Domineering CEO Is My Son

Chapters List

Chapter 134: Joining This Family

Assistant Li couldn't find anything to do in this family with such a clear division of labor.

In this family, cooking was a family affair, with dad, the head chef, leading the way, and everyone else pitching in.

So, Assistant Li looked here and there, trying to find something to do himself.

He wasn't from a wealthy family and knew how to cook simple dishes. But Yue Qin was already in charge of cutting vegetables…

Assistant Li watched from the side for a while. Yue Qin's knife skills… he was ashamed of himself. He shouldn't embarrass himself here.

So, Assistant Li turned to Mr. Kang and Little Parrot.

Mr. Kang was peeling potatoes with a serious expression. The peeler steadily scraped the potato skin, and he didn't forget to use the other end of the peeler to remove any remaining bits of skin.

"Mr. Kang, let me do it?"

Mr. Kang looked up at him as if to say, "Are you trying to steal my job?"

Assistant Li immediately turned to Little Parrot.

Before he could speak, Little Parrot said, "Uncle, you can go watch TV."

Assistant Li: "…" Everyone was working, and he was the only one eating for free. He still remembered how much Mr. Kang hated freeloaders.

In fact, Mr. Kang was no longer bothered by freeloaders.

After all, he used to be unhappy because he was a freeloader himself. Seeing other freeloaders was like seeing someone trying to steal his food.

Now that his status was different, he was no longer a freeloader, so he didn't mind if a guest came over occasionally.

Assistant Li looked at the boiling hot pot on the table and still didn't leave.

The family quickly prepared all the dishes. Usually, they didn't bother too much with dinner, just stir-frying a couple of dishes. But today was the weekend, and everyone had time, so naturally, they prepared a more elaborate meal.

Just as they were about to eat, Xia Sheng asked Mr. Kang to go next door and invite the master over for lunch.

Mr. Kang only then remembered that the master hadn't been with them all morning.

"He went back to his room after breakfast," Xia Sheng said.

"Oh." The door next door was unlocked. Mr. Kang pushed the door open, but no one was home. He knocked on the bedroom door.

There was no answer.

"He doesn't seem to be home. Did he go out to play? He's a grown man, so we don't have to worry about him."

Yue Qin was a little surprised. "He asked me at breakfast if he could have lunch with me. I said yes. Why didn't he come back?"

Assistant Li's eyes were fixed on the thinly sliced beef on the side, thinking, "I really want to start eating quickly. Look at these beef slices, just a quick dip in the hot water, and you can eat them directly."

And the tripe, Mr. Kang said it was fresh. Just a quick blanch…

"Ah?" Assistant Li seemed to hear someone calling his name. He turned his head to see Mr. Kang's face.

Mr. Kang called the master, but couldn't get through.

Strange, where did he go? Could he have gone out to tell fortunes and been arrested for fraud?

After all, the master really looked like a con man.

Mr. Kang turned his head and asked Assistant Li, "Did he ask you for an advance on his salary? Did you give it to him?"

"You said I didn't have to give it to him…" Assistant Li reminded him awkwardly. The master had wanted to rent the place next door, but Mr. Kang had bought it directly.

"Could he have been arrested?" Mr. Kang said.

Xia Sheng happened to come out with the last dish. As soon as she came out, she saw the person entering the door and said, "No, don't be silly."

"If he wasn't arrested, then where did he go?" Mr. Kang said, "Besides us, he doesn't have any other friends."

"I have a group of friends in the mountains." A voice came from behind.

Mr. Kang turned his head and saw the master returning, covered in dirt, carrying a blue woven bag.

Mr. Kang felt awkward.

Assistant Li also felt awkward.

Fortunately, Xia Sheng said, "Go wash your hands quickly. Lunch is ready."

The master walked in and handed the blue woven bag to Xia Sheng.

Xia Sheng took it. It was a bag full of…

Mushrooms, roots, wild vegetables…

The master went to wash his hands.

Mr. Kang saw it too. It was obvious that the master held a grudge. To prove that he wasn't a freeloader, he went out of his way to find food.

The problem was that they lived in the city, and the nearest mountain was not close.

Where did he find all this?

Mr. Kang touched his nose awkwardly. "I didn't mean to say that he was a freeloader…"

Assistant Li was still waiting to eat, no longer studying his boss like before.

"Look, Assistant Li is also here to eat for free, and I didn't say anything."

Assistant Li: "…" Aren't you saying it now?

Mr. Kang actually didn't expect the master to remember what he said at that time.

Seeing that Kangkang was a little guilty, Yue Qin didn't blame him and said, "It's okay, he'll understand."

In fact, it was a good thing to realize that the words you said would have an impact on others.

It was just that Kangkang was a little old to be realizing this.

Most people realize in elementary school that the words they say have an impact on others.

Xia Sheng looked at the full bag of plump, white roots. She didn't know what they were, and they probably couldn't be eaten now, but the wild vegetables could be cooked in the hot pot.

Xia Sheng recognized these wild vegetables. When she was a child, her grandmother often went with other people to dig for wild vegetables, and these were among them.

So, another dish of wild vegetables was added to the table.

Mr. Kang looked at the master and found that he was still unhappy, probably angry that he had said he was arrested.

Mr. Kang looked at the table full of food and decided to eat first and not let this matter affect his mood.

With the hot pot steaming, the family, plus the two freeloaders, began to eat!

Assistant Li kept his head down the whole time. He wasn't sure if it was because of the atmosphere or because the food was really delicious. He was eating from the spicy pot, and every bite was savory, spicy, and delicious. The fresh tripe, after a quick dip in the red soup, was a feast for the taste buds.

Mr. Kang, sitting next to him, was chatting with the master. He didn't even hear a word of it, treating it as background noise.

Finally, everyone was full and sprawled out on the sofa, the table in disarray, no one bothering to clean up.

Even the mature and steady Minister Yue was sprawled out on the sofa, his gentle wife beside him, as he rubbed her belly.

"We can't eat like this again," Yue Qin said.

But it was nice to indulge once in a while.

"So this is what it feels like to be stuffed." The master lay sprawled on the sofa. "I used to eat wild vegetables all the time, so it wasn't easy to get full."

"Didn't you kill a bear? Didn't you eat the meat? Didn't you eat the bear paw?"

Assistant Li sat up in shock. What?

"No." The master said, "It's not good. It's all bloody."

"Oh, you didn't build a fire."

"I roasted it. It wasn't good either." The master said.

Yue Qin said, "Next time we have a holiday, when everyone is free, we'll go barbecue in the wild."

The couple had gone barbecuing before when they were dating. There was a special place for it in the suburbs.

Xia Sheng sat up at once. "That place we went to last time? Pitching tents, barbecuing, and watching the sunrise! We have to go early, not in winter. It's too cold in winter."

The last time the two of them went was in winter. It was freezing outside, but warm and cozy inside the tent. Xia Sheng… suddenly remembered that the baby was most likely conceived at that time.

They used to do a lot of activities together because back then, they were free and unburdened, with no children, no shortage of money, and no mortgage.

"Tent?" Little Parrot got excited at once.

"Yes, we'll set up a small tent for you and bring your little blanket."

Yue Qin reminded him, "I think there's a tree house there too. We can live in the tree house like birds."

Little Parrot was, after all, still a child. He was overjoyed at the thought and ran to his room to find his little blanket.

Mr. Kang immediately raised his hand. "What about me?"

"We'll set up a big tent for you then. You can stay in the tree house too if you like." Xia Sheng said.

Mr. Kang happily ran to the children's room, ready to discuss with Little Parrot what to bring.

Assistant Li watched from the side, his jaw dropping.

He finally understood.

His boss was the real "I'm not here to break up this family, I'm here to join this family."

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