Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 41: Chapter 41

Seeing such a little prince, Huiming was taken aback for a moment. The first thought that came to her mind was that it was no wonder that Noble Consort Tian, with such an annoying personality, had been able to gain the emperor's favor for so many years. She had given birth to such a beautiful child.

Even Huiming herself, if she were to face a delicate and charming young girl, even more beautiful than the Seventh Prince, she would be more tolerant than usual even if the girl was a little arrogant.

However, if it were Noble Consort Tian, whose face was now half-ruined and who only complained and cursed all day long, it would be truly annoying.

Such thoughts flashed through her mind, and Huiming shook her head, throwing aside the future "Empress Dowager Tian" who only gave her a headache at the thought. She slowly stepped forward and sat down beside the little prince. After waiting for a while, she softly called out, "Your Highness?"

The Seventh Prince blinked his eyes but still lowered his head without saying a word.

Huiming straightened her face and apologized straightforwardly without making excuses, "I went out of the palace yesterday and forgot to report to Your Highness. It was my fault. Please don't be angry, Your Highness."

The Seventh Prince remained silent, but Huiming was already used to it. She waited patiently, and sure enough, after about ten breaths, the little prince slowly raised his head and looked at her with his watery, bright eyes. After a while, he slightly opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

Having been by the little prince's side for more than ten years, Huiming had already figured out all of his temperaments and habits, even the slightest movements. Seeing that it was getting late, she didn't wait for the little prince to speak slowly. She continued in a very understanding manner, "I understand. Please rest assured, Your Highness. I won't do it again! If there is anything in the future, I will definitely tell you in advance and will not make you wait for me in vain!"

The little prince never cared if others interrupted him. In fact, the little prince hated talking very much. If you could understand his meaning and say it for him without him having to open his mouth, the little prince would be more than happy to say a few words less.

Just like now, after hearing Huiming's guarantee, the Seventh Prince closed his mouth again and slowly nodded, accepting her apology and not mentioning the matter again.

Huiming couldn't help but smile. The little prince had always been like this. Although he had a strange temper and many inexplicable quirks, he was also very easy to please. Just like what happened today, although the little prince was unhappy because of her negligence, as long as she sincerely apologized afterwards and paid attention not to make the same mistake again, the little prince would not blame her anymore.

Even if the little prince was still very upset, he would not blame her. He would only endure the unpleasantness silently and would not keep it in his heart like some masters in the palace, hanging it over your head, and bringing it up unexpectedly.

Of course, this apology and guarantee had to be sincere. Although the little prince was said to be "ignorant and stupid" in the mouths of others, he knew very well who was sincere to him. He was like a clear lake, not only was he clear and bright, but he could also clearly reflect the faces and hearts of others. Such a person really made people have to love him.

"You always have a way!"

Although it was not the first time she had seen such a scene, Nanny Wang couldn't help but praise her. She went forward and took the outer clothes again, helping Huiming to put them on the little prince. Nanny Wang then took a wooden comb to comb the little prince's hair. Huiming turned around to bring the breakfast that had been warming by the stove, waiting for the little prince to wash up so he could eat immediately.

Huiming was in charge of serving Consort Kang personally, so she couldn't stay in Jingfang Hall all the time. After watching the little prince finish his breakfast, she carefully explained to him that she had to leave the palace every night and could only come back to serve him after serving Consort Kang in the morning. She waited patiently for the little prince to agree before she got up and went to the front hall to work.

Consort Kang ignored her as usual, but Huiming didn't mind. She just followed the rules of a personal maid. When Consort Kang was in the hall, she would wait outside the hall. When Consort Kang went out, she would follow behind. The day passed quickly. Seeing that it was getting late, she went to find Banping, finishing today's task.

Naturally, Banping wouldn't stop her. Seeing this, Huiming turned around and left Changxing Palace, heading west back to Jing Lane.

Yesterday was the first day, so Huiming waited for Eunuch Su to lead the way. They didn't work in the same place, and they didn't leave work at the same time. Naturally, Huiming didn't bother him today. She went back to her residence while it was still light out. As soon as she entered the door, she followed her plan from the morning and went to the kitchen. She rolled up her sleeves, washed her hands, and decided to personally cook a bowl of noodles for Eunuch Su.

Huiming had been an embroiderer since she entered the palace, so she was naturally not good at cooking. But fortunately, she was already ten years old when she entered the palace. In a rural family, at this age, she had already learned to help her mother in the kitchen, so she still had some memories. Moreover, there was a cook in the kitchen to help her. Therefore, she was not flustered at all when she entered the kitchen. She recalled as she worked. After kneading the dough twice, she successfully cooked a bowl of chicken noodles.

"If I practice more in the future, I will be able to make it presentable." Huiming patted her hands with satisfaction, but she didn't directly leave the bowl for Eunuch Su. Instead, she took the chopsticks and ate it herself with the side dishes prepared in the small kitchen.

This was Huiming's original intention. At this time, it would be at least an hour before Eunuch Su got off work. Moreover, noodles were all about being hot and fresh, not to mention that she hadn't cooked for a long time, and the noodles she made didn't look very good. After another hour, even if Eunuch Su was willing to eat them, she wouldn't have the face to serve them to him!

Therefore, after filling her own stomach, Huiming honestly stayed in the kitchen, helping and stealing from the cook who came from the palace to prepare the soup and side dishes. It wasn't until she saw that the sky outside had completely darkened and estimated that it was time for the emperor to go to bed that she started to work again, carefully making another bowl of chicken noodles for Eunuch Su.

Sure enough, the second time looked much better than the first. Huiming asked the cook to help her carry the food box, while she took the candle and went straight into the main room of the front yard where Eunuch Su lived, lighting the candles one by one.

However, when the room lit up, Huiming couldn't help but stand still and frown.

The front yard was Eunuch Su's residence. Eunuch Su didn't take her to see it yesterday, so naturally, Huiming couldn't enter without permission. But Huiming had seen the backyard where she lived. The furnishings were not only luxurious and elegant, but also very thoughtful and meticulous. As soon as she entered the house, she felt warm and comfortable, as if she had returned home.

As for Eunuch Su's front yard, although Huiming could guess from his personality that it would not be as soft and bright as her room, it shouldn't be… so simple.

Huiming walked around with the candle in her hand. Except for being more spacious, the furnishings in this room were not much different from those in Eunuch Su's inverted room in Qiande Palace.

There was a lattice fan in the middle, a few round chairs, a rosewood arhat bed behind the screen against the wall, a wardrobe, a round-legged flat-top table, and a two-door cabinet. There was no other furniture. Not to mention incense burners, vases, or elegant things like qin, chess, calligraphy, and paintings. Except for the bedding placed at the corner of the arhat bed, the rest of the room was filled with hard wood. There were no cushions or pillows. Everything was extremely simple, even almost cold and desolate. It didn't look like anyone lived there at all, without a trace of warmth!

Eunuch Su had arranged her room so beautifully, but he himself lived in such a cold and simple place?

Huiming put the food box on the table, unable to describe her feelings for a moment.

"It's too cold in this room. Please wait a moment, miss. I'll ask someone to bring in some braziers." The old cook rubbed her hands and said, bending down.

But Huiming shook her head and stopped her. Instead, she asked the cook to take the dinner back to the stove to warm it up. She didn't light the brazier herself. She just sat down on the hard round chair in the cold air, lowered her head, and waited quietly.

Huiming had estimated the time correctly. She didn't wait long before she heard the sound of footsteps approaching from outside the door. Huiming didn't move. She continued to sit there and waited for the door to be pushed open from the outside before she looked up at the person who stepped in and called out, "Eunuch Su."

Su Jin didn't expect Huiming to be sitting inside. He was stunned for a moment and before he could answer, Huiming continued, "I came back early today and practiced my cooking skills in the kitchen. I made a bowl of chicken noodles for you. Please try it."

Chicken noodles, for him? Su Jin came back to his senses, surprised and delighted. He opened his mouth slightly, but before he could speak, Huiming didn't wait for him. She got up and went straight past him out the door. "But it's too deserted in your room. I don't think it's appetizing to eat here. Why don't you move to my room?"

After saying that, Huiming finally gave Su Jin time to reply. She just stood outside the door and looked at him quietly. Su Jin came back to his senses, gripped the peace knot on his waist, and naturally couldn't refuse. He just said modestly, "Okay… Since you've already made it. But you've worked hard today, and there are cooks in the kitchen. You don't have to go through so much trouble in the future."

Huiming led the way, "My current job is just a title. It's not hard work at all. You're the one who works hard, serving the emperor every day. It's most suitable to come back and have a bowl of hot noodles."

Hearing these words, Su Jin felt warm in his chest before he even took a bite of the hot chicken noodles, as if something was roasting him. A smile just appeared on his lips when Huiming's next sentence suddenly made him freeze. "The room to the west of mine, the one you furnished as a study, also has a arhat bed. After dinner, you can just tidy up and rest there."


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