Domineering CEO Is My Son

Chapters List

Chapter 87: Empathy

Little Flower jumped twice, expressing his desire to be a little princess.

He looked at the violent mother while jumping, thinking, what do you think? Annoying enough, right?

Mr. Kang always did things to annoy people. Besides, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a little princess. A 4-year-old boy wanting to be a little princess is just adorable.

The old lady took a sip of tea, looked at the cheap dress the child was wearing, and said, "Then your parents have to work harder."

When the old lady spoke, she didn't sound malicious.

People are like books sometimes. Memories are arranged page by page, that's a whole life.

The old lady's book, the pages were shuffled. So whatever page she turned to, that's where she was. There was no logic, no order.

Xia Sheng said, "It's good that he likes it."

The old lady said, "Children don't understand what they like and dislike."

As the old lady was talking about this, she seemed to remember something and asked, "Where is the mahjong set? Let's play a game together."

Just looking at the old lady, Xia Sheng felt like she had returned to the past. After her mother took them away from their father, they lived in her grandmother's house for a short time.

Grandma was different from her mother. She was a refined woman. Xia Sheng only remembered that her hair was always neatly combed, the house was spotlessly clean. Her grandmother had short hair back then, and there were marks on her face left by sunburn.

The three sentences grandma said the most were:

"Are you stupid? You got divorced and didn't even tell me? What are you going to do in the future? What will people think of you?"

"How are you going to live? You can't earn money, your heart is higher than the sky, and your life is thinner than paper!"

"Take your two daughters back and apologize. Their family is good enough. They didn't say anything about your two daughters. They paid the fine and are supporting you. It will be fine once you give birth to a son."

Her mother was not one to be bullied. She would yell and smash things, cursing while smashing:

"How to live? What do you mean how to live? Don't you just think I'm a disgrace? Why don't I just die with these two things that you all hate? Or I'll go strangle them now, and then you strangle me, everyone will be happy!"

"Then go! Go strangle them now! I'll watch you strangle them!"

She was different then. People can be really scary sometimes. She wasn't even sad or afraid at that time. She just held her younger sister, hid in the closet, covered her sister's ears, didn't cry, didn't feel sad, just covered her sister's ears.

She still remembered that her sister had a bad smell on her body. It was the smell of grandma's shampoo. Her shampoo seemed to have ginger in it.

Xia Sheng smelled this smell and felt like she was back in her childhood.


Xia Sheng came back to her senses and realized that she was lost in thought.

The child was dancing, proving to the old lady that he could be a little princess too.

The woman from back then was now completely old, sitting on the sofa in her house, kind and benevolent, as if draped in the kindness that only comes with age.

She didn't remember anything.

Xia Sheng stood up and pulled the old lady up. "Sorry, I'm a little busy today. The teahouse is closed."

Mr. Kang felt that his mother was unhappy.

"No wonder your teahouse business is not good, you even send customers away." The old lady lingered on the sofa for a while before slowly getting up.

Luckily, Xia Sheng's mother came to pick them up at this time.

She glanced at the child in the dress, then at the old lady, but didn't look at Xia Sheng, didn't say a word, and took the people away.

Xia Sheng closed the door. The old lady was still asking her daughter, "I haven't started playing mahjong yet, why are you here?"

The child was not embarrassed because his mother was in a low mood.

She was still looking at the computer, but her hand holding the mouse was almost white-knuckled.

Mr. Kang swallowed, feeling the need to save the mouse.

"Mom, shall we have a chat?"

Xia Sheng was very resistant. She didn't want to talk about this with anyone because most people wouldn't understand her.

Xia Sheng shook her head. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Last time I told you that my parents are dead, it's true." Mr. Kang said to himself.

"When I was one year old, they were going to get a divorce, but they got into a car accident. I don't have grandparents on my mother's side, but I have grandparents on my father's side. They hate me. In their eyes, I'm a jinx, especially since my parents left all their property to me."

"I don't want to talk about it either." The child didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Xia Sheng turned her head, thought for a moment, and said comfortingly, "Sometimes, elders are not necessarily good people."

The child slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, yes, yes! That's it! I never dared to tell anyone about these things because others would tell me that your grandparents actually love you too!"

"I don't f*cking know who loves me!" The child said indignantly, "Am I an idiot? Do you need to tell me one by one who loves me!"

Xia Sheng was stunned and couldn't help but say, "Yes, it's like admitting that elders don't love their juniors is going against the natural order."

"Right!" Mr. Kang stood up excitedly, "And, they can't even bring themselves to be nice to me for the money!"

"They gave my yacht and private jet to their beloved grandson, saying that I have several! Even if I have several, they're still mine! Why should I give my things to people I hate? I'd rather smash them than give them to them!"

Yes, at his cousin's birthday party, he took people to smash the yacht.

Xia Sheng: "..." The empathy she felt just now was wasted.

As Mr. Kang was saying this, he suddenly remembered something and said, "Now you know my identity. I'll give you a piano!"

As he spoke, Mr. Kang got up and went to the study to get paper and pen.

"We're actually the same kind of people, both hurt and guarded."

"But I learned something from my dad these days - sometimes it's not the real pain and difficulties that trap us, but our imagination."

Mr. Kang patted his skirt as he spoke, "I used to be terrified of wearing skirts. I always thought it was a shame for a boy to wear a skirt. But actually, it's just a piece of clothing, not a shame. The so-called shame is what I impose on this piece of clothing."

From the first time he heard the violent mother's music, Mr. Kang always felt that he was hearing his own voice, the voice of himself, the one who was full of anger and fear of the world.

People are always tolerant and understanding of themselves.

Most importantly, he had learned more from his big dad during this time.

Mr. Kang lay on the table and began to write carefully:

"A letter of guarantee?"

Xia Sheng watched from the side and saw that the child was writing vigorously. His body was tilted slightly when he wrote, and the words he wrote were also crooked.

The child looked up as he wrote, with a strange confidence on his face, "Look, our handwriting is a bit similar."

Xia Sheng: "..." She didn't feel happy at all.

The child couldn't wait to tell the violent mother that he meant no harm to her, nor to this family. And in his style of doing things, the best way was to give a guarantee.

He finished writing quickly and handed it to Xia Sheng, "I wrote this myself, it has legal effect."

Xia Sheng took it:

"First, I will never do anything to hurt this family."

The child nodded and said, "I can assure you, I will not hurt Little Parrot or Yue Qin."

The child's tone was serious. Xia Sheng looked at him and said, "I know."

The child was afraid that she wouldn't believe him, so he added, "Don't worry, although in the eyes of others, returning to a child's body is a good thing, it's different for me. I have my own company, my own villa. Although my life may seem boring and tedious, I have experienced a different kind of life now. If I go back to that body, I can definitely make a difference in my career, instead of going to kindergarten here. So I sincerely don't want to stay in his body."

Xia Sheng also felt that he really wouldn't want to occupy her son's body.

"I'll find a way too." Xia Sheng said.

Mr. Kang nodded and said, "Can we not tell Yue Qin that I'm an adult for the time being, and don't tell him my true identity."

"It's embarrassing, right?" Xia Sheng felt very awkward from yesterday to today.

Because when she wanted to be close to him, she would unconsciously think of his true identity.

Mr. Kang had wanted to tell him before, but after the violent mother found out, he didn't want to say anything.

At this moment, hearing the violent mother's words, the child jumped and couldn't help but say, "You understand me!"

Actually, he always felt that Big Dad had a really good temper. He was actually more like the violent mother. They were both the kind of people who, if you made them unhappy, you wouldn't have a good time either. And they both had social anxiety and intimacy phobia.

Looking at the child who looked like he had found a soulmate, Xia Sheng couldn't help but say, "...Actually, I don't understand that much."

She looked at the letter of guarantee and felt that he didn't look like an adult at all. Not to mention his handwriting, what kind of adult would write this?

No wonder her husband always thought he was just a child. It really made sense.

Mr. Kang felt abandoned by the only soulmate in this family and felt a little depressed. He said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Please keep the letter of guarantee for me."

Xia Sheng also felt that this should be kept well, so she took a puzzle box from the side and put it in.

Xia Sheng continued to check the information. After the child's actions, her original anger and discomfort had disappeared a lot.

And the way forward became clearer.

When Yue Qin came back, he saw his wife and child sitting on the foam mat, one looking at the computer and the other playing with building blocks.

"Where's Little Parrot?" Yue Qin walked over.

"He's still sleeping." Mr. Kang absolutely didn't want to disturb his sleep. He had seen his brother's temper before.

Yue Qin had actually heard something from the metaphysics master and needed to come back to confirm it.

Now that he heard that his son was sleeping, he decided to wait until he woke up.

Yue Qin was in a good mood, so he took a puzzle box and said, "Baby, let's play together."

Xia Sheng looked at her husband. He really treated this child as his own.

It was understandable, after all, in her husband's mind, this was a homeless child with no father or mother.

And the reason why she fell in love with this man back then was because he had a soft heart.

In her first year of high school, there was a platform between the two teaching buildings of the school. It was on the sixth floor, just a small platform.

One day, a cat was trapped there for some unknown reason, meowing. The roof was on the seventh floor, and there was no way to get down from above or climb up from below.

Many girls in the school were worried about the kitten, but few boys would be, after all, it was just a cat.

But the teenager climbed up the water pipe, put the kitten in his hat, and climbed down the water pipe again. All the teachers and students in the school were holding their breath.

In the end, the kitten was saved, and the teenager was criticized in front of the whole school. But standing on the podium, he said:

"Don't learn from me, I did this because I was sure I could do it. But if there is a next time, I think I will still do it."

The teenager didn't say any great truth, but he had a kind of gentleness that treated every life with care.

Xia Sheng had learned a lot from her life, her mother's life, and her grandmother's life.

One of them was, never love the wrong person.

She was very clear about what she liked about him: his kindness, gentleness, and open-mindedness.

She was also accepting the love that these qualities brought, the things that made her feel comfortable and warm.

She also accepted some of the problems that came with this trait, for example, that he grew up in a loving home and couldn't really empathize with the kind of twisted anger she felt in her childhood.

Xia Sheng had never minded.

And now, Xia Sheng looked at her husband, who was patiently teaching an adult how to do a puzzle, his voice gentle and serious, like a kind father.

Looking at them, Xia Sheng really began to understand what the child said, because it was awkward... really awkward...

At this time, Yue Qin picked up the paper next to the puzzle and looked a little strange:

"A letter of guarantee?"

Mr. Kang suddenly looked up at the violent mother: "..."

The child's eyes clearly said:

You tricked me??


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