Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 29: Chapter 29

“Eunuch Su, are you in? I've brought the lantern.”

After a night of careful planning, Huiming had learned to be smarter. She was off duty today and knew that the palace would be busy with the Winter Solstice Festival these days. Eunuch Su would be even busier, and there was usually no one in his room in the early morning. Plus, Yuanbao might "accidentally" lock the door again. So, she waited until Wei hour (1-3 pm), figuring Eunuch Su would most likely be having his meal in his room. Only then did she bring the lantern Eunuch Su had mentioned last time and personally delivered it.

Hearing someone answer from inside, Huiming lifted the curtain and entered the room. As expected, Yuanbao was not there, only Eunuch Su was sitting at the small table having his meal. Hearing her, he got up and walked over, took the palace lantern with both hands, and said calmly with downcast eyes, "It's just a lantern, you didn't have to trouble yourself with delivering it."

Huiming was secretly delighted that she had come at the right time, but her face remained polite. "I should have sent it earlier. I apologize for the delay, please don't blame me, Eunuch."

"It's alright," Su Jin shook his head, then looked at Huiming and fell silent. He just looked at her with a serious gaze, but didn't speak again.

However, Huiming wouldn't come all this way just to leave so easily. Seeing this, she took a step inside and walked up to the wooden table in the main room. Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, she said, "Do the new clothes issued by the palace fit you well, Eunuch? I'm quite skilled with my hands, if you don't mind, I can help you alter them?"

The Winter Solstice was in two days, and the palace had issued new clothes according to the usual practice. Although they were roughly made according to everyone's size, they wouldn't fit perfectly. The palace servants, especially the palace maids who were mostly skilled in needlework, would adjust their clothes according to their own figures, tightening or loosening them to flatter their figures and make them more comfortable to wear.

As for the clumsy eunuchs, if they didn't have this skill, they would have to ask familiar palace maids for help. Of course, if they didn't know any, they could only wear the larger size clothes and make do.

With Eunuch Su's status, naturally, there would be no shortage of people who would take the initiative to help him alter his winter clothes. In fact, as far as Huiming knew, according to the usual practice, the Department of Internal Affairs should have sent someone to take Eunuch Su's measurements and then assigned skilled embroiderers to tailor the clothes to fit him perfectly. There should be no need for further alterations. However, knowing this was one thing, saying it out loud was another. Huiming pretended to be unaware and said, seeing Eunuch Su stunned and seemingly about to refuse, she quickly continued, "I have no other talents, just these skills with my hands. Eunuch has helped me a lot, if I can't even do such a small thing, I would feel truly ashamed."

As expected, after hearing these words, Eunuch Su's fingers moved slightly, and a troubled expression appeared on his face. Indeed, even without mentioning his decision to distance himself from Huiming, the new clothes he had received were indeed custom-made and didn't need any alterations.

Huiming had expected this, and upon hearing Eunuch Su explain the reason, she only feigned a look of sudden realization and lowered her head in embarrassment. "So that's how it is, I am ignorant."

In fact, having come from the Department of Internal Affairs, she should have heard of these things. However, because it was Huiming, Su Jin didn't think much of it and just shook his head in comfort. "It's just some unspoken rule, it's normal that you wouldn't know about it."

Huiming nodded with a ashamed look and seeing that it was about time, she spoke again in a low voice before Eunuch Su could see her out. "Then, can I at least make some pouches and sachets for you, Eunuch? If I can't even do such a small thing, I will truly be ridden with guilt."

Usually, if someone has already refused another person's first, somewhat difficult request, it would be difficult to refuse the second, smaller request, especially when she was so downcast and troubled.

In her past life, Huiming had instinctively used this method many times to subtly get the little emperor to listen to her. Even the little emperor with his eccentric personality was like this, let alone…

She was dealing with Eunuch Su.

In the mouths of others, he was the cold and ruthless Chief Eunuch of the Inner Court, someone to be feared and spoken of with caution. At the very least, people would be extremely careful when facing him. Yet, in Huiming's eyes, she had never felt much fear. Even in her past life, when she had mistakenly thought Eunuch Su was a bully who used his power to oppress others, apart from being a little afraid in the first few days, she had felt more worried and disgusted.

Not to mention, she now understood that Eunuch Su was a truly kind and gentle man. How did the Grand Tutor put it? A gentleman…could be taken advantage of for his honesty.

Huiming felt deep down that Eunuch Su would probably not refuse her second, small request.

Indeed, Eunuch Su's reaction proved that Huiming's plan was correct. After she said this, Eunuch Su paused again, opening his mouth slightly, as if hesitating about how to respond.

Huiming immediately seized this moment of hesitation and pressed on. "In that case, I won't disturb your meal any longer, Eunuch. I will send the pouches and sachets over once they are ready in two days!" After saying that, she hurriedly bowed, as if afraid that Eunuch Su would change his mind, and turned to leave with a secret smile.

Su Jin stood rooted to the spot, stunned. Although Huiming's words were sudden, if he wanted to refuse, he naturally had the chance. However, after Huiming made this suggestion, he couldn't help but touch the Ruyi knot on his waist and felt a surge of warmth in his heart. He couldn't bear to refuse.

It was just a few pouches and sachets, it wouldn't tire her out. Since Huiming said that she felt uneasy if she didn't do anything to repay him, he might as well agree. Su Jin sat back at the table and in a blink of an eye, he found a reason for his momentary hesitation. Yes, he might as well indulge her this time. After receiving the pouches and sachets, Huiming would feel that they were even, and she wouldn't be so preoccupied with repaying him. By then, it would be more appropriate for him to distance himself from her than now…

Thinking of this, Su Jin carefully held the Ruyi knot hanging on his waist tag in his hand again. After such a long time, even though he had been careful not to let it get dirty and had washed it many times, the originally brown Ruyi knot had almost faded to olive green. Looking closely, the corners also showed signs of wear and tear. He had originally thought that he would not be able to wear it for much longer and planned to carefully put it away after washing it one last time. Who knew that besides this one, he would actually have another one to replace it.

Thinking of this, before Su Jin could even feel happy, his gaze slowly dimmed, and he warned himself once again. This was truly the last time. When Huiming came to deliver the pouches and sachets, he would harden his heart no matter what and tell her that they were even and there was no need to go through so much trouble in the future. With Huiming's intelligence, she would understand what he meant. Presumably, in the future, she would be happy to avoid him and would no longer take the initiative to approach him like she did today.


Meanwhile, Huiming, who had already left, naturally wouldn't know about Eunuch Su's complicated thoughts. Seeing that her plan had succeeded so easily, she felt that if this continued, the day when she completely gained Eunuch Su's trust and could talk about the two princes' fight for the throne was not far off.

With this thought in mind, Huiming walked with light steps, even a hint of a smile on her face. As she walked, she spent most of her thoughts on what colors and patterns to choose for Eunuch Su's pouches and sachets.

Hmm… Eunuch Su's eunuch uniform was dark red, so red would look good with a black string. Stone blue would also work. Eunuchs didn't wear many ornaments, mostly just waist tags and pendants. The pattern could be the most common plum blossom square, which would be fine. Pouches were changed frequently, so she could make more in this color. As for the pattern… Embroidered bamboo would be nice, it suited Eunuch Su's temperament. Since there was bamboo, green pine and winter plum would also be suitable, she could make a few of those too.

The Three Friends of Winter, enduring and evergreen, a good omen.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and looked up at the auspicious beast eaves of Qiande Palace. Eunuch Su was alive and well in that palace at this moment. Huiming's eyes were clear, and her steps became firmer.

He was alive now, and two years later, she would make sure Eunuch Su would still be alive and well. Such a good person should not die young; he deserved to live to a ripe old age, still peaceful and happy, dying peacefully in his sleep.


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