Domineering CEO Is My Son

Chapters List

Chapter 127: Family Attachment

When Xia Sheng got downstairs, she smelled a strong, special aroma. She took a deep breath, and her whole body seemed to be filled with this smell.

Few people know that the most fragrant moment of wine is during the last step of brewing, when the wine is being heated. That aroma is the final release of the grain's essence.

Wine is truly a magical thing. The grains, having experienced countless days of sunshine and rain, seem to eagerly unleash all their life force in this final step. The aroma is rich, yet gentle and sweet.

Several people nearby were also enjoying this aroma.

Xia Sheng suddenly remembered that her husband seemed to have mentioned heating wine tonight.

She quickly ran home. As soon as she opened the door, a warm wave of wine aroma embraced her.

In the kitchen, Yue Qin was measuring the temperature to ensure the safety of the entire process. Mr. Kang and Kangkang sat in a row, intoxicated by the aroma of the wine.

If you think wine smells good, you must have never smelled the aroma of it being heated.

Xia Sheng pulled up a stool and sat down, closing her eyes in delight.

Yue Qin turned around and saw the identical expressions on their faces. He couldn't help but recall his own childhood.

The process would take about four hours. In the end, five people were lazily immersed in the aroma of the wine.

Xia Sheng couldn't help but say, "I knew it was fragrant, but I didn't expect it to be this fragrant… and so comfortable."

This aroma was not aggressive, unlike the spiciness of drinking wine.

Xia Sheng felt like her lungs were filled with this aroma. Her whole body relaxed as if walking on cotton. She suddenly felt that having more people at home was quite nice.

Because there were people to share this moment with.

Everyone was sprawled on the sofa, as if immersed in the childhood memories of Yue Qin --

In the rich and mellow aroma of wine, the young boy and his father were waiting for the wine to be ready. At that moment, life was so sweet and warm.

Mr. Kang had never experienced poverty and used to have a very one-sided view of poor people. But at this moment, he seemed to be drawn into the shadows of the past --

In a small northern city, snow was falling heavily. In a small room, there was a warm home.

The father loved brewing wine and used his passion to create a perfect world for his children.

Amidst the aroma of wine, the mother, who had dropped out of school after only three years, learned to read and write with her two sons, thinking that being literate would make it harder to be cheated.

Xia Sheng hugged her husband's arm, took a deep breath, and couldn't help but say, "I wish I had lived next door to your house back then…"

Mr. Kang said, "I wouldn't have wanted that. I was a very strange kid when I was young. This is how I made friends."

As Mr. Kang spoke, his desire to talk grew stronger because everyone was looking at him, including little Kangkang, listening to him attentively.

He didn't like to talk about these childhood things because people would think he was a little jerk. Well, he was.

However, these people wouldn't stay away from him even if they thought he was a jerk.

Mr. Kang continued, "When I was a kid, there was a time when I really wanted to play with my cousin. Kids actually have a kind of admiration for older kids. But he wouldn't play with me, so I just smashed all his toys and made sure the other kids wouldn't play with him either."

Mr. Kang said, "Then all the kids in our family wouldn't play with me. You guys have never experienced what it's like to have your whole family look at you like you're a little monster, have you?"

Xia Sheng immediately sat up. She wasn't sleepy anymore when she heard this. She said, "No, no, that's just looking at a little monster. Let me tell you about my childhood."

"I loved beauty when I was a child, and I loved being clean. But I could only watch other little girls wear skirts and dress up neatly."

"One day, I found two skirts that my mother had bought in my room. I happily took a bath, made myself smell nice, and put on the skirt."

Xia Sheng originally thought she would never talk about these things in her life. But now, everyone else was looking at her, listening to her attentively, and she suddenly had the urge to confide.

Xia Sheng said with a complicated expression, "Then, I came out wearing the skirt, just in time for my mother to come over with my aunt and my cousin. That skirt was a ballet skirt that my aunt had asked my mother to buy for her daughter."

"That's so sad!"

Yue Qin couldn't help but kiss his wife's forehead.

"No, that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I accidentally ripped it when I took it off."

"I secretly wore someone else's skirt and ripped it. I was laughed at by the adults in my family until I was an adult."

Yue Qin felt both heartache and sadness. He said, "If you had lived next door to my house when you were a child, I would have used all my pocket money to buy you skirts."

Mr. Kang also said, "If I had known you when I was a child, I would have given you all the skirts those little jerks made me wear."

Little Kangkang thought for a moment and said, "I would have given my skirt to Mommy too."

Teacher Liu: "I would have given you all the grass skirts I made."

Everyone turned to look at him.

Teacher Liu: "Okay, I'll give you my bearskin skirt too, but don't lose it. It took me days to make it."

"Bearskin skirt?" Several people asked in unison, "What were you doing as a child?"

Teacher Liu: "I didn't kill them on purpose. If I didn't kill them, they would have killed me. And they always made fun of me."

Mr. Kang: "Brother, you are the real warrior!"

Mr. Kang couldn't help but think back to his childhood. At that time, he thought he would be alone all his life.

In fact, at that time, under the same sky, his big dad was there, his violent mother was there, and Teacher Liu was still making bearskin skirts in the mountains.

But he didn't think at that time that many years later, they would be lying on the sofa, becoming close friends.

"It's good to have met you guys now." Thinking of this, Mr. Kang felt very happy. He was lying on the sofa, the air was sweet, and everything in the small room seemed to emit a sweet, warm light, every inch of it so comfortable and safe.

It made people want to embrace all this and never let go.

Mr. Kang was still very happy even on his way home that night. But as soon as he got home and faced the empty house, he felt lonely.

The next day, Assistant Li was asked a very strange question --

"How do you think I can reasonably move in with another adult?"

Assistant Li didn't need to ask to know whose house it was. "It depends on what the other person thinks."

"They like me a lot too. The only problem is that I'm older, and in their view, adult children should go out and make their own way in the world."

Assistant Li: "Then why don't you consider going out and making your own way?"

"Not an option." Mr. Kang replied matter-of-factly.

"This is a bit difficult." It was the first time in his life that Assistant Li had heard such a request. "Why don't you ask them if they have a room for rent? That way you'd be roommates."

But you, a rich and powerful person, are going to rent a room with someone? It's hard not to make people think you have ulterior motives.

Assistant Li wanted to struggle a little more. It was also possible that Mr. Kang had been in a better mood recently and was more receptive to what people were saying. He suggested --

"Mr. Kang, why don't you try dating first?"

Mr. Kang thought about it and said, "I really should be in a relationship."

Assistant Li breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that his boss could at least understand what people were saying.

Mr. Kang added, "I should have had a relationship in high school, but the problem is, I never went to high school."

Assistant Li: "…"

Yue Qin and Xia Sheng were high school sweethearts. Look how sweet they were.

Mr. Kang felt that he would never find that kind of love now because he was older and his heart was not as pure.

Mr. Kang felt that this idea was not reliable. He said to Assistant Li, "Think about it again. How can I reasonably ask to live with them and not be rejected?"

Mr. Kang said, got up and patted his assistant on the shoulder, imitating his big dad's manner, and encouraged, "You're a MIT graduate, you can definitely think of a way that won't embarrass me."

Assistant Li: "…" No, I worked my butt off to get ahead so I could be free, so I wouldn't have to live with anyone!

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