Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 55: Chapter 55

“Your Majesty summons me? Which Majesty?” Huiming asked, but she already had a vague guess in her heart.

In this palace, no matter what people think privately, on the surface, there are only two people who can be directly called Your Majesty without a prefix— His Majesty in Qiande Palace and Her Majesty in Kunhe Palace.

Sure enough, as soon as Huiming finished speaking, Yuan Chengqiang clapped his hands abruptly: “Who else could it be? It’s Her Majesty, the Empress of our Kunhe Palace!”

Her Majesty the Empress… Why would she suddenly summon her specifically?

Huiming felt a little uneasy and asked again: “Did Her Majesty say what it was about?”

Hearing this, Yuan Chengqiang showed a somewhat dissatisfied expression: “As servants in the palace, when Your Majesty summons, it’s already enough that we don’t rush over immediately, how can we still ask all these questions? Aunt Song is putting on quite the air.”

Huiming frowned slightly. She knew this Junior Supervisor Yuan. Relying on his distant relationship with the Head Eunuch of Kunhe Palace, he acted as if he were a close confidant of the Empress, behaving very arrogantly regardless of whether others took him seriously.

Hearing his sarcastic words, Huiming's face became even more unsightly. She just straightened her back and replied calmly: “If that’s the case, then please ask Eunuch Yuan to wait outside for a while. I am a personal maid serving Consort Tai. Even if Her Majesty summons me, I still need to report to my own mistress first.”

Speaking of which, Yuan Chengqiang was the Junior Supervisor in charge of Changxing Palace, and the mistress of Changxing Palace was Consort Kang Tai. His own mistress should also be Consort Kang Tai. Hearing Huiming’s meaningful words, his expression changed.

Huiming didn’t even glance at him. After saying that, she turned around and entered the main hall. Reporting to Consort Kang Tai was one thing, but more importantly, after thinking for a long time, she went to find a familiar little eunuch in Changxing Palace and asked him to keep an eye out. If she didn’t come back within an hour, he should go to Qiande Palace and find Eunuch Su or Yuanbao and tell them about this.

The little eunuch accepted the broken silver for delivering the message and agreed readily. Only then did Huiming straighten her clothes and leave the palace.

Outside Changxing Palace, besides Junior Supervisor Yuan, there was also a serious-faced palace maid standing there. It was said that she was the Head Maid beside Her Majesty. After asking about Huiming’s identity, she didn’t say a word and just turned around and told her to follow.

Seeing this, Huiming didn’t try to make small talk. She just silently followed her to Kunhe Palace, entered through the west side door, and went around to the main gate of the rear palace.

The palace maid from Kunhe Palace turned around on the steps and said to Huiming with a cold expression, “I will report to Her Majesty. Wait here.”

Huiming responded obediently. This was the main entrance of the rear palace, where all kinds of servants and even concubines and noblewomen came and went. It was crowded and there were many ears. Huiming didn’t dare to be negligent and just found a place that wasn’t in the way and waited respectfully.

But she didn’t expect that this wait would last for nearly an hour.

Whether it was intentional or not, the place where the palace maid made her wait happened to be a drafty spot. It wasn’t snowing today, and Huiming wasn’t wearing a cloak. After an hour of cold wind blowing, her whole body was shivering slightly, and only her legs felt as heavy as lead.

At this point, Huiming understood in her heart that she was being deliberately made to wait by Her Majesty.

But she was just an ordinary palace maid, and now she wasn’t even serving in front of His Majesty anymore. Why would Her Majesty make things difficult for her like this? She herself didn’t have anything worthy of Her Majesty's attention… Unless, it was for Eunuch Su?

Huiming was puzzled, but the more it was like this, the more careful she became. Time passed bit by bit, until the sun was half hidden behind the horizon and the sky darkened. Only then did she slowly take a breath, step forward to find the palace maid who brought her here, and calmly said that at this hour, if she didn’t go back, she would miss the palace gate closing time. If Her Majesty was not free, she would come back tomorrow.

However, the Head Maid seemed to have been waiting for her. She didn’t give her a chance to avoid it. After hearing this, she immediately led her into the palace.

The Empress was leaning against the wooden couch in the rear palace as if she was unwell. She couldn’t see her face clearly through the beaded curtain, only the exceptionally luxurious phoenix crown on her head.

Huiming didn’t dare to look closely. She just glanced at it and immediately knelt down on both knees in a respectful manner, performing a grand salute.

Hearing this, the Empress straightened her body slightly, but before she could ask Huiming to rise, the Head Maid beside her immediately and “coincidentally” reported something. The two of them immediately started talking to each other.

This was going on and on. Huiming frowned secretly, but she estimated the time and thought that Yuanbao and Eunuch Su should have received the news by now. She wasn’t worried anymore, but just lowered her eyes and waited quietly.

Speaking of which, because she had been standing outside the palace for too long, her legs were numb. When she first knelt down, it was actually quite a relief and even felt a little comfortable. But after only a quarter of an hour, a sharp pain came from her knees. As the sky gradually darkened and the little eunuchs in the palace lit the lamps one after another, even Huiming, with the patience of two lifetimes, started to grit her teeth secretly.

It was also at this time that the long-awaited announcement finally came from outside the palace—

“Head Eunuch Su requests an audience.”

Huiming almost couldn’t help but bend down, but the moment Eunuch Su arrived, in order not to worry him, she forced herself to straighten her back and put on an ordinary expression as if she had just knelt down.

But Su Jin had been paying attention to Huiming for so many years, how could he be easily fooled? With just a quick glance, he immediately noticed Huiming’s pale face.

Su Jin felt a pain in his heart. For a moment, he couldn’t even maintain his superficial respect and perfunctoriness towards the Empress. He bowed towards the curtain and said in a respectful tone, but his voice was extremely cold: “I wonder what Her Majesty means by this?”

The Empress sat up straight with the help of the palace maid beside her and said to Eunuch Su with a dignified expression: “Head Eunuch Su is really imposing.”

Su Jin frowned: “This servant wouldn’t dare.”

Although he said so, Su Jin’s movements were not slow at all. He turned around and helped Huiming up from the ground.

Huiming was stunned for a moment. She hesitated for a second, then looked up and saw Eunuch Su’s gaze. She didn’t struggle and really followed his strength, slowly standing up.

Seeing this scene through the beaded curtain, the Empress said faintly: “Since Head Eunuch Su knows how to be considerate, you should think twice before you act.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Huiming, who was facing Eunuch Su, saw the gloomy look on his face flash by. He turned around, but just lowered his head and said respectfully: “It’s getting late. If Your Majesty has no further orders, this servant still needs to rush back before the palace gate closes.”

Hearing this, the Empress coughed lightly as if all the difficulties and undercurrents just now didn’t exist. She said gracefully: “Alright then. It’s just that I heard from Shan’er that you did a very good job in today’s ancestral sacrifice. For such merit, I should reward you well.”

After saying that, the Empress waved her hand. The palace maid on the side stepped forward and, as if prepared, presented a set of crystal clear red coral jewelry and gave it to Huiming.

Huiming glanced at Eunuch Su beside her and bowed to thank the Empress.

Seeing this, the Empress behind the curtain slowly leaned back again, and her voice softened slightly: “You may rise. As long as you are diligent and honest in your duties in the future, I will naturally not treat you badly.”

Huiming knew in her heart that these words were actually meant for Eunuch Su. It seemed that Eunuch Su had done something to offend the Empress and Prince Xin. The Empress summoned her today just to use her to warn Eunuch Su.

Because of this, Huiming didn’t say anything. She just followed behind Eunuch Su, bowed together, took a few steps back, turned around, and left the palace.

As soon as they left Kunhe Palace, Su Jin stopped in his tracks and sent Yuanbao back to his duties with the coral jewelry. He himself stood in front of Huiming and bent his knees, wanting to check her knees.

Huiming quickly took a step back and just smiled: “You came just in time. I just entered the palace not long ago.”

Hearing this, Su Jin lowered his head as if he was even more ashamed. His voice was low: “I’m sorry. Today’s matter was all because of me.”

Huiming didn’t want Eunuch Su to say such things, and she didn’t want him to be affected by today’s events and change his future plans. So she quickly interrupted him: “It’s nothing. I have received so much kindness and care from you. It’s only right that I do something in return occasionally!”

Su Jin was stunned. He looked away evasively and asked in a low voice: “Do your legs still hurt?”

“They don’t hurt. I just knelt for a while. It’s not a big deal. Let’s walk slowly on the road, and it will be fine when we get back!”

Although Huiming said so, how could Su Jin be at ease? They walked extremely slowly for another hundred steps in the dim palace path. He listened to their footsteps and said in a low voice: “If that’s the case, shall I help you?”

Hearing these words, Huiming, who was still saying that she didn’t hurt at all, suddenly stopped talking.

Of course her legs still hurt. When she was kneeling, it was just a sharp pain in her knees. Now that she was walking, her knees didn’t hurt so much, but her whole legs felt sore. If someone could support her, it would naturally be much easier.

Not to mention, even if she really wasn’t in much pain, Eunuch Su had already offered… How could she refuse?

Huiming also lowered her head and responded softly with a flushed face. If Su Jin’s ears weren’t so good, he might not have been able to hear her.

Seeing her agree, Su Jin bowed slightly and raised his forearm in front of her.

This was how the eunuchs in the palace supported their masters.

Seeing this, Huiming frowned slightly. After thinking for a while, she didn’t grab his forearm. Instead, she took a step back and directly put her arm through his. Holding on with one hand didn’t seem quite right. After taking two more steps, she simply grabbed his arm with her other hand as well.

This way, they seemed to be much closer all of a sudden. In fact, it was too close. Even Huiming, who was the one who initiated it, felt that something was wrong. But she had already grabbed his arm, and it didn’t seem right to let go. So she just kept her head down and pretended that she didn’t know anything, taking advantage of the fact that this palace path was secluded and there was no one around.

Not to mention Su Jin. The moment Huiming held onto his arm, he felt the weight and warmth coming from his side, and even a faint fragrance. His whole body stiffened, and his heart, which was still filled with guilt and self-blame just now, suddenly skipped a beat, followed by a blank. For the next few steps, he completely relied on his instinct to walk forward according to Huiming’s strength. It was as if his arms and legs were no longer his own!

After walking for a hundred steps in a daze, Su Jin’s thoughts finally returned to his mind. He gritted his teeth, afraid that he wouldn’t be able to speak if he delayed any longer, and quickly said what he had been thinking for a long time: “In a few days, I will send you out of the palace.”

Huiming’s steps paused slightly, but her voice was still calm: “And then?”

Su Jin opened his mouth, his voice hoarse: “I… I have saved up some money over the years. After you leave the palace, you can leave the capital with your parents and hide for two years. After that, if you get used to living elsewhere, you can settle down there. If you want to come back, you can…”

“I thought that you treated me with sincerity, so I also repaid you with sincerity!”

Hearing this, Huiming suddenly interrupted him. She flung his arm away. It was such a dim palace path, but her eyes seemed to sparkle with a trembling light: “It turns out I was wrong. Eunuch Su, you never thought of being with me for a long time?”


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