Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Hearing Seventh Prince's plea, Hui Ming's eyes widened in surprise. The little prince rarely spoke. In her past life, even when they were together, he would usually just stay quiet. When Hui Ming served him tea and meals, he would accept them with actions. Hui Ming always knew that the little prince was actually clear-minded, but he just couldn't express himself, which made others think he was a fool.

But in her past life, she had tried all sorts of methods, but she had never succeeded in getting the little prince to communicate with her, let alone actively ask her, a "stranger," for help.

In less than two years, without Nanny Wang, had the little prince's condition worsened so much?

Although her thoughts were complicated, they only lasted for a split second. Hui Ming immediately nodded, agreeing to Seventh Prince's request. She felt the blanket on the bed and found it to be worn and dirty from long use. She turned around and first covered Nanny Wang with her own white fox fur cloak, then put the blanket on top. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to ask Seventh Prince anything given his condition, she searched around the room a few times and found half a basket of charcoal. She lit the brazier and placed it in front of the bed. Then, she took out her own handkerchief, soaked it in the already icy basin in the room, wrung it dry, and placed it on Nanny Wang's forehead.

Having done all this, Hui Ming felt the purse on her body and went out to find the old eunuch from before, asking him to bring some hot water and ginger soup.

Because she was coming to Jingfang Hall, she had brought a few pieces of silver just in case. However, if this were to continue, it would not be enough. Moreover, the little prince didn't even have a single capable person by his side. With Nanny Wang in such a state, even if they had money, there was no one to take care of her. Hui Ming still had her duties at Qiande Palace, so how could she possibly attend to them all the time?

That's right, there was also Seventh Prince who needed care. Hui Ming turned her head to look at the small figure huddled in the corner and tried calling out again. But Seventh Prince's hand clutching the prayer beads was still trembling slightly. He didn't seem to understand Hui Ming's words and didn't react at all, even shrinking back further.

Seeing this, Hui Ming didn't force him. Based on her experience in her past life, she simply pretended he didn't exist. She turned around to change the handkerchief on Nanny Wang's forehead. When the hot water arrived, she tried to feed her some.

However, the result was not good. Nanny Wang's jaw was clenched tight, and half of the bowl of hot water she tried to feed her spilled out. The heat in her body didn't subside at all, and the hot air she breathed out made Hui Ming's heart tremble.

This wouldn't do. With these symptoms, relying on herself to pull through was definitely impossible. According to the palace rules, masters with high status in the inner palace could break the rules and summon an imperial physician. However, it was absolutely impossible for palace servants. Those with some status in front of their masters could still ask a medical woman to come and take a look. As for those in the unfavored Jingfang Hall, even boiling medicine was considered polluting the room. Being able to find the steward and get a token to receive some ready-made pills from the pharmacy was already the best they could hope for.

But with Nanny Wang's current condition, how could a few pills cure her?

It just so happened that the eunuch from before brought ginger soup. Hui Ming stuffed all the remaining silver and a pair of twisted silk bracelets from her wrist into his hand: "Please take care of her for now. I'll go find a medical woman to take a look."

The old eunuch guarding the door lowered his eyes and froze for a moment: "You can find a medical woman?"

Hearing this, Hui Ming lowered her head: "I'll try…"

Indeed, it was just a try. As for summoning a medical woman, low-ranking palace maids like them were not qualified. They needed to report through the proper channels within their respective 24 departments, at least to the head eunuch or female official of the eighth rank. Only after the illness was verified could they issue a token to summon a medical woman into the palace for diagnosis. Naturally, this also depended on the person. If it was a favored and important palace servant, it would be simple. But for those who were insignificant and had no connections or offerings, summoning a medical woman for such an "unlucky matter" was naturally something to be avoided as much as possible.

The old eunuch had spent his entire life in the palace and naturally understood these intricacies. Hearing this, he sighed knowingly and only took the silver, pushing back the pair of bracelets: "I've known Nanny Wang for many years. It's nothing. Keep these bracelets and use them to open some doors."

Hui Ming breathed a sigh of relief and didn't insist. Just before leaving, she turned her head and specifically instructed: "Oh right, there's also Seventh Prince. Don't disturb him. Just leave the food and hot water on that small table. He will eat when he's hungry."

After saying that, seeing the old eunuch nod in agreement despite not understanding, Hui Ming tightened her cloak and exited the room.

Looking at the swirling snow outside, Hui Ming hesitated. If she wanted to invite a medical woman, going directly to Eunuch Su would be the fastest way. If possible, she naturally didn't want to trouble Eunuch Su, but—

If she wanted to save someone, according to the rules, to request a medical woman for Nanny Wang, she should first report to the steward of Consort Kang's palace. Having lived a new life, she naturally knew who the assistant steward of Consort Kang's palace was. He was a greedy and opportunistic person who would step on anyone to get ahead. Even if she emptied her own years of accumulated monthly allowance, the chances of success were only 50/50. Moreover, after the medical woman diagnosed and prescribed medicine, everything from treatment to medication would require bribes. Furthermore, even if the assistant steward agreed, it wasn't certain whether the stewards above would agree. Not to mention, with Nanny Wang's current condition, she was afraid they really couldn't afford such delays.

Of course, if the assistant steward was well-informed and had heard that she was Eunuch Su's "partner," he would naturally handle this matter properly for Eunuch Su's sake, taking the opportunity to gain favor with him. However, wouldn't such an act of secretly using Eunuch Su's name to deceive others be even more hateful?

Rather than that, it would be better to ask directly. Whether Eunuch Su agreed or not, she would just try her best!

After figuring this out, Hui Ming didn't hesitate any longer. She clenched her hands slightly and walked straight towards Qiande Palace. At this hour, the morning court might not have ended yet. If there were important matters to discuss, the Emperor might keep the ministers behind, and Eunuch Su would have to be by his side, unable to get away.

Fortunately, Yuan Bao was still in Qiande Palace. Hui Ming was not on duty today and couldn't go to the Emperor's presence, so she could only find Yuan Bao and ask him to help her pass on a message when Eunuch Su returned.

Watching Yuan Bao leave after agreeing, although she knew it wouldn't be immediate, Hui Ming couldn't sit still due to her anxiety. After waiting for a while, she went to the palace path that led from Fengtian Palace back to Qiande Palace, thinking that if the Emperor returned, she would be able to see him immediately.

However, Hui Ming didn't wait for the Emperor at the palace path entrance. Instead, she first encountered Su Jin, who was rushing back alone.

"Eunuch Su!" Hui Ming called out from afar and stepped forward.

Su Jin's footsteps stopped. Perhaps because he was walking in a hurry, his words were slightly breathless, but his expression was very calm: "Don't panic. What happened?"

Seeing Eunuch Su, Hui Ming couldn't help but feel relieved. After calming herself down, she recounted Nanny Wang's situation in Jingfang Hall one by one. Finally, she bowed deeply and pleaded: "I shouldn't have troubled you, but Nanny Wang…" Hui Ming paused. Although she didn't want to lie, she didn't have a suitable reason to explain why she went to Jingfang Hall and wanted to save the life of someone she didn't know. So she continued: "Nanny Wang is an old acquaintance of mine. Her life is in danger, and I can't just ignore it."

Hearing these last words, Su Jin's calm expression wavered slightly. He lowered his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but after a moment of hesitation, he just lowered his head and took out his chief eunuch token: "The palace servants in Consort Kang's palace are managed by Zheng Geguang. Take my token, have Yuan Bao accompany you, and go to the Department of Palace Affairs to find him and make arrangements."

"Thank you, Eunuch Su!" Hui Ming was eager to save someone. After thanking him, she immediately turned around and hurried away. However, she didn't notice Su Jin standing behind her, holding his Ruyi scepter, watching her retreating figure with a complicated expression.

Summoning a medical woman and saving someone were trivial matters for Su Jin. It's just… From the side palace to the Bureau of Imperial Attire, he had been watching her secretly for five years. He knew all the palace servants she was acquainted with, without missing a single one.

Among them, there was no Nanny Wang.


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