Domineering CEO Is My Son

Chapters List

Chapter 72: Be a Child

This matter was serious, very serious. If Mr. Kang’s assistant team was here, they should have come up with dozens of solutions for Mr. Kang to choose from to muddle through.

However, after the breakdown and reconciliation of an intimate relationship, his understanding of the intimate relationship changed.

Instead of lying to the other party, confessing again after the other party had already accepted his betrayal once.

It’s better to suffer from two crimes at once.

Mr. Kang gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and said, “I was ignorant before and told this secret too…”

The three bird brothers were stunned, and then they all exploded in anger.

The other two big birds wanted to peck him, but fortunately, brothers are brothers—

The little parrot spread its wings and stopped the other two brothers.

Mr. Kang was moved. After all, the little parrot was not without temper. He was willing to help him now, and he was already prepared for the other party to be angry.

The little parrot chirped and stopped the owl and the eagle. The owl and the eagle also chirped in low voices.

Mr. Kang, who couldn’t understand a word, felt that they were having a trial now.

The little parrot might be saying, “Don’t hit him, he was ignorant before.”

The other two birds might be saying, “I’m going to peck him to death.”

Mr. Kang looked at the little parrot and decided to discuss everything with him in the future. Although the body of this little parrot had the soul of a 4-year-old child, it was not actually a blank slate. He also had his own opinions and ideas.

The little parrot stopped his two younger brothers and cooed, “I’m so angry, I’ll fight, you two rest on the side, you have to go out and fight stray cats tomorrow.”

Mr. Kang watched this scene nervously, for fear that the little parrot would not be able to stop the two raptors.

However, in the next second, the exploded fur of the two raptors calmed down, and the little parrot, still with exploded fur, rushed towards him aggressively.

This secret was actually not the little parrot’s secret, but the owl’s and the eagle’s secret.

The owl and the eagle were both children without parents. They were bird eggs bought by someone in the next community and raised as prohibited raptors. The little parrot secretly released them, so they returned to the blue sky.

At the beginning, the little parrot, the owl, and the eagle were all small, and the three birds relied on the little parrot to go out to cheat for food and drink.

The food and drink were solved, but none of the three birds could build a nest, not even the sparrows in the community could build their own nests.

The three of them could only sleep together in the trees.

After the little parrot returned home, he felt that good friends should share their blessings, so he asked the other two younger brothers to come to his house and sleep in the nest together.

But the two younger brothers were both afraid of adults, they had been locked up by adults before.

The little parrot promised them that he would never let the adults know they were here.

Now it’s alright, this bad brother, this stinky brother, the boss, not only told his secret to his father, but also told the secret of the other two younger brothers to his father.

The little parrot flapped its wings and went to peck the stinky brother.

Mr. Kang closed his eyes in fright, and heard the wings slapping him constantly, and pecked his arm—

But it didn’t hurt much.

After pecking for a while, the owl and the eagle stopped exploding their fur and went back to the nest to sleep.

The little parrot whispered at this time, “Brother, you can’t do this again, this time it’s me who pecked you, next time your other two brothers will come and peck you themselves.”

Only then did Mr. Kang understand that the little parrot was afraid that the other two raptors would punish him, so he came forward in person.

In fact, although he blamed him a little, he had already forgiven him.

“You were older and ignorant before. You are a child now, you can’t be like before.” the little parrot said earnestly.

Obviously, this tone was learned from other teachers in the kindergarten.

Mr. Kang relaxed all of a sudden, this matter was finally resolved.

“I won’t be like before.”

Actually, Mr. Kang felt more and more that children are more sensible, and adults really do whatever they want.

Mr. Kang decided that from tomorrow onwards, he would also be a child, a sensible child.

Early the next morning, when the big dad got up, he was surprised when he came out of the bedroom.

His eldest son was mopping the floor with a mop taller than him. There was a bucket of water beside him. The child rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs. Although the whole outfit didn’t look like mopping the floor, It was like going down to the fields to farm, but it could be said to be decent.

And the younger son next to him was putting the small puzzle pieces on the foam floor into the box bit by bit.

Yue Qin wasn’t too surprised, he used to be a child, and almost every child has a passion for contributing to the family, eager to know that they are useful and valuable to this family.

Mr. Kang was a little embarrassed when he heard the bedroom door open, so he quickly lowered his head and mopped the floor harder, and there was a very strange symbol on the mop.

As a result, he was suddenly picked up, and the big dad kissed him on the forehead: “Baby, you are amazing, Dad was going to get up to mop the floor, since baby mopped the floor, Dad can go directly to make breakfast."

So exaggerated! Too exaggerated! Too dramatic! It’s like the teachers in their kindergarten praising a certain student vividly!

Too much force, in short, it’s too exaggerated!

Mr. Kang was so embarrassed that he just wanted to continue mopping the floor.

However, after being praised so exaggeratedly by his father and kissed, the little parrot immediately flew up happily and almost hit the chandelier.

Mr. Kang held the mop, watched the big dad check the head of the little parrot who almost hit the chandelier, then immediately lowered his head and continued to mop the floor.

The little parrot was originally clingy to his parents, but now that he is a talking bird, it is much better than a child that couldn’t talk before.

The little parrot still remembers what others always said—

“Why can’t your child talk yet? He’s two years old, right?”

“Don’t worry, some children just talk late.”

“My grandson could talk when he was six months old.”

At that time, mom and dad were not happy with those people.

And now, he can talk! He could not only talk, but he could also fly.

Before, mom and dad knew that he could talk, but they didn’t know that he was Kangkang.

Now Dad also knows, so Dad has two sons who can talk.

The little parrot spread its wings and threw itself into Dad’s arms, rubbing Dad’s face.

At this time, the bedroom door opened, and the little parrot threw itself into mother’s arms again.

Xia Sheng liked the little parrot very much. To her, the little parrot was not just a bird, because he was so smart, like a child, and he had perfect pitch like her, she had always treated him as a child.

Xia Sheng touched the little parrot’s head: “Why are you so happy today?”

Mr. Kang looked at the three of them, and suddenly realized that no matter how much he wanted to be a child, he couldn’t do it.

Because he has been polluted by the adult world.

Unable to be like a little parrot, maintain a pure, happy, and easily satisfied childlike innocence.

When the big dad praised him, his first reaction was that the big dad didn’t want to hit him, and the emotional outburst full of feelings was also to allow the child to better perceive such joyful emotions.

He was no longer a child.

Mr. Kang put the mop in the bucket, and was exaggeratedly praised by his mother again. When adults praise children, they can’t help but express their emotions particularly excessively and exaggeratedly.

Because they feel that only through such exaggerated ways can children feel this emotion.

Mr. Kang hummed twice.

The little parrot flew over and landed on his younger brother’s shoulder.

Mr. Kang felt sad because he had been polluted by the adult world.

“Brother, cheer up.”

The little parrot flapped its wings excitedly at his parents and whispered, “These adults are a bit exaggerated, we have to cooperate with them.”

Mr. Kang was stunned, looking at his innocent, kind and lovely little brother.

The other party continued: “Brother, you should also be exaggerated, this is a way for adults to express their emotions, although it is a bit strange.”

Mr. Kang felt that his three views were shattered, so did his little brother actually know?

Mr. Kang came back to life all of a sudden, feeling that he could do it again!

“When they praise you, you should also react exaggeratedly, so they will feel that they are doing the right thing, or you should express your gratitude to them in such an exaggerated way for what they usually do, and they will be very happy.” The little parrot, after all, had been a kindergarten teacher in the kindergarten for a month, and had a general understanding of the confusing behavior of adults.

Although there were some confusing behaviors, he couldn’t figure out why, but as long as the adults were happy. As for why, it doesn’t matter anymore.

Brother Little Parrot stopped on his younger brother’s shoulder, looked at Dad who was making breakfast in the kitchen, and gave his younger brother a particularly good idea!

Today’s breakfast was shrimp wontons. Yue Qin did the same as before. The eldest son had a bowl of seafood shrimp wontons, his wife had spicy shrimp wontons, and the youngest son had a small plate of dried fruits, fruits and tender leaves.

The family was happily eating delicious food, just like usual.

This time, what was different was that after the eldest son finished eating, he suddenly ran over and hugged the big dad: “Dad, thank you for the breakfast, it’s so delicious!”

The child’s emotional words seemed as if he was about to go on stage to recite a poem in the next moment.

Yue Qin was really startled, because this child rarely showed his emotions.

The little parrot next to him nodded, well done, look at how moved Dad is.

Mr. Kang saw that the big dad seemed to be moved. He was originally embarrassed because he had never done such a thing before, but at this moment, this embarrassment had been replaced by an unfamiliar feeling. He didn’t know how to name this feeling. The emotion surged in his blood and spread all over his body, his whole body was warm and comfortable.

“Brother is right, right?” After arriving at the kindergarten, Teacher Little Parrot said to his brother in private: “This is how adults express their feelings.”

Mr. Kang - a man who had been an adult for many years, now felt that it seemed right.

“The adults now are different from what I imagined before.” After a 4-year-old child entered kindergarten and became a kindergarten teacher, he got to know the adult world, so he earnestly popularized science to his younger brother.

“I used to think that adults used that exaggerated tone because they were happy, but now I understand that they speak like this only because they think that children can understand it.”

Mr. Kang nodded seriously, adults are really like this.

So, when Teacher Xiao Liu came to the classroom, there were only Teacher Little Parrot and the marketing genius Kangkang in the classroom.

And at this time, the little parrot was giving lessons to Kangkang, the little genius, and what he was talking about was something about adults.

"Adults sometimes ask children, whose baby is so cute? They actually know that this is their own baby, but they can't help but ask, it doesn't make sense, at this time the child only needs to answer that it’s yours."

"There are other times when they will hold a lollipop and ask, what is this? What is this? They actually know that it is a lollipop, they just ask like that, you just have to say happily, this is my favorite lollipop, They will be very happy, and they will think you are very cute. I don't know why."

As Kangkang, a little genius, he listened very carefully and nodded from time to time, expressing his approval.

A human child listening to a small animal lecture.

One dares to believe and the other dares to speak.


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