Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 28: Chapter 28

“Where is the lantern I asked you to take back last time?”

This time, Eunuch Su’s voice wasn’t as gentle. It even held a hint of tightly wound tension. Huiming didn’t understand why, but she felt a trace of concern beneath the calm question.

However, Huiming didn’t let her guard down. Hearing his words, she kept her head lowered and replied respectfully, “It’s in my room.” She paused, remembering something, and quickly added, “I forgot. I’ll return it to you tomorrow morning, Eunuch.”

He acted as if he was waiting to ask her about that broken lantern!

Eunuch Su’s gaze darkened slightly. It was clear that before today, he wasn’t so polite. When he spoke to her, his eyes held a smile, his expression familiar. It seemed that her words and actions this morning had made him wary…

It was understandable. Huiming had always been sharp; she didn’t need things to be explicitly stated.

This was for the best. Keeping his distance from her would prevent them from falling under the watchful eyes of those with ill intentions. If something were to happen again… he wouldn’t be able to bear the regret.

Eunuch Su thought to himself. Under the cover of night, his gaze was even darker than the shadows. He opened his mouth, as if holding a fragile treasure in his hands, afraid to hold on too tightly or let go. He swallowed the weight of his unspoken words.

The silence stretched on until Huiming sensed something was wrong. She looked up from the darkness, trying to discern Eunuch Su’s expression. Eunuch Su seemed to snap out of his daze, but worried that Huiming might notice something, he took a step back, completely disappearing into the night.

Huiming didn't think too much of it. She was content with the fact that they had met and spoken, and even agreed to return the lantern tomorrow. Deciding not to push her luck, she bowed again. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll be on my way.” She paused, adding out of concern, “It’s getting late, Eunuch. You should rest early.” After saying that, seeing no response from Eunuch Su, she walked past them, heading towards her quarters.

Eunuch Su's expression softened at her words of concern. He stood there, watching Huiming's retreating figure for a dozen paces before his worry overwhelmed him. He turned his head slightly and gave Yuanbao a look.

Yuanbao was rather quick-witted today, not needing his master to spell it out for him. Upon receiving the look, he picked up the lantern and hurried after Huiming.

“Auntie, please wait!” Yuanbao called out, catching up to Huiming. He smiled courteously. “It’s late. Let me see you back.”

Huiming stopped and glanced hesitantly at Eunuch Su behind them. Yuanbao, understanding the situation, quickly added, “Don't worry, Auntie. You haven’t walked this road many times, but we’re familiar with it. We know every pit and bump by heart. Master can’t see without a light!”

Hearing Yuanbao’s words, Huiming expressed her gratitude for his kindness. Because Eunuch Su was not far behind, she lowered her voice and asked, “Will Eunuch Su be upset that you’re walking me back?”

Yuanbao wanted to explain his master's actions but was afraid of Eunuch Su overhearing. He replied in a voice even lower than Huiming’s, “Of course not! In fact, Master asked me to come. Auntie, please don’t misunderstand. Master is actually very worried about you, but he’s just too shy to say it. Please don’t blame him!”

Huiming had always felt that Eunuch Su was a kind-hearted person. She readily agreed with Yuanbao's words. “I understand. Eunuch Su has shown me great kindness, and I truly wish to repay him. Please help me convey my gratitude and tell him not to overthink things or worry about meaningless gossip, lest it creates distance between us.”

Although the “misunderstanding” and “concerns” they referred to were not the same thing, at this moment, they miraculously reached a consensus. They nodded repeatedly, each believing that the other understood their meaning. It was as if they had a tacit understanding, and as they spoke, they grew more and more enthusiastic. Unknowingly, they had already walked past Eunuch Su’s door and continued further inward.

However, having reached the vicinity of her own room, it was no longer appropriate for Eunuch Su, who had been trailing behind, to follow. He stood rooted to the spot, silently watching the two figures ahead, their heads bent together in conversation, their closeness illuminated by the lantern light, gradually fading into the distance until the glow was as faint as flickering fireflies.

Eunuch Su had thought he had tasted enough of the world's bitterness. He had thought that deliberately distancing himself from Huiming these past few days had caused him enough pain. But it was only now that he realized that resentment, separation from loved ones, unfulfilled desires, the five aggregates of suffering were not the end. Towards Huiming, in addition to his past feelings, he felt a kind of pain he had never experienced before, a subtle, pervasive ache that left his palms cold.

Deep down, he knew that this scene before him was not what he wanted, and he understood that his emotions were irrational. But this unfamiliar pain was beyond his control, making him forget Yuanbao’s background, forget their past. All that remained was a surge of icy killing intent.

Yuanbao remained oblivious. He had walked Huiming back, praising his master the entire way. After seeing Huiming safely to Nanny Xu's courtyard, he felt a sense of accomplishment and happily turned back –

Until he accidentally almost bumped into the dark figure standing at the door.

A gust of cold wind blew past, and Yuanbao’s hand trembled, causing the windproof lantern in his hand to fall.

The lanterns in the palace were made of high-quality white mulberry paper. Even if they caught fire, they wouldn't burn easily for a while. Yuanbao lowered his head, his peripheral vision sweeping over the lantern on the ground. However, he didn't bother with it, his heart filled with fear as he called out, "Master."

Eunuch Su had regained his composure, but his expression remained unreadable. His cold gaze swept over Yuanbao’s face before he turned around. “Let’s go.”

He didn't intend to ask what Yuanbao had said, not only because he knew that his own narrow-mindedness was unreasonable and absurd, but also because of his conscience and their history. From a fellow slave to where they were today, he had long abandoned such things. The reason he didn’t ask was mainly that this was Huiming, the only pure thing left in his heart. He wouldn’t, couldn’t, subject her to such baseless suspicions.


Meanwhile, Huiming, who had arrived at Nanny Xu's door, was naturally unaware of Eunuch Su's thoughts. She stood at the door and called out twice. Hearing a response, she lifted the curtain and entered.

Dozens of candles illuminated the room, but what struck her first wasn’t the furnishings but the strong smell of medicine.

Huiming rounded the wooden screen by the door and saw Nanny Xu sitting on a low couch. Her pant legs were rolled up to her knees, and her feet were soaking in a tall wooden tub filled with hot water. A young palace maid stood by, adding hot water. Nanny Xu held a bottle of greenish-brown medicinal oil, pouring some into her hand and rubbing it onto her knees. The pungent smell came from this oil.

“Why are you here at this hour?” Nanny Xu asked, looking up at her.

Huiming felt a pang of guilt. After offending Head Eunuch Wei, she was able to gain a foothold in the Palace of Heavenly Virtue thanks to Nanny Xu’s support and care. Yet, she had been preoccupied with Eunuch Su’s life and, more recently, the Seventh Prince’s nanny’s illness. Although she knew Nanny Xu’s rheumatism was severe, she had only given her a pair of knee pads and hadn’t come to check on her properly.

Although her initial intention was to inquire about Eunuch Su, now that she was here, Huiming, filled with guilt, greeted Nanny Xu and helped her lean back. She rolled up her sleeves, took the medicinal oil, and carefully applied it to Nanny Xu's knees, massaging them gently.

She didn’t know the origin of this oil, but it was quite potent. After applying it for a while, Huiming felt a burning sensation in her palms. Nanny Xu was clearly aware of this. After a while, she stopped Huiming and said sternly, “You’ll be late for locking up the Palace of Heavenly Virtue if you stay any longer. If the people from the Directorate of Palace Security find out, I won’t be able to protect you. Now tell me, what brings you here?”

Huiming smiled. “There’s still half an hour left, plenty of time. It’s nothing really. I just saw that it’s been windy these days and you haven't been to His Majesty for a while, so I came to see how you were doing.”

“Nonsense. It’s been cold, and it’s not like it’s the first day I haven’t been to His Majesty. Why haven’t I seen you so filial before…” Nanny Xu shook her head in disbelief, her tone still harsh. However, her expression had softened considerably.

Seeing this, Huiming recalled Eunuch Su’s words from before, “Nanny Xu may seem stubborn and unyielding on the outside, but she’s actually a softie inside.” Her heart softened, and she spoke with genuine affection, “I came to pay my respects because I truly care about you. But it just so happened that I came with Eunuch Su.”

Hearing this, Nanny Xu didn’t get angry. Instead, she seemed pleased and revealed a hint of a smile. “When you first arrived at the Palace of Heavenly Virtue, I observed you with a cold eye. You were full of reluctance, and this matter couldn’t be forced. It’s rare that you’ve come around. He’s a pitiful man too. You two, just live a good life together.”

Hearing Nanny Xu say this, Huiming didn’t explain. Instead, she lowered her head shyly, playing along. “Thanks to your guidance last time, I privately asked Eunuch Su about the reason he holds the memorial services.”

Nanny Xu closed her eyes slightly. “Did Eunuch Su tell you?”

“Yes, I know now.” Huiming nodded slightly and then asked seriously, “But I still want to ask, Nanny, what kind of family background could lead to such a thing as being charged with treason and the entire family executed? I was afraid of bringing up sad memories, so I didn’t dare ask Eunuch Su. I thought I’d ask you.”

Part of the reason she couldn't ask was her fear of upsetting Eunuch Su. More importantly, Eunuch Su’s deliberate avoidance had led to their current situation. Even if Huiming wanted to ask now, she had no opportunity. She thought for a moment and decided to take advantage of the fact that everyone believed Eunuch Su had genuine feelings for her to ask Nanny Xu. Otherwise, she was afraid she wouldn't have the chance to find out the truth anytime soon.

Nanny Xu paused for a moment at her question. After a moment of silence, she waved her hand, signaling the little palace maid who was helping her to leave. Huiming straightened her expression and waited quietly at the side. As expected, she heard Nanny Xu shake her head. “What else could it be? For imperial relatives like them, the only crimes that could lead to such a fate are those two. The former Duke of Zhen Guo committed treason, plotted rebellion. That’s an unforgivable crime, one that even the Iron Coupon of Immunity can’t erase.”

Huiming frowned. Treason? Although she lived in the inner palace and was not well-versed in state affairs, she could sense something was wrong with this explanation. The Duke of Zhen Guo was practically the highest-ranking noble in the court. Moreover, his biological daughter was the Empress, and the Crown Prince in the Eastern Palace was his own grandson. What benefit could he possibly gain from treason? Could he become emperor himself?

Huiming voiced her thoughts, but Nanny Xu frowned and shook her head. “That’s what they say, but to err is human…”

Without waiting for Huiming to speak again, Nanny Xu said sternly, “The former Duke of Zhen Guo brought this upon himself. His Majesty was merciful. For the sake of the former Empress and the late Crown Prince, he showed leniency and didn’t kill everyone. He even placed such trust in Eunuch Su, entrusting him with the former Empress’s memorial services. You’ve seen it yourself…”

“The past is the past. Let bygones be bygones. You were right not to ask him directly. Such things… let them go.” After saying that, Nanny Xu shook her head again, unwilling to elaborate further. She didn’t even give Huiming another chance to ask, saying that it was getting late and urging her to return to the Palace of Heavenly Virtue.

Although Huiming was unwilling to give up, she could see that she wouldn’t get anything more out of Nanny Xu tonight. She could only temporarily set aside her questions. She carefully finished applying the medicinal oil, washed her hands, and turned to head back to the Palace of Heavenly Virtue.

Liuan was already asleep. Hearing her return, she made to get up and help her with water. Huiming quickly stopped her and took off her outer cloak at the door. Without further ado, she took out the hexagonal palace lantern Eunuch Su had given her, placed it on the chest, and gently wiped it clean with a soft cloth. She pictured in her mind the scene of returning the lantern tomorrow before washing up and going to bed.


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