After the Villainess Awakens

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Chapter 4: They are a Couple!

This was a fatal question. Xiao Mian's expression cracked for a moment, then he pursed his lips and said nothing.

Realizing that the Painted Skin Demon was serious about making him choose, his expression became solemn as never before. He held his long sword and bowed slightly forward. His posture clearly showed, "If you force me again, I will fight you to the death."

However, only he himself knew that just now, he almost immediately wanted to turn his head to look at Leng Mushi who was beside him.

Xiao Mian was shocked by his own thoughts. His hand holding the sword was so tight that his knuckles turned white and trembled slightly.

He had no choice but to choose. The Painted Skin Demon was about to bend down. With her size, it would be easy for her to slap all of them to death.

Not to mention that they were already in the demon's mouth. It was likely that the Painted Skin Demon in front of them was just a small puppet, a small clone of herself. At this moment, their lives were in danger every second. Being able to delay for a moment was already lucky.

Leng Mushi turned to look at Xiao Mian. Xiao Mian's side face was tense, his overly delicate eyebrows were tightly furrowed together. His long sword was pointed at the Painted Skin Demon, his momentum and aggression were full, and he looked like he would rather die than surrender.

Since ancient times, the protagonists in the storybooks all had the unyielding integrity of winter plums. It was normal for Xiao Mian to be like this. Even if he didn't give in, he probably wouldn't die.

Even if the sky fell, the protagonists would still have a pit to squat in, and the rest would be taken care of.

But supporting characters like Leng Mushi and the other two unknown senior brothers could only be crushed into meat paste.

"Why don't you speak?" The Painted Skin Demon was a little impatient. "Are you not choosing?"

Well, the protagonist would rather die than surrender, I surrender!

Leng Mushi saw that Xiao Mian was ready to attack, gritted her teeth, and said, "Why make him choose, this is not fair!"

Xiao Mian turned to look at her. Leng Mushi waved to the Painted Skin Demon, drawing her attention to herself: "Beautiful sister, look at me, look at how I look now. Compared to my beautiful sister, no matter who chooses, they won't choose me. This is not fair."

The Painted Skin Demon's attention was indeed attracted by Leng Mushi. She actually hesitated for a moment, then said "Eh": "But you have his scent on you, a scent from his body. Other than intercourse between a man and a woman, how can you be stained with such a strong scent of another person? This can only mean that you have already had an affair with him. In this case, it is not fair to your sister either. You are even."

As soon as the demon finished speaking, several people gasped in unison. The two senior brothers looked at Leng Mushi and Xiao Mian in shock. Leng Tianyin covered her mouth and gasped the most exaggeratedly, sounding like she was about to choke to death.

Xiao Mian's ears instantly turned redder than the blood in the blood pool. Leng Mushi slowly turned to look at him, her lips trembling as she said, "Didn't I tell you last night not to put it in! Look!"

"I didn't! I, I, how could I..." Xiao Mian retorted with a flushed face, and quickly looked at the two senior brothers for help, explaining, "Senior brothers can tell, right? My pure Yang..."

He swallowed the rest of his words, and under everyone's shocked gazes, he pointed his sword at the demon in anger: "Don't you dare confuse the public with your demonic words! Senior brothers, let's form the demon-slaying formation, don't waste your breath with this demon, let's kill our way out!"

Although he was furious, he knew that Leng Mushi was just talking nonsense to buy them time, so he couldn't blame her.

But he was ashamed to speak of what happened last night. He had just relieved himself by the cliff, and Leng Mushi insisted on jumping from there and dragged him down with her. He accidentally rolled all over... He had clearly cleaned himself many times with the cleaning spell, so how could this demon still detect it? Could it be that this was a Painted Skin Dog Demon?

The two senior brothers didn't seem to doubt it either. They raised their long swords and were about to charge out according to Xiao Mian's words.

However, Leng Mushi knew that the Painted Skin Demon had the cultivation level of the Moon Realm in the plot. Xiao Mian and his two senior brothers were all at the Star Realm cultivation level. One realm was a world of difference, and they had no chance of winning at all. They were just going to die.

The plot was already messed up to this point. Instead of letting them die, it was better to struggle a little more. Leng Mushi said again:

"Beautiful sister, you actually overestimate men. I did have a night of passion with him, but now that my appearance is ruined, he won't choose me. And yesterday during the day, I also saw him flirting with my sister, looking all lovey-dovey. I think he wants to enjoy the blessings of having both of us."

Xiao Mian, who was about to fly up with his sword, slipped and looked at Leng Mushi in astonishment. Leng Mushi quickly blinked at him.

Xiao Mian had never lived such a wonderful two days in his life. He almost choked himself to death in one breath. Leng Mushi watched the Painted Skin Demon's expression hesitate, but she didn't get angry and swallow them directly. She continued to grit her teeth and make up stories.

"Even if my appearance wasn't ruined, he wouldn't choose me. I've confessed my feelings to him several times, but he only wants my body and won't promise to marry me. He must have been blinded by lust when he was with me. He still likes my sister who is like..."

In this short amount of time, in her mouth, Xiao Mian went from a scumbag who wouldn't take responsibility to a bastard who was blinded by lust and wanted to enjoy the blessings of having both of them... His mood couldn't be described as anything less than a rollercoaster ride. If Leng Mushi hadn't kept winking at him, he would have slashed her too.

At this time, Leng Mushi said again: "If beautiful sister asks him to choose now, I am just a gnawed chicken rib, naturally unattractive. That's why I said it's not fair."

The Painted Skin Demon blinked, snorted, and just when everyone thought she was going to explode, she said faintly: "Such a man is indeed not worthy of choosing. I will kill him now to avenge you!"

With that said, the Painted Skin Demon swung her huge arm, trying to smash Xiao Mian to death.

"No!" Leng Mushi screamed and shielded Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian: "..."

Leng Tianyin was completely dumbfounded.

The two senior brothers held their swords, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

The Painted Skin Demon's arm stopped above Leng Mushi's small head: "What, you are still protecting him after he treated you like this?!"

Leng Mushi really didn't know how to make up any more stories. Seeing that the situation was about to get out of hand and collapse, her thoughts spun wildly, going through countless... storybook plots she had read.

Picking a random one that left the deepest impression on her, she said, "I have something to say to beautiful sister alone, I have to say it alone!"

The Painted Skin Demon was surprisingly, apart from her voice suddenly becoming sharp at times, actually a demon with a gentle and patient tone, just like when she was talking to her. It was absurd that she agreed to Leng Mushi's request.

Everyone watched in horror as the Painted Skin Demon picked up Leng Mushi by the back of her neck and dragged her to her shoulder, allowing her to whisper in her ear.

The people below didn't know what Leng Mushi was up to, but they also understood the principle of delaying as long as possible. Even if they were fearless of death, this Painted Skin Demon was obviously not something they could defeat.

And although they didn't know what method or purpose Leng Mushi had, she actually knew how to cut off the connection between the monsters in the blood pool and the blood pool, and even told them to pick the monsters out of the blood pool. It was clear that she knew more about this than they did.

So the three senior brothers and sister exchanged glances briefly and communicated through sound transmission. They decided to wait and see for the time being. If the demon hurt Leng Mushi, they would immediately charge up and fight to the death.

They really overestimated Leng Mushi. She didn't know anything. She only knew a little about the plot development, but now the plot had collapsed beyond recognition. Even though she usually fooled around with her fox friends and had a glib tongue, she was now being forced to do something she wasn't prepared for.

She didn't want to live by stepping on the lives of others, so she hesitated and didn't follow the plot point that would kill the two immortals. But this led to the possibility of everyone being wiped out here. Did the protagonist really have the law of immortality? She didn't dare to bet.

She could only do her best to trick the demon into letting them go one by one.

She remembered a plot point from a storybook. The female protagonist of that storybook was a woman who knew witchcraft.

So she whispered to the demon in an extremely sinister voice: "Let go of my heartless lover and my sister. They won't live long anyway."

The plot didn't introduce the background of the Painted Skin Demon, but based on the choice game she made them play and her reaction after Leng Mushi made up the story about Xiao Mian being a scumbag, Leng Mushi judged that she must hate heartless men.

Maybe she was a woman who had been hurt by love. Since this world was also a storybook, and most storybooks were similar, most of them would be written this way.

Leng Mushi said, "I've already poisoned that heartless man with a Gu. As long as he dares to have sex with my sister, they will both slowly rot and die. It's too cheap to let them die like this."

The Painted Skin Demon suddenly realized. She didn't understand witchcraft, but she had once asked someone to inquire about it in order to keep her beloved. It was true that most witchcraft deaths were extremely unsightly.

"If you let him and my sister go, they will die even more miserably." Leng Mushi admired herself to death. She saw her reflection in the Painted Skin Demon's basin-sized eyes. She was really ugly and vicious... It didn't look like she was acting at all.

However, Leng Mushi was not confident. After all, this demon was not stupid. So she watched her expression warily. To be honest, her face was too big to make out any expression, only terror.

Unexpectedly, this Painted Skin Demon's brain was probably corroded by the blood, and she was indeed not very smart. She actually believed Leng Mushi's words. After a while, she put Leng Mushi back on the empty ground, pointed at Xiao Mian and Leng Tianyin, and said to them, "I can let these two go, but the rest..."

She pointed her finger at Xiao Mian's two senior brothers.

"Hey!" Leng Mushi quickly stopped her again.

The Painted Skin Demon tilted her head at her again: "Don't tell me you like these two too, and you've poisoned them too?"

Leng Mushi quickly shook her head, her mind racing again.

"These two..." She hesitated for a long time, then a flash of inspiration came to her mind. She clapped her hands and randomly paired them up, blurting out, "They are a couple!"


Author's Note:

Xiao Mian: If I didn't put it in once, wouldn't I be letting you down.


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