Domineering CEO Is My Son

Chapters List

Chapter 74: Playing the Victim

After Mr. Kang finished the conversation with his little parrot brother, another thing came to his mind.

“Mom, are you really free on Friday? If you’re really busy, it’s okay if you don’t come. I don’t mind.” He really wouldn’t mind having one less person witness his humiliation.

Lately, his violent mother had been very busy, almost only free at night.

Mr. Kang thought it didn’t matter if she couldn’t make it. After all, it was just a children's art performance, a far cry from the kind of performances his mother usually attended.

Well, he actually felt that the fewer people who saw it, the better, since he was still using this body for the time being.

“Mom is a little busy lately, but she said she wouldn't miss your performance. I posted about it on my social media today, and your grandparents said they might be able to come and watch too.”

Mr. Kang: "..." Although she didn't say it explicitly, her excitement about this rare opportunity was obvious.

Mr. Kang sighed. Forget it, he would return to his own body eventually, and they could talk about it then.

“Baby, knead it slowly.” Yue Qin taught his son how to knead the glutinous rice flour, preparing to make some sesame balls.

School ended a little early this afternoon. Xia Sheng called home and said that she had something to do this afternoon and might be back very late.

Both children were a little hungry. The younger one could have some dried fruits first, but the older one needed a proper meal.

So Yue Qin decided to make sesame balls, something his son didn't seem to have eaten before.

“Have you ever had these deep-fried sesame balls before?”

The child shook his head.

“Then what do you usually have for breakfast?”

Mr. Kang thought for a moment but didn't answer. He usually had Western food for breakfast. To be precise, almost all his meals were Western food.

He had been used to Western food since he was a child. One characteristic of Western food was that it was almost always served in individual portions, unlike Chinese food, which required several people to eat together.

The meaning of Chinese food seemed to be sharing, a point he had sensed since childhood.

But he didn't say this out loud because it sounded a bit like he was playing the victim.

Mr. Kang slowly kneaded the glutinous rice flour, following his father's instructions, until it formed a smooth ball.

He was very interested in all the delicious food his father made. He had just heard his father say that these small balls coated in sesame seeds would puff up into hollow spheres when deep-fried. The outside would be crispy, and the inside would be hollow with a sweet taro paste filling.

As Yue Qin used a spatula to turn the expanding sesame balls, the aroma filled the kitchen, and the child's eyes were glued to them.

Children loved crispy snacks, and these fried sesame balls were even more delicious than those.

Yue Qin skewered two of the cooked sesame balls with a chopstick and placed them on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil.

“Can I eat them now?” the child asked impatiently.

“Wait until it cools down a bit. It's too hot now,” Yue Qin replied.

Yue Qin scooped up the remaining sesame balls one by one with a slotted spoon. The child's sesame balls were finally ready to eat.

Watching his son eat with his eyes narrowed in delight, Yue Qin finally asked, “Baby, have you ever thought about letting me contact the adults in your family?”

Mr. Kang, his mouth full of the fragrant sesame balls, was at the peak of satisfaction when he heard this. The sesame balls were so delicious that nothing else in the world seemed to matter.

No wonder all children loved fried food!

Because it was truly delicious!

So Mr. Kang replied, “There are no adults in my family who care about me.”

This was the truth. The adults in his family were probably all hoping that he would neither wake up nor die, but remain in a coma forever.

Yue Qin knew that the child's parents had passed away, but a five or six-year-old child couldn't possibly live alone. There had to be a guardian. He had wanted to ask several times before, but the child always dodged the question. This time, with the child enjoying his fried food and his guard down, if not now, then when?

“What about your guardian?”

“After my parents passed away, my uncle became my guardian.” Mr. Kang answered very seriously, “But they have their own children. I can't possibly go and fight for their parents, can I?”

Yue Qin frowned. How could a child so young understand such reasoning? Someone must have said something to him.

No wonder he was always so sensitive, repeatedly emphasizing that although he didn't have a father or mother, he wouldn't try to steal anyone else's.

Mr. Kang felt like many things had happened just yesterday.

He had lived in his uncle's house for a while, after all, they were his legal guardians.

His cousin, who was two years older than him, often cried and made a fuss.

“Why should I give in to him? So what if his parents are dead? It’s not like I killed them!”

“This is my house, I won’t let him in!”

Yue Qin noticed the child biting down hard on the sesame ball and saying, “But it doesn't matter, I'm very rich.”

He had money, he had a house, why should he go to someone else's house to be humiliated?

His cousin's tantrums and his aunt and uncle’s reluctance to accept another child led to little Mr. Kang running away from home, wanting to return to his own house. He had money, a house, a housekeeper, and a cook. Why should he stay and be subjected to such treatment?

Yue Qin felt sorry for the child and gave him another sesame ball.

Xia Sheng didn't get home until eight o'clock.

“Honey, baby, sweetie—” Xia Sheng was in a particularly good mood when she got home.

Mr. Kang, who was watching his father's impressive knife skills in the kitchen, saw his father immediately put down the knife and go out as soon as his mother came home.

Mr. Kang: "..." Another bowl of dog food.

“Why are you so happy today?” Yue Qin kissed his wife on the forehead and helped her put her bag on the shelf next to him.

“I could have come back on time this afternoon, but Miss Tan had something come up and asked me to be her bodyguard—friend for a while.”

Mr. Kang, while washing the vegetable leaves, thought, violent mom definitely wanted to say bodyguard, absolutely wanted to say bodyguard.

Violent mom really thought she was good at keeping secrets.

In fact, she was the only one in this family who had no secrets.

“And then, I accidentally heard something at the hospital, and it made me so happy.”

Xia Sheng whispered to her husband, “Do you remember the boss of your previous company?”

“I heard from Miss Tan that he's only being looked after by his housekeeper now.”

Mr. Kang's heart skipped a beat, and he looked up at his father.

His father only asked, “What about his family?”

“His parents passed away when he was young, and his company is now in the hands of his uncle. From what Miss Tan said, his uncle might take the company away from him at any time.”

Every word from his violent mother made Mr. Kang's heart jump.

Parents deceased—

A housekeeper at home—

And an uncle—

Why did he have to be greedy and eat those two sesame balls just now, and even reveal his past to his father while playing the victim?

His father must not put two and two together, he absolutely must not.


Just as his father was about to say something, he noticed that the child was covered in sweat and his face was pale.

“I'm fine.” Mr. Kang also realized how scared he looked.

Xia Sheng quickly picked up her son. “Are you feeling unwell?”

“No.” Mr. Kang thought to himself, as long as you stop talking about what happened just now, I'll be fine.


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