance, Su Jin also tasted a hint of blood. She came up so suddenly that her teeth broke his lower lip. But in such contact, he didn't feel any pain at all. His body was still stiff and unable to move, but it seemed that all the feelings and memories of his whole body were gathered in this small lip.

He refused to give up even the slightest detail. Even though he hadn't reacted yet, he almost subconsciously memorized every bit of the taste at this moment and engraved it in his mind.

Huiming naturally wouldn't know Su Jin's mood at the moment. She rushed up just now, mostly out of enthusiasm and impulse, but when she really touched Eunuch Su's cold lips and felt Eunuch Su's motionless stiffness, she came back to her senses, but she became a little helpless.

Huiming was only wearing a single layer of clothing, and even her hair was still dripping with tiny beads of water. Her palms were trembling slightly, but not because of the cold, in fact, she even felt a little hot.

What to do next… Huiming's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she carefully recalled the nanny's words in her mind--

Nanny Song said, don't look at them as eunuchs, although they can't do anything, they still have feelings, and if there is love between them, it's no different from ordinary men and women.

The nanny also said that because they are eunuchs, if they want to vent, it is also a way to use some tools, but since they are consensual and it is the first time, it is best not to use those cold things to separate the intimacy. Only the "tools" on your own body are enough, and the best ones on your own body are the hands and the lips and tongue.

Lips and tongue…

Thinking of this, Huiming paused, reached out and grabbed Eunuch Su's arms, tried her best to reach higher, and then--

She carefully, tasted it.

It was cold and soft in the mouth, and she could also taste the mint toothpaste.

This taste was clear and cool, which relieved her of some dryness and made her feel a little comfortable.

Huiming couldn't help but try a few more times, as if there was some other taste, but she couldn't taste it clearly. After a few times, she simply put it into her mouth and tasted it carefully.

Boom-- There was a loud noise, and fireworks exploded in Su Jin's mind. His peach blossom eyes widened in an instant, and his black and white eyes widened like a cat's.

He felt his legs go weak, but even in such a shock, he still remembered that Huiming was hanging on his body, worried that he would fall on Huiming, Su Jin took a step back, but wrapped his arms around her, which seemed even more intimate.

Huiming opened her eyes, at such a close distance, what she saw was Eunuch Su, whose earlobes were as red as cooked shrimp.

Seeing Eunuch Su like this, Huiming's panic suddenly lessened a little, she bent her lips, her voice was like an oriole, and she smiled delicately: "Eunuch Su, are you shy?"

Su Jin's flushed face became even more embarrassed after hearing these teasing words. He lowered his eyes slightly and looked at her half-blamingly and half-helplessly. There were tears in his peach blossom eyes, and his eyes were full of amorous feelings.

People who have always been cold and self-sufficient, making such a gesture is even more touching. Huiming's eyes were fixed, her heart was both crispy and itchy, and she only softened into a mass of water.

Su Jin seized this moment of Huiming's daze, and took the opportunity to lead her to the bed and sit down. He originally wanted to separate from Huiming, to keep a distance and avoid retreating, but Huiming's hand holding his arm had not yet let go. Su Jin struggled slightly, but he didn't use any strength, so he gave up and sat down beside Huiming.

How could he bear to break free from her?

Su Jin looked down at Huiming, with a watery light flashing in his peach blossom eyes: "You shouldn't do this."

When Eunuch Su said these words, he should have wanted to be serious and serious, but after such a thing, his voice was filled with an unbearable deep hoarseness, coupled with the slightly sharp voice unique to eunuchs, it was inexplicably heart-pounding.

Leaving Eunuch Su, Huiming felt a little cold after a while, she hugged her knees on the bed and made a miniature posture, one hand still grabbing him, the other holding her flushed cheeks, but she didn't take Eunuch Su's words to heart, and even tilted her head, and said with a smile: "Your words belie your true feelings!"

As soon as these four words came out, Su Jin seemed to have been exposed, and hurriedly looked away.

Huiming was not finished yet, she grabbed Su Jin's arm with her palm, and just like that, she knelt upright on the bed and approached Eunuch Su.

The taste is best known only by tasting it.

For Huiming's approach this time, Su Jin had no room to retreat. His heartbeat seemed to jump out immediately, but this time he did not dodge, but took the initiative to raise his head, even before Huiming touched him, he took the lead.

Huiming was startled by this enthusiasm, and then became more and more happy. Just now, it was only a slight and unfamiliar touch, but now it was self-taught. The two gradually became anxious, just like two dying fish can only rely on each other's breath to survive, but the result is only drinking poison to quench thirst, the more entangled, the more they can't breathe, even so, the two are unwilling to separate, but the more entangled, the tighter.

"Eunuch Su…"

Huiming's breath was like an orchid, Su Jin leaned back, but there was no way to retreat, he stared blankly at the approaching person, as if bewitched, he responded with a near sigh: "Huiming."

The last word "Ming" was pronounced so low and vague, as if he wanted to savor it in his mouth, and then swallow it in one gulp.

It wasn't until Huiming's hand moved to Eunuch Su's waist that Su Jin finally managed to maintain the last bit of clarity and spoke, it was impossible to tell whether he was reminding Huiming or alerting himself--

"Two years have not yet come…"

Huiming's eyes darkened when she heard this, she turned her head to the side, and then simply hugged Eunuch Su, resting her head on his shoulder.

It was July, Huiming was only wearing a single layer of clothing, needless to say, Su Jin also only wore an extremely thin gauze robe after bathing, especially after a while of entanglement, they were so close to each other, skin touching skin, flesh against flesh, everywhere was warm.

Being hugged like this, Su Jin also lost all desire and strength to struggle, he let go of his hand, and lay down on the bed, listening to the beating of their hearts, from the sound of drums to a slow down, gradually, they merged into one, the world is vast, at this moment, except for you and me, there is nothing else in my heart.

Since his family was ruined and he entered the palace as a eunuch, Su Jin had never tasted such warmth and peace in his life. He slowly stretched out his hand and hugged Huiming's waist back.

An eighteen-year-old girl, with a graceful figure, her hand touched a perfect curve, and she couldn't let go after one touch. Su Jin closed his eyes slightly, and said with guilt in his voice: "I, I'm sorry for you."

Eunuch Su's palm was obviously much colder than her body, but when it touched her waist, it continuously brought a scorching temperature. Huiming rubbed his neck lightly, and her voice also revealed a bit of laziness: "Hmm…"

However, Su Jin seemed to have completely regained his clarity: "If it weren't for me, you should have… hmm."

Su Jin couldn't say the rest of the words. In fact, if it wasn't for the inconvenience of covering the other party's mouth in this posture, Huiming wouldn't even let him finish the sentence "without me".

Huiming's eyes still had a silky charm: "My good Eunuch, at this time, if you can't speak, don't speak."

Huiming's voice was also slightly hoarse, although not intentional, this sound of "good Eunuch" was so soft and greasy, it made Su Jin's heart flutter, itchy and numb.

He really didn't speak anymore, but because Huiming was still covering his mouth, he couldn't open his mouth to let her know. Su Jin's peach blossom eyes glanced at her charmingly, then opened his mouth, and gently pecked her palm under her palm.

"Ah--" Feeling the itchy wetness in her palm, Huiming exclaimed in surprise, came back to her senses, her eyes were like silk, and she gave him a coquettish look.

Unexpectedly, Eunuch Su would make such a move, Huiming withdrew her hand and teased: "Eunuch, you are really a hypocrite."

Su Jin just looked at her innocently, his peach blossom eyes blinking and blinking, bottomless, as if trying to trap people in them.

Huiming couldn't stand it, so she couldn't help but stretch out her hand and cover his eyes.

Although he didn't know why, Eunuch Su was extremely docile. Huiming didn't raise his hand, so he remained motionless, only his thick eyelashes trembled slightly, as if some feathers were gently scratching Huiming's palm.

"Good Eunuch." Huiming deliberately called out again in a soft voice, and sure enough, the trembling under her hand immediately became more intense.

This reaction made Huiming couldn't help but bend the corners of her lips, she didn't let go, but just bent her knees and bowed, lying face to face in front of Eunuch Su.

The tip of her nose touched the tip of his nose, and there was a slight trembling in her itchy palm. Her lips touched his lips, and they slowly touched each other, and her hand gently stroked them.


She tried this again and again for a long time, and Eunuch Su under her hand finally couldn't help but let out a sigh, helpless and full of affection, paused, because Huiming didn't respond, his voice softened a bit, almost pleadingly called out again: "Good Huiming…"

This sound of "Good Huiming" finally made Huiming feel a little bit of what Eunuch Su felt just now. Her eyes were blurred and her cheeks were burning hot, but because she didn't want Eunuch Su to see it, she refused to let go, but opened her mouth and said slowly: "Eunuch Su, do you know, I have been preparing for this day for a long time."

Su Jin calmed down, although half of his face was covered, but judging from the exposed tip of his nose and lips, it seemed that he was listening to Huiming's words with all his heart.

"I didn't understand anything before, even the relationship between men and women was muddled, but I heard people say that because Eunuch Su is a eunuch, the particulars are different from ordinary men and women…" Huiming said Here, through the palm of her hand, she could feel Su Jin's tightly furrowed brows, she paused slightly, used a little force, calmed him down, and then continued: "I like Eunuch Su, and I know that Eunuch Su really likes me too. In my heart, no matter what Eunuch Su is like, he is the best person in this world. I want to make Eunuch Su like me, make Eunuch Su comfortable, and I also went to ask Nanny Song, who is in charge of the sleeping palace maids, Eunuch Su, you believe me, and don't stop me."

"You don't have to worry about me, you shouldn't have to worry about this kind of thing."

After a long time, Su Jin finally reacted, Huiming didn't know if it was an illusion, but her palm seemed to feel a little wet again, she lowered her head, and saw Eunuch Su slightly opened his mouth, his voice was more beautiful than the most beautiful ocarina in the world: "You believe me, I, I will make you comfortable."


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