Domineering CEO Is My Son

Chapters List

Chapter 70: Betraying the Brothers

Yue Qin was surprised. This little child hadn’t been in his home very long, not even two months yet.

He thought he understood this little child. He was proud and wanted everything to go his way, but he was also very smart.

Yue Qin had left his childhood behind long ago and couldn't remember if kids were this clever at that age.

But this little child just called Kangkang, who was a year younger, "Big Brother"?

Yue Qin thought they would argue about who was the older brother for a while, and in the end, his son would end up calling the child "Big Brother."

It was really unexpected. But Yue Qin didn’t think too much about his son saying he was four years old. His own baby didn't even know his own age.

The little parrot was thrilled to be called "Big Brother." He flew happily onto the child's shoulder and rubbed his little head against the child's face. "Little Brother—" he chirped.

It was a heartwarming scene of brotherly love.

Yue Qin didn't interfere. After all, these two brothers weren't from an ordinary family. One was a parrot, and the other was in someone else’s body. It didn't matter who called who "Big Brother."

Yue Qin seemed to have forgotten his own childhood, when he ate a lot, tried to grow taller than his older brother, and made his brother call him "Big Brother" after he succeeded.

No matter how the world changes, it seems brothers will always fight for the title of "Big Brother."

"Little Brother, I will take good care of you!" the little parrot chirped.

Yue Qin chuckled. "Brothers are equal. You are both about the same age, and you are both still children. An older brother doesn’t need to take care of his younger brother, and a younger brother doesn't have to listen to his older brother."

He originally thought the older child would naturally be the "Big Brother." It was just a title between children, and it shouldn't come with the responsibility of taking care of another life.

It wasn't that Yue Qin was biased toward his own son.

"You are brothers, you can help each other." Actually, at first, Yue Qin wanted two children: two sons, two daughters, or one of each.

He knew that when two children grow up together, they have a natural advantage in interpersonal relationships and close relationships.

But later he discovered that his son had selective mutism and his wife had a childhood trauma of being treated differently because she was a girl. So, he let go of that thought. Now that his son was four years old, they naturally wouldn't have any more children.

If the age difference between two children was too big, it would put too much pressure on the older child.

However, he now had two sons in a unique way.

After giving a lecture to his two sons, the big guy saw his little son lying in the palm of his older son's hand, shaking the green wool on his little feet.

It was as if he was saying, "I’m not your son anymore!"

Yue Qin rubbed his temples. So, this silly son recognized his brother but not his father?

Little Kang looked at the big guy dad and then at the little parrot "Big Brother." Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

That night, Yue Qin was in a daze when he felt someone calling him.

Drowsiness battled with his consciousness. Finally, he opened his eyes. In the moonlight, he saw a head poking in from the doorway. Yue Qin was startled.

Then he realized it was his child wearing pajamas. The bedroom door was open a crack, and the child's head was sticking in.


Yue Qin glanced at his wife sleeping next to him. Fortunately, she hadn't been woken up.

He got up and walked over. In the moonlight, he could see the excitement on his child’s face.

"Dad— I know why Little Brother doesn't want to be recognized by you!"

Yue Qin was instantly wide awake.

Little Kang immediately sold out his brother and began to recount what had happened that day.

After coming back from school, the first thing the little parrot did when he flew back to the bedroom was to pull out a handkerchief.

"Little Brother, you have to take good care of Mom and Dad. I'm leaving."

Little Kang, a four-year-old child, stood frozen in the middle of the room, his mind on the verge of collapse!

This was his real little brother! He was the fake one! If his real little brother ran away, how would he explain it to the big guy dad?!

Little Kang's mental state almost crumbled. Fortunately, he was a man who had weathered many storms. He walked over and held onto the handkerchief and said, "Big Brother, if you leave, Mom and Dad will be very sad."

Little Kang really didn’t understand. Other children would be sad if their parents couldn't recognize them.

But this little parrot was very confident that his mom and dad would definitely recognize him.

Little Kang had thought about discussing this with the little bird before, but the little bird refused to talk about it.

But this time, he had to talk.

"Big Brother, can you tell me why you can't let Mom and Dad recognize you?"

The little parrot flapped his wings a couple of times, pretending not to hear.

He didn’t know where he learned this bad habit—pretending not to hear when he didn’t want to answer.

Wait, did he learn it from him? He remembered when Little Kang was a pure little parrot, he would answer whatever he asked. He was so well-behaved, obedient, and sensible.

Now he had turned into a naughty little parrot.

Little Kang felt a pang of guilt. He softened his tone and said, "Big Brother, are you afraid that Mom and Dad will dislike you because you're a parrot?"

Little Kang knew that wasn’t the reason. But in order to get the little bird to open up, he deliberately said so.

As expected, the little parrot stopped and looked back at his Little Brother. He chirped seriously, "Mom and Dad won't dislike me."

He used to be a bird who couldn't talk or fly, and his mom and dad didn't dislike him. Now that he was a bird who could talk and fly, his mom and dad would definitely not dislike him.

However, it was different for his Little Brother in front of him.

"Then why?"

The little parrot flapped his wings and looked at his Little Brother. "Little Brother, you study hard. Big Brother will find a way to solve this."

Where on earth did he learn this? Little Kang didn’t think he had ever acted like that.

“Dad said that brothers should help each other, and I want to share the burden with you.” Little Kang felt like he was pinching his throat as he said these childish words that gave him goosebumps.

“Then I can tell you, but you absolutely cannot tell Mom and Dad. If you tell them, they will be sad. This is a secret between us brothers,” the little parrot said earnestly.

Yue Qin stood in the living room, listening to his oldest son tell him everything without missing a word. He rubbed his forehead, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Seeing his dad's expression, Little Kang immediately felt bad. “Dad, you don't think I'm a snitch, do you?”

Yue Qin quickly said, "No, I was just thinking that things between children are difficult to deal with. It must have been hard for you."

Little Kang felt wronged. If he didn't tell, it wouldn't be good for the whole family. But if he did tell, it was like he was a snitch.

Yue Qin patted his son's head. “Dad knows that you are doing this for the sake of your Little Brother.”

The child's sadness instantly vanished. He continued, “He thinks Mom and Dad can't afford to raise two children."

“He said that Grandpa and Grandma always wanted Mom and Dad to have another child, but Mom and Dad couldn’t afford it, so they could only afford to raise one child.”

Little Kang thought back to what the little parrot said.

"Mom and Dad are too poor to raise two kids," the little parrot had chirped dejectedly.

At that time, he wanted to say that Mom and Dad wouldn't abandon him even if he was a parrot.

But the little parrot continued in a low voice, “Mom and Dad can't afford to raise two children. They found me, and then you will have to wander the streets, just like those stray cats outside. Without Mom and Dad, you can only look for food in the trash. You can’t even fly, and other stray cats will bully you."

When Little Kang heard that, he felt like crying.

Yeah, in his little brother's mind, he was the bird who could fly and talk, the most beloved child of Mom and Dad.

If they could only have one child, Mom and Dad would definitely choose to keep him.

Little Kang sometimes felt that although he and the little parrot weren’t real brothers, sometimes they were truly like real brothers.

Hearing this, Yue Qin suddenly understood. He said, "Dad understands. Dad will find a way."

Little Kang thought for a moment. He wanted to jokingly ask, "If you could only raise one child, who would you choose?”

But he realized that he was setting himself up for humiliation, so he immediately shut his mouth.

Yue Qin glanced at the time. It was already 2 a.m. "Baby, go to bed. You still have school tomorrow."

Little Kang nodded obediently and, like a snitch who had done his job, opened the door to the children's room. However, in the next second, Little Kang froze.

Three birds stared at him in unison, their feathers ruffled in anger.

The little parrot's feathers were all puffed up. He was so small that when he was angry, he looked like a fluffy ball. It was quite cute.

But the eagle and the owl's feathers were also puffed up, especially the eagle's. He had a fierce face to begin with, and now that his feathers were all ruffled, Little Kang realized for the first time how sharp the eagle’s and owl’s beaks looked. That’s right, eagles and owls could eat their prey alive!

If they pecked him, it would probably leave a hole in him!

The three birds jumped down from the shelf. They looked a bit comical walking on the ground, but it didn't diminish their threatening aura.

Little Kang backed away until he was pressed against the door. He glanced at the door. How could he forget that the children's room door wasn’t soundproof anymore!

Big guy dad totally set him up!

Little Kang swallowed hard and tried to save himself.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Third Brother, let me explain—"

"It's not what you think!"


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