Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 18: Chapter 18

"This, this is too much. I only need a few scraps. Please, you should take the rest back." In the corridor of Qiande Palace's back hall, Hui Ming repeatedly refused as she looked at the pile of furs Yuan Bao brought.

"Oh, my good Gu Gu." Yuan Bao had a wry smile on his face. "Please just accept them. Just consider it as helping me out!"

Hui Ming was still hesitant. The reason was none other than the pile of furs Yuan Bao brought was too precious.

Even among the furs worn by the masters in the palace, the most valuable were these fine sable furs. Hui Ming only wanted to make a pair of knee protectors for Xu Momo and wouldn't need much. She also knew that the Department of Internal Affairs often had leftover scraps from making clothes for the masters, so she dared to ask an acquaintance to ask for some using her monthly money. Who would have thought that Yuan Bao would come and so readily send two pieces of high-quality sable fur, each a foot square? Not only that, but underneath was a thick fox fur coat!

Yuan Bao bowed to Hui Ming again. "Gu Gu, this fox fur was a reward from His Majesty to Master when he first arrived at the imperial court. After all these years, it hasn't been used. Master said that this fox fur is too precious, and it's not good for a palace servant to be ostentatious. It would be a waste to leave it with him, so it's better to give it to you. There's no heated floor in this corridor, so you can lay it underneath you at night. It'll be warm to sleep on."

Seeing that Hui Ming was still hesitant, Liu An, who was at the side, also helped persuade her. "It's Eunuch Su's kindness. It's not good to refuse any further. You can thank him properly later."

Yuan Bao cast a grateful look at Liu An and pleaded again and again. Seeing this, Hui Ming thought for a moment and had an idea. She no longer refused and accepted the furs, asking Yuan Bao to go back and thank Eunuch Su for her.

Yuan Bao had been waiting until dark to deliver such a large item, taking advantage of the fact that there were few people around. It was almost time to rest. Seeing that Hui Ming had accepted them, he didn't delay any longer and turned to leave.

Liu An turned and smiled at Hui Ming. "Gu Gu, you're being too polite. It's clearly Eunuch Su's kindness. By refusing like this, aren't you hurting his feelings?"

Hui Ming could hear the teasing tone in Liu An's words, but she didn't say a word. Liu An was observant. Seeing Hui Ming's reaction, she seemed to understand something and immediately shut her mouth. She turned to help Hui Ming prepare the bedding.

Seeing this, Hui Ming stopped her. "I'm not busy. You sleep on the inside. I'll do some needlework, so as not to strain your eyes with the candlelight."

Liu An turned her head and looked at the time, hesitating. "Is there such a hurry? Why don't we wait until tomorrow when it's brighter, and save your eyes?"

Hui Ming insisted with a smile. Before coming to Qiande Palace, Liu An had been repeatedly warned by her uncle. She had always considered herself a lowly palace maid. Naturally, she didn't dare to stop her any further. After helping to light another candle, she lay down to rest at Hui Ming's urging.

Hui Ming compared the size of the two pieces of sable fur under the lamplight. After thinking about the size she had estimated with her own eyes, she felt that it should be enough. She carefully put them under her pillow and took out the half-made knee protectors for Xu Momo, planning to stay up all night to finish sewing them.

Hui Ming still planned to use the scraps of sable fur she bought from the Department of Internal Affairs to sew Xu Momo's knee protectors. It wasn't that she was stingy. Firstly, she had already made half of them and didn't need to take them apart and replace them. Secondly, the knee protectors only needed two palm-sized pieces. Even if she used the whole piece of fur that Eunuch Su had just given her, she would still have to cut it, which would be a waste. It was better to save it. From tomorrow onwards, she would be able to free up time to make a vest for Eunuch Su.

That's right. In fact, when Hui Ming decided to prepare knee protectors for Xu Momo, she had also thought about whether she should do something for Eunuch Su. However, the palace servants' clothes for all four seasons were uniformly made and distributed by the Department of Internal Affairs, and they could not be easily altered. Not to mention whether Hui Ming had the skills and materials to make them exactly the same, even if she did, it would be superfluous. As for the rest, it would be most comfortable and practical to make shoe soles, but she felt that such a thing would be too intimate and inappropriate. Eunuch Su was a righteous gentleman. If he misunderstood, he might feel troubled.

While Hui Ming was hesitating, Yuan Bao happened to send over these two pieces of fine sable fur. It was a little ostentatious for a palace servant to wear sable fur, but the size of these two pieces was just right for sewing the fur inside to make a vest. It wouldn't be conspicuous, and it would be very comfortable to wear when waiting outside in the cold wind. It was really the most suitable gift for Eunuch Su!

As for the most precious white fox fur coat… Hui Ming really had some selfish motives. She planned to secretly send it to Little Seventh Highness in Jingfang Hall in two days.

With this in mind, Hui Ming found a cloth and wrapped the fox fur coat, temporarily storing it in her own box, waiting for a suitable opportunity. Now, she just put aside all distracting thoughts and concentrated on making the knee protectors for Xu Momo. She was skillful and fast, and it wasn't a big project. After focusing like this, she finished it in just one hour.

Hui Ming didn't delay. Early the next morning, she went to work. After serving the Emperor to get up and deal with government affairs, she found a gap and took the knee protectors to look for Xu Momo in the back hall.

Xu Momo was indeed a stubborn and resilient person. Although she didn't go out, at this time, everything was already neat and tidy. She was leaning slightly on the armchair, warming herself by the brazier. After seeing Hui Ming, this slight relaxation immediately disappeared. She sat up straight and asked about her purpose.

Even though in the eyes of everyone, she, Song Hui Ming, was already Xu Momo's most trusted confidante, but in front of Momo, she didn't receive any special treatment. She was still treated in a businesslike manner. Hui Ming was already used to this. After saluting, she took out the pair of knee protectors she had made and presented them, saying respectfully, "This is the finest sable fur sent by Eunuch Su, a token of his filial piety to you."

Although Hui Ming was determined not to mention herself, Xu Momo lowered her head and touched the knee protectors. They were soft to the touch, and the stitches were fine and dense, showing twelve points more care than an ordinary embroiderer. How could she not know that this was Hui Ming's kindness?

Although she herself didn't notice it, in Hui Ming's eyes, Xu Momo's expression had obviously softened. However, her voice was still serious. "Have you had any more trouble from Consort Wei these days?"

Hui Ming quickly shook her head and thanked her again. She then praised Xu Momo's status and authority. Seeing that everything that needed to be said had been said, and knowing that with Xu Momo's personality, the next thing she would say would be to urge her to go back and not delay her work, she quickly spoke before the other party could, "Momo, there's one more thing…"

Xu Momo sat up straight. Seeing this, Hui Ming lowered her head and voiced her doubts about the Emperor sending Eunuch Su to handle the late Empress's memorial ceremonies.

Xu Momo frowned. Instead of answering directly, she asked, "Why don't you ask Eunuch Su directly about such a matter?"

Of course, Hui Ming knew that it would be more efficient to ask Eunuch Su directly. In fact, not only about the memorial ceremonies, she couldn't wait to ask Eunuch Su directly if he was involved in the two princes' fight for the throne. However, such a major event, if she asked about it rashly without gaining Eunuch Su's trust, besides being presumptuous, she wouldn't be able to find out anything. It might even arouse Eunuch Su's suspicion. Therefore, until today, she still hadn't found a chance to bring it up in front of Eunuch Su.

Seeing the hesitation on Hui Ming's face, Xu Momo sighed, as if she hated that iron could not be made into steel. "You're so close to Jin Ge'er. Why don't you ask him if something is wrong, but instead go around asking an outsider? This is not the way for a husband and wife to get along!"

Hui Ming felt something was wrong when she heard the first part. When she heard the words "husband and wife" at the end, her heart skipped a beat. She almost jumped up from her seat and shook her head in denial. "I'm not, I don't!"

However, when she heard these words in her previous life, she felt anger and grievance. She wanted to prove her innocence. But now? Hui Ming thought and was stunned again. Now she also wanted to panic and deny it, but the feeling in her heart, even she couldn't tell what it was…

While Hui Ming was still in a daze, she heard Xu Momo say, "When you first arrived, I thought you were unwilling. After these days, I realized I was wrong. Since you've come to your senses, you should live a good life. Why are you doing such a foolish thing?"

Hearing this, Hui Ming finally came back to her senses. Since she couldn't explain clearly, she suppressed her complicated feelings and spoke up for Eunuch Su. "Momo, you misunderstood. I had a brief encounter with Eunuch Su when I first entered the palace. Later, when I was punished by Head Momo at the Department of Internal Affairs, he stepped in to help. Eunuch Su is a righteous gentleman, not like the rumors say…"

Hearing these words, Xu Momo looked at her sideways and snorted coldly. "Although it's not a secret, it's related to the late Empress's memorial ceremonies. Not just anyone can tell you the reason. Since you said that Jin Ge'er and you have no such intentions, then he definitely doesn't want you to know. How can I gossip with you?"

Hui Ming paused for a moment, at a loss for words. Then, she heard Xu Momo say, "Why don't you go back and ask? If Jin Ge'er doesn't treat you as an outsider and is willing to tell you, you can come back again, and I'll tell you the reason."

Hui Ming: "…"

Author's Note:

Hui Ming: Wait, I'm a little dizzy. Something seems wrong?

Godly Assist Sees Everything Clearly Doesn't Eat Dog Food* Xu Momo: Hmph, you two are still pretending in front of me!


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