Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Because His Majesty always felt cold after acupuncture, and the imperial physician had specifically instructed him to avoid the wind, the Palace Affairs Bureau decided to hold the palace banquet in the West Warm Chamber, where the fire炕 (kang) was burning.

On the innermost kang, a square table with lotus patterns was placed. Cushions and pillows were placed on opposite sides of the table. This was naturally the seat for His Majesty and the Empress. Next to the kang were two newly moved round rosewood horseshoe-shaped tables. Noble Consort Xian and the two princes sat at the head of the tables, surrounded by the other two consorts and their groups. This was considered the second most important seating arrangement. Further down, outside the connected wooden partition, several single tables were placed in a row. These were for the unmarried princesses, young princes, the princes' wives, and grandchildren. It was indeed a bit crowded, but His Majesty had already declared that this was a family banquet, so being crowded together seemed more lively.

However, this arrangement meant that the palace servants serving in the warm chamber had to be extra careful. In such a small space, they had to be quick and unobtrusive while ensuring everything was in order and avoiding any mistakes.

Fortunately, both Nanny Xu and Aunt Wei knew how difficult it was and did their best to make things run smoothly. The palace maids who could serve the masters up close in the warm chamber were not chosen randomly. The servants who helped outside were also experienced hands transferred from the Qingyan Garden, where banquets were often held.

According to the palace banquet rules, before the formal meal, there should have been eight-fruit platters, dried fruits, and fragrant herbs—things that were only meant to look and smell good. However, these were all omitted due to His Majesty's oral decree to "keep things simple." Only half of the usual amount was prepared, and even on the table of His Majesty and the Empress, there were only six kinds of candied fruits, six kinds of snacks, eight kinds of dried meat, and eight kinds of fresh fruit, which were already arranged to the brim.

These items could be prepared in advance and were already laid out before the masters arrived. The main courses had to be served fresh. Besides, there were spare bowls, chopsticks, cups, wine pots, soup spoons, hand towels, and many other trivial items, keeping the food-serving palace maids like Qiuya, Hongyun, Lvxue, and Wuqing busy without a moment's rest.

In contrast, those in charge of decorations and clothing, like Huiming, were slightly more relaxed. After finishing her task, Huiming heard that the two princes had arrived outside the hall. She thought for a moment and took the opportunity to go to the West Warm Chamber under the pretense of helping out.

For such an important family banquet, the two princes naturally did not delay. They arrived at the palace with their families long before noon. The princesses first went to the inner palace to pay their respects to the Empress. The two princes went straight to the Qianqing Palace to greet His Majesty and exchange a few words. They then waited in the rosewood grand chairs outside the West Warm Chamber.

The temperature in the West Warm Chamber was just right for His Majesty, who had just recovered from a serious illness. However, it was a bit hot for others. The two princes were obviously prepared. They took off their outer cloaks, revealing their inner clothes. Today was a family banquet, so they didn't have to wear their usual prince attire. Prince Xin wore a loose robe and a wide belt, looking elegant. Prince Rui still wore his usual red attire, looking more like a mighty general.

Whenever these two were together, they would inevitably engage in a few verbal altercations. Just like now, in front of all the palace servants, after exchanging a few pleasantries, Prince Rui said in a rough voice without any reservation, "The Empress's health hasn't been good lately. The winter solstice requires staying up all night. Third Brother, you must watch over her carefully and don't let her get sick again!"

Prince Xin smiled gently and elegantly, "She has been much better these days. I must thank Noble Consort Xian for visiting and inquiring about her health every day."

Noble Consort Xian's status was not as high as the Empress Dowager's, but she was always favored. The Empress had a noble status but no favor. These two, like the legitimate and elder sons of Prince Xin and Prince Rui, each had their own support. In the palace, they had long been in a subtle confrontation, even involving the two princes who had long left the palace in their verbal sparring.

Huiming listened carefully through the tall and imposing Duobao partition. Seeing that it was just such sarcastic remarks and trivial gossip, she lost interest and turned her attention back to the surroundings. She noticed that Qiuya, who was placing the wine cups, looked pale and moved with a hint of weakness.

After all, they had lived under the same roof for so long. Seeing this, Huiming asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Qiuya, who was always straightforward, shook her head weakly, unable to speak properly, "I had a bowl of cold tea last night and had a bad stomach ache all night."

With so much to do today, palace maids like them had to endure such minor ailments. Especially on a busy festival day like today, there was no time to rest. It could only be said that Qiuya was unlucky and had been too careless last night. Hearing this, Huiming had no other choice but to tell her to inform Aunt Wei if she couldn't hold on any longer. Even if she got scolded, it was better than making a mistake in front of His Majesty. Qiuya nodded in agreement.

Prince Xin and Prince Rui waited in the West Warm Chamber for a while. Noble Consort Xian led the other consorts into the Qianqing Palace. The two unmarried princesses also followed their mothers obediently. Even the ninth prince, still in his swaddling clothes, was carefully carried by two nurses to the warmest spot inside.

The warm chamber was suddenly filled with greetings, greetings, and polite exchanges. Except for His Majesty and the Empress, who were still talking in the inner hall, the only one missing was the Seventh Prince.

Indeed, perhaps because of Nanny Wang's previous visits with the Seventh Prince to seek an audience when His Majesty had just recovered, although His Majesty had never summoned the Seventh Prince, he still remembered him. For this family banquet, he ordered someone to check on the Seventh Prince and bring him to the banquet if his "illness" allowed. Huiming had also inquired about it in the past few days. Although Nanny Wang's cough had not fully recovered, she was determined to take this opportunity to bring the little prince to pay his respects and leave. At least, she wanted to let His Majesty see them so that the people below wouldn't dare to look down on them too much, and their days would be a little easier.

Seeing this scene, Huiming looked worriedly outside the hall. She was anxious about why the Seventh Prince hadn't arrived yet and worried that the noise in the warm chamber would be too much for him. After waiting for a while, she couldn't stand it any longer. She thought for a moment and found an opportunity to slip out of the warm chamber.

Finally, she saw the Seventh Prince and Nanny Wang hurrying along the palace path outside the west side door.

Huiming breathed a sigh of relief and went up to them, "Why are you so late? His Majesty and the Empress are about to come out. It would be too impolite if the prince arrived later than His Majesty."

Nanny Wang was so anxious that she was out of breath. She coughed and stamped her foot, "Concubine Tian heard that His Majesty wanted to see the Seventh Prince. While I wasn't paying attention, she insisted on taking him away to teach him a lesson. I only managed to stop her when I heard the commotion. We almost couldn't get out."

Huiming knew Concubine Tian's character very well and had experienced it many times. Hearing this, she frowned and quickly turned to check on the little prince's expression.

Knowing that the Seventh Prince was going to meet His Majesty, the Bureau of Imperial Tailors naturally didn't dare to delay. They sent a dark pomegranate red cotton robe with a black-based gold cloud patterned fur vest. Although the color was a bit tacky, it was also festive. It looked quite fitting on the Seventh Prince's delicate features.

However, the Seventh Prince was not as calm as he had been in the past few days. Although he remained silent, it was more like he was stunned and unresponsive, trembling slightly all over. His fingers were tightly clutching the prayer beads, stiff and motionless. His eyes were dull and lifeless.

Seeing the Seventh Prince like this, Huiming's heart sank. She had only seen this state a few times before. It usually happened after he had been pushed to his limit, unable to escape or accept, and had burst into hysterical screams. When he was completely exhausted, he would become like this, like a puppet, unaware and unresponsive.

Others might think that the little prince was better off this way. After all, he was just a figurehead. This way, he was more obedient. However, Huiming knew that this was only temporary peace. Every time this happened, the little prince's condition would worsen, and it would take months for him to recover.

"How did it end up like this?" Huiming was anxious and cursed the stupid and hateful Concubine Tian in her heart. Seeing the little prince's improvement these days, she had hoped that with Nanny Wang around, maybe the little prince could slowly recover to a normal state. Who would have thought that Concubine Tian would ruin everything!

"Can he still attend the banquet and pay his respects in this state?" Huiming asked worriedly.

"How could Concubine Tian let the prince miss this opportunity?" Nanny Wang also looked troubled. "And I thought, since he's obedient now, we might as well take him to His Majesty to kowtow and then leave."

Huiming understood Nanny Wang's meaning. Opportunities were rare, especially this one. His Majesty had finally remembered to see the Seventh Prince. If they made another excuse this time, His Majesty might become even more disgusted and ignore his seventh son.

Taking a deep breath, Huiming knelt down in front of the Seventh Prince. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself before looking at him and saying slowly, "Your Highness, Nanny and I are going to take you to kowtow to His Majesty, do you understand?"

The Seventh Prince's eyes were fixed on the air, still unresponsive.

Huiming continued, "There are many people in front of His Majesty: the Empress, Noble Consort Xian, the princesses, the princes, the palace maids, the eunuchs… There are many more people than in the Jingfang Hall, and they will all talk. It will be very noisy. His Majesty might even call you closer and ask you questions. At that time, everyone will be staring at you."

Huiming paused and carefully observed the Seventh Prince's reaction.

The Seventh Prince still didn't say anything, but the hand holding the prayer beads trembled slightly, shrinking back as if in fear.

Huiming understood that he hadn't reached his limit yet. At least, he could still hear what others were saying.

Realizing this, Huiming breathed a sigh of relief. Without any hesitation, she slowly reached out and covered the little prince's tightly clenched fist.

The moment Huiming's palm completely covered the little prince's small and pale fist, his eyes widened, and his trembling became more pronounced through their clasped hands.

Huiming didn't stop. Before the little prince could react and scream in panic, she pulled him into a tight embrace, pressing his face against her shoulder. She then covered his eyes with her hand, leaving him in darkness.

Nanny Wang was startled and was about to stop her. But then she saw that the prince didn't cry out and stopped in surprise.

Huiming remained motionless, waiting patiently for the little prince's stiff body to relax. Then, she softly said, "I know you're scared, Your Highness, but for Nanny and for your own future, you must go this time. Later, when you go inside and kowtow to His Majesty, start counting your prayer beads. Count to ten thousand, and Nanny and I will take you home, okay?"

The Seventh Prince remained stiff and motionless. Huiming wasn't in a hurry. Although they were clearly running late, she seemed oblivious, patiently waiting.

After a long while, Huiming's knees were numb from the cold wind. Finally, she felt the Seventh Prince's response—

He nodded slightly.


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