Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

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Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Nanny Wei… admires Eunuch Su? Even after returning to the Qianqing Palace and back in her room, Huiming's mind was still stuck on this piece of news.

Is it true? Was there such a rumor between the two of them in her past life? Huiming couldn't help but recall carefully, but no matter how hard she racked her brains, she couldn't recall any evidence that could prove the truth of this matter—

In her past life, she had paid too little attention to Eunuch Su.

But… Nanny Wei? She is not a bad person. The job of attending the bedchamber is the most tiring. Night after night, even the best looks will easily fade. Over the years, the palace maids serving in the imperial bedchamber have come and gone like flowing water. Only Nanny Wei has earned such a status and future. This alone shows that she is not bad. Although Nanny Wei's appearance is not stunningly beautiful, she is gentle and pleasant. Her words and actions are gentle and considerate, belonging to the kind of small-town beauty that makes people feel most comfortable. Although she is seven or eight years older than Eunuch Su, because of her youthful appearance, it is not obvious. Standing with Eunuch Su, they also look like a well-matched couple…

No, that's not right! Huiming shook her head violently. Although Eunuch Su looked cold, he was actually a kind and upright gentleman. How could he be worthy of Nanny Wei, who is so duplicitous and inconsistent? Huiming bit her lip, and when she thought about it this way, she felt that she had found the reason for the inexplicable feeling in her heart—

Not to mention, Nanny Wei is a Noble Consort personally appointed by His Majesty! If His Majesty finds out about this, how could Eunuch Su end well? Even if he has been trusted in the past, he will lose his life!

Fortunately, Eunuch Su doesn't seem to have any feelings for Nanny Wei, right?

After carefully recalling it again, she confirmed that Eunuch Su's attitude towards Nanny Wei was no different from others, and she was not the culprit who caused misunderstandings between the two. Huiming couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Eunuch Su was not deceived by Nanny Wei's disguise, and she did not owe her more unintentionally.

"Nanny Hui?"

The shout from outside the curtain brought Huiming back to her senses. She looked up and saw Yuanbao with a smile on his face.

"The tea room cleaned up last year's old tea. Master said it would be a pity to throw it away, so he ordered us to distribute it to the servants below. This is specially reserved for Nanny." Yuanbao smiled and held a small porcelain cup, placing it directly on the table in front of Huiming.

Since he said so, Huiming naturally would not refuse. After taking it, she just smiled and said, "Thank you for bringing it to me specially."

"You're welcome." Yuanbao bowed slightly: "There is one more thing to tell Nanny. Baihao, the palace maid serving in the imperial presence, has been sent back to Yeting by Master for spreading rumors and causing trouble."

So fast? Huiming was shocked again. In this Qianqing Palace, who doesn't know that Baihao is Nanny Wei's loyal follower? Regardless of whether Nanny Wei cares about this palace maid or not, Eunuch Su directly sent her back, which is clearly a slap in the face of Nanny Wei. How could Nanny Wei accept it?

Thinking of this, Huiming couldn't help feeling uneasy, fearing that Eunuch Su would have a dispute with Nanny Wei because of her. Yuanbao seemed to see Huiming's worry: "Don't worry, Nanny. Nanny Wei also agreed to this matter. Everyone knows that it was Baihao who was arrogant and that Nanny was wronged."

Nanny Wei agreed too? Huiming was even more surprised. Could it be that Baihao was really acting on her own and made Nanny Wei angry, or… Did Nanny Wei really admire Eunuch Su so much that she could even endure such humiliation?

Thinking of this, Huiming's expression became more and more complicated, and she was speechless for a while. She only heard Yuanbao continue: "It's just that Baihao's vacant position will be temporarily filled by Qiuya. For the position of serving ornaments, Nanny will have to work harder and handle it alone for a few days. A new person will be selected in two days."

"That's fine." Huiming finally came back to her senses. It was because of her that the trouble arose, so she quickly agreed: "The job of serving ornaments is easy, it's not a big deal."

Yuanbao smiled again: "Nanny has just arrived not long ago, and Qiuya is not here. If there is anything you don't understand about your duties, you can ask Nanny Xu."

Nanny Xu is also the chief palace maid serving in the imperial presence. She has a much higher seniority than Nanny Wei. Although she is at the same level as Nanny Wei, because she is old and doesn't manage affairs very much, she has taken a backseat in Qianqing Palace and is not as prominent as Nanny Wei, the Noble Consort.

But in any case, Nanny Xu's identity is there. If you want to ask which palace maid in the imperial presence dares to offend Nanny Wei and teach her a lesson, there is really only Nanny Xu left. Not to mention, if she can please Nanny Xu, the rest of the palace maids in Qianqing Palace would not dare to isolate and make things difficult for her too much.

Although she knew that this was Eunuch Su's special care and kindness, firstly, she didn't want Eunuch Su to owe more favors for her, and secondly, she didn't care about being alienated and isolated by others. Not to mention, she was no longer the naive girl from the past. She had already seen all kinds of things in the palace for more than ten years, so she knew everything about the imperial presence. Therefore, although she agreed readily at this moment, she didn't intend to bother Nanny Xu.

But who knew, although Huiming didn't take the initiative to trouble Nanny Xu, when she got off work and returned to her room, Nanny Xu was already waiting for her.

Qiuya had already packed her things and went to Baihao's residence. Nanny Xu sat upright on Qiuya's empty bed, quietly looking at the small wooden room.

Huiming was startled, and when she came back to her senses, she hurriedly stepped forward and saluted.

Nanny Xu was a woman with a broad forehead and a square face, her whole body neatly dressed. When she saw Huiming, she smiled slightly: "I waited for a day, but I didn't see you. I thought with your personality, you wouldn't come to me proactively. It seems that I was right."

Hearing the other party speak her mind, Huiming couldn't help but blush, and hurriedly turned around to serve a cup of hot tea: "Not at all, I was just afraid that I would trouble Nanny if I came in a hurry."

"Oh? Isn't it because you don't want to owe Eunuch Su more favors?" Nanny Xu took the teacup and asked lightly.

Huiming was taken aback, but Nanny Xu had already put the teacup in her hand on the wooden table beside her, and stood up again: "No matter what you think, since I have already agreed to Chief Eunuch Su's entrustment, I have to get this done. Tomorrow, you will follow me on duty, and let's see who dares to make trouble for you again?"

Huiming opened her mouth to decline, but Nanny Xu seemed to know what she wanted to say: "You need to know that it's not easy to gain a foothold in the palace, but it's not difficult to be punished. Without me, others can easily find fault with you. Wouldn't it be necessary for Eunuch Su to come forward to clean up the mess? What's the point of that?"

Of course, Huiming knew the current situation. Nanny Wei and her group were very likely to find trouble with her, but with Eunuch Su's reputation on her side, it was impossible for them to accuse her falsely. Even if someone dug a hole, she would have to jump in herself for them to succeed.

And what Huiming relied on was her more than ten years of experience as the chief palace maid in the palace. What kind of tricks had she not seen before? As long as she was careful and cautious, these traps would not work on her!

Huiming had this confidence in her heart, otherwise, with her personality, she wouldn't be so arrogant.

However, it was difficult for Huiming to explain the reason behind it. What's more, Nanny Xu had already said so much. If she refused again, she would appear ignorant. So she nodded and thanked her. Hearing that the other party seemed to be very familiar with Eunuch Su, she couldn't help but ask: "How did Eunuch Su ask you for this favor?"

Nanny Xu paused, her back facing Huiming as she replied: "I can be considered as someone who watched him grow up. It's just a small matter, so there's no need to talk about asking for favors."

Watched Eunuch Su grow up? But isn't Eunuch Su from a family of officials? How could Nanny Xu in the palace watch him grow up? Huiming was a little puzzled and wanted to ask again, but Nanny Xu had already lifted the curtain and left. Huiming's question came to her lips, but seeing this, she had to swallow it back.

Forget it, she still has to be on duty with her tomorrow, there will be other opportunities. Thinking of this, Huiming just took this matter to heart and didn't mention it again.


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