Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 45: Chapter 45

"Why don't you rest for another day, Eunuch Su?" Inside Jing Alley, Huiming looked at Eunuch Su, who was wearing a cloak, and couldn't help but persuade him again.

This was the second day after Eunuch Su caught a cold and had a fever. Yesterday, Huiming finally persuaded him to lie down in bed for a whole day. This morning, he wanted to get up, saying that the anniversary of the late Empress's death was only a few days away. Even if he didn't have to serve the Emperor, he should at least go to Yongshou Palace to see how the preparations were going. However, Huiming was still a little worried because Eunuch Su's forehead was still a little warm.

Under Huiming's insistence, Su Jin put on a thick rabbit fur hat again. Although he had explained it many times, he still spoke patiently and gently without a trace of annoyance: "I'm not going to serve His Majesty. I'm just going to Yongshou Palace to see if the servants are doing their jobs properly. I'm dressed so warmly and have a hand warmer, so I won't be cold. It's really alright."

Of course, worrying about the late Empress's memorial ceremony was one reason. But more importantly, yesterday, under Huiming's care, he had been recuperating all day. Huiming personally helped him with everything, from eating and drinking to taking medicine and changing clothes. This was a scene that Su Jin could only dream of. But after experiencing it so many times, he was afraid that he would really not be able to stand it and reveal some inappropriate behavior in front of Huiming. That would be truly regrettable.

Moreover, Su Jin couldn't lie peacefully on the bed, watching Huiming busying herself with serving him.

Although Huiming didn't think too much about it, she had lived another life and was not completely ignorant of the world. In this palace, as a palace servant, it was already a blessing from the Emperor, who trusted Eunuch Su deeply, that he was allowed to rest for a day after reporting his illness.

But if he really ignored everything and something went wrong with such an important event as the late Empress's memorial ceremony, His Majesty wouldn't care if he was ill or not. What's more, she already knew that Eunuch Su and the late Empress were from the same family. Even without His Majesty's orders, Eunuch Su probably wouldn't want anything to go wrong with his own aunt's memorial ceremony.

After hearing Eunuch Su's words, Huiming stopped persuading him. After thinking for a while, she just lowered her head and straightened her sleeves and skirt, and then continued: "In that case, I'll go with you, Eunuch!"

Su Jin's movements paused, and he looked down at Huiming with a hesitant expression. Huiming continued, "Anyway, I'm not on duty today. It's better to go with you than to be idle in the room. Maybe I can even help with something. Since you're not going to see His Majesty, it doesn't matter if you take me along. Don't worry, I'll just follow quietly and won't cause any trouble or hinder you."

As long as it was within his power, Su Jin never refused Huiming's requests. It was the same this time. As soon as Huiming finished speaking, Su Jin nodded silently. Seeing Huiming thanking him and leaving in a hurry, he quickly added, "Go back and change into thicker clothes. There's no need to rush."

Huiming had already left the room and responded from afar through the wooden door. However, her hands didn't delay at all. She quickly tied the light blue hooded cloak she wore when going out, changed into a pair of thick-soled cotton shoes, and then opened the door again and walked out.

Su Jin looked up and quickly glanced at her, then handed her the small hand warmer he was holding. Before she could speak, he walked straight out.

Huiming paused for a moment, thinking that the hand warmer was for Eunuch Su first. After leaving the door, she followed the rules and followed behind Eunuch Su with Yuanbao on the left and right.

Yongshou Palace was not far from Qiande Palace. Eunuch Su walked slowly, and it only took two quarters of an hour to reach the gate of the late Empress's palace. He looked up at the gilded plaque of Yongshou Palace, straightened his clothes carefully, and then stepped over the threshold.

Along the way, Su Jin ignored all the palace servants he met and went straight to the memorial tablet of the late Empress. He paused for a moment, then stepped forward with a solemn expression, picked up three sticks of incense from the side, lit them, and carefully inserted them into the incense burner. Then he knelt on the soft cushion in front of the altar, touched his forehead to the ground meticulously, and performed a grand kowtow.

Seeing this, Huiming behind him also lowered her head and knelt on the golden brick, kowtowing along.

After getting up, Huiming slightly raised her head and looked at the portrait enshrined behind the incense table. The painters in the palace painted people according to their ranks, and the clothes, jewelry, and even the facial features were almost the same. At first glance, they looked like they were carved from the same mold.

But the portrait of Empress Qishengchun hanging on the case was different. Although she was also dressed in a phoenix crown and ceremonial robes, her facial features were not rigid at all, and her expression was vivid. Especially her phoenix eyes were slightly raised, as if she could see the late Empress's generosity and brightness from the painting.

"This painting was painted by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince himself after the Empress passed away." Noticing Huiming's gaze, Eunuch Su explained softly after getting up.

No wonder. The difference between a painter painting the Empress and a son painting his deceased mother was like heaven and earth. However, the Crown Prince who once mourned his deceased mother was now also a deceased person being mourned by others.

From this point of view, the late Empress, the late Crown Prince, and even the entire family of the Duke Zhenguo, who were once relatives of the imperial family, did not have a good ending.

Especially the Duke Zhenguo's family, who were the Emperor's father-in-law, were all executed for treason…

Huiming frowned tightly. Standing inside Yongshou Palace, thinking about the relationship between the Duke Zhenguo's family and the late Empress and the Empress Dowager's side, her heart skipped a beat, and she vaguely had some guesses. While she was deep in thought, a gentle male voice came from behind.

"So it's Head Eunuch Su." Huiming turned around and saw Prince Xin in a python robe. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised in a smile, and his expression was full of gentleness and casualness: "I heard that you caught a cold. I thought Head Eunuch Su wouldn't be able to come to this memorial ceremony."

Su Jin took a few steps back, knelt down on one knee, and saluted. Then he only replied calmly, "This servant greets Prince Xin."

Prince Xin shook his head: "Since you have a cold, you should rest well. Don't you trust me, Head Eunuch Su?"

"This servant wouldn't dare." Eunuch Su lowered his head calmly and added, "But His Majesty has given me orders, and this servant wouldn't dare to neglect them."

Huiming stood quietly behind them. Although she often saw Eunuch Su when she was serving in front of the Emperor, it was almost always in front of the Emperor. Moreover, as a palace maid, her immediate superior was the female official in charge. Eunuch Su rarely had the authority to manage them. And if they met in private, Eunuch Su was always gentle and considerate to her, even a little shy and humble.

It was precisely because of this that she vaguely understood what kind of person the "cold and ruthless" Eunuch Su in everyone's mouth was really like after seeing with her own eyes his attitude towards others when he was on duty.

Not to mention other palace servants, Eunuch Su was always serious and expressionless. Although he never spoke harshly or reprimanded anyone, his mere few words of instruction and his imposing manner made people not dare to slack off in the slightest.

It was the same with Prince Xin. He clearly bowed and greeted him, his words and actions were all according to the rules, his knees were firmly on the ground, and he addressed himself as "this servant," without any overstepping. But for some reason, the same words and actions seemed to carry a hint of aloofness and indifference when done by Eunuch Su, especially towards Prince Xin. It even seemed to faintly reveal a hint of arrogance and disdain.

However, Prince Xin didn't seem to notice it. He just slightly curved his lips, his face carrying the usual smile that, in Huiming's eyes, never reached his heart. He gently waved his hand, signaling the palace servants around him to retreat.

The palace servants in the hall bowed one after another, took a few steps back, turned around, and went out the door. Even Yuanbao only glanced at Eunuch Su after hearing this and retreated out the door.

Huiming knew that she should have retreated with them under the current circumstances. However, she vaguely felt that what Prince Xin and Eunuch Su were going to say next was very important to her. She moved her feet and only retreated a few steps to the door. At this distance, as long as Prince Xin and Eunuch Su didn't whisper to each other, she could still hear what they were saying.

Fortunately, Prince Xin seemed to remember her. He just glanced at her casually and sat down on a nearby armchair without much care. He leaned forward slightly and put on a confidential look towards Eunuch Su: "Since my mother gave birth to me, she has always been weak. From the time I was three or four years old, I spent twenty days out of a month by the late Empress's side. You and I have known each other since we were young and grew up together. I have never regarded you as a servant, so why do you have to be so polite with me, Head Eunuch Su?"

Huiming's heart skipped a beat when she heard this. She quickly looked up at the two people in front of the memorial tablet. Eunuch Su still lowered his head, his expression unclear. Prince Xin, on the other hand, stroked his knee with his hand, looking particularly sincere: "Could it be that Head Eunuch Su really believes Prince Rui's nonsense and thinks that what happened to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince that day was my doing?"

Su Jin remained motionless and silent. Prince Xin didn't seem to care and continued, "Su Jin, I am a few years older than you and can be called your elder brother. Today, I will give you a word of advice. Don't think that Prince Rui is straightforward and upright just because he is reckless everywhere. It is easy to be misled by his words and turn against your own people, which will only hurt those who care about you and please your enemies!"

Hearing this, Eunuch Su finally reacted. However, he only replied in a flat tone, "This servant is just a lowly slave. Thanks to His Majesty's grace, I am able to serve in front of him. I wouldn't dare to call myself your brother, Your Highness."

Upon hearing this, Prince Xin couldn't help but slam the table and stood up: "Are you determined to follow Prince Rui and frame me?"

"Your Highness, watch your words!" Eunuch Su finally raised his head, but his eyes towards Prince Xin seemed to carry boundless coldness: "It doesn't matter what happens to this servant. But in front of Empress Qishengchun's spirit, if Her Majesty has a spirit and hears Your Highness's words, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to rest in peace!"


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