Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

As if nothing had changed, Eunuch Su was exactly the same as Huiming's distant memory. He wore a neat dark crimson eunuch robe with the auspicious cloud pattern of the sixth rank embroidered on the hem. Apart from that, there were no other accessories on his body, only a plain Ruyi knot, commonly seen on eunuchs, hung on his belt. Black boots and a black hat, together with the crimson robe, made him look particularly handsome and fair-skinned with red lips and white teeth.

Although he was a eunuch, Eunuch Su was only twenty years old, but his features were rarely handsome in the palace. In addition, his expression was always cold and indifferent, his waist was straight, and there was no trace of humbleness in his manner. He didn't look like a slave serving others at all, but rather like a refined scholar from the Imperial College, as bright as the cold moon and as upright as a lone pine.

With such talent and looks, coupled with his identity as the Chief Eunuch in front of the emperor, it was not difficult for him to find a palace maid to be his partner, not to mention that Eunuch Su lacked none of these.

It was no wonder that many eunuchs and maids privately thought that it was she who shamelessly approached Eunuch Su. It was precisely for this reason that her worries and grievances were said to be pretentious, which caused a lot of contempt and criticism, and made her even more disgusted with Su Jin.

In fact, not to mention his talent and looks, just based on his identity as the Chief Eunuch, if Eunuch Su really wanted to force her to do such a thing, how could she refuse?

Now that she thought about it, Eunuch Su had never mentioned to her in her previous life that he wanted to be with her. He was clearly a gentleman who repaid kindness and helped others. How conceited she was in her previous life to think that Eunuch Su, who was as pure as an orchid and as noble as a jade tree, would fall for a small palace maid like her who was ordinary in both appearance and temperament?

All the worries and fears of her previous life, all the precautions against Eunuch Su, except for being ungrateful, were just her own wishful thinking.

"Why haven't you changed your clothes yet? Are you feeling unwell?" After entering the room, Su Jin only glanced at Huiming, then lowered his eyes as if to avoid suspicion. He didn't come closer, but just stood at the threshold and opened his mouth. Perhaps in order to conceal the sharp voice peculiar to eunuchs, his suppressed voice carried a slight hoarseness, like a faint and cold flute.

Huiming was stunned by Su Jin's question. She forced down the shame that welled up in her heart and was speechless for a moment. After all, even after the life and death experience of her previous life, it was difficult to offset the fact that she and Su Jin were not familiar with each other. In fact, if it hadn't been for this strange incident of dying and coming back to life, Huiming at this moment should have been full of fear and vigilance towards Su Jin.

However, things had changed, and people would always change, not to mention that she had experienced life and death.

Not to mention that Song Huiming had known that Su Jin had no lustful thoughts towards her and was just being polite because of their first encounter when she entered the palace, even if she didn't know, "Aunt Song," who had experienced three dynasties in the harem, wouldn't be so flustered by the current situation. The reason why she hesitated was because, for the former "Aunt Hui," Eunuch Su had passed away for many years and was only an old friend who existed in memories and imagination. Now, she suddenly saw the living and even somewhat immature Su Jin, and for a moment, she didn't know how to face him.

Since she was transferred to the emperor's side, Huiming had always been on guard when they met in private. Su Jin was not surprised by Huiming's reaction. Seeing this, he didn't ask any more questions. He unconsciously touched the Ruyi pendant on his waist with his right hand, and then slowly said, "If you are not feeling well, lie down and rest for a while. I will find a female doctor to take a look at you. Don't worry about your work. Let Qiuya take your place for a few days."

"No need, I'm fine." Hearing that he was going to find a female doctor, Huiming, who was still in a trance, immediately shook her head and refused. There were many rules in the palace, not to mention that she was not sick, so why bother? Huiming explained again, "I was just lazy today and got up late."

Su Jin obviously didn't believe this explanation. He looked at her silently, and this look happened to meet Huiming's eyes.

Huiming in her previous life only felt disgusted and afraid of Eunuch Su. When they were alone, she deliberately avoided him and never dared to look him in the eye. Even when they occasionally talked, she would turn her head to the side to show her disgust. Now, they looked at each other, and both of them were slightly stunned. Huiming didn't know how Su Jin felt, but the first thought that came to her mind was that Eunuch Su actually had peach blossom eyes. His eyes were clear, but the corners of his eyes were slightly raised. Such a look up and down made his originally dignified and cold face inexplicably reveal a bit of charm and affection.

The two of them looked at each other for a few breaths, but Su Jin couldn't help but look away at the brazier in the room. He clenched the Ruyi knot in his hand and suddenly said, "In that case, you rest first. I, I'll ask Yuanbao to bring some more charcoal."

Before he finished speaking, Su Jin frowned slightly. Rather than being angry, he seemed more annoyed.

Huiming felt inexplicably relieved when she saw this. Even the panic and uncertainty after she died and came back to life seemed to have calmed down a lot. At the same time, she wondered why she was always so afraid of such a person who was clearly kind to her in her previous life. It was not until Su Jin died that she gradually began to regret her initial behavior.

Thinking of this, Huiming shook her head secretly and stopped refusing. She bowed and replied, "Thank you, Eunuch Su."

Su Jin paused when he heard this, and the hand holding the Ruyi knot slowly loosened, but it was still stiffly held at his side. This time, he didn't continue to explain anything, but just nodded reservedly and said quickly, "No need." Then he turned around and left.

Huiming stared at the slightly trembling curtain in a daze. Just as she was about to get up, a low voice came from outside the house, "I'll come back to see you later."

Eunuch Su came suddenly and left in a hurry. His deep voice still echoed in Huiming's ears, but there was no trace of him outside the door.

It was not until Su Jin had been gone for a long time that Huiming completely came to her senses.

She was really back! After sighing, Huiming touched her throat, but a bitter look appeared on her face. So what if she came back? It was not enough to waste a lifetime in this harem, and she had to come back again and repeat the tragedy of being strangled with a three-foot-long white silk?

In order to find something to do to calm herself down, and also because it was her habit for more than ten years, Huiming didn't waste any more time sitting there after she came back to her senses. She got up and went to fetch clean water to wash up. Since she was not on duty, she only wore the old clothes she received when she was in the Department of Internal Affairs and didn't tie her hair. She just casually braided a long, dark braid and tied it with a plush rope, leaving a one-inch-long tassel at the end. This simple and light style was often worn by the little maids in the palace. Huiming hadn't worn it for many years.

After tidying up, she looked in the mirror. She was at her most youthful age. Although she wasn't wearing any makeup, she looked much better than she did after more than ten years of toil in the palace in her previous life. Huiming couldn't help but feel a little better when she saw this. Anyway, it was still early, so she temporarily put aside the heavy worries in her heart, wrung the handkerchief dry, and carefully wiped the room.

Every inch of land in the palace was precious. More than ten maids in front of the emperor were crowded in the corridor of the Qiande Hall, so the place wouldn't be too big. By the time Huiming finished cleaning the room, Qiuya happened to come back into the room with their food. Seeing Huiming's actions, she stopped her repeatedly, "Hey, aren't you feeling unwell? Why are you still working? Chief Eunuch Su has already told me that I will take your place tomorrow. You should rest well first."

Qiuya's words were very attentive, but her feet didn't move. If one's eyes were sharp enough, one could tell at a glance that Qiuya's smile was only superficial, and her eyes were full of disgust and impatience.

This was understandable. They were both maids of the same rank. In fact, Qiuya was even a senior maid in front of the emperor. Who would be willing to take over someone else's duty for no reason? She was just being polite for the sake of Chief Eunuch Su.

But then again, who could work in front of the emperor without any ability? If she didn't even understand this and really took advantage of this opportunity to be lazy, she would have lived in vain for a lifetime in this palace. Moreover, Huiming was not an arrogant person in the first place.

Huiming hurriedly put down the broom in her hand, took the food box from Qiuya, shook her head, and smiled, "I just overslept a little today. It's not like I can't work. Don't scare me. If word gets out that I'm seriously ill, I'll have to be moved out. I still want to work for a few more days in such a good position!"

Although she and Qiuya were still strangers now, they had worked together for nearly two years in her previous life, and she had decades more experience. Huiming naturally spoke with a bit of familiarity and closeness. As she spoke, she took out the food from the food box and set it up on the table. She asked, "What do you want to eat this afternoon? I'll bring more back at noon. When you come back from duty, you can just heat it up on the brazier."

Although they were all maids in front of the emperor, the sixteen maids also had their own division of labor. For example, Huiming and Qiuya were in charge of accessories. They only served the emperor's accessories, such as hairpins, beads, thumb rings, and even the court beads and crowns he wore to court. This job was noble and decent, and they usually only went on duty when the emperor was changing clothes. Now that the emperor was seriously ill and had been bedridden for many days, he naturally didn't need these cumbersome things. Huiming and Qiuya only took turns to serve in the corridor of the side hall in case of emergency.

They held the same position and lived in the same room. Logically speaking, if Qiuya was sensible, she should have brought breakfast back when she went on duty this morning so that Huiming could save some time on the road. What's more, Qiuya was her senior, so Huiming should have taken the initiative.

However, in her previous life, Huiming was suddenly transferred to such an important place in front of the emperor by Su Jin at this time. After hearing what others said about their relationship, she was full of worry and fear every day, so naturally, she didn't care about being attentive and polite to Qiuya. Qiuya was a little unhappy after several attempts to show her kindness but seeing that she didn't appreciate it. Although she didn't make things difficult for her because of Eunuch Su, she didn't deliberately pay attention to her or make friends with her. Therefore, in her previous life, their relationship was only mediocre until the end.

Now seeing that Huiming was so sensible, the smile on Qiuya's face naturally became more sincere. She also came forward to help set up the bowls and chopsticks, asked her about her preferences in food, and after a few idle chats, she even gave her some advice on what to be careful about when she was on duty. Many things were not pointed out to Huiming in her previous life, and she learned them only after stumbling around. She didn't expect that she could avoid so many obstacles this time. Huiming was filled with emotion, but she also thanked her sincerely.

After breakfast, Qiuya had to go back on duty. She swallowed half a fried pastry with butter tea and left in a hurry, leaving Huiming to eat breakfast slowly by herself. After cleaning up the bowls, chopsticks, and food box, she had nothing to do for a while, so she flipped through the memories of her previous life and compared them one by one with the current situation.


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