Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 25: Chapter 25

After Yu Gan finished speaking, she quickly turned and ran as if afraid of being discovered. Hui Ming stood there stunned for a moment. She had only been half-listening with amusement, but when she realized what Yu Gan meant by "that… matter must have been difficult for you," her face turned redder and redder, burning hot!

She… She really was a palace maid who was originally going to be sent to serve in the bedchamber. Despite her young age, she had received special training from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was more knowledgeable and bolder than ordinary palace maids in such matters. It made Hui Ming, who was already decades older in her heart, feel ashamed.

Hui Ming raised her hand and pressed it against her burning cheeks. She had planned to deliver Concubine Xian's reward to Eunuch Su as soon as she finished putting away the Emperor's ornaments. However, after Yu Gan's unrestrained words, she couldn't bring herself to go out for a while. Otherwise, with her face so flushed, anyone would notice something was off.

However, according to Yu Gan, Eunuch Su was a formidable and frightening person? Hui Ming came back to her senses, cooling her cheeks with her hands, but she couldn't help but feel a little doubtful.

Why had she never noticed it before? Hui Ming recalled Eunuch Su's words and actions in front of her in both this life and the previous one.

This time was not worth mentioning, but even in her past life, she had treated Eunuch Su with coldness and disdain. Now that she thought about it, she felt ashamed, but at that time, Eunuch Su had always been gentle and courteous, never even raising his voice at her.

Was everyone else mistaken, or… had Eunuch Su always treated her differently?

However, as soon as this thought crossed her mind, Hui Ming quickly patted her face again. What was she thinking about at a time like this? Eunuch Su's life was still hanging by a thread, so how could she have the time to worry about such trivial matters?

Meanwhile, Su Jin, the other protagonist in Yu Gan's story, looked at the egg custard in front of him with a mixture of hope and hesitation that he tried his best to conceal.

Yuan Bao, unaware of his master's thoughts, continued to fuel his hope, saying, "It must be Aunt Hui! Besides her, there's no one else in our room!"

Su Jin stepped forward and slowly lifted the porcelain lid. The steamed egg custard, made by the imperial chef himself, was smooth and tender, adorned with a few delicate pink petals of hibiscus flowers. As soon as the lid was lifted, water droplets condensed on it dripped down, sliding slowly over the delicate and bright hibiscus petals and trembling slightly on the jade-like egg custard in the round white porcelain盅, making it even more appetizing.

Such exquisite food, worthy of being served to the Emperor, required both silver and a pleasant face for a palace servant to obtain. If it were really Hui Ming, how many good words would she have had to say to the kitchen steward? She was young and thin-skinned, and she already loathed him deeply. She was only being polite and perfunctory to him for her own safety, so how could she possibly humble herself to ask for such food for him?

Su Jin pursed his lips tightly. He knew that the feeling of disappointment after having hope was far more painful than having no hope at all. At this moment, he simply refused to let himself have any extravagant expectations and turned to other possibilities, saying coldly, "It must have nothing to do with Hui Ming. Go and find out if some blind fool did such a stupid thing."

In the past, many eunuchs and stewards in the palace who had a little power often thought highly of themselves and ordered food that was exactly the same as the Emperor's to be delivered to them every day. During the late Emperor's reign, this had even become an unspoken rule. They didn't even have to ask, and the imperial kitchen, in addition to preparing food for the Emperor and the princes, would naturally start a separate stove to prepare meals specifically for these high-ranking eunuchs. At its worst, even some unfavored princes had to wait behind these servants for their meals.

It wasn't until the current Emperor ascended the throne that a hot-tempered Noble Consort, whose meals were often delayed for this reason, angrily reported the matter to the Empress. Empress Qisheng was furious when she heard this and, regardless of seniority or face, ordered all those who had violated the rules, even the stewards and eunuchs serving the Empress Dowager, to be punished with a beating for three consecutive days at the gate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Only then did this trend subside.

However, decades had passed, and Empress Qisheng had passed away. The current Empress was bedridden year-round and lacked the energy to manage such matters, so the rules were no longer as strict as before. Although no one dared to be openly arrogant, there were always a few bold ones who, relying on the fact that their superiors wouldn't investigate, continued their old ways in private.

In fact, just after Su Jin was promoted to Chief Eunuch, there were already those "clever" people in the imperial kitchen who took the initiative to personally present him with three meals a day, four dishes and eight bowls each time. However, he remembered the teachings of Empress Qisheng and not only did he not accept it, but he also demoted the presumptuous kitchen steward that very day. After this incident spread, there were no more such senseless people who dared to test the waters.

Eunuch Su was referring to such people.

However, although he understood his master's meaning, Yuan Bao, as an outsider, couldn't help but disagree.

Let alone whether there were such fools who would go to such lengths to flatter their superiors, even if they wanted to curry favor, they would never just send a bowl of egg custard! How could this possibly be considered a proper gift?

After much thought, the only possibility was that Aunt Hui felt sorry for his master and specially sent it over!

However, his master insisted that it wasn't the case. Although Yuan Bao didn't believe it, he naturally wouldn't be foolish enough to refute him. He simply agreed readily and was about to bend down to take the egg custard out to investigate when he heard his master call out, "Wait!"

What if… what if it really was Hui Ming? Su Jin was intelligent; how could he not notice what Yuan Bao had already thought of? At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. What if it really was Hui Ming who had sent the egg custard for him, but he had personally ordered Yuan Bao to take it away? If that were the case, he would never forgive himself.

Looking at Yuan Bao's confused expression, Su Jin unconsciously gripped the Ruyi scepter in his hand and said in a calm voice, "Leave it for now. Find out who sent it first."

As luck would have it, just as Yuan Bao responded in a daze and was about to turn back, a familiar clear voice suddenly came from behind the curtain, "Is Eunuch Su in?"

The voice was sweet and steady, and it belonged to Hui Ming.

Su Jin paused at the sound and unconsciously stood up. Yuan Bao at the door, however, was unaware and readily reached out to lift the curtain, smiling warmly, "Master is in. What perfect timing, Aunt!"

Hui Ming also lowered her head and stepped across the threshold. Before she could even see Eunuch Su inside, she noticed the familiar small porcelain盅 in Yuan Bao's hand and couldn't help but ask in surprise, "What's this?"

Finally seeing the person in question, Yuan Bao hurriedly said, "Aunt, you've come at the right time! We saw this egg custard as soon as we came back. I said it was from you, but Master didn't believe me and asked me to find out who sent it."

"Chen Yuan Bao." Su Jin suddenly stood up from behind him, his voice unusually sharp in front of Hui Ming.

Hui Ming was also startled by the reprimand and looked up in alarm. Eunuch Su seemed to have come back to his senses, a flash of worry in his eyes. He paused for a moment before speaking again, his voice stiff, "No, it's nothing…"

If Eunuch Su was like this, then Yu Gan's fear and apprehension this morning was understandable.

Hui Ming blinked. Instead of wondering silently in her heart whether she had done something wrong as she had before, she waited for a moment. Seeing that Eunuch Su didn't speak again, she simply said directly, "It was indeed I who sent it. I know that you don't allow the servants to order separate meals from the kitchen, so I didn't mention your name. The kitchen steward also doesn't know who I am. It's just a bowl of egg custard, a common occurrence in the palace. I thought it wouldn't be a problem. If I was wrong, please don't blame me."

She had come to this decision after tossing and turning in bed last night. No matter what, Eunuch Su had always treated her with care and kindness. Moreover, she had already resolved to repay his kindness and was determined to find a way for him to survive the Mid-Yuan Rebellion less than two years from now.

Since she wanted to get involved in such a major event and interfere with Eunuch Su's decisions, it was absolutely impossible to maintain her previous cautious and distant attitude. At the very least, she had to become someone Eunuch Su trusted, just like Yuan Bao, in order to speak her mind.

And to gain Eunuch Su's trust, if she didn't take the initiative to get closer to him, was she really expecting the upright and noble Eunuch Su to take the initiative to get closer to her? She must be really muddle-headed. Since she wanted to repay his kindness, how could she still act like a reserved and cautious fifteen-year-old girl?

Even if it really caused Eunuch Su to misunderstand, she might as well accept it for now. Compared to Eunuch Su's character, could she really suffer any loss?

In the face of Eunuch Su's life, her little bit of reputation and face were really just trivial matters. Even if she lost them all, what did it matter?

After all, she was Song Hui Ming, Aunt Song, who had single-handedly managed affairs in front of the Emperor and served as the head palace maid for more than ten years in her previous life. Once she had made up her mind, she truly let go of all unnecessary reservations. Putting down the wooden box she had brought, she took the egg custard from Yuan Bao and said frankly in front of Eunuch Su with a smile, "But since it's already here, you might as well eat it while it's hot. You have a stomach ailment, yet you always skip meals like this. You'll suffer when you're older."

Before Su Jin could recover from the surprise that the egg custard was indeed sent by Hui Ming, he was bombarded by Hui Ming's long string of words.

Caught off guard, Eunuch Su, who was usually calm and collected, was momentarily flustered. He stood there stunned for a moment before shaking his head, "No, it's nothing… It's a common occurrence for palace servants to order some food if they're not feeling well or if they have something to celebrate. It's always been like this. It's not wrong, and it's not like I forbid it. It has nothing to do with you. I should thank you… for going through so much trouble."

What he said was true. If a palace servant was unwell and wanted something light and digestible, or if they had something to celebrate and wanted to have a feast, as long as they had the means, it was common for them to spend money to order a few dishes or snacks from the kitchen. It was a matter of mutual consent. The palace servants got convenience, the kitchen got extra income, and it wasn't like it happened every day. If even this was forbidden, it would be too inhumane.

Seeing this, Hui Ming smiled again, bent her knees, lifted the lid, and said, "I sought out Eunuch Zhao from the imperial kitchen. They all say that although egg custard is simple, Eunuch Zhao's skills are unique. Please try it."

Su Jin naturally knew of Eunuch Zhao's skills. The Duke of Zhenguo's lineage had always had few offspring. After the old Duke's wife gave birth to their eldest daughter, who later became Empress Qisheng, she was almost forty years old when she finally gave birth to a son after much difficulty, who was Su Jin's father.

Empress Qisheng had always cared for her younger brother, but as the Empress, she was unable to do much. Therefore, after the birth of her nephew, Empress Qisheng was overjoyed. She often summoned him to the palace to pay his respects and see her.

At that time, Su Jin was still young, while the late Crown Prince was already a handsome young man of seventeen or eighteen years old. He was already busy assisting the Emperor with state affairs from morning till night, leaving Empress Qisheng so distressed that she even exempted him from paying his respects.

Empress Qisheng had no other children and pitied Su Jin for being frail, so whenever he entered the palace, she would prepare all kinds of milk custards, egg custards, and other soft and sweet snacks suitable for children, allowing him to eat as he pleased. She even often fed him personally, saying that she treated him like her own son.

Eunuch Zhao's other skills were considered average in the imperial kitchen, but his egg custard was known for its deliciousness and sweetness. Su Jin had naturally eaten it often in his childhood.

However, later…

Thinking of this, Su Jin slowly lowered his eyes and picked up the spoon. The egg custard tasted exactly the same as before, sweet, soft, and smooth, but after swallowing, all he could taste was a bitterness that couldn't be dissolved.

Hui Ming stood by the side. Although Eunuch Su didn't say a word, she was paying close attention and naturally noticed the dejection on his face.

Although she didn't know the reason, seeing Eunuch Su like this made Hui Ming's heart sink for some reason. She thought for a moment and then stepped forward quietly, her voice softening, almost pleading, "Please don't be angry. It was I who overstepped the rules. I won't do it again."

Hui Ming's voice was gentle and soft. Just this one sentence was like a clear spring washing over him. The bitterness in Su Jin's mouth seemed to fade, replaced by a faint sweetness. This bittersweet feeling then seemed to surge from the tip of his tongue to his eyes, causing him to pause and close his eyes tightly, holding back the moisture that threatened to spill.

No, this was too embarrassing. He had been in the palace for ten years and had long since learned to hide his emotions. How could he be so unbearable in front of her?

Thinking this, Su Jin clenched his fingers around the spoon, using the pain to regain his composure. Even then, he could only lower his head and say in a hoarse voice, "I'm not angry." He paused for a moment before realizing that this short explanation was too casual and that Hui Ming might misunderstand. He took a light breath and looked up at her again, saying with unusual seriousness, "Hui Ming, thank you."

Although Hui Ming knew that Eunuch Su had a pair of naturally flirtatious peach blossom eyes, she had never imagined that being looked at from below by such affectionate eyes, slightly red-rimmed and seemingly moist, would be so unbearable. Even when done by someone as usually dignified and aloof as Eunuch Su, it made her heart skip a beat.

No, it should be said that it was precisely because it was done by someone as tranquil, indifferent, and seemingly desireless as Eunuch Su that it made her heart race and almost lose her composure.

Hui Ming froze, standing there stunned for a good while before forcing herself to turn her head away. She hurriedly picked up the small wooden box she had brought and changed the subject to business, "Right, right! I just went to Wanxi Palace. Her Ladyship asked who had chosen me. This is a reward that Concubine Xian asked me to bring to you."

It wasn't just Hui Ming who used Concubine Xian to distract herself from Eunuch Su's gaze. Eunuch Su's expression also turned serious when he heard this, and he asked, "Concubine Xian?"

Hui Ming was still too embarrassed to look up because of her earlier fluster. Naturally, she didn't notice the solemn look on Eunuch Su's face. She just lowered her head, looked at the tip of her shoes, and responded with a "yes," explaining how Concubine Xian had asked who had transferred her here, and how she had mentioned Eunuch Su's name.

Eunuch Su's gaze fell on the pear blossom wood box carved with blooming flowers and good fortune. As Hui Ming explained, he reached out and opened the box, picking up a gold ingot with a five-bat design. He turned it between his fingertips a few times, and slowly, his grip tightened, clenching it firmly in his hand.

When Hui Ming looked up again, she saw only Eunuch Su's calm expression. There was even a hint of a smile on his face as he said gently, "I see. Thank you then."

Although Eunuch Su had always been gentle and courteous towards her, this sentence seemed particularly gentle and lingering. His eyes were also sparkling, as if filled with endless tenderness, making one want to drown in their depths.

This watery tenderness made Hui Ming's heart skip a beat again. She opened her mouth, originally wanting to say "you're welcome," but for some reason, when the words came out, they were so soft that they were almost inaudible. A faint blush unconsciously crept onto her face, and she was no longer as frank and composed as she had been when she first entered.

Realizing her current behavior, Hui Ming bit her lip in frustration after a pause. She lowered her head and took a deep breath before looking up again and repeating, "You're welcome, Eunuch. You're too kind!"

Su Jin nodded slightly at her words, the deep emotions in his eyes not diminishing in the slightest, but instead becoming even more intense, making it impossible for Hui Ming to look away. "It's just some gold ingots. You must have spent a lot of effort to get that egg custard today. Why don't you take these ingots? They might come in handy in the future."

Facing such a Su Jin, Hui Ming didn't know why, but she couldn't help but fidget with the corner of her clothes. "No, it was just a few good words. I am, after all, a palace maid serving the Emperor. It wasn't much trouble."

Hearing this, in addition to the tenderness from before, Su Jin's face revealed even more distress. His voice also seemed particularly pleasant as he said, "You don't have to do this again in the future. If there's anything you want, just tell Liu An. She's experienced and comes from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so everyone knows she's Eunuch Liu's niece. It'll be easier for her to get things done."

Hui Ming paused at his words and was about to speak when she heard Eunuch Su continue, looking at her and instructing, "You used to be an embroiderer in the Bureau of Imperial Attire. Although the work there was tiring, at least there wasn't much trouble, and it was peaceful. But it's different now that you're in Qiande Palace. None of the palace servants who can serve the Emperor are simple, even the rough servants who sweep the floors outside have someone to rely on, let alone those who can serve inside the hall. Don't underestimate them just because some of them seem inconspicuous. You're young and have always been pure and innocent. You don't understand the complicated relationships behind everything. What happened with Bai Hao a while ago, although unfortunate, can be considered a blessing in disguise. Although no one pays attention to you and it seems quieter, as long as you can think openly, it's actually more comfortable than forming factions and scheming."

"And there's also Nanny Xu." Eunuch Su paused and touched the inner lining of his jacket. "You thought of making a pair of knee pads for her before. That's very good. Nanny Xu is old, and although she appears stubborn and obstinate on the outside, she's actually very soft-hearted inside. She also has a special bond with the Emperor, having raised him since he was a child. If you treat her sincerely, she'll see it and remember it in her heart. She'll protect you and won't let others bully or look down on you."

It was only then that Hui Ming realized something was wrong. Eunuch Su had always been cold and taciturn. Now, he was suddenly saying so much to her, and the way he was giving her advice and instructions…

Why did it feel like they wouldn't see each other again?

Thinking of this, Hui Ming shook her head inwardly. They were both servants serving the Emperor, working in Qiande Palace. They would inevitably see each other even if they didn't want to. Even so, she still asked, "What's wrong, Eunuch?"

Su Jin paused for a moment at her words and then gave her a warm smile, his naturally flirtatious peach blossom eyes curving into crescents, as if he was particularly happy. He said softly, "It's nothing. You're young and you came to serve the Emperor through me. I'm just afraid that you might be bullied if you're not careful."

What was he saying? In reality, she was several times older than Eunuch Su. Hui Ming felt a little embarrassed and wanted to explain, but Eunuch Su didn't refute her. He just looked at her intently, listening carefully.

Just like that, seeing that it was getting late and they both had duties to attend to, it wasn't appropriate to chat for too long. Hui Ming took the initiative to bid farewell.

Eunuch Su didn't try to persuade her to stay, only nodding silently in agreement. However, his gaze still followed Hui Ming's figure intently until she disappeared behind the curtain a few steps away.

It wasn't until they left the west side gate of Qiande Palace and saw Hui Ming off that Yuan Bao handed her the gold and silver ingots that had been rewrapped in a handkerchief.

Before leaving, perhaps noticing the hesitation on Hui Ming's face, Yuan Bao explained with a smile, "Please don't be so polite, Aunt. You also need silver to order food for Master. You might as well use these ingots. This design is unique to Wanxi Palace. Anyone with eyes in the palace can recognize it. If you use these gold and silver ingots to order food, not only will it be convenient, but seeing Concubine Xian's influence, no one will dare to make things difficult for you."

Hui Ming was surprised to hear this. The gold and silver ingots in the palace were nothing more than auspicious symbols like good fortune and prosperity. The craftsmanship in the capital was generally similar, so she didn't expect Concubine Xian to be so powerful and particular. She had created a new five-bat design for the ingots in her palace, and no one else in the entire palace was allowed to have the same!

If that was the case, then it was indeed as Yuan Bao had said. Using these ingots to deal with the imperial kitchen was both practical and respectable, and it could save a lot of trouble and effort. Therefore, she nodded in agreement.

However, what Yuan Bao didn't know was that she had also been the head palace maid serving the Emperor for more than ten years. She knew that eunuchs who could reach this rank, even without relying on rewards from their masters, wouldn't take these few gold ingots to heart, just from their regular salary and the usual gifts from those below them.

Therefore, what Hui Ming cared about at this moment was naturally not this small box of rewards. She recalled the sadness on Eunuch Su's face just now and asked after some thought, "I noticed that Eunuch Su didn't seem very happy just now. Does he dislike it when others break the rules like this?"

"Not at all." Yuan Bao was stunned for a moment, as if hesitating for a while before slowly recounting the incident of the late Empress punishing the palace servants. He explained, "Master respects the late Empress Qisheng and naturally doesn't want the old ways to return. However, it's fine to make such a request occasionally. Please don't overthink it, Aunt."

Hui Ming nodded in understanding. Empress Qisheng was not only the former Empress but also Eunuch Su's aunt by blood. It was only natural for him to act this way.

However, thinking about it this way, Hui Ming became a little conflicted again. Eunuch Su had a stomach ailment, and he probably hadn't been able to stomach the spicy soup prepared by the kitchen for the past few months. She had originally planned to send some bland egg custard or porridge to the imperial kitchen every few days so that Eunuch Su could nourish his stomach. Now that she knew the reason, it wouldn't be good for her to go there too often.

After all, word traveled fast in the palace. It was fine once or twice, but if she went too often, people would find out that she was ordering food for Eunuch Su. If those gossipmongers found out, who knew what kind of nasty rumors they would spread, saying that Eunuch Su was just putting on a show, setting strict rules but breaking them himself in private.

"I originally wanted Eunuch Su to eat more plain porridge and the like to nourish his stomach." Hui Ming stood there and thought for a moment before saying, "Since it's like this, I'll go to the pharmacy and ask them for some stomach-nourishing pills. It would be best if I could also get some roasted and ground millet powder. Every morning, mix it with tuckahoe powder and brew it with boiling water. A warm bowl of this would be perfect."

This recipe wasn't something Hui Ming came up with herself. It was from her past life, after the little Emperor ascended the throne. He often didn't want to sit properly at the table and eat his meals according to the rules. In order to prevent the little Emperor from going hungry, the Imperial Physicians' Court came up with this recipe and ordered the imperial kitchen to prepare it this way so that the little Emperor could hold a bowl and eat it one mouthful at a time in private.

However, although millet powder, tuckahoe powder, and the like weren't particularly precious, it was quite troublesome to grind them finely time and time again. Hui Ming was afraid that with her status, she wouldn't be able to order the kitchen staff around like this, so she simply told Yuan Bao and asked him to think of a way.

Yuan Bao, being the clever person he was, immediately understood what she meant. He readily agreed and said, half in admiration and half in flattery, "I have to say, Aunt, you're amazing! I've been serving Master for several years now, and all I can do is give empty advice, which has only earned me scoldings from Master. I could never come up with such a good idea like you!"

Hui Ming just smiled and shook her head, instructing, "I can't stay by Eunuch Su's side all the time, so I'll have to trouble you to brew it for him every morning. You must persuade him to take his medicine and drink it on time every day."

"Don't worry!" Yuan Bao beamed with joy. Without his master around, he dared to joke with Hui Ming a little, "I'll just say it's your order, Aunt. Master definitely wouldn't dare to disobey!"

Hearing his teasing, Hui Ming's face showed a trace of disappointment that she herself didn't even notice. "Why do you believe those rumors too? Didn't your master tell you?"

Yuan Bao's face was full of confusion. "Tell me what?"

Hui Ming was taken aback. Hadn't Eunuch Su told Yuan Bao about that yet?

Hui Ming opened her mouth, wanting to explain, but then she thought again. Since Eunuch Su hadn't said anything yet, wouldn't it seem like she was嫌弃ing him if she were to eagerly explain on his behalf? Moreover, being so clear-cut wouldn't help her use this excuse to get closer to Eunuch Su and find an opportunity to save his life during the Prince Rui incident in the future.

It would be better to be vague like this, to pretend to be confused while knowing the truth, so that she could have more opportunities to visit Eunuch Su!

Thinking of this, Hui Ming swallowed back the words that were about to come out of her mouth and just nodded. "It's nothing. I'll go back to work now. If there's anything Eunuch Su needs, please let me know."

"Of course." Yuan Bao smiled and bowed again, politely watching Hui Ming leave. Only after she was gone did he turn and return to the house, repeating Aunt Hui's instructions to Su Jin word for word.

"Aunt specifically instructed me to make sure you take your medicine and eat properly every day, without fail!"

However, contrary to Yuan Bao's expectations, his master didn't look happy after hearing this. He just stood there at his desk, his fingertips tapping lightly on the peony-carved wooden box that Hui Ming had brought, the one that had contained the gold and silver ingots just now. His face was somber, and he didn't say a word.

Yuan Bao sensed that something was wrong and immediately shut his mouth, lowering his head and standing quietly to the side.

"From now on, don't… don't interact with Hui Ming too much."

It was as if he had struggled for a lifetime before Su Jin finally spoke, his voice strained. "And don't be too obvious about it, don't let others notice and neglect her. There's no rush, just… slowly distance yourself from her."

Yuan Bao looked up in astonishment. His master's back was straight, but to his eyes, his heart ached. He swallowed back the words that were about to come out of his mouth and, after a long moment, lowered his head and replied reluctantly, "Understood."


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