Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 24: Chapter 24

The sky was still dark.

Even before the watch drum sounded outside the palace, Huiming, lying on the kang bed in the corridor, had already opened her eyes.

No, it should be said that since she came back from Eunuch Su yesterday, she hadn't been able to truly fall asleep all night.

Huiming tossed and turned until midnight. Even when she forced herself to close her eyes and barely fell asleep for a while, Eunuch Su's life kept replaying in her mind. His family was raided and exterminated, he was castrated and sent to the palace, suffered all kinds of hardships, but never tasted the sweetness of life, and finally died in the chaos of Prince Rui's rebellion. His story kept her awake no matter what.

Huiming suddenly sat up, biting her lip and wiping the cold sweat from her forehead. She sat there in a daze for a while before seeming to make up her mind. She shook her head, throwing away the annoying voice that clung to her like a shadow, and then quietly changed into her clothes and shoes before getting out of bed.

The heavy snow from the past few days had just stopped, and at this moment, the palace was covered in a thick layer of snow, a world of silver.

It was already the eleventh month, and Huiming knew that the kitchen had started to pickle pork knuckles, goose feet, and other meats this month. According to the season, the masters would eat mutton dumplings and wontons this month, and the meals prepared for the palace servants would also be supplemented with more meat. Especially for breakfast, spicy soup had been served every day to ward off the cold these days.

Huiming quickly put up her hair. In such weather, it would naturally be very comfortable for ordinary palace servants to get up early and have a bowl of hot spicy soup. But she remembered that Eunuch Su seemed to have a stomach ailment and would definitely not be able to stand such spicy stimulation.

She had made up her mind last night. Seeing that it was still early, she took her monthly allowance and went to the kitchen to find the steward. She put on a smile and begged him to prepare an extra steamed egg custard on the stove for the masters. Although the steward was impatient, he agreed after seeing her sincere plea and accepting the silver.

Huiming had spent half her life in the palace and was used to such cold treatment. She didn't care at all and kept thanking him. She stood there waiting for the egg custard to be steamed, and when it was ready, she took it to Eunuch Su's place while it was still hot.

Eunuch Su must have already gone to Wanxi Palace. The side room was empty. Huiming shouted a few times, and seeing no one answered, she didn't stand on ceremony and pushed the door open. She placed the porcelain cup containing the egg custard in a conspicuous place not far from the brazier, ensuring that Eunuch Su or Yuanbao would see it as soon as they returned. Then she checked the brazier, it wouldn't go out for a while.

After waiting for everything to be settled, Huiming hurried back to Qiande Palace. Although she got up early, she was still a little late after all this.

Fortunately, unlike in the past, with Eunuch Su and Nanny Xu backing her up, Nanny Wei had been ignoring her, and no one paid attention to her slight delay.

After entering the palace, Huiming learned from the little eunuch that His Majesty, who had rested in Consort Xian's chambers last night, had not returned. She was relieved and went to the back room to find the two sisters, Kuko and Jugan, who were on duty today, and asked when they would go to Wanxi Palace together to bring back the clothes and accessories that His Majesty had changed yesterday.

Although Huiming didn't care about being alone now, she wouldn't go to another palace alone for such an obvious errand, making it clear that she was isolated and causing more trouble.

With Baihao's example in front of them, and without Nanny Wei's instructions, Kuko and Jugan naturally would not refuse. They agreed to wait at the west side gate after breakfast. Seeing Huiming agree, they turned and slipped away.

Huiming didn't delay either. After breakfast, she waited at the west side gate early. After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, she saw the petite Jugan rushing over.

"Isn't your sister coming?" After all this time, Huiming could already tell that Jugan, the younger sister, had a more childish look and only had a dimple on one side when she smiled.

Jugan nodded. "My sister still has errands to run."

Huiming nodded. Knowing that these colleagues in front of the emperor had no intention of chatting and laughing with her, she just closed her mouth and stood up straight, walking with Jugan towards Wanxi Palace.

She originally thought that the female attendants in front of the emperor, except for Liuan, were avoiding her. Unexpectedly, before they were even halfway to Wanxi Palace, Jugan had already secretly glanced at her several times, her face full of hesitation.

Although Huiming noticed it, she didn't say anything. Just like that, they could already see the eaves of Wanxi Palace in the distance. Jugan finally couldn't help but call out, "Sister Song, later… if Consort Xian asks us anything, Sister Song, can you… can you answer for us?"

Answer for them? Huiming raised her eyebrows. It wasn't a big deal, but the most taboo thing about working in the palace was being unclear.

Huiming didn't agree immediately, but asked directly, "Why? What did you do to offend Her Ladyship?"

Jugan bit her lip and said vaguely, "My sister and I, we were originally assigned to chamber duties… You know, Consort Xian…"

Hearing this, Huiming instantly understood. The job of attending to the bedchamber was tiring, but it was also the easiest to "get ahead." After all, it was close personal service. If His Majesty was in the mood, it was common for them to be favored once or twice. If they were lucky, they might even be rewarded the next day, jumping from a carp to a dragon and becoming a real master.

Both Kuko and Jugan were beautiful palace maids with delicate features and graceful figures. What was even rarer was that they were identical twin sisters, which was even more novel. When the Department of Internal Affairs sent them over, they were originally meant for chamber duties. It was only because His Majesty saw that they were young that he spoke up and said to keep them by his side for a few years first. They were thirteen when they first arrived in front of the emperor. If she remembered correctly, Jugan was now fourteen, and Kuko should be sixteen? This age was the best time. If His Majesty hadn't fallen ill this time, the two sisters would have been switched back to chamber duties.

And Consort Xian, although she was virtuous and considerate in front of His Majesty, everyone in the palace knew that she was extremely strict and harsh towards the palace servants in private. Especially for those like Kuko and Jugan. Although Consort Xian couldn't easily beat or kill the palace servants in front of the emperor, their identities were vastly different. They often made mistakes and were often deliberately made things difficult for them.

Jugan asked her to take the initiative to answer, just wanting to avoid attracting attention as much as possible and make fewer mistakes. The reason why she didn't think of it just now was because in her previous life, with Qiuya around, she rarely went on such errands to other palaces. Moreover, there were six female attendants for chamber duties, and it wasn't like Kuko and Jugan were on duty every day. It was even less likely for them to run into each other.

Understanding this, Huiming readily agreed and comforted her, "We'll go to the head palace maid in charge. Consort Xian might not even pay attention to us."

Jugan nodded, but there was a wry smile on her face. Obviously, she didn't have much hope for this.

And that was exactly the case. After Huiming and Jugan found Consort Xian's personal maid and explained their purpose, the maid only told them to wait. After going back to report, she came out again with a cold face and said, "Her Ladyship has something to ask you. Come in with me!"

Jugan's face turned pale upon hearing this, but there was no reason not to go when the master summoned them. She immediately followed behind Huiming, her head lowered, and they went all the way to the flower hall inside the palace.

Consort Xian was dressed in a sapphire blue palace dress, leaning against a round pillow, reclining on the Arhat bed. She didn't look the least bit elegant and refined like she did in front of His Majesty. Her expression was full of disdainful arrogance.

Huiming glanced over and lowered her eyes according to the rules. She and Jugan knelt down and saluted. However, Consort Xian, who was on the bed, did not ask them to rise. It was as if she didn't see them at all. She just gently scraped the rim of the teacup.

With Jugan and her sister's background and future, they would never be able to threaten Consort Xian's status and favor. They were just two insignificant chambermaids. It was clear that they posed no threat at all, yet she still made things difficult for them like this. It could only mean that Consort Xian was just naturally petty.

Huiming sighed inwardly, but she didn't dare to show it on her face. Even her kneeling posture became more respectful.

After about the time it took to finish a cup of tea, Consort Xian on the bed finally spoke slowly, "Raise your heads and let this Palace have a look."

Huiming straightened up when she heard this, her eyes downcast, revealing her face. Consort Xian seemed a little surprised when she looked at her. She glanced at Jugan with a half-smile and said, "It used to be you two sisters who were inseparable. Why is there a different one today?"

Naturally, it's because she doesn't want to come with her and annoy you.

Huiming's heart was clear. Because she had already promised Jugan, she deliberately straightened her expression and brought out the rules of "Nanny Song" from her previous life. She said in a rigid manner, "Kuko still has some errands to run. I am Huiming, and I came with Jugan to collect His Majesty's clothes and accessories from yesterday."

Consort Xian glanced at her. Her facial features were nothing special, but her whole body was stiff and old-fashioned, without a trace of liveliness, making people uninterested. However, Consort Xian seemed very satisfied. She even condescended to ask, "You look unfamiliar. When did you arrive?"

Huiming kowtowed and said concisely, "In the tenth month, Your Ladyship."

"Not bad. The palace servants in front of the emperor should be chosen for their understanding of the rules. Meihua, open the box and reward her!" Consort Xian nodded in satisfaction and then glanced coldly at Jugan, whose face was pale. "Unlike those who have lost their hearts and only know how to curry favor, what kind of bewitching and seductive things did she bring?"

Jugan panicked and pressed her forehead tightly against the ground, not daring to move. Although Huiming was rewarded, she did not dare to be negligent. She received the gold leaf rewarded by Meihua, the head palace maid, with both hands, and thanked her politely. She thought that this matter would end here, but she didn't expect that Consort Xian would be very interested and ask another question, "Who picked you? I should also mention it to His Majesty. Such a talented person is truly loyal and deserves a reward."

Huiming's expression remained unchanged. "It was Eunuch Su, the Chief Eunuch in front of the emperor."

She thought it was just an ordinary answer, but she didn't expect that Consort Xian's smiling face froze when she heard it. She lowered her head and looked at her carefully. After a while, under Huiming's cautious gaze, she opened her lips again and smiled, "Eunuch Su? Indeed, not bad. Meihua, go and prepare another reward for this…"

Consort Xian paused and looked at her. "What's your name again?"

Huiming unconsciously tightened her grip on her hands. "This servant's name is Huiming."

"Huiming." Consort Xian slowly repeated the name, then leaned back on the round pillow and relaxed her body. She squinted her eyes as if bored and continued, "Bring this reward to Eunuch Su."

It wasn't until they left the gate of Wanxi Palace that Huiming, carrying His Majesty's crown and court beads from yesterday and the reward that Consort Xian had ordered her to give to Eunuch Su, finally came back to her senses.

Consort Xian's reward for Eunuch Su was a small wooden box, which contained gold and silver ingots that were commonly given as rewards in the palace.

It was not uncommon for masters in the palace to reward palace servants. As the Chief Eunuch in front of the emperor, it was even more normal for Consort Xian to know Eunuch Su. But Huiming pondered Consort Xian's expression and attitude when she mentioned Eunuch Su, and for some reason, she always felt that something was wrong.

Jugan, who was beside her, didn't notice her distraction. Seeing that they were far away from Wanxi Palace, she dared to speak, "Huiming, you are really amazing. You actually made Her Ladyship let us go so quickly. Every time I come to Consort Xian's palace, I only end up offending Her Ladyship. I always have to kneel until my knees turn blue."

Huiming turned her head when she heard this. Seeing her pitiful appearance, she couldn't help but advise, "Don't be afraid. Consort Xian doesn't like those who are delicate and seductive. The more fragile and pitiful you look, as if you've been bullied, the more she'll think you're putting on an act, and naturally, she'll be even more unhappy."

Although Jugan wasn't that young anymore, perhaps because she had her twin sister by her side protecting her all the time, her personality was still somewhat naive and ignorant of the world. Hearing this, she just cried, "I don't want to be like this either, but I'm scared…"

Even though she still had something on her mind, Huiming couldn't help but chuckle when she saw this. "Afraid of what? You are a palace servant in front of the emperor. As long as you don't make any big mistakes, even Consort Xian can't punish you. The most she can do is make you kneel for a while longer. Are we palace servants still afraid of this?"

Perhaps after going through such a "shared hardship," Jugan forgot that she should stay away from Song Huiming. Hearing this, she just curled her lips and said pitifully, "I'm not afraid of kneeling, I'm just afraid of Consort Xian. My heart races whenever I see her."

Then there's nothing you can do about it. However, for a palace maid of Jugan's status, Consort Xian was indeed a very scary existence. Huiming thought to herself, and then she heard Jugan continue enviously, "You're still amazing. Not only were you not punished by kneeling, but you even got rewarded!"

Huiming didn't care and said casually, "It's nothing. The reward was just for Eunuch Su's sake."

Jugan was probably still frightened from being in front of Consort Xian just now. After hearing this, she suddenly realized something and nodded, "That's right. The masters all trust and value Eunuch Su very much, and he often receives rewards."

Huiming's footsteps paused. "Is that so?"

"Yes." Jugan nodded briskly. "Even the Empress Dowager rewarded him with a statue of Buddha before."

Huiming nodded with a smile, but her heart understood the source of her previous doubts.

Eunuch Su was born a slave, the son of a sinner. In the eyes of the masters, it was already a great kindness to spare the life of such a person and make him a slave to atone for his sins. So how could he become the Chief Eunuch in front of the emperor and be entrusted with important tasks and receive many rewards?

Thinking about it again, almost no one in the palace knew about Eunuch Su's life experience, but His Majesty, the princes, and even Consort Xian seemed to know it very well.

Although she didn't know the inside story yet, Huiming had a vague feeling that there must be a huge connection. Perhaps this was the reason why Eunuch Su got involved in Prince Rui's rebellion and the chaos of the Mid-Yuan Festival in her previous life!

Huiming was preoccupied with her thoughts, her expression grave. Jugan, who was at the side, thought she understood something. She bit her lip and thought for a moment, then said in a low voice with sympathy, "The masters all value Eunuch Su so much. You can't offend him. Even if it blows up, no one will stand up for you. Even if you really don't want to, you should pretend to please him. Look at me, even if I'm unwilling in front of His Majesty, don't I still pretend to be well-behaved?"

Since she was transferred to the emperor's presence at the beginning of last month, Huiming had always been apprehensive and unwilling. Anyone could see her resistance. Therefore, she was not surprised by Jugan's misunderstanding. She just shook her head at Jugan's innocence and boldness, "How can you say such a thing carelessly? Have you thought about the consequences if I spread it?"

Jugan pursed her lips, revealing a small dimple on her left cheek. "You don't look like the kind of person who gossips. As long as you don't tell others, it's fine, isn't it?"

Even Huiming couldn't help but smile at such a Jugan, but she couldn't help but advise her with the heart of a senior, "You never know what's going on in someone else's mind. It's just a slip of the tongue. Why bother?"

Jugan just shook her head, not caring. "Although you are one year older than me, I have been working in the palace longer than you. I know my limits."

Seeing this, Huiming didn't say anything more. The two returned to Qiande Palace together. Jugan sent the dragon robe and clothes to be washed, while Huiming needed to clean the court beads and crown one by one and put them away properly.

Before Jugan left, seeing that there was no one around, she even made an appointment with three parts closeness and three parts flattery. If there were such errands in the future, they would go together again. Seeing Huiming nod in agreement, she seemed a little embarrassed. After thinking for a while, she lowered her head and whispered, "I heard people say that in this palace, although the eunuchs are castrated, if they have a sworn partner, they are mostly responsive to their needs and treat their partners like they are precious, even better than those rough men outside. Eunuch Su…"

Speaking of Su Jin, Jugan's voice became even lower. Her fearful appearance, although not as bad as when facing Consort Xian, was not far off. "Although Eunuch Su is a bit scary, you should just try to please him for now. Maybe in two years, Eunuch Su will get tired of it?"

Huiming smiled wryly and nodded, thinking that she would just go along with it for now. Then she heard Jugan continue mysteriously, "Be gentle and coax Eunuch Su. As long as you don't make things difficult for him in that aspect, everything else is fine."

That… that aspect?

Huiming's eyes widened, her face instantly flushed red!


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