Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Hui Ming collected herself and carefully untangled the mess in her mind, just like she would meticulously separate silk threads while sewing at the Bureau of Imperial Attire.

This was the thirty-third year of the Xuande era. The Emperor had just fallen ill. Although it seemed very serious, there was no real danger to his life. It wasn't until the Ghost Festival of the thirty-fifth year, when Prince Rui killed his brother in an attempted coup and forced his way into the palace, that the Emperor truly fell ill. After personally ordering Prince Rui's death, the Emperor only had enough time to put the remaining Seventh Prince on the throne before passing away less than half a month later.

In her past life, half a month before the incident, Eunuch Su suddenly sent Yuan Bao to escort Hui Ming to the Palace of the Grand Dowager Consort Kang, who was unconcerned with worldly affairs. Although Yuan Bao explained that Eunuch Su had only brought Hui Ming to work at the Imperial Court because he had met her a few times when she first entered the palace and took pity on her when he saw her being bullied by the嬷嬷, Hui Ming didn't believe it at the time. She suspected that Su Jin was deliberately making things difficult for her, trying to force her to submit. But then Prince Rui's rebellion happened. Many guards and servants in the palace were cut down like weeds, and Eunuch Su Jin, the Chief Eunuch, was among them.

When Hui Ming heard the news of Eunuch Su's death, she was momentarily panicked. Although she inquired about the cause of death, she didn't think much of it. But now, having returned and re-examined the situation with decades of experience, she could see that there was something strange about it.

Firstly, Prince Rui's rebellion was a huge deal. How could Eunuch Su have known in advance and sent her away?

If Eunuch Su didn't know and her transfer was just a coincidence, then who was Eunuch Su? Although he was said to be from a family of court slaves, he was already reporting and serving in front of the Emperor at the young age of thirteen or fourteen. The year before, after the previous Chief Eunuch passed away, he directly assumed the position of Chief Eunuch, a sixth-rank official, at the age of eighteen. He was the Emperor's most trusted confidante. Even the consorts in the palace and the high officials in the court had to be polite to him. How could someone like him die so easily, like an insignificant servant, when the rebels stormed the palace? He should have been right next to the Emperor, the safest place!

Not to mention, as someone who had served the Emperor for so many years, even if he did die due to some unavoidable reason, according to palace rules, he should have been given a proper burial. He should not have ended up like many ordinary palace people, whose names were not even recorded, burned to ashes and dumped into a dry well.

No matter how she thought about it, there was something wrong with this. But she didn't know where Eunuch Su got his information. Was it a coincidence, or was he—

Involved in Prince Rui's rebellion?

Poking the charcoal in the brazier, Hui Ming showed no surprise on her face. Life in the palace was dull and boring. Eunuch Su was a rare ripple in her life. In her previous life, during those repetitive and boring decades as a palace maid, year after year, summer and winter, under the eaves of the palace, in front of the banana leaves, every time she inadvertently thought of him, she would ponder over every detail of Eunuch Su thousands of times in her heart.

However, Eunuch Su was already dead then, and knowing the truth was useless. Hui Ming only thought about it in her heart but never specifically inquired about it. She treated it as a habit and let it go.

It was too late to find out now.

Fortunately, she came early enough. There was still a year and a half before Prince Rui's palace rebellion. Even if she started planning now, it should still be in time. But she didn't know how deeply involved Eunuch Su was at this point. Was there still room for him to back out?

“Aunt Hui? It’s me, Yuan Bao. Master asked me to bring you some charcoal.”

While Hui Ming was deep in thought, a respectful voice suddenly came from the doorway. It was Yuan Bao, the only apprentice of Eunuch Su, whom Hui Ming had just been thinking about.

The charcoal was of the finest silver thread variety. It burned long and didn’t require frequent tending during the night, nor did it produce choking smoke. Not to mention palace servants, even some out-of-favor consorts couldn’t use it regularly.

As Eunuch Su's apprentice, Yuan Bao held a respectable position among the other servants. He was even half a year older than Hui Ming. However, in front of her, except for the time he spoke with a frown and a cold tone when he finally sent her away, he always acted like an ordinary little eunuch in the palace, addressing her as "Aunt" with respect and deference.

Indeed, from beginning to end, Eunuch Su had never mistreated or humiliated her, let alone shown her such care and support. But what about her? She was just being ignorant and self-absorbed. Despite receiving so much care from Eunuch Su, she didn't even say a word of thanks...

Thinking of this, after putting away the silver thread charcoal, Hui Ming suddenly stopped Yuan Bao, who was about to leave: "Where is Eunuch Su at the moment?"

“He’s still at Qiande Hall, attending to His Majesty.” Yuan Bao paused for a moment after speaking, then added a few good words for his master without changing his expression: "He’s already very busy. Early this morning, when he heard that you weren't feeling well, Master squeezed in some time to come and see you. He hasn't even had his breakfast yet."

Hui Ming looked at the sky and saw that it was almost time for lunch, but Eunuch Su hadn't even had breakfast?

“No matter how busy he is attending to His Majesty, he can’t skip meals. You should advise him more.” Speaking to her benefactor from her past life, Hui Ming’s words carried a hint of concern.

As Eunuch Su's apprentice, Yuan Bao was a clever person. Sensing the softening in Hui Ming's tone, he immediately lowered his head and suggested, "Master is so stubborn, how can we possibly advise him? Aunt Hui, if you are free, why don't you go and persuade him personally?"

Hui Ming hesitated for a moment. Thinking of everything that had happened in her past life, she readily agreed: "Alright. Does your master have any dietary restrictions? I'll bring him some food."

"Oh, there's no need to trouble you with such a small matter." Yuan Bao's eyes lit up, his voice becoming even more eager. "I'll go and prepare it right away, and then come back for you."

Unable to refuse Yuan Bao's enthusiasm, Hui Ming nodded in agreement.

The Emperor's illness came on suddenly. As the Chief Eunuch, Su Jin was busier than usual. Although Yuan Bao invited Hui Ming over in the afternoon, she still waited for two quarters of an hour in the corridor behind Qiande Hall before she saw the dark red robe of Eunuch Su hurrying around the corner.

Hui Ming straightened up and watched as his bamboo-like figure walked towards her. Even though her heart was filled with thousands of regrets and gratitudes, when she finally spoke, it was still only a respectful greeting: "Eunuch Su."

It was indeed quite cold. Although the corridor behind Qiande Hall sheltered them from the snow, palace maids weren't like their masters. They usually didn't wear thick coats with fur lining, only cotton-padded jackets. Standing outside for a long time, they couldn't withstand the penetrating chill.

"Why don't you wait inside?" Seeing her blowing into her hands to warm them, Su Jin frowned slightly. He was, after all, the Chief Eunuch, a sixth-rank official in front of the Emperor. Once his expression turned serious, he commanded a certain authority.

Although Qiande Hall was the Emperor's bedchamber, there were always some remote and cramped rooms in the corners for the servants to rest in. The most common were the tea rooms of the various palaces, usually manned by young servants who kept a fire going and hot water ready in case the masters needed them at any time. Servants on duty, if they had free time, could also come here to relax and have a cup of hot water to warm themselves up. The "inside" that Su Jin was referring to was this place.

Of course, Hui Ming knew about this place. The reason she didn't go there, apart from feeling that it wasn't necessary for such a short time, was also because it was a place where the servants usually gossiped and spread rumors. She wasn't here on official business to see Eunuch Su. If others saw her, they would inevitably gossip behind her back.

A palace maid bringing food to a eunuch was not something to be proud of. She didn't care about such a false reputation now, but since Eunuch Su was not that kind of person, she didn't want such rumors to tarnish his reputation.

After Su Jin spoke, he also noticed Hui Ming's hesitation. His expression froze, and he lowered his eyes slightly. The faint joy in his eyes gradually disappeared, and his voice became as calm as a deep well: "Is there something you need?"

“It’s nothing important. Yuan Bao just brought over some charcoal. I came to thank you for your kindness.”

Hearing this, Su Jin’s eyes darkened even more. He didn’t even speak but only nodded slightly.

Perhaps it was the lingering prestige of the dignified Chief Eunuch. Even though she had lived through it once, Hui Ming couldn’t help but straighten her back in front of the young Su Jin. Her originally concerned words were laced with a respectful caution reserved for a superior: “I heard from Yuan Bao that you’ve been so busy these days that you haven’t even had time to eat. Although your duties are important, you shouldn’t overwork yourself. You need to take care of your health.”

Su Jin’s expression remained unchanged, his thin back straight as he replied in his usual calm tone: “Thank you for your concern. I’m very busy today. I won’t disturb you later.”

Hui Ming paused. On her way here, she was still thinking that when Eunuch Su came to see her again in the evening, she would use her gratitude as an excuse to slowly reconcile with him. When they were more familiar with each other, she could slowly inquire about Prince Rui.

But now that Eunuch Su had said that he was busy, Hui Ming naturally couldn’t say anything more. She lowered her head in acknowledgement and said her goodbyes, so as not to delay Eunuch Su’s work any longer.

Su Jin nodded slightly, his gaze deep and unreadable. He watched her turn and walk step by step around the corridor to the steps. Just as she was about to step out of the corridor, he noticed the weather outside.


Hui Ming turned back at his words. From afar, she couldn’t see his expression clearly through the falling snow. Only his low and mellow voice, like an ancient flute, was as calm as ever, seemingly devoid of any emotion: “Stay there. I’ll have Yuan Bao bring you an umbrella.”


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