Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Tricked by Nanny Xu’s words, Huiming was quickly ushered out of the room before she could even understand what was happening.

In the days that followed, Huiming diligently performed her duties. She didn't dare to ask Eunuch Su about the reason the Emperor had entrusted him with the memorial ceremonies, as Nanny Wang had suggested.

After delivering the knee protectors to Nanny Xu, Huiming had only just started working on Eunuch Su's vest. Before she could fully process her earlier conversation with Nanny Xu, the sky suddenly darkened. By evening, goose feather-like snowflakes were falling. Overnight, the entire palace was covered in a thick layer of white. The snow continued to fall relentlessly, showing no sign of stopping.

In such weather, everyone who could stay indoors would definitely not venture out into the freezing cold. When palace servants had to leave the Qiande Palace for errands, they bundled themselves in their issued hooded cloaks, heads bowed as they hurried along, too preoccupied to pay attention to anything else.

Huiming and Liuan took turns on duty. Yesterday was Huiming's shift, so today she happened to have half a day free. With the heavy snow, there couldn't be a better time to deliver the fox fur coat to Seventh Prince.

Seeing that the other palace servants on duty had already left, and still unsure about her own situation with Eunuch Su, Huiming decided to change into her outdoor clothes, tucked the fox fur coat inside her cloak, and set off early for Jingfang Hall.

Huiming knew very well the situation at Jingfang Hall, especially after Seventh Prince and Nanny Wang’s previous visit. She still remembered their attire that day, likely the most presentable they could manage for an audience with the Emperor. Even then, Seventh Prince was bundled in layers of bulky clothing. Nanny Wang's clothes were even more shabby. It was obvious that Seventh Prince's living quarters lacked proper heating and winter clothing.

Huiming couldn't keep adding charcoal to their brazier, but the fox fur, as Eunuch Su had said, could be used as bedding. It was a long-lasting solution. As long as the weather wasn't too severe, it would suffice for over a decade.

Although the snow had fallen just last night, the important palace paths and the residences of high-ranking individuals had already been cleared by the rough-hewn palace servants in the middle of the night. They were currently braving the cold, spreading coarse salt on the ground to prevent icing.

However, neglected palaces like Consort Kang's naturally didn't receive such treatment. The further west Huiming went, the thicker the snow on the ground became. By the time she was nearing Jingfang Hall, the surface of her shoes was soaked, the cold seeping in through the wet fabric, chilling her feet.

Being accustomed to the warmth of the heated brick beds in Qiande Palace every day, Huiming found herself unable to withstand even this slight cold. She stamped her feet outside the door, shaking her head inwardly.

Perhaps because it was still early and the snow was heavy, the corner gate closest to Jingfang Hall was still closed. Huiming knocked for a long while before a grumpy old eunuch finally opened it.

Huiming simply said that she was acquainted with Nanny Wang and had come to visit. She discreetly slipped him a small silver ingot, which made him reluctantly agree. He led the way, grumbling, "Never seen you before, coming at this hour. Here to collect a corpse?"

Huiming frowned at his words but chose not to question him further, knowing it was best to say less. When they reached the side entrance of Jingfang Hall, she thanked him politely. Then, standing by the door, she called out to Nanny Wang. After waiting for a while without a response, she pushed the door open and entered.

The brazier inside was cold, offering little warmth compared to the outdoors. Huiming frowned and slowly made her way inside. Rounding the wooden screen, she saw a figure lying beneath the quilt on the bed, only their graying hair visible. Recognizing Nanny Wang from their encounter a few days ago, Huiming's heart tightened. She put down the fox fur coat and rushed to the bedside. The moment she saw the face of the person on the bed, her heart sank but then, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Her heart sank because the person lying on the bed with their eyes tightly shut was indeed Nanny Wang. Her face was flushed, a clear sign that she had been ill for many days. The sigh of relief came from the fact that Nanny Wang's face was flushed with fever, and as Huiming got closer, she could faintly hear her breathing. At least she hadn't actually come to "collect a corpse."

Huiming took a few steps closer and sat down at the edge of the bed. She intended to take a closer look at Nanny Wang's condition. However, as she reached out to feel Nanny Wang's forehead, a movement in her peripheral vision made her jump in fright.

Seventh Prince, hugging his knees, was huddled in the innermost corner of the bed, staring at her with his dark, penetrating eyes!

"Seventh, Seventh Prince…" Huiming collected her thoughts. Little Seventh Prince wasn't scary, but sitting so quietly and suddenly appearing in her sight was a little frightening. Huiming clutched her chest, her heart still racing. "Why are you here alone?"

Seventh Prince continued to stare at Huiming without speaking. Years of experience from her past life had taught Huiming patience with children like him. She waited quietly for him to speak. After a long silence, Seventh Prince finally shifted his gaze to the person lying on the bed. He spoke, his voice hoarse, "Momo."

At the same time, Huiming's palm touched Nanny Wang's forehead and cheek. It was burning hot. Recalling how Nanny Wang had been coughing and shivering during her visit to Qiande Palace, it was clear that she had been ill for some time.

Thinking back to her past life, Huiming had never seen Nanny Wang when she visited Jingfang Hall. Her heart sank again. Nanny Wang was so ill, and yet only a young prince was by her side. There was no one to seek medical help, let alone someone to even boil water or tend to the fire. At Nanny Wang's age, how could she possibly recover? In her past life, Nanny Wang must have fallen ill and passed away during this winter. No wonder Seventh Prince had no one to care for him and his condition was much worse.

But then, with Seventh Prince's personality, in her past life, did he just sit here and watch Nanny Wang die?

Looking at the frail figure huddled in the corner of the bed, Huiming's heart ached. She pushed down her worries for the moment and sat down again. She spoke softly, "Your Highness, Nanny won't be awake for a while. Can you come out first?"

Seventh Prince looked up at Huiming again, ignoring her request. Although fear made his whole body tremble, and his words lacked the usual childish cheer, each one was spoken clearly, pulling at Huiming's heartstrings. "Save, Momo. Please, you."


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