Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 58: Chapter 58

When Su Jin returned to Jing Alley, the first thing he saw was Hui Ming, dressed in a green jacket and holding an oil-paper umbrella. She stood under the osmanthus tree outside the house, looking anxiously towards Xinglong Gate.

Su Jin couldn't quite believe his eyes at first. It was only when he recognized that it was really Hui Ming that he hurriedly took a few steps forward and pulled her into the house. Closing the door to block the wind and snow outside, he said, "It's snowing outside, why are you standing under the tree?"

Hui Ming looked at him and smiled softly, pursing her lips. Although she had been standing outside, she had hand warmers in her sleeves, a hand stove in her arms, and an umbrella over her head. Her clothes were clean, unlike Su Jin, who was covered in a thin layer of snow from his trip back from the palace.

As they stood under the eaves, Hui Ming took out a handkerchief and patted the snowflakes off his head and shoulders. "You came back early today, Gonggong. Was it tiring serving the Emperor?" she asked.

Su Jin was taken aback. His duties were usually manageable, but the exchange he had at the imperial court that afternoon had truly exhausted him. Even now, thinking back on it, he felt drained. He simply shook his head. "It's just my usual work, nothing to speak of. What about you? Why were you waiting outside? Is something the matter?"

"What could be the matter with me?" Hui Ming lowered her head before looking up at Su Jin with genuine apology in her eyes. "I was just thinking about how I argued with you a few days ago, Gonggong. Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't have done that. I feel like I owe you an apology."

Hui Ming had heard from Yu Gan in detail about the castration that eunuchs underwent when they entered the palace. No matter which method it was, Hui Ming couldn't help but shudder at the thought of Su Jin having to endure such a thing. The realization made her feel even worse about her previous outburst, especially considering what he had gone through.

It had been more than ten days since the incident, and Su Jin was surprised that she suddenly brought it up again. Looking down at her with a hint of astonishment, he could clearly see the pity and regret in her eyes.

In truth, Su Jin had always disliked it when people looked at him with pity or sighed on his behalf. The Emperor, the Empress, Consort Xian, Prince Rui, Xu Mama, and even the late Empress Dowager, who had been old and frail and genuinely felt sorry for him – whenever he encountered such words or expressions, he would remain indifferent on the surface. However, deep down, he felt a sense of resistance, even disgust, as if some hidden secret had been exposed.

He had initially thought that Hui Ming would be no different. After all, he didn't need that kind of sympathy, the kind shown towards the weak.

But now, facing her gaze, he suddenly realized that no, Hui Ming was different from them.

Perhaps it was because Hui Ming's concern wasn't condescending, a fleeting sigh from someone who remained unaffected. Hers was a genuine heartache, as if she would gladly bear the burden for him. Or maybe it was simply because it was Hui Ming.

Under her gaze, Su Jin felt as if the softest part of his heart had been touched. A pang of sadness washed over him, transporting him back to his childhood. When his grandfather scolded him, he would be fine on his own. But upon returning to his room, his mother's gentle questioning would bring forth his suppressed tears.

However, times had changed. He was no longer that naive young master of the Duke's mansion, reliant on his family for support…

Su Jin collected himself and looked away from her intense gaze. He led Hui Ming along the corridor towards the rear residence, his slightly trembling voice betraying his emotions. "It's alright. Why bring it up again? It was my fault for being stubborn and causing you to be punished. You have every right to be angry with me."

"I'm not angry with you, Gonggong, because I was punished by Her Highness!" Hui Ming retorted, quick to defend herself.

Since their conversation on the palace path, where they had spoken of a long-lasting bond and received Su Jin's promise, Hui Ming felt that their "duìshí" relationship was out in the open. She believed they could now be closer, setting aside the previous formality and courtesy.

Indeed, after more than ten days of sharing meals, living under the same roof, and sleeping in the same courtyard, their relationship had become less distant. Hui Ming's tone with Su Jin was now more casual and intimate. "I was angry because you risked your own life trying to send me out of the palace, Gonggong."

They reached Hui Ming's room. Su Jin opened the door and turned to look at her with an exceptionally warm gaze. "You're right. I was wrong."

Hui Ming felt a little embarrassed and lowered her head, her voice a mixture of complaint and casual conversation. "Why are you still so polite, Gonggong?"

This had been on Hui Ming's mind lately. Compared to her complete ease and casualness, Su Jin seemed to be holding back, his words and actions carrying a deliberate politeness, as if there was an invisible barrier between them.

Although Hui Ming had lived two lives, she was completely inexperienced in matters of the heart. While she sensed something amiss, she couldn't pinpoint it. She assumed it was Su Jin's gentlemanly nature and that she was being too impatient.

Just like now, after apologizing, Su Jin gently and politely inquired if she had eaten. After they were both seated, he went to the window and personally brewed her a cup of pre-rain tea.

Hui Ming accepted the tea, and Su Jin sat down opposite her, his expression serious, as if he had something important to say. "There's something I need to tell you."

His demeanor made Hui Ming straighten up. "What is it?" she asked.

Su Jin lowered his gaze, his eyes fixed on the teacup in his hand. He spoke slowly, "I sent someone to inquire about your parents. Would you like to see them?"

Family, parents…

Hui Ming's expression remained blank as if she didn't understand what he meant. For a moment, she only felt a mix of helplessness and melancholy.

Although palace maids entered the palace, they were not completely cut off from their families. According to the rules, for three to five days every July, those who had family members visiting could meet them outside Xinglong Gate under the watchful eyes of palace matrons and guards.

Hui Ming's family relied on growing fruit trees and vegetables for a living. Besides her parents, she had an older brother, younger siblings, and a large family. She remembered that when she first entered the palace, her parents and eldest brother had come to see her. However, on their second visit, only her parents rushed over on the last day, explaining that her brother was now married, his wife was pregnant, and her younger sister was of marriageable age. Her youngest brother was still a toddler who couldn't walk properly. With the addition of her brother's growing family, life had become increasingly hectic.

Moreover, their home was far away. A round trip to the palace took four to five days, not to mention the time and expense it took away from their work in the fields.

Although Hui Ming was young at the time, she had always been understanding. How could she bear to trouble her aging parents with such a strenuous journey every year? She assured them that she was doing well and gave them the two years' worth of monthly allowance she had saved. She specifically told them not to visit again, promising to send word when she was granted permission to leave the palace after serving her term. They could then arrange for her return home.

Her parents agreed, and after a tearful farewell, they parted ways.

Despite her brave words, Hui Ming was only a twelve-year-old girl at the time. How could she not miss her family? In the beginning, she still held onto a glimmer of hope. Every July, when the matrons called upon the palace maids expecting visitors, she would listen intently for her name. However, after three years without a single visit from her parents, she had given up hope.

Distance had a way of creating a rift, even between blood relatives. If the real fifteen-year-old Song Hui Ming felt this way, then Hui Ming, who had been reborn and lived for decades more, had long forgotten the faces and names of her parents. It was unfilial, but if Su Jin hadn't brought it up, Hui Ming wouldn't have thought of her family at all.

"How are my parents doing now?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

Su Jin nodded, choosing to share the good news first. "They're both healthy. The harvests have been good these past few years. Your brother has a son and a daughter now, and his wife is expecting again. I heard your younger sister is engaged to be married. Her fiancé is from a well-off family in town, they own a shop. They plan to marry in two years."

Hearing about her blood relatives brought a genuine smile to Hui Ming's face. "A son and a daughter in just a few years, and another one on the way? My sister-in-law is amazing. My parents must be overjoyed."

"However, I heard that your brother injured his leg some time ago and had to rest for a while," Su Jin added, noticing the change in Hui Ming's expression. He quickly reassured her, "He's fine now, just that it cost them a bit of money."

Despite his reassurance, Hui Ming, who had entered the palace at the age of ten, knew that her family was poor and struggled to make ends meet. With more mouths to feed and her brother's injury, their situation must be even more difficult. "I've saved some money," she said, "and the coral jewelry that the Empress gifted me last time should fetch a good price if I pawn it. Could you please send the money to them, Gonggong?"

Su Jin readily agreed before steering the conversation back to his main point. "Your parents are getting old, and working in the fields every day must be tiring for them. In my opinion, it would be better if they moved closer to the capital. You can meet them personally and take better care of them."

Hui Ming finally sensed something was amiss. She looked up at Su Jin, who was sitting opposite her.

As if to avoid her gaze, Su Jin took a sip of tea before continuing, "If you're worried, I can arrange for you to leave the palace. You can reunite with your family and wait for me outside. It's the same."

"Gonggong!" Hui Ming frowned, her voice laced with a rare seriousness. "You promised me that you wouldn't send me away again!"

"Of course! If you don't want to leave, I will never force you!" Su Jin quickly clarified, afraid of being misunderstood.

Hearing his familiar promise brought Hui Ming back to her senses. So, if she met her family and decided to leave on her own accord, it wouldn't count as breaking his promise?

Hmm… Hui Ming raised an eyebrow. Why did she ever think that Su Jin was a completely upright gentleman?


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