Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Hui Ming was stunned, she couldn't help but gasp. Although she knew that Duke Zhenguo’s family was of high status, she really didn't expect that it was the former Empress’s family!

No, it should be said that she never thought that the former Empress’s family would be condemned and beheaded, leaving only Eunuch Su Jin!

Hui Ming's eyes widened in shock, her lips parted slightly, but she couldn't say a word for a while.

The former Empress passed away early, she was still young and didn't know the situation at that time, but she remembered clearly when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince passed away. It was three years ago, when the bells were ringing in the palace, and His Majesty ignored the government for a whole month. Even a little palace maid like her, who had just entered the palace, had to wear plain clothes and cry morning and evening. Occasionally, a few ignorant palace maids showed a hint of joy outside, and they would be severely punished by the嬷嬷in charge, and they would not stop until they were covered in sadness.

His Majesty’s deep mourning for the former Empress was evident in the entire palace, and he was also full of love and sorrow for the former Crown Prince. As the maternal family of the late Empress Qishengchun and the grandfather of the former Crown Prince, even such an extremely wealthy family of imperial relatives could not escape punishment, what a heinous crime it must be?

Such a big event, why didn't anyone in the palace know about it? Even Eunuch Su, everyone in the palace only said that he was young but deeply trusted by His Majesty. Only a few old people in the palace knew that he was born as a slave, but no one mentioned that he was still the late Empress Qishengchun’s nephew, the cousin of the former Crown Prince!

Su Jin naturally saw the shock on Hui Ming's face. He sat quietly in place and finished the warm tea in his hand. The weather was cold, and the tea was already cold, but the more he drank, the colder he became. Even though he was trying his best to control it in front of Hui Ming, the coldness still made his facial features gloomy.

Such an Eunuch Su would be enough to scare the palace people into fear if he was outside, but Hui Ming couldn't help but step forward, made another cup of hot tea and brought it to him, suppressing the distress in her heart, she apologized: “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked.”

Su Jin's palm moved slightly, and he took the teacup. He originally wanted to try his best to maintain his composure, but when he spoke, his voice was still slightly low and hoarse: “It's okay.”

After speaking, Su Jin didn't want the other party to see his current state, so he just turned around, looked at the sky outside and said, “It's getting late, I'll ask Yuan Bao to take you back.”

Seeing that Eunuch Su didn't want to show weakness in front of others, Hui Ming also suppressed the turmoil in her heart, and just shook her head as if nothing had happened: “It's just a short distance, no need.”

Hearing this, Su Jin still insisted: “Then take the lantern, the snow has just fallen, and the ice may form anywhere, be careful.”

He even remembered to ask her to bring a lantern at such a time? Hui Ming's heart softened again. The more she got along with him, the more she felt that Eunuch Su was not as gloomy and ruthless as others said, and he was even extraordinarily gentle and meticulous in many trivial matters. For such a person, what blinded her in her previous life, that she thought Eunuch Su was the kind of villain who bullied others?

In an instant, while Hui Ming was filled with remorse and self-blame, she made up her mind once again. Therefore, she did not refuse at this moment, and after thanking her, she took the lantern from before and turned to leave.

Yuan Bao outside sent Hui Ming out, and then returned to the room. He seemed to see that his master was in a bad mood, so he lowered his head and carefully reported: “I asked about Jingfang Hall today, and they all said that they had never seen Aunt Hui Ming go there before, and they had never heard of Nanny Wang having a relative in the palace.”

Su Jin lowered his eyes and held the warm teacup in his hand, silent.

Yuan Bao, who was at the side, originally wanted to ask if he should go back and investigate carefully, but in the blink of an eye, he thought of his own experience in the past few days, and changed his mind again. He honestly closed his mouth and waited for his master's order.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before he heard his master speak slowly: “Since she is a relative, you can tell Zheng Geguang to take care of Jingfang Hall more in the future.”

Su Jin lowered his eyes slightly, the love of a gentleman is like loving others, it is like pushing the crow on his roof. He has already degraded himself now, a disabled person who will do whatever it takes, and can no longer be considered a gentleman, but only to her, and only to her, Su Jin hopes that he can still be as upright and dignified as he was before he fell into this, clean and decent, without even a trace of haze or evil thoughts.

For his own selfish desires, he arbitrarily placed Hui Ming in front of the emperor, which made her cautious and worried all day long, and because of a certain Wei, everyone isolated her. He had already treated her badly. Now although he didn't know the reason, since she wanted to save Nanny Wang now, while he still had some power, he would try his best to satisfy her. With him watching over her, as long as she wasn't being used or deceived by others, what's wrong with him helping her accumulate merit by saving a life?

Yuan Bao on the ground naturally wouldn't be able to guess what his master was thinking, but when he heard this, he was only glad that he had the foresight not to take the initiative to investigate Aunt Hui Ming's background. Now he is more determined, in the future, regarding this aunt, he will not say a word or do anything more, just treat himself as an abacus bead, waiting for the master's order, and do it one step at a time, don't ask for credit, you can always make no mistakes, right?

While thinking about it, he heard Su Jin, who was sitting there, order: “Go to Yongshou Palace tomorrow, and watch them clean everything from the beams to the floor tiles, every nook and cranny. From today onwards, there will be no dust in Yongshou Palace, and fresh daily sacrifices are indispensable.”

Yongshou Palace, formerly known as Kunhe Palace, was the bedroom of the late Empress Qishengchun. Since the death of the former Empress, His Majesty ordered the palace gate to be closed, and it was only allowed to be used for mourning and sacrifices. Now the name of Yongshou Palace was changed after the current Empress was crowned, because it was inconvenient to mention.

Yuan Bao was still clever in matters that had nothing to do with Aunt Hui Ming. He hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and said, “It's still a month away from the anniversary. According to the rules, these six sacrifices are not required until seven days before the anniversary…"

"It's okay." Su Jin lowered his eyes slightly, but said in an unusually flat tone: “I think Yongshou Palace is too deserted. I have already reported to His Majesty this morning, and transferred 24 more palace servants to be in charge of offering sacrifices. From now on, sprinkle water to remove dust, arrange the six sacrifices, and never stop for a day. I will go to Yongshou Palace to see it in person once a day.”

In the past, the sacrifices to the former Empress and the late King Xin were presided over by the Empress and the King Xin. Of course, they did not dare to neglect them, but all the rituals and sacrifices were carried out according to the rules. Although they were correct, they were not extravagant. Now that the master just intervened, Yongshou Palace is like the former Empress is still there, sending palace people to offer sacrifices and clean every day—

It's naturally not a bad thing to raise the importance of the former Empress’s anniversary, but to say this directly to His Majesty with the support of the current Empress, and that Yongshou Palace is deserted and deserted, is almost like slapping the current Empress in the face.

Master, this is clearly going against the current Empress and Prince Xin…

Yuan Bao shrank his neck in fear, lowered his eyebrows and responded "Yes" obediently.

Su Jin seemed to see his fear, and just pulled the corners of his mouth into a smile that was not a smile, his voice was unpredictable: "What, are you scared?"

Yuan Bao's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't dare to deceive Su Jin, so he knelt down and pleaded guilty: “This subordinate is useless.”

"What are you afraid of?" Su Jin slowly stood up, his tone was still methodical and unhurried, but it was like the cold wind in winter, even if the doors and windows were closed, the coldness could still squeeze in through the cracks: “Don't worry, with His Majesty here, he can't make any waves, even if His Majesty is gone, as long as I'm here, Prince Xin won't be able to ascend to the throne, and it's not his turn to settle accounts after autumn.”

Even though he knew there was no one around, Yuan Bao couldn't help but feel a little worried when he heard such rebellious words. He first turned around to look outside the door, and when he saw that there was no one around, he closed the door tightly, and bowed to take the teacup from Su Jin's hand, and said with more respect in his words: “What you said is right, master.”

Author's note:

I just realized that I may have lost my mind and set the wrong time. I released tomorrow's chapter as well. The good news is that there are two updates today, and the bad news is that tomorrow's update depends on fate QVQ~ 【Silently rolls down】


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